Node.js API wrappper for Transport for London
An API client for hafas-rest-api endpoints.
Lean Node.js client for public transport TRIAS APIs.
A wrapper for the Instant System API used by many local transport companies.
The Athens' bus telematics API, complete with types and helper methods
Biblioteca para uso da API Transporte Serviço da URBS
Vitrical Transport API JavaScript Wrapper
Transport providers for the API
JavaScript API for VBB GTFS data.
Server side GraphQL transport for accounts
jscodeshift transform and API for finding and replacing module names in import/require statements
Server side GraphQL transport for accounts
Server side GraphQL transport for accounts
SecuX Hardware Wallet react native API for communication layer
Build GTFS for the Hungarian State Railways (Magyar Államvasutak, MÁV).
TypeScript client for the austrian public transport api by VAO (
Javascript client for CTS API (Compagnie des transports strasbourgeois)
Node-RED nodes to interrogate Transport-for-London (TfL) transport APIs for bus and Undergroound information
Enchanced API transport with timeout and query params
A promise-based API for serial protocols
A real-time API for CPTM status
Fork of wili, a Node client for the Wiener Linien public transport API, common JS version
Simple @google-cloud/logging wrapper using winston
WebKnit Transport API JavaScript Wrapper
Server side GraphQL transport for maxbezs
SecuX Hardware Wallet node hid API for communication layer
ODSay API to provide public transport in korea for Javascript.
Checks if FARA is transporter
This is a NodeJS module for the Eco Transport Campus application. This module uses the One Signal REST API to send notification to devices.
Tools for adapting `@penumbra-zone/transport` to Chrome's extension runtime messaging API
Abstract file transport for s3-like APIs
Transport providers for the API
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A Slack transport for Winston 3+ that logs to a channel via webapi and api token.
abstracting http/websockets requests
Node.js wrapper for the Public Transport Victoria API
Checks if TBR is transporter
Ledger Hardware Wallet communication layer with speculos Nano simulator using the http api
Network transports for accessing the Safecoin JSON RPC API