This is a wget cookies.txt formart parser for nodejs and request.
Plugin for fastify to add support for cookies
Cookie management for the node request libary
A localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
Super lightweight cookie parser and serializer
A JavaScript module for handling cookies
Koa cookie session middleware with external store support
This package provides functions to generate signed urls and cookies for accessing private content on CloudFront based on a CloudFront trusted key group key pair.
Intuitive cookie manipulation library for the front-end
Adds cookie parsing/setting to restify
Secure, stateless, and cookie-based session library for JavaScript
Set, clear, and parse cookies in your Koa application
Storage utility with fallbacks
Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular
Cookies, optionally signed using Keygrip.
Tiny cookie utility library
HTTP cookie signing and unsigning
HTTP cookie parser and serializer for Node.js
TypeScript definitions for cookie-session
TypeScript definitions for cookie-signature
Universal cookie plugin, perfect for SSR
redux-cookies-middleware is a redux middleware which watches for changes in redux state & store them to browser cookie.
Popsicle middleware for supporting cookies in node.js
Popsicle middleware for setting a default `User-Agent` header
## How to use?
A small, simple and customizable cookie consent bar for use in React applications.
Universal cookie plugin for Nuxt, perfect for SSR
NestJS Middleware for Cookie Parser
A tiny localStorage shim with fallback to Cookies. Will allow apps to use localStorage but fallsback to cookies when that is not available in the browser.
Cookie Jar. Originally pulled form tobi, maintained as vendor in request, now a standalone module.
Package for operating with Netscape HTTP Cookie File
Serialize and deserialize set-cookie headers
Gatsby plugin to add google analytics, google tag manager facebook pixel, tik tok pixel and hotjar in a gdpr form to your site. Consent coming soon.
Tiny cookie component
Virtual cookies store to manage Request/Response associations.
Storybook addon for setting document.cookie
A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies.
Osano cookie consent tool.
A simple react hook for cookies
Extract encrypted Google Chrome cookies for a url on a Mac, Linux or Windows
A tiny cookie manipulation plugin