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@20minutes/hela - npm Package Compare versions

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import React from 'react';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -10,4 +11,28 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const BasicPaveATF: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Ad").AdProps>;
export declare const WithPlaceholder: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Ad").AdProps>;
export declare const FullScreenMobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Ad").AdProps>;
export declare const BasicPaveATF: {
args: {
adUnitCompletePath: string;
export declare const WithPlaceholder: {
args: {
adUnitCompletePath: string;
variant: string;
adMention: boolean;
export declare const FullScreenMobile: {
args: {
adUnitCompletePath: string;
variant: string;
adMention: boolean;
isfullscreenMobile: boolean;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
args: {

@@ -11,9 +10,65 @@ description: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Success: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
export declare const Warning: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
export declare const Error: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
export declare const Info: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
export declare const SuccessFill: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
export declare const ErrorFill: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
export declare const WarningFill: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
export declare const SuccessWithIcon: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Alert").AlertProps>;
export declare const Success: {
args: {
title: string;
variant: string;
export declare const Warning: {
args: {
title: string;
variant: string;
export declare const Error: {
args: {
title: string;
variant: string;
export declare const Info: {
args: {
title: string;
description: string;
variant: string;
withCloseButton: boolean;
closeButtonProps: {
onClick: () => void;
export declare const SuccessFill: {
args: {
title: string;
variant: string;
description: string;
fill: boolean;
export declare const ErrorFill: {
args: {
title: string;
variant: string;
fill: boolean;
export declare const WarningFill: {
args: {
title: string;
variant: string;
fill: boolean;
export declare const SuccessWithIcon: {
args: {
title: string;
variant: string;
description: string;
fill: boolean;
iconProps: {
name: string;
size: number;
color: string;



@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Avatar").AvatarProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Avatar").AvatarProps>;
args: {

@@ -11,4 +10,12 @@ img: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Avatar").AvatarProps>;
export declare const WithoutImage: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Avatar").AvatarProps>;
export declare const WithUnsquareImage: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Avatar").AvatarProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithoutImage: {
args: {
img: string;
export declare const WithUnsquareImage: {
args: {
img: string;

@@ -7,4 +7,28 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Primary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Checkbox").CheckboxProps>;
export declare const Error: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Checkbox").CheckboxProps>;
export declare const Success: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Checkbox").CheckboxProps>;
export declare const Primary: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Checkbox").CheckboxProps>;
args: {
id: string;
label: string;
export declare const Error: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Checkbox").CheckboxProps>;
args: {
id: string;
label: string;
required: boolean;
variant: string;
variantLabel: string;
export declare const Success: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Checkbox").CheckboxProps>;
args: {
id: string;
label: string;
required: boolean;
variant: string;
variantLabel: string;

@@ -1,10 +0,21 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import('../..').DiodeRubricIconProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import('../..').DiodeRubricIconProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').DiodeRubricIconProps>;
export declare const WithRubricColorSport: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').DiodeRubricIconProps>;
export declare const WithRubricColorEntertainment: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').DiodeRubricIconProps>;
export declare const WithRubricColorPlanet: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').DiodeRubricIconProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithRubricColorSport: {
args: {
rubricColor: string;
export declare const WithRubricColorEntertainment: {
args: {
rubricColor: string;
export declare const WithRubricColorPlanet: {
args: {
rubricColor: string;

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -35,21 +34,23 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | keyof import("./Divider").DividerOptions> & import("./Divider").DividerOptions & import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | keyof import("./Divider").DividerOptions> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const WithUtilities: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | keyof import("./Divider").DividerOptions> & import("./Divider").DividerOptions & import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | keyof import("./Divider").DividerOptions> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const GreyWithText: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | keyof import("./Divider").DividerOptions> & import("./Divider").DividerOptions & import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | keyof import("./Divider").DividerOptions> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Thick: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | keyof import("./Divider").DividerOptions> & import("./Divider").DividerOptions & import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | keyof import("./Divider").DividerOptions> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithUtilities: {
args: {
color: string;
mt: string;
mx: {
xs: string;
md: string;
export declare const GreyWithText: {
args: {
text: string;
color: string;
export declare const Thick: {
args: {
thickness: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import('.').DividerSectionProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import('.').DividerSectionProps>;
args: {

@@ -53,7 +52,32 @@ hasDiode: boolean;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('.').DividerSectionProps>;
export declare const HasBigDiode: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('.').DividerSectionProps>;
export declare const HasThemeColor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('.').DividerSectionProps>;
export declare const HasDiodeShift: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('.').DividerSectionProps>;
export declare const HasMaxWidth: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('.').DividerSectionProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('.').DividerSectionProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const HasBigDiode: {
args: {
diodeSize: string;
export declare const HasThemeColor: {
args: {
bg: string;
export declare const HasDiodeShift: {
args: {
diodeShift: string;
export declare const HasMaxWidth: {
args: {
hasMaxWidth: boolean;
export declare const Mobile: {
args: {
diodeShift: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;

@@ -35,16 +35,28 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & import("./DividerVertical").DividerVerticalOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const WithUtilities: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & import("./DividerVertical").DividerVerticalOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Thick: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & import("./DividerVertical").DividerVerticalOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & import("./DividerVertical").DividerVerticalOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const WithUtilities: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & import("./DividerVertical").DividerVerticalOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
args: {
color: string;
export declare const Thick: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & import("./DividerVertical").DividerVerticalOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "thickness"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
args: {
thickness: string;

@@ -1,7 +0,10 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Embed").EmbedProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Embed").EmbedProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Embed").EmbedProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
html: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import { type IconProps } from './Icon';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: import("../../..").ComponentWithAs<"div", IconProps>;
component: import("../../..").ComponentWithAs<"div", import("./Icon").IconProps>;
args: {

@@ -41,6 +40,33 @@ name: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, IconProps>;
export declare const WithBorder: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, IconProps>;
export declare const WithBgColor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, IconProps>;
export declare const Rounded: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, IconProps>;
export declare const Circle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, IconProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithBorder: {
args: {
name: string;
size: number;
withBorder: boolean;
svgTitle: string;
export declare const WithBgColor: {
args: {
size: number;
p: string;
bg: string;
color: string;
export declare const Rounded: {
args: {
name: string;
size: number;
isRounded: boolean;
withBorder: boolean;
export declare const Circle: {
args: {
name: string;
size: number;
bg: string;
import React from 'react';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -7,5 +8,31 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Img").ImgProps>;
export declare const Responsive: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Img").ImgProps>;
export declare const ResponsiveWithMaxWidth: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Img").ImgProps>;
export declare const Placeholder: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Img").ImgProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
src: string;
defaultFormat: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const Responsive: {
args: {
src: string;
defaultFormat: string;
formats: string[];
export declare const ResponsiveWithMaxWidth: {
args: {
src: string;
defaultFormat: string;
formats: string[];
sizes: string;
export declare const Placeholder: {
args: {
src: string;
defaultFormat: string;
alt: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("..").TextProps<"p" | "span">>;
component: import("react").FC<import("..").TextProps<"p" | "span">>;
args: {

@@ -39,4 +38,2 @@ as: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("..").TextOptions & import("../../..").TypographySystemProps & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"p" | "span">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string>>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -10,13 +10,143 @@ import { type InputProps } from './Input';

export default _default;
export declare const Primary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithLabel: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithIconLeft: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithIconRight: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithIconButton: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithError: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithSuccess: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithMsgDefault: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithMsgSuccess: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithMsgError: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithMultiMsg: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const WithTypeDate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, InputProps>;
export declare const Primary: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
export declare const WithLabel: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
id: string;
placeholder: string;
type: string;
label: string;
required: boolean;
export declare const WithIconLeft: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
icon: string;
positionIcon: string;
export declare const WithIconRight: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
icon: string;
positionIcon: string;
export declare const WithIconButton: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
icon: string;
positionIcon: string;
isIconButton: boolean;
export declare const WithError: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
variant: string;
export declare const WithSuccess: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
variant: string;
export declare const WithMsgDefault: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
msg: {
value: string;
textProps: {
size: string;
color: string;
export declare const WithMsgSuccess: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
msg: {
value: string;
textProps: {
size: string;
color: string;
export declare const WithMsgError: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
msg: {
value: string;
textProps: {
size: string;
color: string;
export declare const WithMultiMsg: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
placeholder: string;
type: string;
msg: ({
value: string;
textProps: {
size: string;
color: string;
iconProps: {
name: string;
bg: string;
size: number;
color?: undefined;
} | {
value: string;
textProps: {
size: string;
color: string;
iconProps: {
name: string;
color: string;
size: number;
bg?: undefined;
export declare const WithTypeDate: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, InputProps>;
args: {
type: string;
label: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Label").LabelProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Label").LabelProps>;
args: {

