asynchronous flow-control micro library
JS service implementation to control the 3DS flow over Paybyrd API
resource tool to use with or without NodeTskeleton template project
Wrapping the contra library to support promises (parallel/series)
capable health workflows types
Object mutation pipelines for flow control
A flow-control framework for Node.js inspired by CommonJS promises and the Step framework.
Utility module for functions that return promises
Achieve legendary control over package updates in Node.js applications, ensuring seamless automation, stability, and precision. With this tool, every update flows smoothly, integrating security and dependability to keep projects on the cutting edge.
A multiple message queue node for node-RED
A Node-RED node that counts messages that pass through it
Turns asynchronous function into synchronous
promise-style async sequence flow-control
Simplify React modal control flow
validator tool to use with or without NodeTskeleton template project for promises
Use components to control flow in Astro
Padlock works to prevent unexpected code execution when dealing with asynchronous callbacks without blocking. Call a function with lock to execute it as soon as a lock can be attained, and unlock it at all of your possible callback end-points. Use the sam
You are up a creek; here is your paddle. Paddle provides a way ensuring that JS asynchronous callbacks are actually ran, or calls a provided error function upon timeout.
onion-interceptor pipes
Angular utility for ensuring exhaustive checks on TypeScript discriminated unions, enhancing type safety and reliability.
result tool to use with or without NodeTskeleton template project
A sane event emitter component
Standard library for Node/Sails applications. Hand-picked and maintained by the Sails.js core team.
Utility method to run function either synchronously or asynchronously using the common `this.async()` style.
Message queueing for Node-RED
Set of methods allowing simplify work with promises in cycle such as: forEach, map, find, filter, reduce, while, transform. Besides there are methods for comfortable work with promises or asynchronous operations - all, retry, timeout.
Event Manager for Node Red
Wind.js is an advanced library which enable us to control flow with plain JavaScript for asynchronous programming (and more) without additional pre-compiling steps.