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@annotorious/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.5 to 3.0.6



@@ -27,28 +27,28 @@ var q = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;

const k = [];
const x = [];
function M(e, n = _) {
let t;
const o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function i(b) {
if (X(e, b) && (e = b, t)) {
const w = !k.length;
for (const g of o)
g[1](), k.push(g, e);
function r(v) {
if (X(e, v) && (e = v, t)) {
const w = !x.length;
for (const p of o)
p[1](), x.push(p, e);
if (w) {
for (let g = 0; g < k.length; g += 2)
k[g][0](k[g + 1]);
k.length = 0;
for (let p = 0; p < x.length; p += 2)
x[p][0](x[p + 1]);
x.length = 0;
function f(b) {
function g(v) {
function y(b, w = _) {
const g = [b, w];
return o.add(g), o.size === 1 && (t = n(i, f) || _), b(e), () => {
o.delete(g), o.size === 0 && t && (t(), t = null);
function m(v, w = _) {
const p = [v, w];
return o.add(p), o.size === 1 && (t = n(r, g) || _), v(e), () => {
o.delete(p), o.size === 0 && t && (t(), t = null);
return { set: i, update: f, subscribe: y };
return { set: r, update: g, subscribe: m };

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ const Ue = (e) => {

let o;
return n((i) => o = i), e.observe(({ changes: i }) => {
return n((r) => o = r), e.observe(({ changes: r }) => {
if (o) {
(i.deleted || []).some((b) => === o) && t(void 0);
const y = (i.updated || []).find(({ oldValue: b }) => === o);
y && t(;
(r.deleted || []).some((v) => === o) && t(void 0);
const m = (r.updated || []).find(({ oldValue: v }) => === o);
m && t(;

@@ -74,67 +74,70 @@ }), {

var Z = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.EDIT = "EDIT", e.SELECT = "SELECT", e.NONE = "NONE", e))(Z || {});
const z = { selected: [] }, Te = (e, n) => {
const { subscribe: t, set: o } = M(z);
let i = n, f = z;
t((A) => f = A);
const y = () => {
I(f, z) || o(z);
}, b = () => {
var A;
return ((A = f.selected) == null ? void 0 : A.length) === 0;
}, w = (A) => {
if (b())
const z = { selected: [] }, Te = (e, n, t) => {
const { subscribe: o, set: r } = M(z);
let g = n, m = z;
o((h) => m = h);
const v = () => {
I(m, z) || r(z);
}, w = () => {
var h;
return ((h = m.selected) == null ? void 0 : h.length) === 0;
}, p = (h) => {
if (w())
return !1;
const v = typeof A == "string" ? A :;
return f.selected.some((L) => === v);
}, g = (A, v) => {
const L = e.getAnnotation(A);
if (!L) {
console.warn("Invalid selection: " + A);
const y = typeof h == "string" ? h :;
return m.selected.some((O) => === y);
}, L = (h, y) => {
const O = e.getAnnotation(h);
if (!O) {
console.warn("Invalid selection: " + h);
switch (G(L, i)) {
switch (G(O, g, t)) {
case "EDIT":
o({ selected: [{ id: A, editable: !0 }], event: v });
r({ selected: [{ id: h, editable: !0 }], event: y });
case "SELECT":
o({ selected: [{ id: A }], event: v });
r({ selected: [{ id: h }], event: y });
o({ selected: [], event: v });
r({ selected: [], event: y });
}, S = (A, v) => {
const L = Array.isArray(A) ? A : [A], O = => e.getAnnotation(a)).filter((a) => !!a);
selected: => {
const u = v === void 0 ? G(a, i) === "EDIT" : v;
return { id:, editable: u };
}, a = (h, y) => {
const O = Array.isArray(h) ? h : [h], d = => e.getAnnotation(u)).filter((u) => !!u);
selected: => {
const s = y === void 0 ? G(u, g, t) === "EDIT" : y;
return { id:, editable: s };
}), O.length !== L.length && console.warn("Invalid selection", A);
}, r = (A) => {
if (b())
}), d.length !== O.length && console.warn("Invalid selection", h);
}, E = (h) => {
if (w())
return !1;
const { selected: v } = f;
v.some(({ id: O }) => A.includes(O)) && o({ selected: v.filter(({ id: O }) => !A.includes(O)) });
}, E = (A) => i = A;
const { selected: y } = m;
y.some(({ id: d }) => h.includes(d)) && r({ selected: y.filter(({ id: d }) => !h.includes(d)) });
}, U = (h) => g = h;
return e.observe(
({ changes: A }) => r((A.deleted || []).map((v) =>
({ changes: h }) => E((h.deleted || []).map((y) =>
), {
get event() {
return f ? f.event : null;
return m ? m.event : null;
get selected() {
return f ? [...f.selected] : null;
return m ? [...m.selected] : null;
get userSelectAction() {
return i;
return g;
clear: y,
isEmpty: b,
isSelected: w,
setSelected: S,
setUserSelectAction: E,
subscribe: t,
userSelect: g
clear: v,
isEmpty: w,
isSelected: p,
setSelected: a,
setUserSelectAction: U,
subscribe: o,
userSelect: L
}, G = (e, n) => typeof n == "function" ? n(e) : n || "EDIT";
}, G = (e, n, t) => {
const o = t ? t.serialize(e) : e;
return typeof n == "function" ? n(o) : n || "EDIT";
var D = [];