@@ -48,4 +47,22 @@ children: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Label").LabelProps>;
export declare const HasBackground: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Label").LabelProps>;
export declare const HasDot: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Label").LabelProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
color: string;
size: string;
export declare const HasBackground: {
args: {
children: string;
bg: string;
color: string;
export declare const HasDot: {
args: {
children: string;
bg: string;
color: string;
hasDot: boolean;

@@ -10,2 +10,2 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LabelSection").LabelSectionProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -36,6 +35,2 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps> & import("../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -51,6 +51,2 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps> & import("../../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps & import("../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {};
import React from 'react';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../../..").FlexBoxItemSystemProps> & import("../../../../..").FlexBoxItemSystemProps & import("../../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("../../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../../..").FlexBoxItemSystemProps> & import("../../../../..").FlexBoxItemSystemProps & import("../../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../../..").As<any> | undefined;

@@ -8,6 +8,2 @@ } & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../../..").FlexBoxItemSystemProps> & {

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../../..").FlexBoxItemSystemProps> & import("../../../../..").FlexBoxItemSystemProps & import("../../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../../..").FlexBoxItemSystemProps> & {
as?: import("../../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {};
import React from 'react';
import { type BoxProps } from '../../..';
import type { FlexOrGridBoxSystemProps, TypeWithMediaQueriesType } from '../../../../types';
export declare const colsNumberGridList: readonly [2, 3, 4, 6, 12, "2-of-3"];
export declare const colsNumberGridList: readonly [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, "2-of-3"];
export type ColsNumberGridType = (typeof colsNumberGridList)[number];

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ export interface GridProps extends BoxProps, FlexOrGridBoxSystemProps {

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ import React from 'react';

colsNumber: {
options: readonly [2, 3, 4, 6, 12, "2-of-3"];
options: readonly [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, "2-of-3"];
description: string;

@@ -41,2 +41,2 @@ };

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').GridProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -30,16 +29,31 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Default: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, HTMLAnchorElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "type" | "size" | keyof import("..").ButtonOptions | keyof import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps | keyof import("../../..").ColorSystemProps | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps & import("../../..").SizeSystemProps & Pick<import("../../..").ColorSystemProps, "color"> & import("..").ButtonOptions & import("../../..").ColorSystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"a">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "type" | "size" | keyof import("..").ButtonOptions | keyof import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps | keyof import("../../..").ColorSystemProps | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Colored: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, HTMLAnchorElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "type" | "size" | keyof import("..").ButtonOptions | keyof import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps | keyof import("../../..").ColorSystemProps | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps & import("../../..").SizeSystemProps & Pick<import("../../..").ColorSystemProps, "color"> & import("..").ButtonOptions & import("../../..").ColorSystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"a">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "type" | "size" | keyof import("..").ButtonOptions | keyof import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps | keyof import("../../..").ColorSystemProps | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Button: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, HTMLAnchorElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "type" | "size" | keyof import("..").ButtonOptions | keyof import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps | keyof import("../../..").ColorSystemProps | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps & import("../../..").SizeSystemProps & Pick<import("../../..").ColorSystemProps, "color"> & import("..").ButtonOptions & import("../../..").ColorSystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"a">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "type" | "size" | keyof import("..").ButtonOptions | keyof import("../../..").SpacingSystemProps | keyof import("../../..").ColorSystemProps | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Default: {
args: {
color: string;
parameters: {
controls: {
exclude: string[];
export declare const Colored: {
args: {
color: string;
parameters: {
controls: {
exclude: string[];
export declare const Button: {
args: {
variant: string;
parameters: {
controls: {
exclude: string[];

@@ -11,2 +11,12 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Default: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ModalProps>;
export declare const Default: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ModalProps>;
parameters: {
docs: {
source: {
type: string;
code: string;

@@ -1,9 +0,6 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Overlay").OverlayProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Overlay").OverlayProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string>>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -7,2 +7,4 @@ import { Pipe } from './Pipe';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, unknown>;
export declare const Overview: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, unknown>;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Rating").RatingProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Rating").RatingProps>;
args: {

@@ -10,2 +9,4 @@ rating: number;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Rating").RatingProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {};

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./ReadAlso").ReadAlsoProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./ReadAlso").ReadAlsoProps>;
args: {

@@ -31,2 +30,2 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ReadAlso").ReadAlsoProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -18,10 +18,16 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const ProgressEndsAtTags: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
export declare const ProgressEndsAtArticleBottom: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
export declare const ProgressFullWindow: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
export declare const ProgressEndsAtTags: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
export declare const ProgressEndsAtArticleBottom: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
export declare const ProgressFullWindow: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, keyof import('../..').ScrollProgressBarProps> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Section").SectionProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Section").SectionProps>;
args: {

@@ -10,2 +9,2 @@ children: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Section").SectionProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -8,6 +7,12 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.SelectHTMLAttributes<HTMLSelectElement>, HTMLSelectElement>, "form" | "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "disabled" | "name" | "value" | "size" | "required" | "autoComplete" | "multiple" | keyof import("./Select").SelectOptions> & import("./Select").SelectOptions & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"select">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "form" | "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "disabled" | "name" | "value" | "size" | "required" | "autoComplete" | "multiple" | keyof import("./Select").SelectOptions> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
id: string;
placeholder: string;
label: string;
options: {
value: string;
title: string;

@@ -1,7 +0,6 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Skeleton").SkeletonProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Skeleton").SkeletonProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Primary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Skeleton").SkeletonProps>;
export declare const Primary: {};

@@ -14,11 +14,20 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import('../../../types').SystemProps | keyof import('../..').SliderOptions> & import('../..').SliderOptions & import('../../../types').SystemProps & Omit<import('../../../types').PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import('../../../types').SystemProps | keyof import('../..').SliderOptions> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Auto: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import('../../../types').SystemProps | keyof import('../..').SliderOptions> & import('../..').SliderOptions & import('../../../types').SystemProps & Omit<import('../../../types').PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import('../../../types').SystemProps | keyof import('../..').SliderOptions> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import('../../../types').SystemProps | keyof import('../..').SliderOptions> & import('../..').SliderOptions & import('../../../types').SystemProps & Omit<import('../../../types').PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import('../../../types').SystemProps | keyof import('../..').SliderOptions> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
args: {};
export declare const Auto: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import('../../../types').SystemProps | keyof import('../..').SliderOptions> & import('../..').SliderOptions & import('../../../types').SystemProps & Omit<import('../../../types').PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import('../../../types').OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import('../../../types').SystemProps | keyof import('../..').SliderOptions> & {
as?: import('../../../types').As<any> | undefined;
args: {
auto: boolean;
delay: number;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Stepper").StepperProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Stepper").StepperProps>;
args: {

@@ -30,2 +29,2 @@ items: {

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Stepper").StepperProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Switch").SwitchProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Switch").SwitchProps>;
args: {

@@ -11,10 +10,16 @@ id: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Switch").SwitchOptions & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"input">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const LabelAfter: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Switch").SwitchOptions & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"input">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const LabelWithIcon: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Switch").SwitchOptions & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"input">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const LabelAfter: {
args: {
labelPosition: string;
label: string;
export declare const LabelWithIcon: {
args: {
label: string;
icon: {
name: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Tab").TabProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Tab").TabProps>;
args: {

@@ -12,6 +11,37 @@ variant: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Default: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Tab").TabProps>;
export declare const DefaultIsSelected: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Tab").TabProps>;
export declare const LiveIsSelected: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Tab").TabProps>;
export declare const Secondary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Tab").TabProps>;
export declare const SecondaryIsSelected: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Tab").TabProps>;
export declare const Default: {
args: {
name: string;
children: string;
export declare const DefaultIsSelected: {
args: {
isSelected: boolean;
name: string;
children: string;
export declare const LiveIsSelected: {
args: {
name: string;
children: string;
isSelected: boolean;
isLive: boolean;
export declare const Secondary: {
args: {
variant: string;
name: string;
children: string;
export declare const SecondaryIsSelected: {
args: {
isSelected: boolean;
variant: string;
name: string;
children: string;

