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4chan - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.3 to 0.0.4


var optimist = require('optimist');
var argv = optimist
.usage('\n4chan picture downloader.\nRun in the directory where you want the pictures to be downloaded.\nUsage: $0 [options] <thread URL>')
.alias('s', 'single-shot')
.describe('s', 'Do not keep watching the thread for new posts, quit right after downloading all current pictures.')
.alias('r', 'min-resolution')
.describe('r', 'Do not download images with resolution less than this, e.g. -r 500x500.')
.alias('n', 'no-gifs')
.describe('n', 'Do not download images in the GIF format.')
.alias('g', 'only-gifs')
.describe('g', 'Only download images in the GIF format.')
.alias('m', 'mobile')
.describe('m', 'Separate the pictures based on landscape or portrait orientation.')
.usage('\n4chan picture downloader.\nRun in the directory where you want the pictures to be downloaded.\nUsage: $0 [options] <thread URL|forum URL>')
.alias('s', 'single-shot')
.describe('s', 'Do not keep watching the thread for new posts, quit right after downloading all current pictures.')
.alias('r', 'min-resolution')
.describe('r', 'Default is -r 400x400 for -n, -r 100x100 otherwise. Doesn\'t apply for the index image.')
.alias('n', 'no-gifs')
.describe('n', 'Do not download images in the GIF format.')
.alias('g', 'only-gifs')
.describe('g', 'Only download images in the GIF format.')
.alias('m', 'mobile')
.describe('m', 'Separate the pictures based on landscape or portrait orientation.')
.alias('f', 'forum')
.describe('f', 'Download pics from the whole subforum (a forum URL must be specified).')

@@ -25,2 +28,3 @@ var _ = require('underscore');

var async = require('async-mini');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');

@@ -30,17 +34,18 @@ //require('utilz').watchFile(__filename);

function basename(fn) {
var m = fn.match(/.*?([^\/]+)\/?$/);
return m ? m[1] : fn;
var m = fn.match(/.*?([^\/]+)\/?$/);
return m ? m[1] : fn;
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
console.log('\nCTRL+C. 4chan downloader exit.');
return process.exit();
console.log('\nCTRL+C. 4chan downloader exit.');
return process.exit();
if(argv._.length != 1) {
var url = argv._[0], minWidth, minHeight;
var proto = /(.+?)\/\//.exec(url)[1];
var current;

@@ -53,213 +58,303 @@ var basedir = fs.realpathSync('.');