@@ -164,3 +167,3 @@ for (var Y = 0; Y < 256; ++Y)

const Oe = (e) => {
const { creator: n, updatedBy: t } =, o = e.bodies.reduce((i, f) => [...i, f.creator, f.updatedBy].filter(Boolean), []);
const { creator: n, updatedBy: t } =, o = e.bodies.reduce((r, g) => [...r, g.creator, g.updatedBy].filter(Boolean), []);
return [

@@ -170,3 +173,3 @@ n,

].filter((i) => i);
].filter((r) => r);
}, j = (e) => {

@@ -195,6 +198,6 @@ const n = (t) => {

}, ie = (e, n) => => {
const o = e.bodies.find((i) => ===;
const o = e.bodies.find((r) => ===;
return { newBody: t, oldBody: o && !I(o, t) ? o : void 0 };
}).filter(({ oldBody: t }) => t).map(({ oldBody: t, newBody: o }) => ({ oldBody: t, newBody: o })), de = (e, n) => !I(,, J = (e, n) => {
const t = oe(e, n), o = se(e, n), i = ie(e, n);
const t = oe(e, n), o = se(e, n), r = ie(e, n);
return {

@@ -205,9 +208,9 @@ oldValue: e,

bodiesDeleted: o.length > 0 ? o : void 0,
bodiesUpdated: i.length > 0 ? i : void 0,
bodiesUpdated: r.length > 0 ? r : void 0,
targetUpdated: de(e, n) ? { oldTarget:, newTarget: } : void 0
var ae = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.BODY_ONLY = "BODY_ONLY", e.TARGET_ONLY = "TARGET_ONLY", e))(ae || {}), T = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.LOCAL = "LOCAL", e.REMOTE = "REMOTE", e.SILENT = "SILENT", e))(T || {});
const re = (e, n) => {
var f, y;
var re = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.BODY_ONLY = "BODY_ONLY", e.TARGET_ONLY = "TARGET_ONLY", e))(re || {}), T = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.LOCAL = "LOCAL", e.REMOTE = "REMOTE", e.SILENT = "SILENT", e))(T || {});
const ae = (e, n) => {
var g, m;
const { changes: t, origin: o } = n;

@@ -217,6 +220,6 @@ if (!(e.options.origin ? e.options.origin === o : o !== "SILENT"))

if (e.options.ignore) {
const { ignore: b } = e.options, w = (S) => S && S.length > 0;
const { ignore: v } = e.options, w = (L) => L && L.length > 0;
if (!(w(t.created) || w(t.deleted))) {
const S = (f = t.updated) == null ? void 0 : f.some((E) => w(E.bodiesCreated) || w(E.bodiesDeleted) || w(E.bodiesUpdated)), r = (y = t.updated) == null ? void 0 : y.some((E) => E.targetUpdated);
if (b === "BODY_ONLY" && S && !r || b === "TARGET_ONLY" && r && !S)
const L = (g = t.updated) == null ? void 0 : g.some((E) => w(E.bodiesCreated) || w(E.bodiesDeleted) || w(E.bodiesUpdated)), a = (m = t.updated) == null ? void 0 : m.some((E) => E.targetUpdated);
if (v === "BODY_ONLY" && L && !a || v === "TARGET_ONLY" && a && !L)
return !1;

