LDAP authentication plugin for XO-Server
LDAP module to validate and filter roles from a user
TypeScript definitions for ldap-filters
LDAP security provider
This is a fork of the gheeres node-activedirectory. It fixes some issues with timeouts with very large AD-Groups as well as returning also promises so you won't have to use callbacks
easy-ldap-login allows you to easily authenticate users on LDAP server and check if they are in a specific group
Codebase for generating XML structures according to schemas by http://www.broservices.nl/xsd/
node.js versions of openldap compatible ssha password hashing and checking
ldapjs client wrapper with support for multiple servers
Authenticate against LDAP server
Authentication with LDAP
LDAP authentication strategy for feathers-authentication using Passport
Based on https://github.com/zont/ldapjs-client
NodeJS Passport LDAP authentication using ldapjs
QIWI LDAP infra package
Fork: A LDAP search node for Node-RED
LDAP add-on for Let's Chat
Hooks into etherpad lite auth to provide LDAP authentication.
A plugin for auth using LDAP service
Koakh NestJS Jwt Authentication LDAP
This is the **aarch64-apple-darwin** binary for `ldap-just`
LDAP client and server APIs
Cached LDAP authentication middleware for express
A better node for LDAP communication.
This is the **x86_64-apple-darwin** binary for `ldap-just`
NodeBB LDAP(Windows AD) Login
LDAP client and server APIs
LDAP authentication strategy for Passport.
Library Node.js library for LDAP
LDAP authentication strategy for Passport
ldap passport plugin for eggjs
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol PDUs in TypeScript
Very LIGHTWEIGHT LDAP/AD Authentication (compiles on Windows)
Fork: A LDAP search node for Node-RED