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@agoric/eventual-send - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.1.1


'use strict';
* Create an EPromise class that supports eventual send (infix-bang) operations.
* This is a class that extends the BasePromise class argument (which may be platform
* Promises, or some other implementation). Only the `new BasePromise(executor)`
* constructor form is used directly by EPromise.
* Modify a Promise class to have it support eventual send (infix-bang) operations.

@@ -14,208 +11,203 @@ * Based heavily on nanoq

* @param {typeof Promise} BasePromise ES6 Promise contstructor
* @returns {typeof EPromise} EPromise class
* @param {typeof Promise} Promise ES6 Promise class to shim
* @return {typeof EPromise} Extended promise
function makeEPromiseClass(BasePromise) {
const presenceToResolvedRelay = new WeakMap();
const promiseToRelay = new WeakMap();
function maybeExtendPromise(Promise) {
// Make idempotent, so we don't layer on top of a BasePromise that is adequate.
let needsShim = false;
for (const method of [
]) {
if (typeof Promise.prototype[method] !== 'function') {
needsShim = true;
if (!needsShim) {
// Already supports all the methods.
return Promise;
// This special relay accepts Promises, and forwards
// the remote to its corresponding resolvedRelay.
const presenceToHandler = new WeakMap();
const presenceToPromise = new WeakMap();
const promiseToHandler = new WeakMap();
// This special handler accepts Promises, and forwards
// handled Promises to their corresponding resolvedHandler.
// If passed a Promise that is not remote, perform
// If passed a Promise that is not handled, perform
// the corresponding local operation.
let forwardingRelay;
let forwardingHandler;
function relay(p) {
return promiseToRelay.get(p) || forwardingRelay;
return promiseToHandler.get(p) || forwardingHandler;
class EPromise extends BasePromise {
static makeRemote(executor, unresolvedRelay) {
let remoteResolve;
let remoteReject;
let relayResolve;
const remoteP = new EPromise((resolve, reject) => {
remoteResolve = resolve;
remoteReject = reject;
get(key) {
return relay(this).GET(this, key);
if (!unresolvedRelay) {
// Create a simple unresolvedRelay that just postpones until the
// resolvedRelay is set.
// This is insufficient for actual remote Promises (too many round-trips),
// but is an easy way to create a local Remote.
const relayP = new EPromise(resolve => {
relayResolve = resolve;
put(key, val) {
return relay(this).PUT(this, key, val);
const postpone = forwardedOperation => {
// Just wait until the relay is resolved/rejected.
return async (p, ...args) => {
// console.log(`forwarding ${forwardedOperation}`);
await relayP;
return p[forwardedOperation](args);
delete(key) {
return relay(this).DELETE(this, key);
unresolvedRelay = {
GET: postpone('get'),
PUT: postpone('put'),
DELETE: postpone('delete'),
POST: postpone('post'),
post(optKey, args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Until the remote is resolved, we use the unresolvedRelay.
promiseToRelay.set(remoteP, unresolvedRelay);
invoke(optKey, ...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
function rejectRemote(reason) {
if (relayResolve) {
fapply(args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
function resolveRemote(presence, resolvedRelay) {
try {
if (resolvedRelay) {
// Sanity checks.
if (Object(resolvedRelay) !== resolvedRelay) {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved relay ${resolvedRelay} cannot be a primitive`,
for (const method of ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST']) {
if (typeof resolvedRelay[method] !== 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved relay ${resolvedRelay} requires a ${method} method`,
if (Object(presence) !== presence) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be a primitive`);
if (presence === null) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be null`);
if (presenceToResolvedRelay.has(presence)) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} is already mapped`);
if (presence && typeof presence.then === 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Presence ${presence} cannot be a Promise or other thenable`,
fcall(...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// Create a table entry for the presence mapped to the resolvedRelay.
presenceToResolvedRelay.set(presence, resolvedRelay);
const baseResolve = Promise.resolve.bind(Promise);
// Remove the mapping, as our resolvedRelay should be used instead.
// Resolve with the new presence or other value.
if (relayResolve) {
// Activate the default unresolvedRelay.
} catch (e) {
// Add Promise.makeHandled and update Promise.resolve.
resolve(value) {
// Resolving a Presence returns the pre-registered handled promise.
const handledPromise = presenceToPromise.get(value);
if (handledPromise) {
return handledPromise;
return baseResolve(value);
// Invoke the callback to let the user resolve/reject.
executor(resolveRemote, rejectRemote);
