A sorted list of key-value pairs in a fast, typed in-memory B+ tree with a powerful API.
Baidu Map api-loader Components for React.
Web Components for building rich experiences with the Google Maps JavaScript API.
A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API.
Upload a source map to the Faro source map API from a Rollup build pipeline
Yandex Maps JS API 3.0 @yandex/ymaps3-clusterer
React components for using kakao map api
Automatic initialization and loading of the Maps JS API base map into the DOM
Simple bindings to the Google Maps API using React. Most of the components provided by this library are wrappers of [react-google-maps-api](https://github.com/JustFly1984/react-google-maps-api)
A few components to help you get started using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and esri-loader with React
Extends the Google Maps JavaScript API to provide markers with associated labels.
A set of utility functions / features to improve WorkAdventure maps
Wrapper for asynchronously load Google Maps API with Promise.
Kakao Map API Type Definitions
Deals with overlapping markers in Google Maps JS API v3, Google Earth-style
Upload a source map to the Faro source map API from a Webpack build pipeline
A library of Baidu Map JS API
Game-Loop-Based Gamepad API Wrapper
Javascript & Typescript wrapper to MapTiler Cloud API
The JavaScript (& TypeScript) API for Targomo's time-based access mapping services.
The `@googlemaps/adv-markers-utils` package is a library to simplify common patterns for using [Advanced Markers][gmp-adv-markers-overview] in the Maps JavaScript API.
Yandex.Maps Angular components that implement the Yandex.Maps JavaScript API 2.0
A json to json transformation utility with a few nice features to use when translating for example API responses into a domain object for use in your domain-driven JavaScript applications. Can be used in React applications with the 'useMapper' hook.
React component to select geolocated suggestion from Google Maps Places API
Provides LINQ-like fluent api operations for iterables and async iterables (ES2018+).
Small napi-rs shim with an interface similar to `Map` but only for length 48 Uint8Arrays for keys and unsigned 32 bit numbers for values.
Javascript Geometry Library provides utility functions for the computation of geometric data on the surface of the Earth. Code ported from Google Maps Android API.
Wrapper for Mapbox Gl JS library that gives nice Promise-based API to asynchronous map functions
* [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [API](#api) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Changelog](#changelog)
Google Maps Javascript API Stub
A light weight native JavaScript implementation of GeoIP API from MaxMind. Improved and faster version by Sefinek.
JavaScript wrapper for the ESRI ArcGIS geocoder
A library for using arbitrary DOM elements as map markers in the Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
JavaScript client library for the ePilot Entity Mapping API