Provides rich support for NACL Configuration files, including syntax highlighting, auto-complete, code navigation and more.
React Highlight Syntax is a React component that highlights syntax in a code block.
Build rich content websites with Markdown and React
An extensible library to highlight JSX syntax in the Monaco Editor using Babel.
Code plugin with syntax highlighting for Yoopta Editor
A dark theme for Prism.js
Angular2 json utils. Includes a pipe to replace Angular's built in json pipe which implements spacing, avoids circular references. Also includes a component that will pretty print json with syntax highlight
Syntax highlighting support for additional languages in monaco editor.
Syntax highlighting for Liquid on the command line
This project is totally fork from the Google Code Prettify. Address:
shiki, stripped of assets + browser only
A monaco editor with built-in support for GraphQL Language Service, with features like online parser, syntax highlight, schema-building validations, hover and much more. The integration between Monaco editor and the GraphQL language service is exposed thr
Asciidoctor.js extension for highlighting code in build time using Highlight.js
Nuxt + Shiki syntax highlighting
Add syntax highlighting support to your DraftJS editor
Code syntax highlighting tool for Editor.js
syntax highlighting component for react with prismjs or highlightjs ast using inline styles
A library for visualizing code.
A package to simplify the process of developing, testing, and syncnig Malloy syntax highlighting grammars
A syntax highlighter for Node powered by Tree Sitter. Written in Rust.
Highlight.js syntax highlighter component for Vue.
A tiny syntax highlighter for React using Lezer parsers
Spreadsheet language support for CodeMirror
This plugin adds support for code blocks **syntax highlighting**. It uses the same highlighter from the core package(Shiki).
Syntax-highlighting text editor that renders to an HTML5 Canvas element
A JavaScript library for highlighting HTML text based on the query in the lucene/solr query syntax
This plugin adds support for attachments. Install it using:
Highlight the jsx or tsx syntax for monaco editor
Syntax highlighting via Prism
Monaco Editor JQ language definition (and syntax highlight)
A syntax highlighter wrapper.
This is the patterns for the SenseTalk syntax highlighter using prism
rehype plugin to highlight code blocks in HTML with Prism
Modern and easy syntax highlighting using tree-sitter
Embed code snippets with pretty syntax highlighting in Ember.js, powered by Shiki
This storybook addon provides the ability to display a panel on stories with any code you want. It's mostly a wrapper for [storybook's syntax highlighter](
A Storybook addon that extracts and displays compiled syntax-highlighted HTML. Forked from @whitepace with prettier 3 support
Gatsby plugin to provide VS Code’s syntax highlighting to Markdown code fences