Express-Cached-LDAP is an Active Directory authentication middleware for Express.js. It supports both users and groups authentication.
The middleware caches the user authentication so that it queries Active Directory just once per user (until the cache expires).
Express-Cached-LDAP depends strictly on express-ntlm, activedirectory and node-cache packages.
$ npm install express-cached-ldap --no-optional
First of all, we need to install express-ntlm and express-cached-ldap in your express application
$ npm install express-ntlm
$ npm install express-cached-ldap
After that, we need to add the two middlewares in our app.js
var express = require('express');
var ntlm = require('express-ntlm');
var ldap = require('express-cached-ldap');
ldapUrl: 'ldap://',
baseDN: 'dc=domain,dc=com',
ldapUsername: 'adUsername',
ldapPassword: 'adPassword'
If the user is not authorized, a response status 401 will be sent or an error page will be rendered (see configuration).
The configuration requires ldapUrl, baseDN, ldapUsername and ldapPassword.
There are some optional parameters that can be added:
- groups, array of strings that check if the users is in the given groups;
- userToBePartOfAllGroups, default true; if true the user must be part of all the groups passed in the groups parameter; if false, the user is authorized if part of one or more groups;
- ttl, cache expiration in seconds, the default is 1800 (30 min). Pass 0 for unlimited;
- cacheCheckPeriod, delete cache check interval in seconds, the default is 600 (10 min). Pass 0 for no check.
- unauthorizedView, renders the specified view instead of send back a 401 error status. The view should be placed into the views folder.
ldapUrl: 'ldap://',
baseDN: 'dc=domain,dc=com',
ldapUsername: 'adUsername',
ldapPassword: 'adPassword',
groups: ['Group Test 1', 'Group Test 2'],
userToBePartOfAllGroups: true,
ttl: 36000,
cacheCheckPeriod: 1000,
unauthorizedView: 'unauthorized'
Authorize single API
app.use(ldap({...})) filters all the traffic and checks the user authorization.
Instead to filter all traffic, you might want to filter only some APIs.
To do that you need to create your own ldapModule and inject the middleware into the single APIs.
Create a new file authorizationMiddleware.js:
var ldap = require('express-cached-ldap');
module.exports = ldap({
ldapUrl: 'ldap://',
baseDN: 'dc=domain,dc=com',
ldapUsername: 'adUsername',
ldapPassword: 'adPassword',
groups: ['Group Test 1', 'Group Test 2']
Remove the app.use(ldap({...})) from the app.js file and inject the middleware into the single API:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var authorizationMiddleware = require('yourAuthrizationMiddlewarePath/authorizationMiddleware');
router.get('/', authorizationMiddleware, function(req, res, next) {
res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });
module.exports = router;