With this plugin text in sourcecode could be replaced before bundling.
Statsig helps you move faster with feature gates (feature flags), and/or dynamic configs. It also allows you to run A/B/n tests to validate your new features and understand their impact on your KPIs. If you're new to Statsig, check out our product and cre
Replace string tokens in the contents of a file.
A utility for generating .npmrc files based on configuration template and environment variables.
a synchronous prompt for node.js
MongoDB Shell CLI REPL Package
Browser presentation component for Mongo Shell
TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
REPL for Prisma databases
REPL Client (rc) with tab completion and history. A simple, npm installable alternative to netcat (nc) and socat.
Display or interact with a REPL (Read Eval Print Loop). Create an interactive terminal for Python, Javascript or whatever in React.
A custom history for your custom REPL
isRecoverableError from Node.js' REPL
Adds a REPL to the codebase of a project that will require all the project's depdendencies and all its source files and store them in global variables you can access from the REPL.
keep your Replit projects online by monitoring their uptime and automatically creating an API.
Addon for enabling REPL and Playground creation with Ember/Glimmer
Drop-in-repl for @semantic-release/npm plugin to handle `npm-whoami` throttling issue for monorepos
Repl Authentication is a simple way to allow users to log in, and access their information.
Project-specific REPL configuration
Gatsby plugin to auto-generate links to popular REPLs like Babel and Codepen
Start an interactive REPL in your puppeteer code.
REPL remote access for Node apps/services with cluster and worker selection support
TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
Provides a client and server REPL for Seneca microservice systems.
A simple package to interact with the Replit CLI's identity command.
A REPL, or terminal, for use in the browser with PGlite, allowing you to have an interactive session with your WASM Postgres in the page.
A really optimized and small express middleware for repl authentication.
Attach to a node repl using Hyperswarm
Interact with the repl.it talk from a nodejs module
Replit has recently updated its Starter Plan (the core free plan) to limit users to 3 Repls. Accounts exceeding this limit will face restrictions in the future (all repls will be automatically deleted in a year) unless they subscribe to a $25/month plan.