@@ -226,29 +229,29 @@ }

if (e.options.annotations) {
const b = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
...(t.created || []).map((g) =>,
...(t.deleted || []).map((g) =>,
...(t.updated || []).map(({ oldValue: g }) =>
const v = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
...(t.created || []).map((p) =>,
...(t.deleted || []).map((p) =>,
...(t.updated || []).map(({ oldValue: p }) =>
return !!(Array.isArray(e.options.annotations) ? e.options.annotations : [e.options.annotations]).find((g) => b.has(g));
return !!(Array.isArray(e.options.annotations) ? e.options.annotations : [e.options.annotations]).find((p) => v.has(p));
} else
return !0;
}, ce = (e, n) => {
const t = new Set((e.created || []).map((r) =>, o = new Set((e.updated || []).map(({ newValue: r }) =>, i = new Set((n.created || []).map((r) =>, f = new Set((n.deleted || []).map((r) =>, y = new Set((n.updated || []).map(({ oldValue: r }) =>, b = new Set((n.updated || []).filter(({ oldValue: r }) => t.has( || o.has({ oldValue: r }) =>, w = [
...(e.created || []).filter((r) => !f.has( => y.has( ? n.updated.find(({ oldValue: E }) => === : r),
const t = new Set((e.created || []).map((a) =>, o = new Set((e.updated || []).map(({ newValue: a }) =>, r = new Set((n.created || []).map((a) =>, g = new Set((n.deleted || []).map((a) =>, m = new Set((n.updated || []).map(({ oldValue: a }) =>, v = new Set((n.updated || []).filter(({ oldValue: a }) => t.has( || o.has({ oldValue: a }) =>, w = [
...(e.created || []).filter((a) => !g.has( => m.has( ? n.updated.find(({ oldValue: E }) => === : a),
...n.created || []
], g = [
...(e.deleted || []).filter((r) => !i.has(,
...(n.deleted || []).filter((r) => !t.has(
], S = [
...(e.updated || []).filter(({ newValue: r }) => !f.has( => {
const { oldValue: E, newValue: A } = r;
if (y.has( {
const v = n.updated.find((L) => ===;
return J(E, v);
], p = [
...(e.deleted || []).filter((a) => !r.has(,
...(n.deleted || []).filter((a) => !t.has(
], L = [
...(e.updated || []).filter(({ newValue: a }) => !g.has( => {
const { oldValue: E, newValue: U } = a;
if (m.has( {
const h = n.updated.find((y) => ===;
return J(E, h);
} else
return r;
return a;
...(n.updated || []).filter(({ oldValue: r }) => !b.has(
...(n.updated || []).filter(({ oldValue: a }) => !v.has(
return { created: w, deleted: g, updated: S };
return { created: w, deleted: p, updated: L };
}, V = (e) => {

@@ -269,10 +272,10 @@ const n = === void 0 ? F() :;

}, le = (e) => !== void 0, Re = () => {
const e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), t = [], o = (d, c = {}) => {
t.push({ onChange: d, options: c });
}, i = (d) => {
const c = t.findIndex((l) => l.onChange == d);
const e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), t = [], o = (i, c = {}) => {
t.push({ onChange: i, options: c });
}, r = (i) => {
const c = t.findIndex((l) => l.onChange == i);
c > -1 && t.splice(c, 1);
}, f = (d, c) => {
}, g = (i, c) => {
const l = {
origin: d,
origin: i,
changes: {

