FeedHenry JavaScript SDK
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The JavaScript SDK allows developers to integrate the FeedHenry Cloud into any web-based solution - desktop websites, mobile websites or a stand-alone JavaScript client.
The API is provided in the $fh namespace and uses a common convention for most functions, which takes the format:
$fh.doSomething(parameterObject, successFunction, failureFunction)
Where parameterObject is an ordinary JavaScript object. The successFunction callback is called if the operation was successful and the failureFunction callback is called if the operation fails. All of these arguments are optional. If there is only one function, it is taken as the success function.
The successFunction callback is called with one argument, a result object, which is again an ordinary JavaScript object. The failureFunction callback is called with two arguments: an error code string, and an object containing additional error properties (if any).
Detailed documentation for the JavaScript SDK's API can be found here: http://docs.feedhenry.com/v3/api/app_api
Using with Titanium Applications
The FeedHenry Javascript SDK is built to work with Titanium applications. To get started, you need to first include the FeedHenry JS SDK, feedhenry.js
in your Resources folder, at the root level. You also need to include a fhconfig.js
file, which sets configuration properties for initializing the JS SDK. This file is a little different than normal, it should take the format of:
module.exports = {
You can then require the FeedHenry SDK from any JavaScript file in your Titanium project, and use it as normal:
var $fh = require('feedhenry');
$fh.act // ...FeedHenry Calls are now possible
For a practical exampe, see the FeedHenry Titanium example app.
The JS SDK is now built using Browserify.
Because of Browserify, you can write any new functions as normal node modules, and use node's "require" to load any other modules, or to be consumed by other modules.
Write your tests in test/tests directory. Add the tests to test/browser/suite.js file and run
grunt test
This will use mocha and phatomjs to run the tests.
In fact, if your module and test don't require a browser environment, you can just run them purely in node. (You may need to add a new grunt task to run them).
To help debugging, you can run
grunt local
This will start mock servers locally and you can go to http://localhost:8200/example/index.html page to debug. You may want to run
grunt watch
In another terminal window to auto generate the combined js sdk file.
For browser compatibility testing, we use Testling. The project page is here: https://ci.testling.com/feedhenry/fh-js-sdk.
You can also run testling locally:
npm install -g testling
If testling can not find any browser locally, you either need to add browser paths to your PATH environment variable, or use
testling -u
and copy the url to a browser.
When finish developing and testing, run
To generate the release builds.
Updating the AppForms Template App
This process should be changed, however, documenting it here.
Build the js-sdk as above.
clone the AppForms-Template repo
git clone git@github.com:feedhenry/AppForms-Template.git
switch to the feedhenry3 branch
git checkout feedhenry3
copy the appForms-backbone file generated in the js-sdk to the AppForms-Template
cp fh-js-sdk/dist/appForms-backbone.js AppForms-Template/client/default/lib/appform-backbone.js
install the node modules in the AppForms-Template
cd AppForms-Template
npm install
and run grunt
clone the app forms-project-client template app
git clone git://github.com/feedhenry/appforms-project-client.git
copy the resulting lib.min.js to the appforms template
cp AppForms-Template/dist/client/default/lib.min.js appforms-project-client/www/lib.min.js
push the updated changes
git push origin master
Our SDK is release on npmjs. To do a release follow those steps:
Prepare release
- Update
, npm-shrinkwrap.json
file with the new version number. - Update
with some JIRA link - Do a PR, make sure Travis build passed. Merge.
- Tag the repository with the new version number:
git tag -s -a {VERSION} -m 'version {VERSION}' // e.g. {VERSION} format is '2.17.0'
- Push the new release tag on GitHub:
git push origin {TAG}
Publish to npmjs
- Login to npm as
or make sure your own login is part of the collaborator list in fh-js-sdk in npmjs.org
npm login
npm publish