ARM Core
Part of Amsterdam React Maps library.
This is the link to the story book demo site with examples
Add this package to your project by running:
npm install --save @amsterdam/arm-core
import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'
import { Map, BaseLayer, GeoJSON, ViewerContainer, Zoom } from '@amsterdam/arm-core'
const json = {
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
name: 'Amsterdam',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [52, 4],
const MyComponent = () => (
<Map fullScreen>
<GeoJSON args={[json]} />
<ViewerContainer bottomRight={<Zoom />} />
<BaseLayer />
export default MyComponent
And when you want to use mapInstance in a different component:
import { useMapInstance } from '@amsterdam/arm-core';
const Search = () => (
const mapInstance = useMapInstance();
useEffect(() => {
}, [mapInstance])
export default Search
Exports components
- Map: props options?, fullScreen?, setInstance?
- BaseLayerToggle
- ControlButton: extends Button
- MapPanel
- Scale: props options
- ViewerContainer: props bottomLeft?, topLeft?, topRight?, bottomRight?
- Marker: props latLng, options?, setInstance?
- Zoom: props tabIndexIn?, tabIndexOut?
Exports leaflet layers
- BaseLayer: props baseLayer?, options?, setInstance?
- GeoJSON: props args, options?, setInstance?
- GeoJSONLayer: props url, options, setInstance?
- RDGeoJSON: props geometry, properties?, options?, setInstance?
- WfsLayer: props url, options, zoomLevel, setInstance?
Exports hooks
- useMapInstance()
- useMapEvents(events?)
- useEvents(instance, events?)
- useGetAddressFromLatLng()
- usePanToLatLng()
- useStateRef()
Exports services
- fetchWithAbort()
- getBBox(mapInstance)
- getCrsRd()
Exports constants
center: [52.3731081, 4.8932945],
zoom: 10,
maxZoom: 16,
minZoom: 3,
zoomControl: false,
crs: getCrsRd(),
maxBounds: [
[52.25168, 4.64034],
[52.50536, 5.10737],