if(argv.r) {
var m = /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/.exec(argv.r);
tcb('Invalid value for the -r (--min-resolution) parameter, try --help.');
minWidth = Number(m[1]);
minHeight = Number(m[2]);
console.log('Filtering by minimum size ' + minWidth + 'x' + minHeight + '.');
var m = /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/.exec(argv.r);
tcb('Invalid value for the -r (--min-resolution) parameter, try --help.');
minWidth = Number(m[1]);
minHeight = Number(m[2]);
console.log('Filtering by minimum size ' + minWidth + 'x' + minHeight + '.');
else {
if(argv.n) {
minWidth = 400;
minHeight = 400;
else {
minWidth = 100;
minHeight = 100;
console.log('Filtering by reasonable default minimum size ' + minWidth + 'x' + minHeight + '.');
if(argv.n) {
tcb('Cannot have both -n and -g options, try --help.');
console.log('Ignoring all GIFs.');
tcb('Cannot have both -n and -g options, try --help.');
console.log('Ignoring all GIFs.');
console.log('Only downloading GIFs.');
console.log('Only downloading GIFs.');
if(dirExists(landscapeDir) || dirExists(portraitDir)) {
argv.m = true;
console.log('This is a mobile directory, >implying the -m option.');
argv.m = true;
console.log('This is a mobile directory, >implying the -m option.');
else if(argv.m) {
console.log('Separating pictures based on landscape/portrait orientation.');
console.log('Separating pictures based on landscape/portrait orientation.');
if(argv.m) {
if(!dirExists(landscapeDir)) {
console.log('Creating ' + landscapeDir);
if(!dirExists(portraitDir)) {
console.log('Creating ' + portraitDir);
if(!dirExists(landscapeDir)) {
console.log('Creating ' + landscapeDir);
if(!dirExists(portraitDir)) {
console.log('Creating ' + portraitDir);
console.log('Working in one-shot mode.');
if(argv.f) {
console.log('Working in forum mode. Single-shot mode is >implied.');
argv.s = true;
var threads = { arr: [] };
getIndex(url, _x(tcb, true, function(err, idx, threads) {
var ff =, function(pageUrl) {
return _x(null, false, function(cb) {
getPage(pageUrl, threads, cb);
async.parallel(ff, _x(tcb, true, function(err) {
<div class="file" id="f6487606">
<div class="fileInfo">
<span class="fileText" id="fT6487606">
<a href="//" target="_blank">1341382908868.jpg</a>-(179 KB, 1920x1080,
<span title="1341174530513.jpg">1341174530513.jpg</span>)
<a class="fileThumb" href="//" target="_blank">
<img src="//" alt="179 KB" data-md5="VO7R4e+iSBdi3UIE5ES55Q=="
style="height: 140px; width: 250px;"/>
<div class="postInfo desktop" id="pi6487606">
var f2 =, function(threadUrl) {
return _x(null, false, function(cb) {
getThread(threadUrl, cb);
// be kind to the server, work serially
// (there's a lot of threads in a forum)
async.series(f2, _x(tcb, true, function(err) {
tcb(null, 'Forum snapshot downloaded, exit.');
else {
console.log('Working in one-shot mode.');
getThread(url, tcb);
function getIndex(url, cb) { // cb(err, idx, threads)
console.log('Downloading page and thread index.');
request(url, _x(cb, true, function(err, res, body) {
var idx = extractPageUrls(body);
extractThreadUrls(body, threads);
cb(null, idx, threads);
function getPage(url, threads, cb) {
request(url, _x(cb, true, function(err, res, body) {
extractThreadUrls(body, threads);
function extractThreadUrls(body, threads) {
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
threads.arr = _.union(threads.arr, $('div.thread').map(function() {
return url + 'res/' + $(this).attr('id').substr(1);
function extractPageUrls(body, idx) {
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
return $('div.desktop div.pages a').map(function() {
return url + $(this).attr('href');
console.log('press CTRL+C to exit.');
function getPics(url, cb) {
request(url, _x(cb, true, function(err, res, body) {
request(url, _x(cb, true, function(err, res, body) {
var ret = {
index: new Object(null),
order: []
var ret = {
index: new Object(null),
order: []
if(res.statusCode == 404)
tcb(null, 'Thread 404\'d, exiting.');
if(res.statusCode == 404)
tcb(null, 'Thread 404\'d, exiting.');
if(res.statusCode != 200)
cb('Cannot load (status ' + res.statusCode + '): ' + url);
var m, re = /<a href="(\/\/\/[^\/]+\/src\/)([^.]+)\.([^"]+)" target="_blank">[^<]+<\/a>-\([^,]+, (\d+)x(\d+),/g;
while(m = re.exec(body)) {
var entry = {
file: m[2] + '.' + m[3],
base: m[2],
url: 'http:' + m[1] + m[2] + '.' + m[3],
ext: m[3].toLowerCase(),
width: Number(m[4]),
height: Number(m[5])
if(argv.r && (entry.width < minWidth || entry.height < minHeight))
if(argv.n && entry.ext === 'gif')
if(argv.g && entry.ext !== 'gif')
ret.index[entry.file] = entry;
cb(null, ret);
if(res.statusCode != 200)
cb('Cannot load (status ' + res.statusCode + '): ' + url);
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
$('a.fileThumb').each(function(i, elem) {
var el = $(this);
var imgUrl = proto + el.attr('href'); //
var m = /\/([^\/\.]+)\.([^\/]+)$/.exec(imgUrl);
var m2, m3, text = el.parent().find('div.fileInfo span.fileText').text();
if(text) {
m3 = /(\d+)x(\d+)/.exec(text);
else {
// w/h for the index image (will slip through the w/h filter, no choice)
var style = el.find('img').attr('style')
m2 = /height:\s+(\d+)px;\s+width:\s+(\d+)px/.exec(style); // 'height: 125px; width: 83px;'