makeHandled(executor, unresolvedHandler) {
let handledResolve;
let handledReject;
let resolveTheHandler;
const handledP = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
handledResolve = resolve;
handledReject = reject;
// Return a remote EPromise, which wil be resolved/rejected
// by the executor.
return remoteP;
if (!unresolvedHandler) {
// Create a simple unresolvedHandler that just postpones until the
// resolvedHandler is set.
// This is insufficient for actual remote handled Promises
// (too many round-trips), but is an easy way to create a local handled Promise.
const handlerP = new Promise(resolve => {
resolveTheHandler = resolve;
static resolve(value) {
return new EPromise(resolve => resolve(value));
const postpone = forwardedOperation => {
// Just wait until the handler is resolved/rejected.
return async (p, ...args) => {
// console.log(`forwarding ${forwardedOperation}`);
await handlerP;
return p[forwardedOperation](args);
static reject(reason) {
return new EPromise((_resolve, reject) => reject(reason));
unresolvedHandler = {
GET: postpone('get'),
PUT: postpone('put'),
DELETE: postpone('delete'),
POST: postpone('post'),
get(key) {
return relay(this).GET(this, key);
// Until the handled promise is resolved, we use the unresolvedHandler.
promiseToHandler.set(handledP, unresolvedHandler);
put(key, val) {
return relay(this).PUT(this, key, val);
function rejectHandled(reason) {
if (resolveTheHandler) {
delete(key) {
return relay(this).DELETE(this, key);
function resolveHandled(presence, resolvedHandler) {
try {
if (resolvedHandler) {
// Sanity checks.
if (Object(resolvedHandler) !== resolvedHandler) {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved handler ${resolvedHandler} cannot be a primitive`,
for (const method of ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST']) {
if (typeof resolvedHandler[method] !== 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved handler ${resolvedHandler} requires a ${method} method`,
if (Object(presence) !== presence) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be a primitive`);
if (presence === null) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be null`);
if (presenceToHandler.has(presence)) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} is already mapped`);
if (presence && typeof presence.then === 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Presence ${presence} cannot be a Promise or other thenable`,
post(optKey, args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Create table entries for the presence mapped to the resolvedHandler.
presenceToPromise.set(presence, handledP);
presenceToHandler.set(presence, resolvedHandler);
invoke(optKey, ...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Remove the mapping, as our resolvedHandler should be used instead.
fapply(args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// Resolve with the new presence or other value.
fcall(...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// ***********************************************************
// The rest of these static methods ensure we use the correct
// EPromise.resolve and EPromise.reject, no matter what the
// implementation of the inherited BasePromise is.
static all(iterable) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (res, item, index) => {
// Reject if any reject.
if (item.status === 'rejected') {
throw item.reason;
if (resolveTheHandler) {
// Activate the default unresolvedHandler.
} catch (e) {
// Add the resolved value to the array.
res[index] = item.value;
// Invoke the callback to let the user resolve/reject.
executor(resolveHandled, rejectHandled);
// Continue combining promise results.
return { status: 'continue', result: res };
// Return a handled Promise, which wil be resolved/rejected
// by the executor.
return handledP;
static allSettled(iterable) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (res, item, index) => {
// Add the reified promise result to the array.
res[index] = item;
// Continue combining promise results.
return { status: 'continue', result: res };
// TODO: Implement any(iterable) according to spec.
// Also add it to the SES/Jessie whitelists.
static race(iterable) {
// Just return the first reified promise result, whether fulfilled or rejected.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (_, item) => item);
function makeForwarder(operation, localImpl) {
return async (ep, ...args) => {
const o = await ep;
const resolvedRelay = presenceToResolvedRelay.get(o);
if (resolvedRelay) {
// The relay was resolved, so give it a naked object.
return resolvedRelay[operation](o, ...args);
const resolvedHandler = presenceToHandler.get(o);
if (resolvedHandler) {
// The handler was resolved, so give it a naked object.
return resolvedHandler[operation](o, ...args);

@@ -229,3 +221,3 @@

forwardingRelay = {
forwardingHandler = {
GET: makeForwarder('GET', (o, key) => o[key]),

@@ -241,154 +233,5 @@ PUT: makeForwarder('PUT', (o, key, val) => (o[key] = val)),

