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Framework-agnostic headless widget library.

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285 kB



v0.2.0 (2024-03-05)


Version 0.2.0 is out ! :fire:
It comes out with a new component and a new service, while enhancing the documentation website.

  • components are now tagged as In Progress, Beta or Stable 🏷️
    • In Progress components are still under active development and probably do not have all the features you expect from the component
    • Beta components have all the basic functionalities implemented, but more polishing features are being implemented / considered
  • the slider component now supports slots for strong customization ⚙️
  • the pagination component now supports a slotStructure for full customization ⚙️
  • a new toast component is available
  • a new resize observer service is available 🦦
  • the documentation website now supports dark mode 🌕
  • the documentation website now documents how to use transitions

Breaking changes

  • the slot slotContent of the progressbar has been renamed to slotStructure to be consistent with all components.


  • accessibility tests in all pages + inline setup of dark theme (6affbb1)
  • accordion: add support for custom header tag (57fc1aa)
  • accordion: default value for destroy on hide changed to match ngb (66074dd)
  • accordion: demo examples (b71fa6d)
  • accordion: initial version (#42) (b8e2316)
  • Accordion: use clear naming closes #160 (82ba1c6)
  • Accordion: use common id generator closes #508 (4d6ff33)
  • add dark mode and dasyUI pagination closes #521 (726b0b6)
  • add link to Twitter AgnosUI account (#24) (720d42c)
  • add modal sample using already defined component (a5e8e6b)
  • add modal sample using already defined component (000c2e5)
  • add previous and next link to each doc page (71cddee)
  • add renovate scheduled action (#57) (d90257f)
  • add slots to slider (#507) (12c9ad6)
  • Add typeArray and allow passing equal function to bindableDerived (#175) (77f3dcf)
  • addition of progressbar widget (#109) (f6600cb)
  • adjust spacing doc (7e2791e)
  • allow passing onX={x} in addition to on:X={x} in svelte components (#225) (8a35c33), closes #196
  • allow passing props stores to widget factories (62d56ac)
  • allow to trigger renovate manually (aa967de)
  • angular esbuild (9b4ff86)
  • blog: Add Intl support for publish date (8f70950)
  • boost local dev for windows users (b5a74d7)
  • branding: new branding (5dd208e)
  • build demo on esnext (60e5ec3)
  • customization of widgets config types (#170) (88ee262)
  • dark mode samples (1710af4)
  • default tsconfig with alias, allowing to go to declaration in VSCode (#367) (7f18eb7)
  • demo: add a sitemap.xml static (565f296)
  • Demo: Add alert for beta/progress components closes #531 (055f765)
  • demo: add the dark mode (6dfef7e)
  • Demo: function values select (#140) (6ce8cf4)
  • doc on slots (8c000c6)
  • doc: Add installation guides (#139) (a1f0fb8)
  • doc: put nodejs website link as external (82d049f)
  • doc: transitions documentation (a409422)
