fh-mbaas-api provides FeedHenry MBaaS APIs for Node.js cloud apps.
fh-mbaas-api is included as standard with your cloud app code.
For custom apps, add the module via npm by running the following for the root of your app
npm install --save fh-mbaas-api
This will install the latest version of fh-mbaas-api and save the installed version in your package.json
Documentation for the $fh cloud API is maintained at the FeedHenry API Docs.
Legacy Rhino functions have been deprecated. These are listed below - with their replacements in bold. All replacements listed but '$fh.web' have drop-in replacements available.
- $fh.web -> request
- $fh.log -> console.log
- $fh.parse -> JSON.parse
- $fh.stringify JSON.stringify
In order to run the tests, please make sure you have Docker installed.
Before running tests do:
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli
Then to run the tests use npm test
On Windows, use npm run testwindows
Two sync loops per sync frequency
Two sync loops may be invoked per sync frequency if the server-side sync frequency
differs from the client-side frequency.
This is because the client and server sync frequencies are set independently.
Setting a long frequency on a client does not change the sync frequency on the
The syncFrequency
value of the dataset on the server should be set to the
value of the corresponding dataset on the client to avoid this.
For example:
on the client-side dataset is also set to 120 seconds.syncFrequency
on the server-side dataset is set to 120 seconds.
API logging
Users of the fh-mbaas-api can then enable logging if they would like to see more output. This is useful for debugging purposes.
It's possible to pass environment variables to enable the logging according the rules specified for debug module:
DEBUG="fh-mbaas-api:*" ./yourscript
is passed also it will print log messages with proper timestamps. This is automatically enabled outside properly supported terminal.