* Reduce-like helper function to support iterable values mapped to Promise.resolve,
* and combine them asynchronously.
* The combiner may be called in any order, and the collection is not necessarily
* done iterating by the time it's called.
* The notable difference from reduce is that the combiner gets a reified
* settled promise as its `item` argument, and returns a combiner action
* with a `status` field of "rejected", "fulfilled", or "continue".
* @param {*} initValue first value of result
* @param {Iterable} iterable values to EPromise.resolve
* @param {Combiner} combiner synchronously reduce each item
* @returns {EPromise<*>}
function combinePromises(initValue, iterable, combiner) {
let result = initValue;
// We use the platform async keyword here to simplify
// the executor function.
return new EPromise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// We start at 1 to prevent the iterator from resolving
// the EPromise until the loop is complete and all items
// have been reduced.
let countDown = 1;
let alreadySettled = false;
function rejectOnce(e) {
if (!alreadySettled) {
alreadySettled = true;
function resolveOnce(value) {
if (!alreadySettled) {
alreadySettled = true;
function doCountDown() {
countDown -= 1;
if (countDown === 0) {
// Resolve the outer promise.
async function doCombine(mapped, index) {
if (alreadySettled) {
// Short-circuit out of here, since we already
// rejected or resolved.
// Either update the result or throw an exception.
const action = await combiner(result, mapped, index);
switch (action.status) {
case 'continue':
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
result = action.result;
case 'rejected':
case 'fulfilled':
// Resolve the outer promise.
result = action.value;
throw TypeError(`Not a valid combiner return value: ${action}`);
try {
let i = 0;
for (const item of iterable) {
const index = i;
i += 1;
// Say that we have one more to wait for.
countDown += 1;
value => doCombine({ status: 'fulfilled', value }, index), // Successful resolve.
reason => doCombine({ status: 'rejected', reason }, index), // Failed resolve.
// If we had no items or they all settled before the
// loop ended, this will count down to zero and resolve
// the result.
} catch (e) {
return EPromise;
return Promise;
* Return a new value based on a reified promise result.
* @callback Combiner
* @param {*} previousValue last value passed with CombinerContinue
* @param {SettledStatus} currentStatus current reified promise result
* @param {number} currentIndex current index in the input iterable
* @returns {CombinerContinue|SettledStatus} what to do next
* A reified settled promise.
* @typedef {FulfilledStatus | RejectedStatus} SettledStatus
* A reified fulfilled promise.
* @typedef {Object} FulfilledStatus
* @property {'fulfilled'} status the promise was fulfilled
* @property {*} [value] the value of the promise resolution
* A reified rejected promise.
* @typedef {Object} RejectedStatus
* @property {'rejected'} status the promise was rejected
* @property {*} [reason] the value of the promise rejection
* Tell combinePromises to continue with a new value for the result.
* @typedef {Object} CombinerContinue
* @property {'continue'} status continue with combining
* @property {*} result the new result to use as `currentStatus`
module.exports = makeEPromiseClass;
module.exports = maybeExtendPromise;
* Create an EPromise class that supports eventual send (infix-bang) operations.
* This is a class that extends the BasePromise class argument (which may be platform
* Promises, or some other implementation). Only the `new BasePromise(executor)`
* constructor form is used directly by EPromise.
* Modify a Promise class to have it support eventual send (infix-bang) operations.