  • dynamic sitemap (53d3955)
  • e2e coverage (#22) (5fd9bed)
  • extendWidgetProps utility (#163) (6362437)
  • floating UI (#237) (60bbb4a)
  • floatingui: set floating-ui as a peer dependency (#313) (5d4649a)
  • headless: add headless demo + pagination (887f3d8)
  • improved doc, resizable observer on root element and slight display improvements (#82) (4c71c4a)
  • improved look of header when viewing a page with no tabs (7886804)
  • improving navManager (#183) (4e9153c)
  • isFocusable utility (#205) (0e45d9d)
  • lazy-loaded routes (fbb421f)
  • lint: enforce jsdoc of widgets + exported functions in core closes #30 (#52) (f922011)
  • main mobile menu (fa1bcb6)
  • making auUse synchronous (8478008)
  • markdown doc (#365) (88f02c7)
  • menu: Add collapsible sections to side menu (8d1a68d)
  • mermaid: Integrate mermaid in markdown renderer (#413) (259f1df)
  • move the framework selection into the side menu instead of component page header (71821e1)
  • navigation manager (#177) (f36bcde)
  • navManager: add focusFirstLeft/focusFirstRight and fix navManager e2e test on Mac (873ad1d)
  • pagination hrefs (#434) (484b45f)
  • pagination: add slot structure closes #157 (6d5284d)
  • pagination: Demo add first pagination Ex (#40) (54c829b)
  • pointer cursor on select items (4e28a76)
  • progressbar slot content renamed to slot structure (0f451a9)
  • proposal select types (#344) (2a92391)
  • release the website into the wild (fe80de2)
  • remove eslint disable from svelte samples (f3642d4)
  • removing dispatch-style events in Svelte (#272) (3b6947a)
  • resizable iframe + link headers (#77) (ce2ab44)
  • resize observer store in core package (4523243)
  • run core outside of Angular zone (#188) (24d49aa)
  • select: positioning (#312) (8a8d8a6)
  • set tansu as peer dependency (d72ee37)
  • set up self-hosted renovate (ff83ff7)
  • setup wireit (#353) (1b764c3)
  • simplify stackblitz repos (a09bf05)
  • slider: Add decimal values support for slider (e32c608)
  • slider: Add props for showing min, max and value labels (c935a7d)
  • slider: Add RTL support (890047b)
  • slider: Add slider component (#182) (07d66a9)
  • slider: add style mixin + css modification (#234) (585e2d5)
  • slider: Add touch events to slider (422cff6)
  • slider: Handle aria-valuetext customizability (3245b7c)
  • slight change (8021ed8)
  • speed up stackblitz install by a LOT (9a058f9)
  • status of a component, used to tag components and display badges (#472) (3bc214f)
  • style-bootstrap: slider style refactor + style-bootstrap package (#218) (21b11f3)
  • style: add prefix + customization + sizing (#412) (00431f2)
  • support and enforce number and boolean transform functions in angular (b7f4e21)
  • toast: Add toast component (b8b87d1)
  • update angular logo + dialog display on mobile (fb89d26)
  • use agnos-ui/svelte imports in the demo (cb16dd2)
  • use shiki as highlighter (11ebc57)
  • use vite-plugin-svgr for react svgs (e4f75c6)
  • useDirectives (#311) (4e25c1a)
  • view transitions on demo website (17f9a97)
  • VSCode modern themes (f5d3eaf)
  • website meta tags (aa91609)