@@ -285,138 +288,138 @@ created: c.created || [],

t.forEach((p) => {
re(p, l) && p.onChange(l);
t.forEach((f) => {
ae(f, l) && f.onChange(l);
}, y = (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
if ( && e.get(
throw Error(`Cannot add annotation ${} - exists already`);
}, m = (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
if ( && e.get(
throw Error(`Cannot add annotation ${} - exists already`);
const p = V(d);
e.set(, p), p.bodies.forEach((U) => n.set(,, f(c, { created: [p] });
const f = V(i);
e.set(, f), f.bodies.forEach((S) => n.set(,, g(c, { created: [f] });
}, b = (d, c) => {
const l = V(typeof d == "string" ? c : d), p = typeof d == "string" ? d :, U = p && e.get(p);
if (U) {
const C = J(U, l);
return p === ? e.set(p, l) : (e.delete(p), e.set(, l)), U.bodies.forEach((B) => n.delete(, l.bodies.forEach((B) => n.set(,, C;
}, v = (i, c) => {
const l = V(typeof i == "string" ? c : i), f = typeof i == "string" ? i :, S = f && e.get(f);
if (S) {
const C = J(S, l);
return f === ? e.set(f, l) : (e.delete(f), e.set(, l)), S.bodies.forEach((B) => n.delete(, l.bodies.forEach((B) => n.set(,, C;
} else
console.warn(`Cannot update annotation ${p} - does not exist`);
}, w = (d, c = T.LOCAL, l = T.LOCAL) => {
const p = le(c) ? l : c, U = b(d, c);
U && f(p, { updated: [U] });
}, g = (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = d.reduce((p, U) => {
const C = b(U);
return C ? [...p, C] : p;
console.warn(`Cannot update annotation ${f} - does not exist`);
}, w = (i, c = T.LOCAL, l = T.LOCAL) => {
const f = le(c) ? l : c, S = v(i, c);
S && g(f, { updated: [S] });
}, p = (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = i.reduce((f, S) => {
const C = v(S);
return C ? [...f, C] : f;
}, []);
l.length > 0 && f(c, { updated: l });
}, S = (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = e.get(d.annotation);
l.length > 0 && g(c, { updated: l });
}, L = (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = e.get(i.annotation);
if (l) {
const p = {
const f = {
bodies: [...l.bodies, d]
bodies: [...l.bodies, i]
e.set(, p), n.set(,, f(c, { updated: [{
e.set(, f), n.set(,, g(c, { updated: [{
oldValue: l,
newValue: p,
bodiesCreated: [d]
newValue: f,
bodiesCreated: [i]
}] });
} else
console.warn(`Attempt to add body to missing annotation: ${d.annotation}`);
}, r = () => [...e.values()], E = (d = T.LOCAL) => {
console.warn(`Attempt to add body to missing annotation: ${i.annotation}`);
}, a = () => [...e.values()], E = (i = T.LOCAL) => {
const c = [...e.values()];
e.clear(), n.clear(), f(d, { deleted: c });
}, A = (d, c = !0, l = T.LOCAL) => {
const p =;
e.clear(), n.clear(), g(i, { deleted: c });
}, U = (i, c = !0, l = T.LOCAL) => {
const f =;
if (c) {
const U = [...e.values()];
e.clear(), n.clear(), p.forEach((C) => {
const S = [...e.values()];
e.clear(), n.clear(), f.forEach((C) => {
e.set(, C), C.bodies.forEach((B) => n.set(,;
}), f(l, { created: p, deleted: U });
}), g(l, { created: f, deleted: S });
} else {
const U = d.reduce((C, B) => {
const S = i.reduce((C, B) => {
const W = && e.get(;
return W ? [...C, W] : C;
}, []);
if (U.length > 0)
throw Error(`Bulk insert would overwrite the following annotations: ${ =>", ")}`);
p.forEach((C) => {
if (S.length > 0)
throw Error(`Bulk insert would overwrite the following annotations: ${ =>", ")}`);
f.forEach((C) => {
e.set(, C), C.bodies.forEach((B) => n.set(,;
}), f(l, { created: p });
}), g(l, { created: f });
}, v = (d) => {
const c = typeof d == "string" ? d :, l = e.get(c);
}, h = (i) => {
const c = typeof i == "string" ? i :, l = e.get(c);
if (l)
return e.delete(c), l.bodies.forEach((p) => n.delete(, l;
return e.delete(c), l.bodies.forEach((f) => n.delete(, l;
console.warn(`Attempt to delete missing annotation: ${c}`);