@@ -12,208 +9,203 @@ * Based heavily on nanoq

* @param {typeof Promise} BasePromise ES6 Promise contstructor
* @returns {typeof EPromise} EPromise class
* @param {typeof Promise} Promise ES6 Promise class to shim
* @return {typeof EPromise} Extended promise
function makeEPromiseClass(BasePromise) {
const presenceToResolvedRelay = new WeakMap();
const promiseToRelay = new WeakMap();
function maybeExtendPromise(Promise) {
// Make idempotent, so we don't layer on top of a BasePromise that is adequate.
let needsShim = false;
for (const method of [
]) {
if (typeof Promise.prototype[method] !== 'function') {
needsShim = true;
if (!needsShim) {
// Already supports all the methods.
return Promise;
// This special relay accepts Promises, and forwards
// the remote to its corresponding resolvedRelay.
const presenceToHandler = new WeakMap();
const presenceToPromise = new WeakMap();
const promiseToHandler = new WeakMap();
// This special handler accepts Promises, and forwards
// handled Promises to their corresponding resolvedHandler.
// If passed a Promise that is not remote, perform
// If passed a Promise that is not handled, perform
// the corresponding local operation.
let forwardingRelay;
let forwardingHandler;
function relay(p) {
return promiseToRelay.get(p) || forwardingRelay;
return promiseToHandler.get(p) || forwardingHandler;
class EPromise extends BasePromise {
static makeRemote(executor, unresolvedRelay) {
let remoteResolve;
let remoteReject;
let relayResolve;
const remoteP = new EPromise((resolve, reject) => {
remoteResolve = resolve;
remoteReject = reject;
get(key) {
return relay(this).GET(this, key);
if (!unresolvedRelay) {
// Create a simple unresolvedRelay that just postpones until the
// resolvedRelay is set.
// This is insufficient for actual remote Promises (too many round-trips),
// but is an easy way to create a local Remote.
const relayP = new EPromise(resolve => {
relayResolve = resolve;
put(key, val) {
return relay(this).PUT(this, key, val);
const postpone = forwardedOperation => {
// Just wait until the relay is resolved/rejected.
return async (p, ...args) => {
// console.log(`forwarding ${forwardedOperation}`);
await relayP;
return p[forwardedOperation](args);
delete(key) {
return relay(this).DELETE(this, key);
unresolvedRelay = {
GET: postpone('get'),
PUT: postpone('put'),
DELETE: postpone('delete'),
POST: postpone('post'),
post(optKey, args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Until the remote is resolved, we use the unresolvedRelay.
promiseToRelay.set(remoteP, unresolvedRelay);
invoke(optKey, ...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
function rejectRemote(reason) {
if (relayResolve) {
fapply(args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
function resolveRemote(presence, resolvedRelay) {
try {
if (resolvedRelay) {
// Sanity checks.
if (Object(resolvedRelay) !== resolvedRelay) {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved relay ${resolvedRelay} cannot be a primitive`,
for (const method of ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST']) {
if (typeof resolvedRelay[method] !== 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved relay ${resolvedRelay} requires a ${method} method`,
if (Object(presence) !== presence) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be a primitive`);
if (presence === null) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be null`);
if (presenceToResolvedRelay.has(presence)) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} is already mapped`);
if (presence && typeof presence.then === 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Presence ${presence} cannot be a Promise or other thenable`,
fcall(...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// Create a table entry for the presence mapped to the resolvedRelay.
presenceToResolvedRelay.set(presence, resolvedRelay);
const baseResolve = Promise.resolve.bind(Promise);
// Remove the mapping, as our resolvedRelay should be used instead.
// Resolve with the new presence or other value.
if (relayResolve) {
// Activate the default unresolvedRelay.
} catch (e) {
// Add Promise.makeHandled and update Promise.resolve.
resolve(value) {
// Resolving a Presence returns the pre-registered handled promise.
const handledPromise = presenceToPromise.get(value);
if (handledPromise) {
return handledPromise;
return baseResolve(value);
// Invoke the callback to let the user resolve/reject.
executor(resolveRemote, rejectRemote);
makeHandled(executor, unresolvedHandler) {
let handledResolve;
let handledReject;
let resolveTheHandler;
const handledP = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
handledResolve = resolve;
handledReject = reject;
// Return a remote EPromise, which wil be resolved/rejected
// by the executor.
return remoteP;
if (!unresolvedHandler) {
// Create a simple unresolvedHandler that just postpones until the
// resolvedHandler is set.
// This is insufficient for actual remote handled Promises
// (too many round-trips), but is an easy way to create a local handled Promise.
const handlerP = new Promise(resolve => {
resolveTheHandler = resolve;
static resolve(value) {
return new EPromise(resolve => resolve(value));
const postpone = forwardedOperation => {
// Just wait until the handler is resolved/rejected.
return async (p, ...args) => {
// console.log(`forwarding ${forwardedOperation}`);
await handlerP;
return p[forwardedOperation](args);
static reject(reason) {
return new EPromise((_resolve, reject) => reject(reason));
unresolvedHandler = {
GET: postpone('get'),
PUT: postpone('put'),
DELETE: postpone('delete'),
POST: postpone('post'),
get(key) {
return relay(this).GET(this, key);
// Until the handled promise is resolved, we use the unresolvedHandler.
promiseToHandler.set(handledP, unresolvedHandler);
put(key, val) {
return relay(this).PUT(this, key, val);
function rejectHandled(reason) {
if (resolveTheHandler) {
delete(key) {
return relay(this).DELETE(this, key);
function resolveHandled(presence, resolvedHandler) {
try {
if (resolvedHandler) {
// Sanity checks.
if (Object(resolvedHandler) !== resolvedHandler) {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved handler ${resolvedHandler} cannot be a primitive`,
for (const method of ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST']) {
if (typeof resolvedHandler[method] !== 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved handler ${resolvedHandler} requires a ${method} method`,
if (Object(presence) !== presence) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be a primitive`);
if (presence === null) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be null`);
if (presenceToHandler.has(presence)) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} is already mapped`);
if (presence && typeof presence.then === 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Presence ${presence} cannot be a Promise or other thenable`,
post(optKey, args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Create table entries for the presence mapped to the resolvedHandler.
presenceToPromise.set(presence, handledP);
presenceToHandler.set(presence, resolvedHandler);
invoke(optKey, ...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Remove the mapping, as our resolvedHandler should be used instead.
fapply(args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// Resolve with the new presence or other value.
fcall(...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// ***********************************************************
// The rest of these static methods ensure we use the correct
// EPromise.resolve and EPromise.reject, no matter what the
// implementation of the inherited BasePromise is.
static all(iterable) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (res, item, index) => {
// Reject if any reject.
if (item.status === 'rejected') {
throw item.reason;
if (resolveTheHandler) {
// Activate the default unresolvedHandler.
} catch (e) {
// Add the resolved value to the array.
res[index] = item.value;
// Invoke the callback to let the user resolve/reject.
executor(resolveHandled, rejectHandled);
// Continue combining promise results.
return { status: 'continue', result: res };
// Return a handled Promise, which wil be resolved/rejected
// by the executor.
return handledP;
static allSettled(iterable) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (res, item, index) => {
// Add the reified promise result to the array.
res[index] = item;
// Continue combining promise results.
return { status: 'continue', result: res };
// TODO: Implement any(iterable) according to spec.
// Also add it to the SES/Jessie whitelists.
static race(iterable) {
// Just return the first reified promise result, whether fulfilled or rejected.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (_, item) => item);
function makeForwarder(operation, localImpl) {
return async (ep, ...args) => {
const o = await ep;
const resolvedRelay = presenceToResolvedRelay.get(o);
if (resolvedRelay) {
// The relay was resolved, so give it a naked object.
return resolvedRelay[operation](o, ...args);
const resolvedHandler = presenceToHandler.get(o);
if (resolvedHandler) {
// The handler was resolved, so give it a naked object.
return resolvedHandler[operation](o, ...args);