@@ -1,7 +0,12 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./TabPanel").TabPanelProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./TabPanel").TabPanelProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./TabPanel").TabPanelProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
name: string;
children: string;
isHidden: boolean;

@@ -37,21 +37,33 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Primary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "variant" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "type" | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & import('../..').TagOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"a">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "variant" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "type" | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Secondary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "variant" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "type" | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & import('../..').TagOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"a">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "variant" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "type" | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Breadcrumb: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "variant" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "type" | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & import('../..').TagOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"a">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "variant" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "type" | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const WithIcon: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "variant" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "type" | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & import('../..').TagOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"a">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | "variant" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | "type" | "referrerPolicy" | "download" | "href" | "hrefLang" | "media" | "ping" | "target"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Primary: {
args: {
id: string;
color: string;
children: string;
href: string;
export declare const Secondary: {
args: {
id: string;
variant: string;
color: string;
parameters: {
backgrounds: {
default: string;
export declare const Breadcrumb: {
args: {
id: string;
variant: string;
export declare const WithIcon: {
args: {
variant: string;
children: React.JSX.Element;

@@ -10,3 +10,11 @@ import { type TextareaProps } from './Textarea';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, TextareaProps>;
export declare const WithLabel: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, TextareaProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, TextareaProps>;
export declare const WithLabel: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, TextareaProps>;
args: {
id: string;
label: string;

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -36,6 +35,2 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | "size" | keyof import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps> & import("./Heading").HeadingOptions & import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps & import("../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../..").PropsOf<"h1">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | "size" | keyof import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -36,11 +35,8 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLParagraphElement>, HTMLParagraphElement> | React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>, HTMLSpanElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps | keyof import("./Text").TextOptions> & import("./Text").TextOptions & import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps & import("../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../..").PropsOf<"p" | "span">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps | keyof import("./Text").TextOptions> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const TextHighlighted: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLParagraphElement>, HTMLParagraphElement> | React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>, HTMLSpanElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps | keyof import("./Text").TextOptions> & import("./Text").TextOptions & import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps & import("../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../..").PropsOf<"p" | "span">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../..").TypographySystemProps | keyof import("./Text").TextOptions> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const TextHighlighted: {
args: {
highlighted: boolean;
children: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./AlertInfoBanner").AlertInfoBannerProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./AlertInfoBanner").AlertInfoBannerProps>;
args: {

@@ -10,2 +9,14 @@ variant: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./AlertInfoBanner").AlertInfoBannerProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
title: string;
description: string;
cover: string;
link: {
href: string;
closeButton: {
onClick: import("@storybook/addon-actions").HandlerFunction;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./ArticleBrandBanner").ArticleBrandBannerProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./ArticleBrandBanner").ArticleBrandBannerProps>;
args: {

@@ -42,2 +41,2 @@ children: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ArticleBrandBanner").ArticleBrandBannerProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,6 +0,5 @@

import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../../types';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import('../../..').ArticleHeaderProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import('../../..').ArticleHeaderProps>;
args: {

@@ -34,5 +33,35 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').ArticleHeaderProps>;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').ArticleHeaderProps>;
export declare const Sport: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').ArticleHeaderProps>;
export declare const WithSponsor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').ArticleHeaderProps>;
export declare const Mobile: {
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const Desktop: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const Sport: {
args: {
title: string;
label: string;
lead: string;
color: string;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const WithSponsor: {
args: {
title: string;
label: string;
lead: string;
color: string;
sponsor: {
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
layout: LayoutType;

@@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').ArticleSummaryProps>;
export declare const WithRubricColor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').ArticleSummaryProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithRubricColor: {
args: {
rubricColor: string;

@@ -1,7 +0,11 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./ArticleVideo").ArticleVideoProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./ArticleVideo").ArticleVideoProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ArticleVideo").ArticleVideoProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
html: string;
caption: string;
import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../../types';
import { MediaSourceType } from '../../../../types/MediaSourceType';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -38,6 +39,38 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Media").MediaProps>;
export declare const PlaceholderWithCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Media").MediaProps>;
export declare const PlaceholderWithVideo: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Media").MediaProps>;
export declare const PlaceholderWithVideo16By9: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Media").MediaProps>;
export declare const PlaceholderWithPodcast: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Media").MediaProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
src: string;
export declare const PlaceholderWithCaption: {
args: {
src: string;
caption: string;
source: string;
credits: string;
export declare const PlaceholderWithVideo: {
args: {
src: string;
caption: string;
type: MediaSourceType;
export declare const PlaceholderWithVideo16By9: {
args: {
videoIs16by9: boolean;
src: string;
caption: string;
type: MediaSourceType;
export declare const PlaceholderWithPodcast: {
args: {
src: string;
caption: string;
type: MediaSourceType;
title: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./AvatarGroup").AvatarGroupProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./AvatarGroup").AvatarGroupProps>;
argTypes: {

@@ -27,3 +26,20 @@ m?: import("@storybook/csf").InputType | undefined;

export default _default;
export declare const WithOneAvatar: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./AvatarGroup").AvatarGroupProps>;
export declare const WithMultipleAvatar: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./AvatarGroup").AvatarGroupProps>;
export declare const WithOneAvatar: {
args: {
avatars: {
title: string;
path: string;
export declare const WithMultipleAvatar: {
args: {
avatars: ({
title: string;
path: string;
} | {
title: string;
path?: undefined;
import React from 'react';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -53,9 +54,77 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').BlockDiodeProps>;
export declare const HasBigDiode: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').BlockDiodeProps>;
export declare const HasDiodeShift: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').BlockDiodeProps>;
export declare const HasThemeColor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').BlockDiodeProps>;
export declare const HasMaxWidth: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').BlockDiodeProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').BlockDiodeProps>;
export declare const HasCarousel: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').BlockDiodeProps>;
export declare const HasCarouselMobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').BlockDiodeProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
children: string;
p: string;
pt: string;
export declare const HasBigDiode: {
args: {
diodeSize: string;
children: string;
p: string;
pt: string;
export declare const HasDiodeShift: {
args: {
diodeShift: string;
children: string;
p: string;
pt: string;
export declare const HasThemeColor: {
args: {
bg: string;
children: string;
p: string;
pt: string;
export declare const HasMaxWidth: {
args: {
px: string;
children: string;
p: string;
pt: string;
hasMaxWidth: boolean;
export declare const Mobile: {
args: {
children: string;
p: string;
pt: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const HasCarousel: {
args: {
diodeSize: string;
hasMaxWidth: boolean;
py: string;
children: React.JSX.Element;
export declare const HasCarouselMobile: {
args: {
py: string;
diodeShift: string;
children: React.JSX.Element;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];

@@ -49,8 +49,98 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
export declare const RubricLimitMax: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
export declare const Color: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
export declare const Long: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
export declare const RubricLimitMaxVeryLong: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
export declare const VeryLong: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
args: {
rubrics: {
label: string;
link: string;
tags: {
label: string;
export declare const RubricLimitMax: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
args: {
rubrics: {
label: string;
link: string;
tags: {
label: string;
export declare const Color: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
args: {
rubrics: {
label: string;
link: string;
tags: {
label: string;
color: string;
export declare const Long: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
args: {
rubrics: {
label: string;
link: string;
tags: {
label: string;
color: string;
export declare const RubricLimitMaxVeryLong: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
args: {
rubrics: {
label: string;
link: string;
tags: {
label: string;
color: string;
export declare const VeryLong: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
args: {
rubrics: {
label: string;
link: string;
tags: {
label: string;
color: string;
export declare const Mobile: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Breadcrumb").BreadcrumbProps>;
args: {
ml: string;
layout: LayoutType;
rubrics: {
label: string;
link: string;
tags: {
label: string;
color: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./BulletedList").BulletedListProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./BulletedList").BulletedListProps>;
args: {

@@ -41,5 +40,48 @@ heading: {

export default _default;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./BulletedList").BulletedListProps>;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./BulletedList").BulletedListProps>;
export declare const Expendable: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./BulletedList").BulletedListProps>;
export declare const ExpendableWithLink: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./BulletedList").BulletedListProps>;
export declare const Mobile: {
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const Desktop: {};
export declare const Expendable: {
args: {
heading: {
children: string;
textAlign: {
xs: string;
md: string;
columnsNumber: {
xs: number;
md: number;
items: {
name: string;
href: string;
visibleItems: number;
export declare const ExpendableWithLink: {
args: {
heading: {
size: string;
children: string;
columnsNumber: number;
items: {
name: string;
href: string;
visibleItems: number;
maxItems: number;
link: {
children: string;
href: string;

