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A module with logic an UI regions to support URL processing in Advanced REST Client application. It contains a logic to safely parse url with variables, build a URL input, or to enter any arbitrary URL with autosuggestions.
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An `URL` parser for crawling purpose.
mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM autolink literals
URL detection and parsing for embed providers (YouTube, other OEmbed compatible providers),
MongoDB URL parsing.
Lightweight querystring parse() & stringify() based on URLSearchParams APIs
Parse text and make them into multiple React Text elements
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I parse mongo URIs; especially the tricky repl set ones.
It converts complex json with arrays and nested objects into url parameters or query string. It can also parse such query string back to json.
Conflict-free Reinterpretable Ordered Washed Data (Secure) - Delta based CRDT with additional abilities.
Parse Json To Url Query
A middleware that utilized rsql-mongodb to parse url queries into mongodb filter and options. Who's monqique? It is not a who, it's just short for Mongo I Query.
Fastify plugin for parsing and attaching URL data to requests
Re-sign potentially already signed S3 urls.
Parse the github user, repo, branch and other things from a GitHub url.
An RFC-3986 compliant and zero-dependencies Node.js module to parse URIs, punycode, punydecode, test URIs, URLs, Sitemap URLS, domains, IPs but also encode and decode URIs, URLs and Sitemap URLs
Simplified version of https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-github-url
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URL friendly JSON-like formatting and parsing
S3 URL manipulation helper similar to standard URL class
Express middleware which parses url encoded bodies via qs and exposes options to qs
Fetch and parse OG tags and metadata from any URL, the fast way