var entry = {
file: m[1] + '.' + m[2],
base: m[1],
url: imgUrl,
ext: m[2].toLowerCase(),
width: m3 ? m3[1] : Number(m2[2]),
height: m3 ? m3[2] : Number(m2[1])
var skip =
(argv.r && (entry.width < minWidth || entry.height < minHeight))
|| (argv.n && entry.ext === 'gif')
|| (argv.g && entry.ext !== 'gif');
if(!skip) {
ret.index[entry.file] = entry;
cb(null, ret);
function tcb(err, msg) {
if(err) {
console.log(err.stack || err);
else {
if(err) {
console.log(err.stack || err);
else {
getPics(url, _x(tcb, true, function(err, ret) {
function getThread(url, cb) { // cb(err, msg)
getPics(url, _x(cb, true, function(err, ret) {
downloadPics(ret, _x(tcb, true, function(err) {
tcb(null, 'Thread snapshot downloaded, exiting.');
console.log("Initial download finished, \"I am monitoring this thread\" for new items now.");
setInterval(_x(tcb, false, function() {
getPics(url, _x(tcb, true, function(err, ret) {
downloadPics(ret, _x(tcb, true, function(err) {
}), 60000);
downloadPics(ret, _x(cb, true, function(err) {
return cb(null, 'Thread snapshot downloaded, exiting.');
console.log("Initial download finished, \"I am monitoring this thread\" for new items now.");
setInterval(_x(cb, false, function() {
getPics(url, _x(cb, true, function(err, ret) {
downloadPics(ret, _x(cb, true, function(err) {
}), 60000);
function fileExists(file) {
try {
return fs.statSync(file).isFile();
catch(e) {
return false;
try {
return fs.statSync(file).isFile();
catch(e) {
return false;
function dirExists(file) {
try {
return fs.statSync(file).isDirectory();
catch(e) {
return false;
try {
return fs.statSync(file).isDirectory();
catch(e) {
return false;
function getFilenameFromEntry(entry) {
if(argv.m) {
if(entry.width < entry.height)
return portraitDir + '/' + entry.file;
return landscapeDir + '/' + entry.file;
else {
return basedir + '/' + entry.file;
if(argv.m) {
if(entry.width < entry.height)
return portraitDir + '/' + entry.file;
return landscapeDir + '/' + entry.file;
else {
return basedir + '/' + entry.file;
function downloadPics(ret, cb) {
if(current) {
_.each(current.order, function(entry) {
if(!ret.index[entry.file]) {
// previous entry disappeared from the thread, so delete the file
var fname = getFilenameFromEntry(entry);
console.log('Deleting ' + fname);
current = ret;
var funcs = [];
_.each(ret.order, function(entry) {
var fname = getFilenameFromEntry(entry);
funcs.push(function(cb) {
var opts = {
url: entry.url,
encoding: null
request(opts, _x(cb, true, function(err, res, body) {
if(res.statusCode == 404) {
console.log('Cannot load (status ' + res.statusCode + '): ' + entry.url);
else if(res.statusCode != 200) {
cb('Cannot load (status ' + res.statusCode + '): ' + entry.url);
else {
fs.writeFile(fname, body, null, _x(cb, true, function(err) {
async.series(funcs, cb);
if(current && !argv.f) {
_.each(current.order, function(entry) {
if(!ret.index[entry.file]) {
// previous entry disappeared from the thread, so delete the file
var fname = getFilenameFromEntry(entry);
console.log('Deleting ' + fname);
current = ret;
var funcs = [];
_.each(ret.order, function(entry) {
var fname = getFilenameFromEntry(entry);
funcs.push(function(cb) {
var opts = {
url: entry.url,
encoding: null
request(opts, _x(cb, true, function(err, res, body) {
if(res.statusCode == 404) {
console.log('Cannot load (status ' + res.statusCode + '): ' + entry.url);
else if(res.statusCode != 200) {
cb('Cannot load (status ' + res.statusCode + '): ' + entry.url);
else {
fs.writeFile(fname, body, null, _x(cb, true, function(err) {
async.series(funcs, cb);

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ {

"keywords": [ "4chan", "picture", "downloader", "utility", "command line" ],
"version": "0.0.3",
"version": "0.0.4",
"homepage": "",

@@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ "repository": {

"utilz": "*",
"async-mini": "*"
"async-mini": "*",
"cheerio": "*"

@@ -31,0 +32,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ # 4chan picture downloader

4chan is an anonymous board and from time to time, on some of its forums (e.g. `/b/`), users upload illegal content, downloading of which may implicate you in a criminal investigation. Moderators of 4chan are promptly deleting such content from the forum, but when you download images in bulk, it may happen that this illegal content ends up on your harddrive.
When the 4chan downloader tool, while checking for thread updates, registers that an image was deleted from the thread, it will attempt to delete it from your harddrive. This will of course not happen if you quit the tool prematurely using Ctrl+C.
When the 4chan downloader tool, while checking for thread updates, registers that an image was deleted from the thread, it will attempt to delete it from your harddrive. This will of course not happen if you quit the tool prematurely using Ctrl+C. This feature is also not active in the "forum" mode.
On the unsafe forums, the safest way is to inspect the thread before you run the downloading tool, and only running the tool with the one-shot switch (`-s`).

@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@

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