@@ -1,8 +0,3 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | "clickable"> & import('../../..').CardContainerOptions & import("../../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps & import("../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "title" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("../../../..").FlexBoxSystemProps | "clickable"> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,4 +0,8 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardFooter").CardFooterProps>;
export declare const WithSecondaryText: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardFooter").CardFooterProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithSecondaryText: {
args: {
secondaryText: string;

@@ -1,7 +0,32 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardHeader").CardHeaderProps>;
export declare const RubricTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardHeader").CardHeaderProps>;
export declare const LiveTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardHeader").CardHeaderProps>;
export declare const HasPlace: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardHeader").CardHeaderProps>;
export declare const HeadlineIsLowercase: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardHeader").CardHeaderProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const RubricTemplate: {
args: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
rightSubheader: {
text: string;
export declare const LiveTemplate: {
args: {
liveTime: string;
export declare const HasPlace: {
args: {
location: string;
export declare const HeadlineIsLowercase: {
args: {
headline: {
text: string;
isUppercase: boolean;

@@ -1,7 +0,53 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
import React from 'react';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardImage").CardImageProps>;
export declare const WithBigCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardImage").CardImageProps>;
export declare const WithMediumCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardImage").CardImageProps>;
export declare const WithSmallCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardImage").CardImageProps>;
export declare const SmallRound: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardImage").CardImageProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
cover: string;
defaultFormat: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const WithBigCaption: {
args: {
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
cover: string;
defaultFormat: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const WithMediumCaption: {
args: {
caption: {
size: string;
iconName: string;
cover: string;
defaultFormat: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const WithSmallCaption: {
args: {
caption: {
size: string;
iconName: string;
text: string;
cover: string;
defaultFormat: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const SmallRound: {
args: {
defaultFormat: string;
radius: string;
cover: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];

@@ -1,6 +0,24 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardTitle").CardTitleProps>;
export declare const LongTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardTitle").CardTitleProps>;
export declare const BigTitleWithCartridge: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardTitle").CardTitleProps>;
export declare const SmallTitleWithCartridge: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardTitle").CardTitleProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const LongTitle: {
args: {
children: string;
export declare const BigTitleWithCartridge: {
args: {
children: string;
cartridge: string;
export declare const SmallTitleWithCartridge: {
args: {
children: string;
size: string;
fontFamily: string;
weight: string;
cartridge: string;
cartridgeIsCentered: boolean;
import React from 'react';
import { type CardHeaderProps, type SocialBarProps } from '../../../..';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../../../types';

@@ -46,14 +47,153 @@ declare const _default: {

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const RubricTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const LiveTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const WithImageCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const PublicommuniqueOrNative: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const Magazine: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const Production: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const WithCustomTitleSize: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const Job: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const IntoDarkBlock: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const VideoMobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const RubricTemplate: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
rightSubheader: {
text: string;
socialBarProps: {
commentCount: number;
shareCount: number;
saveContentId: string;
export declare const LiveTemplate: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
liveTime: string;
export declare const WithImageCaption: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: {
args: {
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
export declare const PublicommuniqueOrNative: {
args: {
title: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardFooterProps: {
text: string;
secondaryText: string;
bg: string;
export declare const Magazine: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardFooterProps: {
text: string;
export declare const Production: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardFooterProps: {
text: string;
bg: string;
export declare const WithCustomTitleSize: {
args: {
cardTitleProps: {
size: string;
export declare const Mobile: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const Job: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
export declare const IntoDarkBlock: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../../..').CardExtraSmallProps>;
args: {
socialBarProps: SocialBarProps;
cardHeaderProps: CardHeaderProps;
title: string;
export declare const VideoMobile: {
args: {
cardHeaderProps: undefined;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
reverseCard: boolean;
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;

@@ -1,6 +0,5 @@

import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../../../types';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./CardLarge").CardLargeProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./CardLarge").CardLargeProps>;
args: {

@@ -61,6 +60,62 @@ link: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardLarge").CardLargeProps>;
export declare const RubricTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardLarge").CardLargeProps>;
export declare const WithImageCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardLarge").CardLargeProps>;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardLarge").CardLargeProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardLarge").CardLargeProps>;
export declare const Desktop: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const RubricTemplate: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
layout: LayoutType;
summaryProps: {
children: string;
export declare const WithImageCaption: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
export declare const Mobile: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
summaryProps: {
children: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;

@@ -1,13 +0,160 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
import React from 'react';
import { type CardHeaderProps, type SocialBarProps } from '../../../..';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const RubricTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const WithImageCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const WithPlaceInHeader: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const PublicommuniqueOrNative: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const Magazine: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const Production: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const Job: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const Video: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const IntoDarkBlock: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const RubricTemplate: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
rightSubheader: {
text: string;
socialBarProps: {
commentCount: number;
shareCount: number;
saveContentId: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const WithImageCaption: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: {
args: {
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const WithPlaceInHeader: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
location: string;
cardTitleProps: {
size: string;
weight: string;
fontFamily: string;
cardImageProps: undefined;
socialBarProps: {
commentCount: number;
shareCount: number;
saveContentId: string;
mt: undefined;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const PublicommuniqueOrNative: {
args: {
title: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardFooterProps: {
text: string;
secondaryText: string;
bg: string;
radius: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const Magazine: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardFooterProps: {
text: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const Production: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardFooterProps: {
text: string;
bg: string;
color: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const Job: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const Video: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: undefined;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const IntoDarkBlock: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../../..').CardMediumProps>;
args: {
socialBarProps: SocialBarProps;
cardHeaderProps: CardHeaderProps;
title: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];

@@ -1,6 +0,5 @@

import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../../../types';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./CardMostRead").CardMostReadProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./CardMostRead").CardMostReadProps>;
args: {

@@ -47,7 +46,64 @@ link: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Default: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardMostRead").CardMostReadProps>;
export declare const HasBigNumber: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardMostRead").CardMostReadProps>;
export declare const HasImageAndCount: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardMostRead").CardMostReadProps>;
export declare const HasImageAndCountMobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardMostRead").CardMostReadProps>;
export declare const HasImageCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardMostRead").CardMostReadProps>;
export declare const HasCartridgeInTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardMostRead").CardMostReadProps>;
export declare const Default: {};
export declare const HasBigNumber: {
args: {
cardNumber: {
value: number;
size: string;
export declare const HasImageAndCount: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardNumber: {
value: number;
size: string;
summaryProps: {
children: string;
viewCount: number;
export declare const HasImageAndCountMobile: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardNumber: {
value: number;
size: string;
summaryProps: {
children: string;
viewCount: number;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const HasImageCaption: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
export declare const HasCartridgeInTitle: {
args: {
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./CardOverview").CardOverviewProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./CardOverview").CardOverviewProps>;
args: {

@@ -44,4 +43,17 @@ link: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardOverview").CardOverviewProps>;
export declare const WithPlaceholder: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardOverview").CardOverviewProps>;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardOverview").CardOverviewProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithPlaceholder: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: {
args: {
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
maxRows: number;

@@ -1,12 +0,150 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
import { LayoutType } from '../../../../../types';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const WithoutImage: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const RubricTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const GamesTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const DesktopWithImageCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const WithCartridgeAndOswaldFont: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const MobileWithImageCaption: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const MobileGamesTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardSmall").CardSmallProps>;
export declare const Desktop: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const WithoutImage: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const RubricTemplate: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const GamesTemplate: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
cardTitleProps: {
color: string;
fontFamily: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
backgrounds: {
default: string;
export declare const DesktopWithImageCaption: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
lazyLoad: boolean;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const WithCartridgeAndOswaldFont: {
args: {
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
fontFamily: string;
size: string;
as: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const Mobile: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const MobileWithImageCaption: {
args: {
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
caption: {
iconName: string;
text: string;
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const MobileGamesTemplate: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
cardTitleProps: {
color: string;
fontFamily: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
parameters: {
backgrounds: {
default: string;
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./CardTiny").CardTinyProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./CardTiny").CardTinyProps>;
args: {

