Add syntax highlighting support to your DraftJS editor
Spreadsheet language support for CodeMirror
Syntax highlighting support for additional languages in monaco editor.
🌈 Light, fast, and easy to use, dependencies free javascript syntax highlighter, with automatic language detection
shiki, stripped of assets + browser only
A dark theme for Prism.js
Add syntax highlighting to all files, with built-in syntax highlighting of diffs and patches.
A syntax highlighter for Node powered by Tree Sitter. Written in Rust.
Highlight the jsx or tsx syntax for monaco editor
Syntax highlighting for Liquid on the command line
A syntax highlighter built to run in node and consume CodeMirror modes.
Build rich content websites with Markdown and React
A Storybook addon that extracts and displays compiled syntax-highlighted HTML
This project is totally fork from the Google Code Prettify. Address:
A package to simplify the process of developing, testing, and syncnig Malloy syntax highlighting grammars
Add a syntax highlighting component to your Factor app.
A tiny syntax highlighter for React using Lezer parsers
Asciidoctor.js extension for highlighting code in build time using Highlight.js
Code plugin with syntax highlighting for Yoopta Editor
Syntax-highlighting text editor that renders to an HTML5 Canvas element
An extensible library to highlight JSX syntax in the Monaco Editor using Babel.
React Highlight Syntax is a React component that highlights syntax in a code block.
Code syntax highlighting tool for Editor.js
A Storybook addon that extracts and displays compiled syntax-highlighted HTML. Forked from @whitepace with prettier 3 support
A library for visualizing code.
CSS Ayu Syntax Highlighting Color Scheme for Pygments
Monaco Editor JQ language definition (and syntax highlight)
Stylable Language Services - syntax highlighting, completions, hinting and more for the Stylable CSS preprocessor.
A syntax highlighter wrapper.
Highlightjs code block styling and syntax highlighting for Nuxt 2
A robust syntax highlighter for jade in node.js
A robust syntax highlighter for jade in node.js
MDX provider with a set of custom components for react-native support and syntax highlighting
highlight.js syntax definition for Structured Text IEC 61131-3 language
A code highlighter for SvelteKit using highlight.js and TailwindCSS.
This plugin adds support for code blocks **syntax highlighting**. It uses the same highlighter from the core package(Shiki).
Markdown editing support in Monaco
Syntax highlighter for TypeScript error messages
This is the patterns for the SenseTalk syntax highlighter using prism