@@ -227,3 +219,3 @@

forwardingRelay = {
forwardingHandler = {
GET: makeForwarder('GET', (o, key) => o[key]),

@@ -239,154 +231,5 @@ PUT: makeForwarder('PUT', (o, key, val) => (o[key] = val)),

* Reduce-like helper function to support iterable values mapped to Promise.resolve,
* and combine them asynchronously.
* The combiner may be called in any order, and the collection is not necessarily
* done iterating by the time it's called.
* The notable difference from reduce is that the combiner gets a reified
* settled promise as its `item` argument, and returns a combiner action
* with a `status` field of "rejected", "fulfilled", or "continue".
* @param {*} initValue first value of result
* @param {Iterable} iterable values to EPromise.resolve
* @param {Combiner} combiner synchronously reduce each item
* @returns {EPromise<*>}
function combinePromises(initValue, iterable, combiner) {
let result = initValue;
// We use the platform async keyword here to simplify
// the executor function.
return new EPromise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// We start at 1 to prevent the iterator from resolving
// the EPromise until the loop is complete and all items
// have been reduced.
let countDown = 1;
let alreadySettled = false;
function rejectOnce(e) {
if (!alreadySettled) {
alreadySettled = true;
function resolveOnce(value) {
if (!alreadySettled) {
alreadySettled = true;
function doCountDown() {
countDown -= 1;
if (countDown === 0) {
// Resolve the outer promise.
async function doCombine(mapped, index) {
if (alreadySettled) {
// Short-circuit out of here, since we already
// rejected or resolved.
// Either update the result or throw an exception.
const action = await combiner(result, mapped, index);
switch (action.status) {
case 'continue':
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
result = action.result;
case 'rejected':
case 'fulfilled':
// Resolve the outer promise.
result = action.value;
throw TypeError(`Not a valid combiner return value: ${action}`);
try {
let i = 0;
for (const item of iterable) {
const index = i;
i += 1;
// Say that we have one more to wait for.
countDown += 1;
value => doCombine({ status: 'fulfilled', value }, index), // Successful resolve.
reason => doCombine({ status: 'rejected', reason }, index), // Failed resolve.
// If we had no items or they all settled before the
// loop ended, this will count down to zero and resolve
// the result.
} catch (e) {
return EPromise;
return Promise;
* Return a new value based on a reified promise result.
* @callback Combiner
* @param {*} previousValue last value passed with CombinerContinue
* @param {SettledStatus} currentStatus current reified promise result
* @param {number} currentIndex current index in the input iterable
* @returns {CombinerContinue|SettledStatus} what to do next
* A reified settled promise.
* @typedef {FulfilledStatus | RejectedStatus} SettledStatus
* A reified fulfilled promise.
* @typedef {Object} FulfilledStatus
* @property {'fulfilled'} status the promise was fulfilled
* @property {*} [value] the value of the promise resolution
* A reified rejected promise.
* @typedef {Object} RejectedStatus
* @property {'rejected'} status the promise was rejected
* @property {*} [reason] the value of the promise rejection
* Tell combinePromises to continue with a new value for the result.
* @typedef {Object} CombinerContinue
* @property {'continue'} status continue with combining
* @property {*} result the new result to use as `currentStatus`
export default makeEPromiseClass;
export default maybeExtendPromise;

