BuckleScript bindings for react-split-pane.
Angular UI library used to split views and to allow dragging to resize the split areas using CSS flexbox layout.
Layout song and verse lyrics with good typography on a canvas
Resizable split panes for Vue.js.
React split-pane component
A tiny (1kb) React component for split panes (written in ReasonML).
React split-pane component (react version up)
splitting children elements into panes and resizing
A split pane for dash based on react split pane.
A Split Panel Component for Vue3.
Resizable split panes for React.js.
A Markdown editor with dynamic split-pane preview.
Resizable split panes for Vue.js.
vue split-pane component
Bucklescript bindings for react-split-pane
A simple library for resizing elements in the browser
Custom element wrapper for [split.js](https://split.js.org/).