Advanced tools
1.0.0-beta.32 (2021-06-01)
This pipe is mainly used for parameters
that accepts a THREE.Color
only instead of a string | number | THREE.Color
<!-- most materials accept all types of argument that THREE.Color accepts -->
<ngt-mesh-basic-material [parameters]='{color: 'black'}'></ngt-mesh-basic-material>
<!-- However, in the case of ngt-canvas, the background property only accepts THREE.Color -->
<ngt-canvas [scene]='{ background: ["black"] | color }'></ngt-canvas>
<!-- same idea as ColorPipe -->
<ngt-canvas [scene]='{ fog: ['000000', 1, 15000] | fog}'></ngt-canvas>
1.0.0-beta.31 (2021-06-01)
and MathConstantPipe
can be utilized to quickly calculate Math expression or use Math constants on the template
<span>{{ 1 | mathConst:'PI' }}</span>
<!-- equals to Math.PI -->
<span>{{ 0.5 | mathConst:'PI' }}</span>
<!-- equals to Math.PI / 2 -->
<span>{{ 1 | math:'sin' }}</span>
<!-- equals to Math.sin(1) -->
is similar to ngFor
but is meant to iterate over an amount of something rather than a list. For example, to loop over 30 days to build a calendar.
<ngt-mesh *repeat="let _ of 10000"></ngt-mesh>
1.0.0-beta.30 (2021-05-31)
to all 3dObject modules you're using, for example: <ngt-mesh>
<ngt-mesh o3d>
1.0.0-beta.25 (2021-04-30)