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This SDK is used to provide all needed functionality and comunication with the ABDEX Smart contrcts. > The main export from this SDK is the `async function initSDK`.

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This SDK is used to provide all needed functionality and comunication with the ABDEX Smart contrcts.

The main export from this SDK is the async function initSDK.


  • this function is used in instantiating the main SDK classes
    • input parameter is ethers.js Wallet object with attached JsonRpcProvider
    • returns three types of objects:
    • used like: const sdk = await initSDK(signerWithProvider)

class Pool

  • instantiated from the async function initSDK
  • constriction: const pool = new sdk.Pool(poolTokenA, poolTokenB, weight)
    • poolTokenA is one of the tokens in the LP
    • poolTokenB is the other token in the LP
    • weight is ethers.js BigNumber and is the weight in the virtual pairs inside the ABDEX LP usually like so: const weight = BigNumber.from('750000000000000000')
  • Pool properties include:
  public contract: Contract;
  public token1: Token;
  public token0: Token;
  public weight: BigNumber;
  • Pool methods:
  • async getLiquidity(address: string): Promise<TokenAmount> - returns the balance of the ALBT LP token for the given address
  • async getTotalSupply(): Promise<TokenAmount> - returns the total supply of ALBT LP tokens
  • async getReserves(): Promise<TokenAmount[] | any[]> returns the reserve amoutns for both of the tokens inside the LP
  • public involvesToken(token: Token): boolean - a util function to check if the Pool consist of the given token token.
  • public oppositeToken(token: Token): Token - returns the other token in the Pool
  • public getLiquidityValue(reserve: TokenAmount, totalSupply: TokenAmount,liquidity: TokenAmount): TokenAmount - returns the liquidity for a given token amount. This method is ment to be used only by the class UserContribution

class UserContribution

  • instantiated from the async function initSDK
  • constriction: const userPool = new sdk.UserContribution(pool);
    • pool is a Pool object
  • UserContribution properties include:
  public pool: Pool;
  public userAddress: string;
  • UserContribution methods:
  • tokenAisWrappedNativeToken(): Boolean - checks if tokenA in the Pool is nateive
  • tokenBisWrappedNativeToken(): Boolean - checks if tokenB in the Pool is nateive
  • async getUserDeposit(): Promise<TokenAmount[]> - returns the user deposited token amounts
  • async getUserShare(): Promise<Percent | undefined> - returns the user % in the LP
  • async liquidity(): Promise<TokenAmount> - returns the balance of the ALBT LP token for the userAddress

class Treasury

  • instantiated from the async function initSDK
  • constriction: const treasury = new sdk.Treasury(treasuryAddress,token0,token1);
    • treasuryAddress is aquired from
      function getTreasuryAddress(
      dex.orchestratorTreasuryAddress, // dex is a DEX object
    • token0 is one of the tokens in the treasury
    • token1 is the other token in the treasury
  • UserContribution properties include:
  public contract: Contract;
  public token0: Token;
  public token1: Token;
  public signer: Wallet;
  • Treasury methods:
    • async approveTokenAmount(signer: Wallet, tokenAmount: TokenAmount) - utility method that approves token to be used in treasury.invest(...) method
    • async invest(tokenAmount: TokenAmount, signerWithProvider: Wallet) - used to invest tokens in the treasury
    • async investWithPermit(tokenAmount: TokenAmount, onBehalf: Wallet, deadline: number, v, r, s) - same as invest but with permit
    • async approve(spenderAddress: string) - approves addres in the treasury contract
    • async allowance(owner: Wallet, spender: string) - inspects if the address is approved
    • sync balanceOf(investor: Wallet, token: Token) - returns the user investment of the given token
    • async totalInvestments(token: Token) - returns the total investment of the given token

class DEX

  • instantiated from the async function initSDK

  • constriction: const dex = new sdk.DEX();

  • DEX methods:

    • async getQuote(pool: Pool, tokenAmount: TokenAmount): Promise<TokenAmount> - returns a quote amount of the oposite token, used when adding liquidity to LP.

    • async addLiquidity(tokenAmountA: TokenAmount, tokenAmountB: TokenAmount, pool: Pool, slippageTolerance: number = 50) - provide liquidity to existing LP or create LP with the given tokens. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async addNativeLiquidity(currencyAmount: CurrencyAmount, tokenAmount: TokenAmount, pool: Pool) - Provide liquidity to existing LP or create LP with the given nativeCurrency (like ETH, MATIC) - Token. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async removeLiquidity(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, slippage: number) - Builds a transaction to remove a percentage of the user liquidity from the LP. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async removeLiquidityWithPermit( percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, slippage: number, deadline: number, v: number, r: string, s: string) - Same as removeLiquidity but uses a permit in stead of approve on the ERC20. Only usable if the ERC20 supports permit. Parameters "deadline, v, r s" are all part of the EIP-2612: permit. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async removeNativeLiquidity(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, slippage: number) - Same as removeLiquidity but for nativeCurrency - Token. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async removeNativeLiquidityWithPermit(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, slippage: number, deadline: number, v: number, r: string, s: string) - Same as removeNativeLiquidity but uses a permit in stead of approve on the ERC20. Only usable if the ERC20 supports permit. Parameters "deadline, v, r s" are all part of the EIP-2612: permit. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async getAmountsOut(tokenAmount: TokenAmount, path: string[]) - Get a quote for a ExactIn swaps. Represents the amount of token that needs to be outputted in order to get the exact input. Parameter path consists of special hashes that are build by the convertToDexPath function.


