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@acrolinx/sidebar-startpage - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.4.1 to 4.0.0-beta.1



"name": "@acrolinx/sidebar-startpage",
"version": "3.4.1",
"version": "4.0.0-beta.1",
"description": "A Container Component for Acrolinx Integrations that loads the Acrolinx sidebar",
"scripts": {
"generateTranslationsTs": "shx mkdir -p tmp/generated && node ./tools/generate-translations-ts.js",
"dev": "npm run prepareDev && concurrently --kill-others -r \"npm run lessWatch\" \"npm run tscWatch\" \"npm run watchify\" \"npm run browsersync\"",
"prepareDev": "shx mkdir -p app/scripts && npm run less",
"test": "npm run testNodeJS && npm run testKarmaChromeHeadless",
"testNodeJS": "mocha tmp/compiled/test/node-js-unit-tests/**/*.js",
"testKarmaChrome": "karma start test/browser-tests/karma.conf.js --browsers Chrome",
"testKarmaChromeHeadless": "karma start test/browser-tests/karma.conf.js --browsers HeadlessChromeWithoutSecurity",
"testKarmaBs": "karma start test/browser-tests/karma.conf.js --browsers bs_ie11_win,bs_edge_win,bs_chrome_win,bs_firefox_win,bs_firefox_est_win,bs_safari_macos",
"testKarmaAll": "karma start test/browser-tests/karma.conf.js",
"clean": "shx rm -rf tmp && shx rm -rf app/scripts && shx rm -rf dist",
"tsc": "npm run generateTranslationsTs && tsc",
"tscWatch": "npm run generateTranslationsTs && tsc -w",
"less": "lessc src/styles/index.less >app/styles/index.css",
"lessWatch": "watch 'npm run less' src/styles",
"watchify": "watchify tmp/compiled/src/main.js -o app/scripts/main.js",
"browserify": "browserify tmp/compiled/src/main.js -o app/scripts/main.js",
"watchifyTest": "watchify tmp/compiled/test/browser-tests/src/index.js -o tmp/browser-tests-index.js",
"browserifyTest": "browserify tmp/compiled/test/browser-tests/src/index.js -o tmp/browser-tests-index.js",
"browsersync": "browser-sync start --server --files \"app/**/*\" --files \"tmp/browser-tests-index.js\" --startPath app --cors",
"lint": "eslint . --ext .ts",
"lintFix": "eslint . --ext .ts --fix",
"buildDistButNotNPM": "shx rm -rf tmp/dist && shx mkdir -p app/scripts && npm run generateTranslationsTs && npm run lint && tsc && npm run injectVersion && npm run test && npm run browserify && npm run less && shx mkdir -p tmp && shx cp -r app tmp/dist && hashcat tmp/dist/index.html && npm run buildOfflineDist && npm run buildInlined",
"buildDistWithNPMLinuxOnly": "shx rm -rf tmp/dist && shx mkdir -p app/scripts && npm run generateTranslationsTs && npm run lint && tsc && npm run injectVersion && npm run test && npm run browserify && npm run less && shx mkdir -p tmp && shx cp -r app tmp/dist && hashcat tmp/dist/index.html && npm run buildOfflineDist && npm run buildInlined && npm run buildNpmDistLinuxOnly",
"buildNpmDistLinuxOnly": "shx mkdir -p dist && shx cp -R tmp/dist-offline/ dist && npm run createNpmDistFilesIndexLinuxOnly && npm run copyInlinedToNpmDist",
"copyInlinedToNpmDist": "shx cp tmp/sidebar-startpage-inlined.js dist/index.js && shx cp tools/dist/index.d.ts dist/",
"createNpmDistFilesIndexLinuxOnly": "cd dist/dist-offline && find . -type f | sed 's/^\\.//' |grep -v '^/files.txt' >files.txt",
"buildOfflineDist": "shx rm -rf tmp/dist-offline && shx cp -r app tmp/dist-offline && npm run inlineSvg ./tmp/dist-offline/styles",
"buildInlined": "shx rm -rf tmp/dist-inlined && shx cp -r app tmp/dist-inlined && hashcat tmp/dist-inlined/index.html && npm run inline && npm run packInlined",
