Advanced tools
[0.3.7] - 2022-02-09
is automatically added into the cc-settings
cookie for users that accepts/rejects consent before the plugin update.Changelog
[0.3.6] - 2022-02-07
Show the modal again if storage is denied
for each storage in the GTM template. The settings modal can be opened again after the specified number of days if the storage is denied.Changelog
[0.3.5] - 2022-01-08
How the GTM integration works
in READMEHow to update already published container
in READMEdocument.DOMContentLoaded
instead of window.load
[0.3.4] - 2022-01-05
for an event init
. Callbacks for the event now have no arguments now, please use directly CookieConsentWrapper
inside a callback function.Changelog
[0.3.3] - 2022-01-05
ISO 639-1
language code and an ISO 3166-1
country code e.g. en-US
[0.3.2] - 2022-01-03
Accessing the wrapper in the JavaScript
in the READMECookies options
in the READMEEnable cookies auto-clear
in GTM template under the section Cookies options
.Cookies auto-clear strategy
in GTM template under the section Cookies options
.Cookie names
in GTM template under the section Cookies options
is created before the real wrapper is created by an external script. This allows attaching events through the method CookieConsentWrapper.on()
before the script is downloaded by a browser.Cookie name
and Cookie expiration
under the new section Cookies options
.Settings modal trigger selector
under the section Settings modal options