Library that will keep your localStorage predictable.
Storage enhancer to persist a subset of your state.
Provides access to local storage
mock localStorage library
A custom React Hook that provides a multi-instance, multi-tab/browser shared and persistent state.
Safely and securely store data and share them across your extension and websites
Mock localStorage for headless unit tests
Storage enhancer to debounce persist requests.
KeyStore implementation for working with keys in browser LocalStorage
Nuxt.js localstorage with vuex store! and polyfill
TypeScript definitions for reactjs-localstorage
A simplified localStorage API that just works
returns true if localStorage is supported _and_ persistent
Check and use appropriate storage adapter for browser (localStorage, sessionStorage, cookies, memory)
A Vuex persistence plugin in Typescript
localStorageDB is a simple layer over localStorage (and sessionStorage) that provides a set of functions to store structured data like databases and tables. It provides basic insert/update/delete/query capabilities. localStorageDB has no dependencies, and
A BroadcastChannel that works in New Browsers, Old Browsers, WebWorkers
Module for storeon to persist data from state to local storage
wraps localStorage and adds .getObject(), .setObject(), .isPersistent
A Storybook v8 addong for mocking and displaying `localStorage` values
node's fs module for the browser backed by localStorage
window.localStorage engine for redux-storage
Enhanced version of localStorage
An Angular wrapper for localstorage/sessionstorage access.
localStorage API with TTL for Browser or Node Server contexts
A flexible React Hook for using Local Storage.
A drop in replacement for localStorage to add type safety and improved serialization.
An localstorage adapter for flipflop
A middleware for redux to sync state in different tabs
A localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
React hooks for persistent state
Isomorphic implementation of localStorage
A local-first realtime NoSQL Database for JavaScript applications -
Memory-backed implementation of the Web Storage API
JavaScript library for interacting with localStorage safely.
Angular service wrappers for the webstorage API
Efficient local storage module for Angular: simple API based on native localStorage API, but internally stored via the asynchronous IndexedDB API for performance, and wrapped in RxJS observables to be homogeneous with other Angular modules.
A reactive localStorage with no dependency
TypeScript definitions for redux-localstorage-filter
Module for Effector for sync state with localStorage
A store for Nano Stores state manager to keep data in localStorage
TypeScript definitions for angularlocalstorage
Persist and populate react-hook-form form using storage of your choice
A declarative reactive localStorage using MobX