Fully functional forms for Chakra UI.
ts-nameof - TypeScript compiler transforms for ts-nameof packages.
This a act21 product low code platform, this new low code platform makes it easy to convert JSON data into a user interface. With this platform, you can create dynamic user interfaces quickly and easily.
A rapid form development library for Angular
A wrapper to the generic forms library Jsonforms.io.
Tom Select is a versatile and dynamic <select> UI control. Forked from Selectize.js to provide a framework agnostic autocomplete widget with native-feeling keyboard navigation, it's useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, etc.
Schema to allow js-yaml to process YAML formatted CloudFormation templates that use short form syntax for intrinsic functions while parsing or dumping
React Labels package provides components for labelling form editors. KendoReact Labels package
A set of opinionated helpers built on top of the Constraint Validation API
Component mapper for Material ui component mapper form data-driven-forms.
Conform view adapter for react
The lodash method `_.conformsTo` exported as a module.
The modular and type-safe form library for SolidJS
This module is provided as a part of Sitecore JavaScript Rendering SDK (JSS). It contains the APIs for Sitecore Forms integration.
Kendo UI for Angular Inputs Package - Everything you need to build professional form functionality (Checkbox, ColorGradient, ColorPalette, ColorPicker, FlatColorPicker, FormField, MaskedTextBox, NumericTextBox, RadioButton, RangeSlider, Slider, Switch, Te
vee-validate integration with zod schema validation
Route middleware for Koa that handles `multipart/form-data` using multer
Embed formsort flows in react components
Formly is a dynamic (JSON powered) form library for Angular that bring unmatched maintainability to your application's forms.
ts-nameof - Babel transforms for ts-nameof packages.
TypeScript definitions for @rebass/forms
typescript-json-schema generates JSON Schema files from your Typescript sources
Conform helpers for integrating with Zod
Powerful, type-safe, framework agnostic forms.
Shared utilities for FormKit packages
The framework agnostic core of FormKit
copy form react-color, but only have SketchColor
This module is provided as a part of Sitecore JavaScript Rendering SDK (JSS). It contains React components and integration for Sitecore Forms in JSS apps.
AST Transforms
Powerful, type-safe forms for React.
Decorator that will attempt to apply focus to the first field with an error upon an attempted form submission in 🏁 Final Form
Decodes complex FormData into a JavaScript object
autoNumeric is a standalone Javascript library that provides live *as-you-type* formatting for international numbers and currencies. It supports most international numeric formats and currencies including those used in Europe, Asia, and North and South Am
Forms Manager library for Angular
React component for inputting numeric values within a range
Extension to Three.js InstancedMesh supporting per-instance uniform values
Cool, comfortable and easily customizable range slider with many options and skin support
jQuery or Zepto plugin to serialize a form into a JavaScript Object, using the same format as the default Ruby on Rails request params
Material UI 4 theme, fields and widgets for react-jsonschema-form
Polyfill for the basic functionality of `Function.name` accessor property in its pre-ES6 form