"inline": "npm run inlineSvg ./tmp/dist-inlined/styles && cd tmp/dist-inlined && shx cat index.html |inliner >../dist-inlined.html",
"inlineSvg": "node ./tools/inline-svg.js",
"packInlined": "node ./tools/pack-inlined.js >tmp/sidebar-startpage-inlined.js",
"injectVersion": "node ./tools/inject-version.js",
"updateDependencies": "npx -p npm-check-updates ncu --doctor -u"
"type": "module",
"author": "Acrolinx",
"url": "",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"main": "dist/dist-inline/index.js",
"types": "dist/dist-inline/index.d.ts",
"engines": {
"node": ">=20.0.0"
"files": [
"// devDependencies comments": {
"sinon": "Newer versions (6.1.3) caused problems in test build for IE11",
"preact": "This is the only package that is build into the final startpage code."
"publishConfig": {
"tag": "dev"
"scripts": {
"generateTranslations": "mkdir -p tmp/generated && node tools/generate-translations.js",
"dev": "vite",
"prebuild": "npm run generateTranslations",
"build": "tsc -b && vite build && vite build --mode inline",
"postbuild": "node tools/pack-inlined.js > dist/dist-inline/index.js && cp src/index.d.ts dist/dist-inline",
"preview": "vite preview",
"test": "vitest run",
"lint": "eslint .",
"format:check": "prettier . --check",
"format": "prettier . --write"
"dependencies": {
"@acrolinx/sidebar-interface": "^15.4.3",
"preact": "^10.23.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@acrolinx/sidebar-interface": "15.3.0",
"@types/chai": "4.2.21",
"@types/jquery": "^3.5.6",
"@types/lodash": "^4.14.172",
"@types/mocha": "^9.0.0",
"@types/sinon": "^10.0.2",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.29.3",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.29.3",
"browser-sync": "^2.27.5",
"browserify": "^17.0.0",
"browserify-istanbul": "^3.0.1",
"chai": "^4.3.4",
"concurrently": "^6.2.1",
"cookie": "^0.4.1",
"eslint": "^7.32.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.24.2",
"eslint-plugin-sonarjs": "^0.10.0",
"hashcat": "^0.4.1",
"inliner": "1.13.1",
"jquery": "^3.6.0",
"karma": "^6.3.4",
"karma-browserify": "^8.1.0",
"karma-browserstack-launcher": "^1.6.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^3.1.0",
"karma-coverage": "^2.0.3",
"karma-junit-reporter": "^2.0.1",
"karma-mocha": "^2.0.1",
"less": "^4.1.1",
"@eslint/js": "^9.9.0",
"@preact/preset-vite": "^2.9.0",
"@types/eslint__js": "^8.42.3",
"@vitest/browser": "^2.0.5",
"chai": "^5.1.1",
"eslint": "^9.9.0",
"import": "^0.0.6",
"jquery": "^3.7.1",
"jsdom": "^24.1.1",
"less": "^4.2.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"mocha": "^9.1.0",
"shx": "^0.3.3",
"sinon": "^11.1.2",
"tslib": "^2.3.1",
"typescript": "4.3.5",
"watch": "1.0.2",
"watchify": "^4.0.0"
"publishConfig": {
"registry": ""
"dependencies": {
"preact": "^10.5.14"
"playwright": "^1.46.0",
"prettier": "^3.3.3",
"sinon": "^18.0.0",
"typescript": "^5.5.4",
"typescript-eslint": "^8.1.0",
"vite": "^5.4.1",
"vite-plugin-singlefile": "^2.0.2",
"vitest": "^2.0.5"
# @acrolinx/sidebar-startpage
A container component for Acrolinx integrations that loads the Acrolinx sidebar.
## Under Migration to Vite
### What's done...
- Use Vite as bundler
- Use Vitest as testing framework
- Dependencies all latest
### What's remaining...
- Fix localization (Use standardized localization library)
- Fix version numbers
- Inline startapge build
- linter
- prettier
- and lot more
## License

@@ -5,0 +23,0 @@

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