A parser that converts TypeScript source code into an ESTree compatible form
Walk any kind of tree structure depth- or breadth-first. Supports promises and advanced map-reduce operations with a very small API.
High-performance (binary) tree and sorted map implementation (AVL, Splay, Radix, Red-Black)
TypeScript definitions for estree
Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST
Turn any collection of objects into its own efficient tree or linked list using Symbol
A fully persistent balanced binary search tree
htmlparser2 tree adapter for parse5.
Get changes between two versions of data with similar shape
JSON grammar for tree-sitter
A module for repeated efficient synchronizing two directories.
Flow types for the Flow-ESTree spec produced by the hermes parser
Regular Expressions parser in JavaScript
Two-dimensional recursive spatial subdivision.
Check if something can be an ecmascript (javascript) identifier name
The Babel Traverse module maintains the overall tree state, and is responsible for replacing, removing, and adding nodes
TypeScript definitions for estree-jsx
Transforms css values and at-rule params into the tree
TypeScript definitions for d3-quadtree
A url sanitizer
esast (and estree) utility to visit nodes
unist utility to get a position from an estree node
Regular expression parser for ECMAScript.
tree-select ui component for react
Attach comments to estree nodes
Transform JSX in estrees to function calls (for react, preact, and most hyperscript interfaces)
estree (and esast) utility to serialize to JavaScript
Read the contents of node_modules.
Spectrum UI components in React