@@ -8,6 +8,3 @@ (function (global, factory) {

* Create an EPromise class that supports eventual send (infix-bang) operations.
* This is a class that extends the BasePromise class argument (which may be platform
* Promises, or some other implementation). Only the `new BasePromise(executor)`
* constructor form is used directly by EPromise.
* Modify a Promise class to have it support eventual send (infix-bang) operations.

@@ -19,208 +16,203 @@ * Based heavily on nanoq

* @param {typeof Promise} BasePromise ES6 Promise contstructor
* @returns {typeof EPromise} EPromise class
* @param {typeof Promise} Promise ES6 Promise class to shim
* @return {typeof EPromise} Extended promise
function makeEPromiseClass(BasePromise) {
const presenceToResolvedRelay = new WeakMap();
const promiseToRelay = new WeakMap();
function maybeExtendPromise(Promise) {
// Make idempotent, so we don't layer on top of a BasePromise that is adequate.
let needsShim = false;
for (const method of [
]) {
if (typeof Promise.prototype[method] !== 'function') {
needsShim = true;
if (!needsShim) {
// Already supports all the methods.
return Promise;
// This special relay accepts Promises, and forwards
// the remote to its corresponding resolvedRelay.
const presenceToHandler = new WeakMap();
const presenceToPromise = new WeakMap();
const promiseToHandler = new WeakMap();
// This special handler accepts Promises, and forwards
// handled Promises to their corresponding resolvedHandler.
// If passed a Promise that is not remote, perform
// If passed a Promise that is not handled, perform
// the corresponding local operation.
let forwardingRelay;
let forwardingHandler;
function relay(p) {
return promiseToRelay.get(p) || forwardingRelay;
return promiseToHandler.get(p) || forwardingHandler;
class EPromise extends BasePromise {
static makeRemote(executor, unresolvedRelay) {
let remoteResolve;
let remoteReject;
let relayResolve;
const remoteP = new EPromise((resolve, reject) => {
remoteResolve = resolve;
remoteReject = reject;
get(key) {
return relay(this).GET(this, key);
if (!unresolvedRelay) {
// Create a simple unresolvedRelay that just postpones until the
// resolvedRelay is set.
// This is insufficient for actual remote Promises (too many round-trips),
// but is an easy way to create a local Remote.
const relayP = new EPromise(resolve => {
relayResolve = resolve;
put(key, val) {
return relay(this).PUT(this, key, val);
const postpone = forwardedOperation => {
// Just wait until the relay is resolved/rejected.
return async (p, ...args) => {
// console.log(`forwarding ${forwardedOperation}`);
await relayP;
return p[forwardedOperation](args);
delete(key) {
return relay(this).DELETE(this, key);
unresolvedRelay = {
GET: postpone('get'),
PUT: postpone('put'),
DELETE: postpone('delete'),
POST: postpone('post'),
post(optKey, args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Until the remote is resolved, we use the unresolvedRelay.
promiseToRelay.set(remoteP, unresolvedRelay);
invoke(optKey, ...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
function rejectRemote(reason) {
if (relayResolve) {
fapply(args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
function resolveRemote(presence, resolvedRelay) {
try {
if (resolvedRelay) {
// Sanity checks.
if (Object(resolvedRelay) !== resolvedRelay) {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved relay ${resolvedRelay} cannot be a primitive`,
for (const method of ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST']) {
if (typeof resolvedRelay[method] !== 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved relay ${resolvedRelay} requires a ${method} method`,
if (Object(presence) !== presence) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be a primitive`);
if (presence === null) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be null`);
if (presenceToResolvedRelay.has(presence)) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} is already mapped`);
if (presence && typeof presence.then === 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Presence ${presence} cannot be a Promise or other thenable`,
fcall(...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// Create a table entry for the presence mapped to the resolvedRelay.
presenceToResolvedRelay.set(presence, resolvedRelay);
const baseResolve = Promise.resolve.bind(Promise);
// Remove the mapping, as our resolvedRelay should be used instead.
// Resolve with the new presence or other value.
if (relayResolve) {
// Activate the default unresolvedRelay.
} catch (e) {
// Add Promise.makeHandled and update Promise.resolve.
resolve(value) {
// Resolving a Presence returns the pre-registered handled promise.
const handledPromise = presenceToPromise.get(value);
if (handledPromise) {
return handledPromise;
return baseResolve(value);
// Invoke the callback to let the user resolve/reject.
