Tools for building completely customizable richtext editors with React.
Converts HTML formatted rich content to govspeak format (a markdown extension library for government editors) when pasted from clipboard into a form input or textarea.
Un Official React component for CKEditor 4 – the best browser-based rich text editor.Advanced version of ckeditor with all plugins like underline are included.
Editor HTML do Multiprova.
monaco-editor html language features bundled to work with @codingame/monaco-vscode-api
The classic editor build of CKEditor 5 with most of the available plugins.
Extended verison of the classic editor build of CKEditor 5
A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
[![](]( [![](]( [![]
This rich text editor written in TypeScript and use React Hooks structure. This component use the HTML ContentEditable div feature and React communicate and send data to native JavaScript via WebView.
An HTML serializer for Slate editors.
A Vue.js component implementing the HTML editor with the jQuery summernote plugin.
The classic editor build of CKEditor 5 – the best browser-based rich text editor.
HAX but for mobile / desktop application development
The document editor build of CKEditor 5 – the best browser-based rich text editor.
A Photoshop-like layers panel for your page editor
A high-performance rich text editor that supports multiplayer online collaboration.
CKEditor 5 Classic Plus is a custom build built on top of CKEditor 5 Build - Classic (version: 41.3.0). It adds Simple Upload Adapter, Image Resize, Font Styling and much more to the official build.
Svelte3 component for CKEditor5
Vanilla javascript based WYSIWYG web editor, with no dependencies
Plugin adds export to PDF functionality to CKEditor 4.
The classic editor build of CKEditor 5 – compatible with next-js framework.
A simple native wysiwyg editor for Angular 6+
The classic editor build of CKEditor 5 – the best browser-based rich text editor.
Plugin which adds editable and customizable Spreadsheet widgets to CKEditor 4.
A library for converting plain HTML to DraftJS Editor content. Build for use with **[react-draft-wysiwyg](**.
Allows dragging HTML elements into the editor
The classic editor build of CKEditor 5 – the best browser-based rich text editor.
A Photoshop-like layers panel for your page editor
A React Framework for building extensible drag and drop page editors
Summernote editor for HTML fields
markdown editor wrapper with preview editor
Create PDFs from a template with your data. This package helps to send the data in the right format to the API.
node.js + CodeMirror = Great IDE and Admin Tool
**leafer-editor** 在 [leafer-ui]( 的基础上,集成了 图形编辑器、视图控制 、滚动条、箭头、HTML 插件,适用于在线图形编辑的场景。
<TinyMCEInput /> component for admin-on-rest, useful for editing HTML in admin GUIs
Tools for building completely customizable richtext editors with React.
Quill.js editor for HTML fields