Skeleton component build using Tailwind
O-RANGO customizable component placeholder
A POC component library for rendering adaptive skeletons that adjust to the shape of your UI's layout while data is being fetched
Skeleton is used to display the loading state of some component.
My approach to build this package is provide easy loading skeleton without any doubt.
a nice tool to make skeleton screen
Provide a placeholder while you wait for content to load, or to visualise content that doesn't exist yet.
Basic Skeleton Loader for react-native
This library was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 15.0.0.
A lightweight React library that provides simple loader, skeleton loader, and toast notification components to enhance user experience.
React library for generic Skeletons
Componente de shadow skeleton loading
Show fast-loading temporary images in place of an eventual slow-loading image
A cross platform skeleton library
a way to make skeleton screen
A skeleton splash component for React which is fully customisable.
ng-ghosts-loading is a graphical interface library that you can generate phantom or skeleton components for an angular application, an objective as simple as using ng-ghosts-loading. :smile:
React-Native skeleton screens for loading content.
## Installation
Component for easy creation of child loadings based on placeholders (for example, Facebook card loading)
Vue3 package for showing loader while image loading, with default skeleton
Fozzie Skeleton Loader - Provides a visual indication that another component is loading.
SkeletonPlaceholder is a React Native library to easily create an amazing loading effect.
React component to render a placeholders while you wait for content to load
An adaptive skeleton loader for React
react simple skeleton loading page
Skeleton loading for react
A tool to automatically generate skeleton screen code.
Skeleton is used to display the loading state of some component.
Skeleton is used to display the loading state of some component.
a skeleton component Base on vue.js
Loading Spinners, Skeleton Cards, Loading Progress Bars, Overlays and more
SkeletonPlaceholder is a React Native library to easily create an amazing loading effect.
SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings (like Facebook cards loading), fixed for SSR
Televerse Components Skeletons
A React hook used to display skeleton placeholders where content needs to wait for loading.
light weight react skeleton preloder