Chainable logic built on named (or not) queues for Javascript and Node.js
Interactively manage concurrency for outbound requests.
A simple task queue for the browser that enables the queuing of both standard tasks and micro tasks.
Queue animation component for react
Promise queue with concurrency control. This is a fork of sindresorhus/p-queue, but with CommonJS support.
TypeScript definitions for better-queue
A queue managed in localStorage for async tasks that may run immediately before page unload.
Middleware for queueing requests, to use with @commercetools/sdk-client
An Opinionated Message Queue with an emitter-style API
Enqueues messages onto a given SQS queue
Debounce promise-returning & async functions
Express middleware to limit a number of simultaneously processing requests using queue
Deques are a generalization of stacks and queues
pending-queue ensures a certain asynchronous method only run once, and queues listeners which are registered to it.
An easy JavaScript Promise queue which is automatically executed, concurrency controlled and suspendable.
An async iterable interface for redis streams
Queue data from a stream until a checkpoint is hit
Process thousands of asynchronous or synchronous jobs, concurrently or sequentially, safely and efficiently, without creating thousands of closures.
Queue, ArrayQueue. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
An apollo link that queues mutations
Official SDK for Inngest is the reliability layer for modern applications. Inngest combines durable execution, events, and queues into a zero-infra platform with built-in observability.
TypeScript definitions for js-priority-queue
A complete, fully tested data structure library written in TypeScript.
OCI NodeJS client for Queue Service
A NestJS module for Bull-Board dashboard.
Shared modules of the Helix Project - Process Queue
Simple `EventEmitter` which runs every event handler in a queue
A writeFile queue which reattempts to write after errors occur
A comunica bus for rdf-resolve-hypermedia-links-queue events.
Fifo queue with concurrency control
A fast push/shift sync queue
Throttled parallel function invocation.
A fifo rdf-resolve-hypermedia-links-queue actor
Priority queue data structure where you are able to set your own compare function.
Node.js library for Promising response of function from queue.