Adobe Campaign XTK expression parser
This project is the implementation of a grammar for Adobe Campaign XTK expressions. It is based on antlr4 syntax. The documentation of the API provided by this package can be found here.
Today the generation of the source code based on the g4 grammar files requires antlr4 to be installed. Please follow this guidelines to do it.
Rebuilding the grammar
This action needs to be run each time the .g4 file is modified to generate the corresponding js.
yarn run generateParser
Both the parsers and a skeleton of visitor for the parsing tree is generated.
Tips to modify the grammar
Changing the grammar without regression can be challenging, a good tool to quickly test grammars is including in the latest version of Intellij, it displays on the fly the parsing tree generating when the grammar is applied to a piece of code.
Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.