    import { convertToDexPath } from '@stichting-allianceblock-foundation/abdex-sdk-v2';
    const path = convertToDexPath(
      [tokenA, tokenB],
    // A quote for ExactIn swaps!
    const amountsOutCall: BigNumber[] = await dex.getAmountsOut(
    • async getAmountsIn(tokenAmount: TokenAmount, path: string[]) - Get a quote for a ExactOut swaps. Represents the amount of token that needs to be inputed in order to get the exact output. Parameter path consists of special hashes that are build by the convertToDexPath function.


    import { convertToDexPath } from '@stichting-allianceblock-foundation/abdex-sdk-v2';
    const path = convertToDexPath(
      [tokenA, tokenB],
    // A quote for ExactOut swaps!
    const amountsInCall: BigNumber[] = await dex.getAmountsIn(
  • DEX methods for swaping tokens:

    • async swapExactTokensForTokens Takes in:
      tokenAmountIn: TokenAmount, // Exact amount of token to be swaped
      tokenAmountOutMin: TokenAmount, // get the quote from getAmountsOut function
      to: string,
      path: string[], // get the path from convertToDexPath function
      deadline: number

    returns a populated transaction


      const path = convertToDexPath(
        [tokenAmountA.token, tokenHop, tokenB],
      const amountsOutCall: BigNumber[] = await dex.getAmountsOut(
      const amountsOut = amountsOutCall[amountsOutCall.length - 1];
      tokenAmountB = new TokenAmount(tokenB, amountsOut.toBigInt());
      const tx = await dex.swapExactTokensForTokens(
      const signedTransaction = await signerWithProvider.sendTransaction(tx);
    • async swapTokensForExactTokens Takes in:
      tokenAmountOut: TokenAmount, // Exact amount of token to be swaped
      tokenAmountInMax: TokenAmount, // get the quote from getAmountsIn function
      to: string,
      path: string[], // get the path from convertToDexPath function
      deadline: number

    returns a populated transaction


      const path = convertToDexPath(
        [tokenB, tokenHop, tokenAmountA.token],
      let amountsInCall: BigNumber[] = await dex.getAmountsIn(
      const amountsIn = amountsInCall[0];
      tokenAmountB = new TokenAmount(tokenB, amountsIn.toBigInt());
      const tx = await dex.swapTokensForExactTokens(
      const signedTransaction = await signerWithProvider.sendTransaction(tx);
    • async swapExactTokensForNative Takes in:
      tokenAmountIn: TokenAmount, // Exact amount of token to be swaped
      nativeAmountOutMin: TokenAmount, // get the quote from getAmountsOut function
      to: string,
      path: string[], // get the path from convertToDexPath function
      deadline: number

    returns a populated transaction


      const path = convertToDexPath(
        [tokenAmountB.token, tokenHop, native], // native is the wraped Coin
      const amountsOutCall: BigNumber[] = await dex.getAmountsOut(
      const amountsOut = amountsOutCall[amountsOutCall.length - 1];
      const nativeOut = new TokenAmount(native, amountsOut.toBigInt());
      const tx = await dex.swapExactTokensForNative(
      const signedTransaction = await signerWithProvider.sendTransaction(tx);
    • async swapTokensForExactNative Takes in:
      nativeAmountOut: TokenAmount, // Exact amount of token to be swaped
      tokenAmountInMax: TokenAmount, // get the quote from getAmountsIn function
      to: string,
      path: string[], // get the path from convertToDexPath function
      deadline: number

    returns a populated transaction


      const path = convertToDexPath(
        [tokenB, tokenHop, exactNativeOut.token], // native is the wraped Coin
      let amountsInCall: BigNumber[] = await dex.getAmountsIn(
      const amountsIn = amountsInCall[0];
      tokenAmountB = new TokenAmount(tokenB, amountsIn.toBigInt());
      const tx = await dex.swapTokensForExactNative(
      const signedTransaction = await signerWithProvider.sendTransaction(tx);
    • async swapNativeForExactTokens Takes in:
      tokenAmountOut: TokenAmount, // Exact amount of token to be swaped
      nativeAmountInMax: TokenAmount, // get the quote from getAmountsIn function
      to: string,
      path: string[], // get the path from convertToDexPath function
      deadline: number

    returns a populated transaction


      const path = convertToDexPath(
        [native, tokenHop, tokenAmountB.token], // native is the wraped Coin
      const amountsInCall: BigNumber[] = await dex.getAmountsIn(
      const amountsIn = amountsInCall[0];
      const nativeIn = new TokenAmount(native, amountsIn.toBigInt());
      const tx = await dex.swapNativeForExactTokens(
      const signedTransaction = await signerWithProvider.sendTransaction(tx);
    • async swapExactNativeForTokens Takes in:
    nativeAmountIn: TokenAmount, // Exact amount of token to be swaped
    tokenAmountOutMin: TokenAmount, // get the quote from getAmountsOut function
    to: string,
    path: string[], // get the path from convertToDexPath function
    deadline: number