executor(resolveRemote, rejectRemote);
makeHandled(executor, unresolvedHandler) {
let handledResolve;
let handledReject;
let resolveTheHandler;
const handledP = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
handledResolve = resolve;
handledReject = reject;
// Return a remote EPromise, which wil be resolved/rejected
// by the executor.
return remoteP;
if (!unresolvedHandler) {
// Create a simple unresolvedHandler that just postpones until the
// resolvedHandler is set.
// This is insufficient for actual remote handled Promises
// (too many round-trips), but is an easy way to create a local handled Promise.
const handlerP = new Promise(resolve => {
resolveTheHandler = resolve;
static resolve(value) {
return new EPromise(resolve => resolve(value));
const postpone = forwardedOperation => {
// Just wait until the handler is resolved/rejected.
return async (p, ...args) => {
// console.log(`forwarding ${forwardedOperation}`);
await handlerP;
return p[forwardedOperation](args);
static reject(reason) {
return new EPromise((_resolve, reject) => reject(reason));
unresolvedHandler = {
GET: postpone('get'),
PUT: postpone('put'),
DELETE: postpone('delete'),
POST: postpone('post'),
get(key) {
return relay(this).GET(this, key);
// Until the handled promise is resolved, we use the unresolvedHandler.
promiseToHandler.set(handledP, unresolvedHandler);
put(key, val) {
return relay(this).PUT(this, key, val);
function rejectHandled(reason) {
if (resolveTheHandler) {
delete(key) {
return relay(this).DELETE(this, key);
function resolveHandled(presence, resolvedHandler) {
try {
if (resolvedHandler) {
// Sanity checks.
if (Object(resolvedHandler) !== resolvedHandler) {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved handler ${resolvedHandler} cannot be a primitive`,
for (const method of ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST']) {
if (typeof resolvedHandler[method] !== 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Resolved handler ${resolvedHandler} requires a ${method} method`,
if (Object(presence) !== presence) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be a primitive`);
if (presence === null) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} cannot be null`);
if (presenceToHandler.has(presence)) {
throw TypeError(`Presence ${presence} is already mapped`);
if (presence && typeof presence.then === 'function') {
throw TypeError(
`Presence ${presence} cannot be a Promise or other thenable`,
post(optKey, args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Create table entries for the presence mapped to the resolvedHandler.
presenceToPromise.set(presence, handledP);
presenceToHandler.set(presence, resolvedHandler);
invoke(optKey, ...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, optKey, args);
// Remove the mapping, as our resolvedHandler should be used instead.
fapply(args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// Resolve with the new presence or other value.
fcall(...args) {
return relay(this).POST(this, undefined, args);
// ***********************************************************
// The rest of these static methods ensure we use the correct
// EPromise.resolve and EPromise.reject, no matter what the
// implementation of the inherited BasePromise is.
static all(iterable) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (res, item, index) => {
// Reject if any reject.
if (item.status === 'rejected') {
throw item.reason;
if (resolveTheHandler) {
// Activate the default unresolvedHandler.
} catch (e) {
// Add the resolved value to the array.
res[index] = item.value;
// Invoke the callback to let the user resolve/reject.
executor(resolveHandled, rejectHandled);
// Continue combining promise results.
return { status: 'continue', result: res };
// Return a handled Promise, which wil be resolved/rejected
// by the executor.
return handledP;
static allSettled(iterable) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (res, item, index) => {
// Add the reified promise result to the array.
res[index] = item;
// Continue combining promise results.
return { status: 'continue', result: res };
// TODO: Implement any(iterable) according to spec.
// Also add it to the SES/Jessie whitelists.
static race(iterable) {
// Just return the first reified promise result, whether fulfilled or rejected.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return combinePromises([], iterable, (_, item) => item);
function makeForwarder(operation, localImpl) {
return async (ep, ...args) => {
const o = await ep;
const resolvedRelay = presenceToResolvedRelay.get(o);
if (resolvedRelay) {
// The relay was resolved, so give it a naked object.
return resolvedRelay[operation](o, ...args);
const resolvedHandler = presenceToHandler.get(o);
if (resolvedHandler) {
// The handler was resolved, so give it a naked object.
return resolvedHandler[operation](o, ...args);

