the lib for mapping your javascript class to api service. support map Class's static methods merge into graphQL resolver
A Javascript SDK working with Goong REST APIs
Fix to remove header mapping in integration request with Authorization header validation
Angular library that provides a seamless integration with new Google Maps Places API, offering easy-to-use services for place details retrieval and management in Angular applications.
MCP server for using the Google Maps API
Open Street Map API client for geocoding and reverse geocoding
SolidJS components and hooks for the Google Maps Javascript API
A library that abstracts a map engine as one common API.
Component used as a field in a form to autocomplete a place, using the Google Maps API.
Yandex Maps JS API 3.0 example @yandex/ymaps3-cartesian-projection
Yandex.Maps Angular components that implement the Yandex.Maps JavaScript API 3.0
A WebGL interactive maps library to use Barikoi maps and API
> Input component with embedded Google Places API Autocomplete functionality
A React component for weather icons for use with Open Weather and Yahoo Weather APIs.
Perstore is a cross-platform JavaScript object store interface for mapping persistent objects to various different storage mediums using an interface based on W3C's [IndexedDB object store API]( and analogous to the HTTP REST interface. Perstore includes JavaScript object-relational mapping for SQL databases, JSON file storage, and hopefully support for many other object/document style storage systems that provide more direct object storage. Perstore provides model classes that wrap data stores, and supports JSON Schema integrity enforcement, link management, and prototype construction. Perstore also provides faceted access to models for an object-capability based security model.
A wrapper for the Google Maps WebGLOverlayView that takes care of the integration between three.js and the Google Maps JavaScript API. It lets you create a Google Maps overlays directly with three.js.
Example of adding google map API to typeahead jquery plugin to display address autocomplete suggestions.
Utility libraries for Google Maps JavaScript API v3 (latest updates).
google place search api service provider
Material-UI React component that provides suggestions/autocompletes places using the Google Places API
map 组件是基于饿了么开发的 react-amap 组件的再封装,使用高德地图的 API,具体功能有
A Vite.js plugin that creates API routes by mapping the directory structure, similar to Next.js API Routes. This plugin enhances the functionality for backend development using Vite.
Make AWS API Gateway's Mapping Template testable.
ember-cli-deploy addon that uploads source maps to Rollbar's API
A typescript client for the OpenWeatherMap APIs
The map widget for the ArcGIS API for Python
Create components whose prop changes map to a global side effect with the power of redux and new Context API
A library of Google Map JS API
An interactive mapping widget and geo-spatial API built on open source and open data (NOT a wrapper of other APIs, such as Google Maps)
Antd based geo suggestion for Google maps places API
Bangladeshi location data provider API library from
A lightweight and customizable Svelte component for easy integration of Google Maps Places (New) Autocomplete in your Svelte/SvelteKit applications. Provides accessible autocomplete suggestions and detailed address retrieval.
AngularJS module for easy autocomplete through the Google Maps JavaScript API v3
Javascript wrapper service and classes for Google APIs like AutocompleteService, Map and Markers
A dependency map can be found [here](
A code generation tool that generates an Axios SDK based on your GraphQL queries. This tool makes it easy to consume GraphQL APIs in your Axios projects by automatically generating code for querying your GraphQL API and mapping the results to JavaScript o
A more powerfully custom version of the Google Maps Javascript API built for React. Multiple Datalayer support. GEOJSON Enabled.
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