@@ -39,2 +38,2 @@ link: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardTiny").CardTinyProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../../../types';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./CardWithSummary").CardWithSummaryProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./CardWithSummary").CardWithSummaryProps>;
args: {

@@ -49,5 +49,63 @@ link: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardWithSummary").CardWithSummaryProps>;
export declare const RubricTemplate: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardWithSummary").CardWithSummaryProps>;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardWithSummary").CardWithSummaryProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CardWithSummary").CardWithSummaryProps>;
export declare const Desktop: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const RubricTemplate: {
args: {
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
liveTime: string;
layout: LayoutType;
summaryProps: {
children: string;
export declare const WithCartridgeInTitle: {
args: {
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
liveTime: string;
layout: LayoutType;
summaryProps: {
children: string;
export declare const Mobile: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
title: string;
cardHeaderProps: {
headline: {
text: string;
color: string;
liveTime: string;
summaryProps: {
children: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;

@@ -1,9 +0,111 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
import { type CardSmallProps } from '../..';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
export declare const FourArticles: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
export declare const EightArticles: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
export declare const WithGamesCards: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
export declare const WithGamesCardsMobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
export declare const MobileSponsored: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
export declare const Desktop: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
args: {
label: string;
layout: LayoutType;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
export declare const FourArticles: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
args: {
label: string;
rubricColor: string;
layout: LayoutType;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
export declare const EightArticles: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
args: {
label: string;
rubricColor: string;
layout: LayoutType;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
export declare const Mobile: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
args: {
ml: string;
layout: LayoutType;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
label: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
export declare const WithGamesCards: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
args: {
label: string;
labelLink: undefined;
headingProps: {
color: string;
size: string;
sliderProps: {
buttonsVariant: string;
sliderVariant: string;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
layout: LayoutType;
titleUnderlined: boolean;
parameters: {
backgrounds: {
default: string;
export declare const WithGamesCardsMobile: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
args: {
sliderProps: {
ml: string;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
titleAlignment: string;
layout: LayoutType;
label: string;
labelLink: undefined;
headingProps: {
color: string;
size: string;
titleUnderlined: boolean;
parameters: {
backgrounds: {
default: string;
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
export declare const MobileSponsored: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CarouselProps>;
args: {
isSponsored: boolean;
ml: string;
layout: LayoutType;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
label: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Citation").CitationProps>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Citation").CitationProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Citation").CitationProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -7,11 +7,34 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import('../..').CollapseOptions> & import('../..').CollapseOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import('../..').CollapseOptions> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const FAQ: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import('../..').CollapseOptions> & import('../..').CollapseOptions & import("../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "content" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../..").SystemProps | keyof import('../..').CollapseOptions> & {
as?: import("../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
title: string;
index: number;
isOpen: boolean;
children: string;
export declare const FAQ: {
args: {
title: string;
index: number;
isOpen: boolean;
contentWithBorder: boolean;
children: React.JSX.Element;
bg: string;
btnProps: {
py: string;
iconProps: {
color: string;
textProps: {
as: string;
size: {
xs: string;
md: string;
fontFamily: string;
m: string;

@@ -12,3 +12,19 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const DesktopComment: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CommentProps>;
export declare const MobileComment: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CommentProps>;
export declare const DesktopComment: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CommentProps>;
export declare const MobileComment: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CommentProps>;
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
sectionLabel: string;
contentTitle: string;
publicationDate: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;

@@ -11,2 +11,4 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Default: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').CommentButtonProps>;
export declare const Default: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').CommentButtonProps>;

@@ -1,6 +0,5 @@

import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./CommentCount").CommentCountProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./CommentCount").CommentCountProps>;
args: {

@@ -12,4 +11,19 @@ commentNumber: number;

export default _default;
export declare const DesktopCommentCount: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CommentCount").CommentCountProps>;
export declare const MoreZeroComment: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CommentCount").CommentCountProps>;
export declare const MobileCommentCount: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CommentCount").CommentCountProps>;
export declare const DesktopCommentCount: {};
export declare const MoreZeroComment: {
args: {
commentNumber: number;
export declare const MobileCommentCount: {
args: {
commentNumber: number;
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Countdown").CountdownProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Countdown").CountdownProps>;
args: {

@@ -10,3 +10,19 @@ id: string;

export default _default;
export declare const DesktopCountdown: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Countdown").CountdownProps>;
export declare const MobileCountdown: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Countdown").CountdownProps>;
export declare const DesktopCountdown: {
args: {
title: string;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const MobileCountdown: {
args: {
title: string;
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;

@@ -1,7 +0,11 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./CountdownItem").CountdownItemProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./CountdownItem").CountdownItemProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./CountdownItem").CountdownItemProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
title: string;
classItem: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./ErrorContent").ErrorContentProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./ErrorContent").ErrorContentProps>;
args: {

@@ -11,4 +10,14 @@ statusCode: string;

export default _default;
export declare const NotFound: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ErrorContent").ErrorContentProps>;
export declare const InternalServerError: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ErrorContent").ErrorContentProps>;
export declare const NotFoundMobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ErrorContent").ErrorContentProps>;
export declare const NotFound: {};
export declare const InternalServerError: {
args: {
statusCode: string;
export declare const NotFoundMobile: {
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./HeaderBanner").HeaderBannerProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./HeaderBanner").HeaderBannerProps>;
args: {

@@ -12,2 +11,4 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderBanner").HeaderBannerProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {};

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./HeaderEmbed").HeaderEmbedProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./HeaderEmbed").HeaderEmbedProps>;
args: {

@@ -49,2 +48,2 @@ heading: {

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderEmbed").HeaderEmbedProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -21,3 +21,11 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').HeaderMiniProps>;
export declare const ArticlePage: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').HeaderMiniProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../..').HeaderMiniProps>;
export declare const ArticlePage: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../..').HeaderMiniProps>;
args: {
isArticlePage: boolean;
rubricColor: string;
import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../../types';
import { LayoutType, MediaSourceType } from '../../../../types';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -41,11 +42,145 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const WithOtherFontsAndSize: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const WithExpandButton: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const DesktopForDedicatedArea: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const MobileForDedicatedArea: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const DesktopForSponsoredPage: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const MobileForSponsoredPage: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const MobileWithMedia: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const WithCountdownDesktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const WithCountdownMobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderPage").HeaderPageProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithOtherFontsAndSize: {
args: {
heading: {
children: string;
fontFamily: string;
contentProps: {
size: string;
fontFamily: string;
export declare const WithExpandButton: {
args: {
isExpandable: boolean;
subtitle: React.JSX.Element;
export declare const DesktopForDedicatedArea: {
args: {
dividerSectionColor: string;
isExpandable: boolean;
sponsor: {
type: string;
content: {
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
export declare const MobileForDedicatedArea: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
dividerSectionColor: string;
isExpandable: boolean;
sponsor: {
type: string;
content: {
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const DesktopForSponsoredPage: {
args: {
dividerSectionColor: string;
heading: {
children: string;
isExpandable: boolean;
sponsor: {
type: string;
content: {
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
export declare const MobileForSponsoredPage: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
dividerSectionColor: string;
heading: {
children: string;
isExpandable: boolean;
sponsor: {
type: string;
content: {
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const MobileWithMedia: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
heading: {
children: string;
fontFamily: string;
mediaProps: {
layout: LayoutType;
src: string;
type: MediaSourceType;
caption: string;
contentProps: {
fontFamily: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const WithCountdownDesktop: {
args: {
countdownProps: {
title: string;
layout: LayoutType;
id: string;
export declare const WithCountdownMobile: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
countdownProps: {
title: string;
layout: LayoutType;
id: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./HeaderSideModal").HeaderSideModalProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./HeaderSideModal").HeaderSideModalProps>;
args: {

@@ -10,3 +9,10 @@ dialogId: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderSideModal").HeaderSideModalProps>;
export declare const WithHeading: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HeaderSideModal").HeaderSideModalProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithHeading: {
args: {
headingProps: {
children: string;
as: string;
import { type HeaderMediaLinksProps } from '../..';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, HeaderMediaLinksProps>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, HeaderMediaLinksProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, HeaderMediaLinksProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HoroscopeContent").HoroscopeContentProps>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./HoroscopeContent").HoroscopeContentProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HoroscopeContent").HoroscopeContentProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,7 +0,14 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./HoroscopeTiles").HoroscopeTilesProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./HoroscopeTiles").HoroscopeTilesProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./HoroscopeTiles").HoroscopeTilesProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
horoscopeSignsList: {
label: string;
slug: string;
url: string;

