ES proposal-spec-compliant Object.fromEntries shim.
ES2017 spec-compliant Object.entries shim.
Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines)
A trie dictionary storage model
Unicode Trie data structure for fast character metadata lookup, ported from ICU
Minimalistic library to work with countries and timezones data.
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
A memoization algorithm in which each function argument represents a new key, creating a trie of caches as defined by the array in your first argument.
JavaScript library to run Salesforce metadata deploys and retrieves
Create and modify trie prefix structures, extract word lists including anagrams and sub-anagrams
deploy and retrieve commands for sf
RTD retrier
Curated collection of data structures for the JavaScript/TypeScript.
A tiny trie implementation
Implementation of the modified merkle patricia tree as specified in Ethereum's yellow paper.
A small function which allows you to pass glob to generate entries hash object
TypeScript definitions for object.fromentries
The GoldenRetriever Uppy plugin saves selected files in browser cache to seamlessly resume uploding after browser crash or accidentally closed tab
Execute a string of JavaScript using Node.js and return the global variable values and functions.
Install using your favorite package manager:
Fork of HAMT that adds transient mutation and support for custom key types
RTD retrier
TypeScript definitions for object.entries
Object.fromEntries() polyfill
An Object.fromEntries polyfill
A collection of reusable Comunica context key definitions.
Country code to name mappings for several languages
Trie and radix tree implementation tailored towards exact matches.
Accepts a mapping of registry URLs and returns a mapping with the same URLs but normalized
Constantly updated lists of world countries and their associated alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric codes as defined by the ISO 3166 standard, available in multiple formats, in multiple languages and with national flags included
Stub TypeScript definitions entry for countries-and-timezones, which provides its own types definitions
A simple trie structure to perform prefix search on texts in O(n) time, where n - number of characters in searched word. > Trie is a basic Tree structure, also known as [prefix tree]( Super simple, Super fast, super comp
`Object.entries()` ponyfill
Strongly typed trie data structure for path and URL-like strings.
Cypress plugin allowing tests to retry a configurable amount of times
Trie, Prefix tree. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
Check permissions using Shiro-like strings, put in a trie.