Vue Modal is a component that adhere's to the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative and provides and easy way to impliment a modal.
If you do not have yarn
you can download it here.
Instructions for global registration
yarn add @160over90/vue-wai-modal
Include in main.js (app entry point)
import VueWaiModal from '@160over90/vue-wai-modal';
Instructions for editing this package
yarn install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn run serve
An simple example of implimenting the modal.
<div id="app">
<ModalButton :controls="'example-modal'">
Open button
:transitionProps="{ name: 'fade' }"
v-text="'Modal Content'"
<ModalButton :controls="'example-modal'">
Close button
--- Modal Backdrop Component ---
id (String, Required)
The ID that matches the button to the modal Backdrop
transition (String, Default: 'transition')
Links to a transition component
transitionProps (Object, Default: () => ({}))
Links to the name of the transition
:transitionProps="{ name: 'fade' }"
.fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity 0.5s ease;
.fade-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
initiallyOpen (Boolean, Default: false)
Page loads with modal already open
mode (String, Default: 'show', validate(value))
Checks for a v-if, v-show
closedFocus ([HTMLElement, String], Default: undefined)
--- Modal Backdrop Dialog ---
ariaLabel (String, Default: null)
Used to define a string that labels the current element in cases where text is not visible on the screen
ariaLabelledby (String, Default: null)
Establishes relationships between objects and their labels for assistive technology, such as screen readers
--- Modal Button ---
controls (String, Required)
Links to the Backdrop ID (must be the same)