8.0.0-next.2 (2024-03-21)
Bug Fixes
- Alphabetize AreChart props (5eb5020)
- Alphabetize inner components for Scatterplot (49837af)
- Alphabetize MapProps (ca85f51)
- Alphabetize OverlappedBarChart props (f26182b)
- Alphabetize OverlappedLabel inner component props (019d5a0)
- Alphabetize PieChart inner components props (ff8bf9c)
- Alphabetize PieChart props (5777ad6)
- Alphabetize ScatterPlot props and fix coordenates typo (d9bb9d6)
- Alphabetize SCFMap props (8d705aa)
- Alphabetize StateMap props (08a2fb6)
- Handle showAvarageLine prop typo in Scatterplot (724cf9a)
- Add Top N Average values to referenceLine label value in Scatterplot (1e03cc5)