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -7,6 +6,8 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, "slot" | "style" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("./HoroscopeTopicCard").HoroscopeTopicCardOptions> & import("./HoroscopeTopicCard").HoroscopeTopicCardOptions & import("../../../..").SystemProps & Omit<import("../../../..").PropsOf<"div">, "color" | "align" | "ref"> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
} & Record<`data-${string}`, string> & import("../../../..").OmitCommonProps<any, "slot" | "style" | "as" | `data-${string}` | "key" | "defaultChecked" | "defaultValue" | "suppressContentEditableWarning" | "suppressHydrationWarning" | "accessKey" | "autoFocus" | "className" | "contentEditable" | "contextMenu" | "dir" | "draggable" | "hidden" | "id" | "lang" | "nonce" | "spellCheck" | "tabIndex" | "translate" | "radioGroup" | "role" | "about" | "datatype" | "inlist" | "prefix" | "property" | "rel" | "resource" | "rev" | "typeof" | "vocab" | "autoCapitalize" | "autoCorrect" | "autoSave" | "itemProp" | "itemScope" | "itemType" | "itemID" | "itemRef" | "results" | "security" | "unselectable" | "inputMode" | "is" | "aria-activedescendant" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-braillelabel" | "aria-brailleroledescription" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colindextext" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-controls" | "aria-current" | "aria-describedby" | "aria-description" | "aria-details" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-dropeffect" | "aria-errormessage" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-flowto" | "aria-grabbed" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-owns" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-relevant" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowindextext" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext" | "children" | "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" | "onCopy" | "onCopyCapture" | "onCut" | "onCutCapture" | "onPaste" | "onPasteCapture" | "onCompositionEnd" | "onCompositionEndCapture" | "onCompositionStart" | "onCompositionStartCapture" | "onCompositionUpdate" | "onCompositionUpdateCapture" | "onFocus" | "onFocusCapture" | "onBlur" | "onBlurCapture" | "onChange" | "onChangeCapture" | "onBeforeInput" | "onBeforeInputCapture" | "onInput" | "onInputCapture" | "onReset" | "onResetCapture" | "onSubmit" | "onSubmitCapture" | "onInvalid" | "onInvalidCapture" | "onLoad" | "onLoadCapture" | "onError" | "onErrorCapture" | "onKeyDown" | "onKeyDownCapture" | "onKeyPress" | "onKeyPressCapture" | "onKeyUp" | "onKeyUpCapture" | "onAbort" | "onAbortCapture" | "onCanPlay" | "onCanPlayCapture" | "onCanPlayThrough" | "onCanPlayThroughCapture" | "onDurationChange" | "onDurationChangeCapture" | "onEmptied" | "onEmptiedCapture" | "onEncrypted" | "onEncryptedCapture" | "onEnded" | "onEndedCapture" | "onLoadedData" | "onLoadedDataCapture" | "onLoadedMetadata" | "onLoadedMetadataCapture" | "onLoadStart" | "onLoadStartCapture" | "onPause" | "onPauseCapture" | "onPlay" | "onPlayCapture" | "onPlaying" | "onPlayingCapture" | "onProgress" | "onProgressCapture" | "onRateChange" | "onRateChangeCapture" | "onResize" | "onResizeCapture" | "onSeeked" | "onSeekedCapture" | "onSeeking" | "onSeekingCapture" | "onStalled" | "onStalledCapture" | "onSuspend" | "onSuspendCapture" | "onTimeUpdate" | "onTimeUpdateCapture" | "onVolumeChange" | "onVolumeChangeCapture" | "onWaiting" | "onWaitingCapture" | "onAuxClick" | "onAuxClickCapture" | "onClick" | "onClickCapture" | "onContextMenu" | "onContextMenuCapture" | "onDoubleClick" | "onDoubleClickCapture" | "onDrag" | "onDragCapture" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragEndCapture" | "onDragEnter" | "onDragEnterCapture" | "onDragExit" | "onDragExitCapture" | "onDragLeave" | "onDragLeaveCapture" | "onDragOver" | "onDragOverCapture" | "onDragStart" | "onDragStartCapture" | "onDrop" | "onDropCapture" | "onMouseDown" | "onMouseDownCapture" | "onMouseEnter" | "onMouseLeave" | "onMouseMove" | "onMouseMoveCapture" | "onMouseOut" | "onMouseOutCapture" | "onMouseOver" | "onMouseOverCapture" | "onMouseUp" | "onMouseUpCapture" | "onSelect" | "onSelectCapture" | "onTouchCancel" | "onTouchCancelCapture" | "onTouchEnd" | "onTouchEndCapture" | "onTouchMove" | "onTouchMoveCapture" | "onTouchStart" | "onTouchStartCapture" | "onPointerDown" | "onPointerDownCapture" | "onPointerMove" | "onPointerMoveCapture" | "onPointerUp" | "onPointerUpCapture" | "onPointerCancel" | "onPointerCancelCapture" | "onPointerEnter" | "onPointerEnterCapture" | "onPointerLeave" | "onPointerLeaveCapture" | "onPointerOver" | "onPointerOverCapture" | "onPointerOut" | "onPointerOutCapture" | "onGotPointerCapture" | "onGotPointerCaptureCapture" | "onLostPointerCapture" | "onLostPointerCaptureCapture" | "onScroll" | "onScrollCapture" | "onWheel" | "onWheelCapture" | "onAnimationStart" | "onAnimationStartCapture" | "onAnimationEnd" | "onAnimationEndCapture" | "onAnimationIteration" | "onAnimationIterationCapture" | "onTransitionEnd" | "onTransitionEndCapture" | keyof import("../../../..").SystemProps | keyof import("./HoroscopeTopicCard").HoroscopeTopicCardOptions> & {
as?: import("../../../..").As<any> | undefined;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
icon: string;
title: string;
content: string;

@@ -23,2 +23,3 @@ export * from './AlertInfoBanner';

export * from './Pagination';
export * from './PercentageBar';
export * from './ReadAlsoBanner';

@@ -25,0 +26,0 @@ export * from './SearchForm';

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./InfoBanner").InfoBannerProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./InfoBanner").InfoBannerProps>;
args: {

@@ -10,2 +9,7 @@ variant: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./InfoBanner").InfoBannerProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
title: string;
description: string;

@@ -10,3 +10,7 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ListWithDiodeProps>;
export declare const WithRubricColor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ListWithDiodeProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithRubricColor: {
args: {
rubricColor: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./LiveIndicator").LiveIndicatorProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./LiveIndicator").LiveIndicatorProps>;
args: {

@@ -42,4 +41,16 @@ liveIsOver: boolean;

export default _default;
export declare const InProgress: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveIndicator").LiveIndicatorProps>;
export declare const IsOver: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveIndicator").LiveIndicatorProps>;
export declare const WithTimeSlot: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveIndicator").LiveIndicatorProps>;
export declare const InProgress: {
args: {
updatedAt: string;
export declare const IsOver: {
args: {
liveIsOver: boolean;
export declare const WithTimeSlot: {
args: {
liveTimeSlot: string;

@@ -11,2 +11,4 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Default: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../../..').LiveQuestionProps>;
export declare const Default: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../../..').LiveQuestionProps>;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./LiveTalk").LiveTalkProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./LiveTalk").LiveTalkProps>;
args: {

@@ -37,2 +36,2 @@ question: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveTalk").LiveTalkProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./LiveTitle").LiveTitleProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./LiveTitle").LiveTitleProps>;
args: {

@@ -37,6 +36,30 @@ status: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Default: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveTitle").LiveTitleProps>;
export declare const Important: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveTitle").LiveTitleProps>;
export declare const Crucial: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveTitle").LiveTitleProps>;
export declare const Community: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveTitle").LiveTitleProps>;
export declare const Bold: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./LiveTitle").LiveTitleProps>;
export declare const Default: {};
export declare const Important: {
args: {
status: string;
header: string;
title: string;
export declare const Crucial: {
args: {
status: string;
header: string;
title: string;
export declare const Community: {
args: {
status: string;
header: string;
title: string;
export declare const Bold: {
args: {
status: string;
header: string;
title: string;
import { type MenuProps } from '../..';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, MenuProps>;
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, MenuProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, MenuProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, MenuProps>;
export declare const Desktop: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, MenuProps>;
export declare const Mobile: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, MenuProps>;
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;