    returns a populated transaction


      const path = convertToDexPath(
        [nativeExactIn.token, tokenHop, tokenB], // native is the wraped Coin
      const amountsOutCall: BigNumber[] = await dex.getAmountsOut(
      const amountsOut = amountsOutCall[amountsOutCall.length - 1];
      tokenAmountB = new TokenAmount(tokenB, amountsOut.toBigInt());
      const tx = await dex.swapExactNativeForTokens(
      const signedTransaction = await signerWithProvider.sendTransaction(tx);
  • DEX treasury methods:

    • async addLiquidityTreasuryRouter(tokenAmountA: TokenAmount,tokenAmountB: TokenAmount,amountATreasury: TokenAmount,amountBTreasury: TokenAmount,pool: Pool,signedAllowance: string,slippageTolerance: number = 500) - provide liquidity to existing LP or create LP with the given tokens. Invests amountATreasury and amountBTreasury to the treasury. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async addNativeLiquidityTreasuryRouter(currencyAmount: CurrencyAmount, tokenAmount: TokenAmount, amountATreasury: TokenAmount, amountNativeTreasury: CurrencyAmount, pool: Pool, slippageTolerance: number = 500) - Provide liquidity to existing LP or create LP with the given nativeCurrency (like ETH, MATIC) - Token. Invests amountATreasury and amountNativeTreasury to the treasury. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async removeLiquidityTreasuryRouter(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, amountATreasury: TokenAmount, amountBTreasury: TokenAmount, slippage: number) - Builds a transaction to remove a percentage of the user liquidity from the LP. Withdraws amountATreasury and amountBTreasury to the treasury Returns a populated transaction.

    • async removeLiquidityWithPermitTreasuryRouter( percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, amountATreasury: TokenAmount, amountBTreasury: TokenAmount, slippage: number, deadline: number, v: number, r: string, s: string) - Same as removeLiquidityTreasuryRouter but uses a permit in stead of approve on the ERC20. Only usable if the ERC20 supports permit. Parameters "deadline, v, r s" are all part of the EIP-2612: permit. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async removeNativeLiquidityTreasuryRouter(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, amountATreasury: TokenAmount, amountNativeTreasury: CurrencyAmount, slippage: number) - Same as removeLiquidityTreasuryRouter but for nativeCurrency - Token. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async removeNativeLiquidityWithPermitTreasuryRouter(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, amountATreasury: TokenAmount, amountNativeTreasury: CurrencyAmount, slippage: number, deadline: number, v: number, r: string, s: string) - Same as removeNativeLiquidityTreasuryRouter but uses a permit in stead of approve on the ERC20. Only usable if the ERC20 supports permit. Parameters "deadline, v, r s" are all part of the EIP-2612: permit. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async migrateTreasury(pool: Pool, amountADesired: TokenAmount, amountBDesired: TokenAmount, slippageTolerance: number = 500, deadline: Number) - migrates tokens from a the treasury to the given pool. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async migrateTreasuryNative(pool: Pool, amountADesired: TokenAmount, amountBDesired: TokenAmount, slippageTolerance: number = 500, deadline: Number) - migrates tokens from a the treasury to the given pool. Used when the pool has a native wrapped token. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async migratePool(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, signature: string, slippage: number, deadline: number) - removes liquidity from the given pool and invests the tokens in the treasury. Returns a populated transaction. When migratePool() and not migratePoolWithPermit() is used it is verry important to approve the spending of the Pool Token like so:

    const txAppr = await pool.contract.approve(
        dex.treasuryRouterAddress, // dex is a DEX object
        await pool.contract.balanceOf(signer.address) // pool is a Pool object
    await txAppr.wait();
    • async migratePoolWithPermit(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, signature: string, slippage: number, deadline: number, v: number, r: string, s: string) - removes liquidity from the given pool and invests the tokens in the treasury. Uses permit. Parameters "deadline, v, r s" are all part of the EIP-2612: permit. Returns a populated transaction.

    • async migratePoolNative(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, signature: string, slippage: number, deadline: number) - removes liquidity from the given pool and invests the tokens in the treasury. Used when the pool has a native wrapped token. When migratePoolNative() and not migratePoolNativeWithPermit() is used it is verry important to approve the spending of the Pool Token like so:

    const txAppr = await pool.contract.approve(
        dex.treasuryRouterAddress, // dex is a DEX object
        await pool.contract.balanceOf(signer.address) // pool is a Pool object
    await txAppr.wait();
    • async migratePoolNativeWithPermit(percentToRemove: Percent, userPool: UserPoolContribution, signature: string, slippage: number, deadline: number, v: number,r: string,s: string) - removes liquidity from the given pool and invests the tokens in the treasury. Used when the pool has a native wrapped token. Uses permit. Parameters "deadline, v, r s" are all part of the EIP-2612: permit. Returns a populated transaction.


Package last updated on 26 Aug 2022

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