Bug Fixes

  • Accordion: clean unused code (#164) (b30e71b)
  • adapt the type of widget factories for slots in headless packages (#165) (70ab1d0)
  • add missing aria-disabled on the whole slider when disabled (5379579)
  • add path to renovate config + set renovate platform (771065b)
  • adding back the service worker (f4dadf4)
  • alert: Add alert-dismissible class (16d8c1f)
  • angular budget error when building with coverage instrumentation (#250) (a081136)
  • angular config types (d6b76ee)
  • angular logo (8c7f46a)
  • angular types (4300462)
  • angular: workaround for a bug in Angular when updating to v16.2.4 (b0d09e0)
  • api and playground on local (60065ae)
  • api default config for slider (787b1e0)
  • bootstrap links in stackblitz (d0ab8b7)
  • build: code coverage (d8b100b)
  • build: computation of doc folder based on the version number (#110) (946dd24)
  • check version number does not start with v (#189) (d806214)
  • codecov token (f6937e8)
  • color contrast in demo website (#37) (e419c85)
  • correct title / description for installation guide (95b224e)
  • coverage: better code coverage (#51) (ac5ecf4)
  • custom slider handle mouse click (4234f12)
  • demo: add tabs nowrap (a06c135)
  • demo: blur is sometimes bad on mobile (35a0b70)
  • demo: fix small layout issues (f015604)
  • demo: keep component active in the menu even when not on "Examples" tab (8274c70)
  • demo: react custom demo was not consistent with angular and svelte (8bc8c0a)
  • demo: version number displayed in the demo site (909f58a)
  • deployment to gh-pages, list of versions now published in versions.json (bac770c)
  • deps: fixing issue with dependencies (f373f4d)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (67e8ef6)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (1ac9519)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (95271bb)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (d7ab68d)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (9d72d8c)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (e2096a7)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (7645f10)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (ae9cd0f)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (#113) (f049d4b)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (#169) (02c60e8)
  • deps: update all non-major dependencies (#215) (65aafc5)
  • deps: update dependency @amadeus-it-group/tansu to v1 (701d3c5)
  • display of readonly rating on android (#81) (44be31d)
  • doc: createPagination option is for pagination (#126) (e3886cb)
  • e2e: use expect.poll to wait for the state to match expectations (#166) (6321bfa)
  • eslint not working in vscode for some files in Angular (f6018a7)
  • eslint plugin error reporting with bindings (#247) (3fd0f2e)
  • eslint-plugin issue with types comparison (baa93b6)
  • explicitly set repositories for renovate (44d3ece)
  • file format + errors reported by svelte-check after minor upgrade (ac1508c)
  • fixing e2e tests (#287) (ec0d9b5)
  • fixing typo preventing correct type-checking for the Alert in svelte (6f912ae)
  • generation of exports on windows (#319) (00d8e12)
  • generic alert flicker (#53) (c058661)
  • height of scrollable content container (3f429fb)
  • improve slider e2e test reliability (#331) (f1e24f2)
  • incorrect usage of <slot> in accordion sample (#271) (9c14c0a)
  • incorrect usage of <slot> in accordion samples (#273) (430f3bb)
  • indicate to svelte-aware tooling that headless and lib are svelte libraries (a511084)
  • initial 500 error when navigating from home page (43fa1c2)
  • landing page on mobile #35 (#36) (509b90e)
  • links script on windows (627ae87)
  • local after building core (7d265fd)
  • markdown rendering on follow-up navigation (d422d5f)
  • md breakpoint display (#406) (2396994)
  • menu: Cross animation doesn't work on navigation (405c1bf)
  • modal props validation (#275) (eba66fb)
  • modal: Fade transition is not smooth (9a0866f)
  • package and README not present in @agnos-ui/svelte (219414d)
  • plaintext codes in documentation (daf5d33)
  • portal directive should not move element when not needed (#270) (a684409)
  • prettier json format (051cc83)
  • react types for toast (a54a014)
  • removing loading="lazy" on demo samples iframe (as Firefox bugs with it) (f116a16)
  • removing useless re-exports (42373fe)
  • renovate github action version (5f3c352)
  • replacing context.getSourceCode() by context.sourceCode in eslint-plugin (92f8ea8)
  • responsiveness: Main content takes 50% space, menu are shrinked accordingly. (dce178c)
  • scroll back to top on navigation (9ca108f)
  • service worker cache collision on same domain (#159) (38bceff)
  • service-worker: fetch resource if cache does not hold it (25c56e4)
  • setVersion + warning on stdinout listeners (b506936)
  • slider e2e test stability (#318) (c7071d4)
  • slider e2e test stability and readability improvement (#310) (142ae61)
  • slider: Allow slider click through progress (142113c)
  • slider: Bind min, max and stepSize to clean value (053dd77)
  • slider: Remove margin block and align labels for vertical (c9ba24b)
  • slider: Request bounding rect for click and touch (86eeea7)
  • slider: style bootstrap font-weight + margin (#429) (9187e92)
  • stackblitz with css (e23893f)
  • svelte: partly fixes SSR with svelte (d4d2c19)
  • theme icon on first render (6707b71)
  • toAngularSignal test with Angular 17.1.0 (95d367d)
  • transition demos should use useMemo instead of useWidget (fdb67e2)
  • types for react (e6d32d8)
  • typo in github renovate file pattern (dabdfdc)
  • unit test (12b7548)
  • use capture for focustrack utility (17c329e)
  • use minimatch pattern (cb4c3b5)
  • use twitter-x bootstrap icon for twitter link (#179) (d73d7e3)
  • woopsie on relative navigation (ffe820b)
  • workaround for Svelte SSR generation (043869b)





AgnosUI is a framework-agnostic widget library with adapters for multiple frameworks, either Bootstrap-based or headless:

This @agnos-ui/core package contains the framework-agnostic common code used by the above framework adapters.

Please check our demo site to see all the available widgets and how to use them.

Unless you want to develop an adapter for a framework, you probably do not need to use @agnos-ui/core directly. Please refer to one of the framework-specific packages.



Last updated on 05 Mar 2024

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