This package is for vanilla-js DOM-manipulation for cyclops-functions. As of now, it only contains code for injecting the login-button/showing your name in the place of the login-button.
Table of Contents
import { injectUser } from '@aller/cyclops-frontend-vanilla'
injectUser(elementId, domain?, ILoginButton?)
For users that want the least possible bloat, imports should be handled as such:
import { injectUser } from "@aller/cyclops-frontend-vanilla/lib/components/loginButton";
Instead of importing everything the index.ts
forward-exports, it only imports the element that is wanted/needed. This could help tree-shaking in cases where there are no tree-shaking done on transpiling.
Injects a login-button to the elementId sent in as a parameter and fetches whether the user is logged in.
If you want to test the functionality on a non-relative domain
, the domain can also be sent with as a parameter.
This function can include an object of the type ILoginButton
interface for customizable classes and texts. Here are the defaults:
dropdownButtonClass: "cyclops-dropbtn",
dropdownContentClass: "cyclops-dropdown-content",
dropdownClass: "cyclops-dropdown",
containerContentClass: "cyclops-login",
loginText: "Logg Inn",
logoutText: "Logg Ut",
myPageText: "Minside",
extraLinks: []
For adding more custom elements in the user-dropdown, the property extraLinks
can be used. This property can hold elements of the interface:
interface IExtraLink {
text: string;
href: string;
If the property extraLinks
remain empty, there will only be added the default "Minside" and "Logg Ut" buttons. If the extraLinks
are defined, these links will appear between the "Minside" and "Logg Ut" links.
Add more vanilla-js DOM-manipulation code, for different functions. So far it is only injectUser
that has its own vanilla-JS element. This should probably be expanded when/if needed.