@@ -1,6 +0,38 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Newsletter").NewsletterProps>;
import React from 'react';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./Newsletter").NewsletterProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Small: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Newsletter").NewsletterProps>;
export declare const Large: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Newsletter").NewsletterProps>;
export declare const SmallHasRubricColor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Newsletter").NewsletterProps>;
export declare const LargeHasRubricColor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Newsletter").NewsletterProps>;
export declare const Small: {
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const Large: {
args: {
variant: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const SmallHasRubricColor: {
args: {
title: string;
colorVariant: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const LargeHasRubricColor: {
args: {
variant: string;
title: string;
colorVariant: string;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Pagination").PaginationProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Pagination").PaginationProps>;
args: {

@@ -40,4 +39,12 @@ currentPage: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Pagination").PaginationProps>;
export declare const TwoPages: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Pagination").PaginationProps>;
export declare const OnePage: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Pagination").PaginationProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const TwoPages: {
args: {
totalArticles: number;
export declare const OnePage: {
args: {
totalArticles: number;
import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -11,3 +13,42 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ReadAlsoBanner").ReadAlsoBannerProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ReadAlsoBanner").ReadAlsoBannerProps>;
export declare const Desktop: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./ReadAlsoBanner").ReadAlsoBannerProps>;
args: {
articles: {
link: string;
title: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
layout: LayoutType;
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
layout: LayoutType;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const Mobile: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./ReadAlsoBanner").ReadAlsoBannerProps>;
args: {
articles: {
layout: LayoutType;
link: string;
title: string;
cardImageProps: {
cover: string;
cardTitleProps: {
cartridge: string;
layout: LayoutType;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;

@@ -1,3 +0,8 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SearchForm").SearchFormProps>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./SearchForm").SearchFormProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SearchForm").SearchFormProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
id: string;
url: string;

@@ -1,6 +0,27 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').SectionTitleProps>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').SectionTitleProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').SectionTitleProps>;
export declare const SportWithLink: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').SectionTitleProps>;
export declare const DirectWithoutLink: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').SectionTitleProps>;
export declare const NotUnderlined: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').SectionTitleProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
label: string;
labelLink: string;
export declare const SportWithLink: {
args: {
label: string;
labelLink: string;
rubricColor: string;
export declare const DirectWithoutLink: {
args: {
label: string;
rubricColor: string;
export declare const NotUnderlined: {
args: {
label: string;
isUnderlined: boolean;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./ShareBar").ShareBarProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./ShareBar").ShareBarProps>;
args: {

@@ -30,2 +29,2 @@ networks: string[];

export default _default;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./ShareBar").ShareBarProps>;
export declare const Desktop: {};

@@ -1,6 +0,5 @@

import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
args: {

@@ -40,8 +39,55 @@ avatars: {

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
export declare const HasAuthorHighlighted: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
export declare const HasAvatarDisabled: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
export declare const HasNoPublicationInfo: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
export declare const HasLogoAndRubricColor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
export declare const WithMultipleAuthors: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
export declare const WithMoreThanFourAuthors: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Signature").SignatureProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const HasAuthorHighlighted: {
args: {
authorHighlighted: boolean;
export declare const HasAvatarDisabled: {
args: {
disableAvatar: boolean;
avatars: {
title: string;
export declare const HasNoPublicationInfo: {
args: {
publishedAt: undefined;
editedAt: undefined;
export declare const HasLogoAndRubricColor: {
args: {
avatars: {
title: string;
authors: string;
rubricColor: string;
sponsor: {
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
export declare const WithMultipleAuthors: {
args: {
avatars: ({
title: string;
path: string;
} | {
title: string;
path?: undefined;
authors: string;
export declare const WithMoreThanFourAuthors: {
args: {
avatars: {
title: string;
path: string;
authors: string;

@@ -1,7 +0,6 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./SmartBanner").SmartBannerProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./SmartBanner").SmartBannerProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SmartBanner").SmartBannerProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};

@@ -1,7 +0,37 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Horizontal: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBar").SocialBarProps>;
export declare const Vertical: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBar").SocialBarProps>;
export declare const VerticalWithBookmark: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBar").SocialBarProps>;
export declare const ForCards: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBar").SocialBarProps>;
export declare const ForCardsWithoutComment: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBar").SocialBarProps>;
export declare const Horizontal: {
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
args: {
saveContentId: string;
export declare const Vertical: {
args: {
variant: string;
export declare const VerticalWithBookmark: {
args: {
variant: string;
saveContentId: string;
export declare const ForCards: {
args: {
variant: string;
saveContentId: string;
'data-block-variant': string;
export declare const ForCardsWithoutComment: {
args: {
variant: string;
disableComment: boolean;
saveContentId: string;

@@ -36,6 +36,40 @@ import React from 'react';

export default _default;
export declare const Primary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
export declare const PrimaryWithCount: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
export declare const Secondary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
export declare const SecondaryWithCount: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
export declare const SecondaryWithCountAndNotClickable: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
export declare const Primary: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
args: {
iconName: string;
variant: string;
export declare const PrimaryWithCount: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
args: {
iconName: string;
variant: string;
count: number;
export declare const Secondary: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
args: {
iconName: string;
variant: string;
export declare const SecondaryWithCount: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
args: {
variant: string;
iconName: string;
count: number;
export declare const SecondaryWithCountAndNotClickable: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./SocialBarItem").SocialBarItemProps>;
args: {
isClickable: boolean;
variant: string;
iconName: string;
count: number;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Sponsor").SponsorProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Sponsor").SponsorProps>;
args: {

@@ -39,3 +38,9 @@ sponsor: {

export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Sponsor").SponsorProps>;
export declare const WithText: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Sponsor").SponsorProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithText: {
args: {
justifyContent: string;
gap: string;
hasText: boolean;

@@ -1,11 +0,35 @@

import React from 'react';
import { type SubMenuProps } from './SubMenu';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<SubMenuProps>;
component: import("react").FC<SubMenuProps>;
args: SubMenuProps;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, SubMenuProps>;
export declare const WithSponsor: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, SubMenuProps>;
export declare const WithSponsorAndTags: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, SubMenuProps>;
export declare const Overview: {};
export declare const WithSponsor: {
args: {
sponsor: {
logoUrl: string;
name: string;
subCategory: {
subLinks: {
name: string;
href: string;
tags?: {
name: string;
href: string;
}[] | undefined;
cards: Omit<import("..").CardSmallProps, "layout">[];
} | undefined;
export declare const WithSponsorAndTags: {
args: {
sponsor: {
logoUrl: string;
name: string;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Tabs").TabsProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Tabs").TabsProps>;
args: {

@@ -10,3 +9,22 @@ tabVariant: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Default: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Tabs").TabsProps>;
export declare const Secondary: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Tabs").TabsProps>;
export declare const Default: {
args: {
tabItems: {
name: string;
title: string;
content: string;
tabItemActive: string;
export declare const Secondary: {
args: {
tabItems: {
name: string;
title: string;
content: string;
tabItemActive: string;
tabVariant: string;

@@ -1,6 +0,30 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
import type { TagProps } from '../..';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
export declare const WithTitle: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
export declare const WithoutBackground: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
export declare const WithoutTags: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
args: {
tags: TagProps<"a">[];
export declare const WithTitle: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
args: {
title: string;
tags: TagProps<"a">[];
export declare const WithoutBackground: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
args: {
hasBackground: boolean;
tags: TagProps<"a">[];
export declare const WithoutTags: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').TagBarProps>;
args: {
tags: never[];
title: string;

@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, {}>;
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, {}>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, {}>;
export declare const Overview: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, {}>;

@@ -1,7 +0,11 @@

import React from 'react';
declare const _default: {
title: string;
component: React.FC<import("./Tiles").TilesProps>;
component: import("react").FC<import("./Tiles").TilesProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Overview: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./Tiles").TilesProps>;
export declare const Overview: {
args: {
children: string;
icon: string;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import React from 'react';
import type { LinkProps } from '../..';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
import type React from 'react';
declare const _default: {

@@ -34,3 +34,13 @@ title: string;

export default _default;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').FooterProps>;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').FooterProps>;
export declare const Mobile: {
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const Desktop: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
import { type HeaderProps } from '../..';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("@storybook/types").Args>;
export default _default;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, HeaderProps>;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, HeaderProps>;
export declare const Mobile: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, HeaderProps>;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const Desktop: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, HeaderProps>;
args: {
layout: LayoutType;

