Automatic transforms on text input for ProseMirror
React component to format number in an input or as a text.
A React component for input text field
React input component that accepts mask pattern
Restrict inputs to certain valid characters (e.g. formatting phone or card numbers)
Elegant console output, borrowed from Yarn
(x, y) coordinates of the caret in a textarea or input type='text'
Addons for Text Mask
Keyboard manager which works in identical way on both iOS and Android
A vanilla JS customisable text input/select box plugin
a library for matching human-quality input to a list of potential matches using the Levenshtein distance algorithm
256 colors, keys and mouse, input field, progress bars, screen buffer (including 32-bit composition and image loading), text buffer, and many more... Whether you just need colors and styles, build a simple interactive command line tool or a complexe termi
The main zero-dependency and framework-agnostic Maskito's package to create an input mask
The input component is designed for capturing user input within a text field.
The optional framework-agnostic Maskito's package with ready-to-use masks
leafyGreen UI Kit Text Input
An autocomplete combines a text input with a listbox, allowing users to filter a list of options to items matching a query.
Core of
React input component for masked input.
TextInput with mask for ReactNative on both iOS and Android. Includes obfuscation characters feature.
The input component is designed for capturing user input within a text field.
An autocomplete combines a text input with a listbox, allowing users to filter a list of options to items matching a query.
Un-accents and un-umlauts characters in a string. Also preliminary converts the string to lower case. We use it for autocomplete: both for the matched strings -- on the server side, when indexing; and for the strings the user types into a text input in th
The Angular-specific Maskito's library
A text field is an input that allows a user to write or edit text.
The React-specific Maskito's library
Returns an array filled with the specified input
Angular 2 directive for input text masking
React component for entering and validating numbers, text or password.
Copy element text content or input values to the clipboard.
A vanilla JS customisable text input/select box plugin
JavaScript function that makes input HTML element accept mask pattern
Phone Number Input Component
Markdown formatting buttons for text inputs.
Addons for Text Mask
React component to format currency in an input or as a text.
Native logic for avoiding covering text inputs by soft input views
A fully modifiable OTP Input Component for React Native
A package of Essential JS 2 input components such as Textbox, Color-picker, Masked-textbox, Numeric-textbox, Slider, Upload, and Form-validator that is used to get input from the users. for Angular
JavaScript function that makes input HTML element accept mask pattern
A package of Essential JS 2 input components such as Textbox, Color-picker, Masked-textbox, Numeric-textbox, Slider, Upload, and Form-validator that is used to get input from the users. for React
A beautiful color picker for angular that let you choose from a color palette, using sliders (Hue, Lightness, Alpha sliders) or through text input(hex, rgba, hsla)