@@ -234,3 +226,3 @@

forwardingRelay = {
forwardingHandler = {
GET: makeForwarder('GET', (o, key) => o[key]),

@@ -246,156 +238,7 @@ PUT: makeForwarder('PUT', (o, key, val) => (o[key] = val)),

* Reduce-like helper function to support iterable values mapped to Promise.resolve,
* and combine them asynchronously.
* The combiner may be called in any order, and the collection is not necessarily
* done iterating by the time it's called.
* The notable difference from reduce is that the combiner gets a reified
* settled promise as its `item` argument, and returns a combiner action
* with a `status` field of "rejected", "fulfilled", or "continue".
* @param {*} initValue first value of result
* @param {Iterable} iterable values to EPromise.resolve
* @param {Combiner} combiner synchronously reduce each item
* @returns {EPromise<*>}
function combinePromises(initValue, iterable, combiner) {
let result = initValue;
// We use the platform async keyword here to simplify
// the executor function.
return new EPromise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// We start at 1 to prevent the iterator from resolving
// the EPromise until the loop is complete and all items
// have been reduced.
let countDown = 1;
let alreadySettled = false;
function rejectOnce(e) {
if (!alreadySettled) {
alreadySettled = true;
function resolveOnce(value) {
if (!alreadySettled) {
alreadySettled = true;
function doCountDown() {
countDown -= 1;
if (countDown === 0) {
// Resolve the outer promise.
async function doCombine(mapped, index) {
if (alreadySettled) {
// Short-circuit out of here, since we already
// rejected or resolved.
// Either update the result or throw an exception.
const action = await combiner(result, mapped, index);
switch (action.status) {
case 'continue':
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
result = action.result;
case 'rejected':
case 'fulfilled':
// Resolve the outer promise.
result = action.value;
throw TypeError(`Not a valid combiner return value: ${action}`);
try {
let i = 0;
for (const item of iterable) {
const index = i;
i += 1;
// Say that we have one more to wait for.
countDown += 1;
value => doCombine({ status: 'fulfilled', value }, index), // Successful resolve.
reason => doCombine({ status: 'rejected', reason }, index), // Failed resolve.
// If we had no items or they all settled before the
// loop ended, this will count down to zero and resolve
// the result.
} catch (e) {
return EPromise;
return Promise;
* Return a new value based on a reified promise result.
* @callback Combiner
* @param {*} previousValue last value passed with CombinerContinue
* @param {SettledStatus} currentStatus current reified promise result
* @param {number} currentIndex current index in the input iterable
* @returns {CombinerContinue|SettledStatus} what to do next
return maybeExtendPromise;
* A reified settled promise.
* @typedef {FulfilledStatus | RejectedStatus} SettledStatus
* A reified fulfilled promise.
* @typedef {Object} FulfilledStatus
* @property {'fulfilled'} status the promise was fulfilled
* @property {*} [value] the value of the promise resolution
* A reified rejected promise.
* @typedef {Object} RejectedStatus
* @property {'rejected'} status the promise was rejected
* @property {*} [reason] the value of the promise rejection
* Tell combinePromises to continue with a new value for the result.
* @typedef {Object} CombinerContinue
* @property {'continue'} status continue with combining
* @property {*} result the new result to use as `currentStatus`
return makeEPromiseClass;
"name": "@agoric/eventual-send",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.1.1",
"description": "Extend a Promise class to implement the eventual-send API",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/eventual-send.cjs.js",

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