_declarative-js_ is modern JavaScript library, that helps to: - tackle array transformation with built in JavaScript array api (e.g. `array.filter(toBe.unique())`), - provide a type-level solution for representing optional values instead of null referen
React component library for Esri's ArcGIS API for JavaScript
NBMap GL is a web map SDK for JavaScript that enables interactive maps with NextBillion's vector tiles and API services in your web apps.
A TypeScript implementation of Google Maps Solar API endpoints.
Wrapper for Yandex Map API (Written in TypeScript)
构造圆形对象,通过 EllipseOptions 指定多边形样式。
在地图上加载海量点,适合需要显示大量 `Marker` 的场景。
比例尺插件。位于地图右下角,用户可控制其显示与隐藏。继承自 `AMap.Control`。
Automatically generated types for the Google Maps Platform JavaScript API.
用于在地图上弹出一个详细信息展示窗体,地图上只允许同时展示 `1` 个信息窗体。
通常情况下,开发者需要根据表单控件相关事件的触发来执行 `AMap.AutoComplete` 的 search 方法,并将返回结果绘制成DOM显示到页面上。
用于在地图上弹出一个详细信息展示窗体,地图上只允许同时展示 `1` 个信息窗体。
构造多边形对象,通过 PolygonOptions 指定多边形样式。
React useGoogleMaps hook
构造圆形对象,通过 RectangleOptions 指定多边形样式。
用于加载高德地图 SDK 依赖,加载完成,全局将会有 **`window.AMap`** 对象。
高德地图 Polygon 编辑器。
Minimal RxJS adapter for the window.postMessage API for request-response streams and notification streams across frame windows.
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C API for registering a Node-API module exporting a strided array interface for applying a unary callback to a single-precision floating-point strided input array according to a strided mask array and assigning results to a single-precision floating-poin
An ESnext spec-compliant `Map.groupBy` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.
A library for using arbitrary DOM elements as map markers in the Google Maps JavaScript API v3
the lib for mapping your javascript class to api service. support map Class's static methods merge into graphQL resolver
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript activities for VertiGIS Studio Workflow
Load external javascript libraries/files (e.g. Google Maps JavaScript API, Stripe JavaScript API, ...) in your components and services on the fly (when you need them) and execute code as soon as it's loaded.
Brainstem.js is a companion library for Backbone.js that makes integration with Brainstem APIs a breeze. Brainstem.js adds an identity map and relational models to Backbone.
C API for registering a Node-API module exporting a strided array interface for applying a unary callback to a double-precision floating-point strided input array and assigning results to a double-precision floating-point strided output array.
C API for registering a Node-API module exporting a strided array interface for applying a unary callback to a single-precision floating-point strided input array and assigning results to a single-precision floating-point strided output array.
C API for registering a Node-API module exporting a strided array interface for applying a unary callback to a double-precision floating-point strided input array according to a strided mask array and assigning results to a double-precision floating-point
MCP server for using the Google Maps API
A library for adding a marker which tracks a user's location for use with the Google Maps JavaScript API v3.