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

export * from './Elections';
export * from './Footer';

@@ -2,0 +3,0 @@ export * from './Header';

@@ -1,7 +0,44 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./MostReadArticles").MostReadArticlesProps>;
import React from 'react';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
import type { StoryFn } from '@storybook/react';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import("./MostReadArticles").MostReadArticlesProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./MostReadArticles").MostReadArticlesProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./MostReadArticles").MostReadArticlesProps>;
export declare const DesktopIsScrollable: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./MostReadArticles").MostReadArticlesProps>;
export declare const DesktopHasButton: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./MostReadArticles").MostReadArticlesProps>;
export declare const MobileHasButton: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import("./MostReadArticles").MostReadArticlesProps>;
export declare const Desktop: {
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const Mobile: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
tabItemActive: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const DesktopIsScrollable: {
args: {
isScrollable: boolean;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const DesktopHasButton: {
args: {
isScrollable: boolean;
hasButton: boolean;
decorators: ((Story: StoryFn) => React.JSX.Element)[];
export declare const MobileHasButton: {
args: {
hasButton: boolean;
layout: LayoutType;
tabItemActive: string;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;

@@ -1,4 +0,18 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').OverviewBarProps>;
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').OverviewBarProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').OverviewBarProps>;
export declare const Desktop: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').OverviewBarProps>;
export declare const Mobile: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
export declare const Desktop: {
args: {
layout: LayoutType;

@@ -1,12 +0,94 @@

declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
import { type CardSmallProps, type ItemsProps } from '../..';
import { LayoutType } from '../../../types';
declare const _default: import("@storybook/types").ComponentAnnotations<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export default _default;
export declare const TwoColumns: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const ThreeColumns: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const FourColumns: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const FiveColumns: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const SixColumns: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const SevenColumns: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const TenColumns: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const Mobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const HasSponsoredContent: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const HasSponsoredContentMobile: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-0fc72a6d").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
export declare const TwoColumns: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
items: ItemsProps[];
export declare const ThreeColumns: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
items: ItemsProps[];
export declare const FourColumns: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
items: ItemsProps[];
export declare const FiveColumns: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
items: ItemsProps[];
export declare const SixColumns: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
items: ItemsProps[];
export declare const SevenColumns: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
items: ItemsProps[];
export declare const TenColumns: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
items: ItemsProps[];
export declare const Mobile: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
layout: LayoutType;
items: {
title: {
label: string;
labelLink: string;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
export declare const HasSponsoredContent: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
items: ItemsProps[];
title: undefined;
layout: LayoutType;
export declare const HasSponsoredContentMobile: {
render: import("@storybook/types").AnnotatedStoryFn<import("@storybook/react/dist/types-bf5e6555").R, import('../..').ThreeColumnsArticlesProps>;
args: {
title: undefined;
layout: LayoutType;
items: {
title: {
label: string;
labelLink: string;
isSponsored: boolean;
articles: CardSmallProps[];
parameters: {
viewport: {
defaultViewport: string;
layout: string;
export declare const gridPropsControls: {
colsNumber: {
options: readonly [2, 3, 4, 6, 12, "2-of-3"];
options: readonly [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, "2-of-3"];
description: string;

@@ -604,2 +604,209 @@ export declare const tokenVariables: {

videos: {
value: string;
'actu-generale': {
value: string;
argument: {
value: string;
article: {
value: string;
auto: {
value: string;
basketball: {
value: string;
biathlon: {
value: string;
'bien-etre': {
value: string;
blogs: {
value: string;
bordeaux: {
value: string;
'by-the-web': {
value: string;
cinema: {
value: string;
culture: {
value: string;
cyclisme: {
value: string;
debats: {
value: string;
diaporama: {
value: string;
divers: {
value: string;
'arts-stars': {
value: string;
economie: {
value: string;
elections: {
value: string;
emploi: {
value: string;
escapade: {
value: string;
'elections-europeens': {
value: string;
faits_divers: {
value: string;
food: {
value: string;
football: {
value: string;
f1: {
value: string;
france: {
value: string;
'guide-achat': {
value: string;
handball: {
value: string;
'high-tech': {
value: string;
'horoscope-quotidien-chinois': {
value: string;
'horoscope-quotidien': {
value: string;
justice: {
value: string;
lille: {
value: string;
livres: {
value: string;
lyon: {
value: string;
marseille: {
value: string;
medias: {
value: string;
mode: {
value: string;
monde: {
value: string;
montpellier: {
value: string;
nantes: {
value: string;
nice: {
value: string;
paris: {
value: string;
people: {
value: string;
planete: {
value: string;
poker: {
value: string;
politique: {
value: string;
pratique: {
value: string;
locales: {
value: string;
rennes: {
value: string;
rugby: {
value: string;
sante: {
value: string;
sciences: {
value: string;
serie: {
value: string;
societe: {
value: string;
sortir: {
value: string;
strasbourg: {
value: string;
style: {
value: string;
insolite: {
value: string;
hightech: {
value: string;
television: {
value: string;
tennis: {
value: string;
toulouse: {
value: string;
vacances: {
value: string;
vousinterviewez: {
value: string;
voyage: {
value: string;
web: {
value: string;

@@ -606,0 +813,0 @@ diode: {

"name": "@20minutes/hela",
"version": "1.7.0",
"version": "1.8.0",
"repository": "",

@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@ "license": "MIT",

"scripts": {
"prepare": "husky && yarn generate:svg-sprite && yarn build:design-tokens",
"prepare": "husky && yarn generate:svg-sprite && yarn download:colors && yarn build:design-tokens",
"download:colors": "ts-node bin/download-colors",
"build:design-tokens": "ts-node bin/build-design-tokens",

@@ -75,3 +76,3 @@ "generate:svg-sprite": "svg-sprite --symbol-dest sprite --symbol-sprite sprite.svg --symbol --dest=src/assets src/assets/svg/**/*.svg && svgr --ignore-existing --no-svgo --typescript -- src/assets/sprite/sprite.svg > src/components/atoms/Icon/SvgSprite.tsx",

"@20minutes/eslint-config": "^1.2.6",
"@aws-sdk/client-s3": "3.525.0",
"@aws-sdk/client-s3": "3.533.0",
"@babel/core": "^7.24.0",

@@ -82,19 +83,17 @@ "@babel/eslint-parser": "^7.23.10",

"@octokit/core": "5.1.0",
"@storybook/addon-actions": "^7.6.17",
"@storybook/addon-essentials": "^7.6.17",
"@storybook/addon-links": "^7.6.17",
"@storybook/addon-mdx-gfm": "^7.6.17",
"@storybook/blocks": "^7.6.17",
"@storybook/react": "^7.6.17",
"@storybook/react-vite": "^7.6.17",
"@storybook/addon-actions": "^8.0.0",
"@storybook/addon-essentials": "^8.0.0",
"@storybook/addon-links": "^8.0.0",
"@storybook/blocks": "^8.0.0",
"@storybook/react": "^8.0.0",
"@storybook/react-vite": "^8.0.0",
"@svgr/cli": "^8.1.0",
"@testing-library/react": "^14.2.1",
"@types/merge-stream": "^1.1.5",
"@types/node": "^20.11.24",
"@types/react": "^18.2.63",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.2.20",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.1.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.1.1",
"@types/node": "^20.11.27",
"@types/react": "^18.2.65",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.2.22",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.2.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.2.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-react": "^4.2.1",
"@whitespace/storybook-addon-html": "^5.1.6",
"autoprefixer": "^10.4.18",

@@ -104,2 +103,3 @@ "babel-loader": "^9.1.3",

"babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1",
"dotenv": "^16.4.5",
"eslint": "^8.57.0",

@@ -129,4 +129,4 @@ "eslint-config-airbnb": "^19.0.4",

"rollup-plugin-visualizer": "^5.12.0",
"sass": "^1.71.1",
"storybook": "^7.6.17",
"sass": "^1.72.0",
"storybook": "^8.0.0",
"style-dictionary": "^3.9.2",

@@ -139,5 +139,5 @@ "stylelint": "^15.11.0",

"typescript": "^4.9.5",
"vite": "^4.5.2",
"vite": "^5.1.6",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.7.3",
"vite-tsconfig-paths": "^4.3.1",
"vite-tsconfig-paths": "^4.3.2",
"vitest": "^1.3.1"

@@ -144,0 +144,0 @@ },

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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