}, L = (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = v(d);
l && f(c, { deleted: [l] });
}, O = (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = d.reduce((p, U) => {
const C = v(U);
return C ? [...p, C] : p;
}, y = (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = h(i);
l && g(c, { deleted: [l] });
}, O = (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = i.reduce((f, S) => {
const C = h(S);
return C ? [...f, C] : f;
}, []);
l.length > 0 && f(c, { deleted: l });
}, a = (d) => {
const c = e.get(d.annotation);
l.length > 0 && g(c, { deleted: l });
}, d = (i) => {
const c = e.get(i.annotation);
if (c) {
const l = c.bodies.find((p) => ===;
const l = c.bodies.find((f) => ===;
if (l) {
const p = {
const f = {
bodies: c.bodies.filter((C) => !==
bodies: c.bodies.filter((C) => !==
return e.set(, p), {
return e.set(, f), {
oldValue: c,
newValue: p,
newValue: f,
bodiesDeleted: [l]
} else
console.warn(`Attempt to delete missing body ${} from annotation ${d.annotation}`);
console.warn(`Attempt to delete missing body ${} from annotation ${i.annotation}`);
} else
console.warn(`Attempt to delete body from missing annotation ${d.annotation}`);
}, u = (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = a(d);
l && f(c, { updated: [l] });
}, s = (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = => a(p)).filter(Boolean);
l.length > 0 && f(c, { updated: l });
}, h = (d) => {
const c = e.get(d);
console.warn(`Attempt to delete body from missing annotation ${i.annotation}`);
}, u = (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = d(i);
l && g(c, { updated: [l] });
}, s = (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = => d(f)).filter(Boolean);
l.length > 0 && g(c, { updated: l });
}, A = (i) => {
const c = e.get(i);
return c ? { ...c } : void 0;
}, m = (d) => {
const c = n.get(d);
}, b = (i) => {
const c = n.get(i);
if (c) {
const p = h(c).bodies.find((U) => === d);
if (p)
return p;
console.error(`Store integrity error: body ${d} in index, but not in annotation`);
const f = A(c).bodies.find((S) => === i);
if (f)
return f;
console.error(`Store integrity error: body ${i} in index, but not in annotation`);
} else
console.warn(`Attempt to retrieve missing body: ${d}`);
}, R = (d, c) => {
if (d.annotation !== c.annotation)
console.warn(`Attempt to retrieve missing body: ${i}`);
}, R = (i, c) => {
if (i.annotation !== c.annotation)
throw "Annotation integrity violation: annotation ID must be the same when updating bodies";
const l = e.get(d.annotation);
const l = e.get(i.annotation);
if (l) {
const p = l.bodies.find((C) => ===, U = {
const f = l.bodies.find((C) => ===, S = {
bodies: => === ? c : C)
bodies: => === ? c : C)
return e.set(, U), !== && (n.delete(, n.set(,, {
return e.set(, S), !== && (n.delete(, n.set(,, {
oldValue: l,
newValue: U,
bodiesUpdated: [{ oldBody: p, newBody: c }]
newValue: S,
bodiesUpdated: [{ oldBody: f, newBody: c }]
} else
console.warn(`Attempt to add body to missing annotation ${d.annotation}`);
}, N = (d, c, l = T.LOCAL) => {
const p = R(d, c);
p && f(l, { updated: [p] });
}, x = (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = => R({ id:, annotation: p.annotation }, p)).filter(Boolean);
f(c, { updated: l });
}, P = (d) => {
const c = e.get(d.annotation);
console.warn(`Attempt to add body to missing annotation ${i.annotation}`);
}, N = (i, c, l = T.LOCAL) => {
const f = R(i, c);
f && g(l, { updated: [f] });
}, k = (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = => R({ id:, annotation: f.annotation }, f)).filter(Boolean);
g(c, { updated: l });
}, P = (i) => {
const c = e.get(i.annotation);
if (c) {

@@ -427,3 +430,3 @@ const l = {,

@@ -436,33 +439,33 @@ };

newTarget: d
newTarget: i
} else
console.warn(`Attempt to update target on missing annotation: ${d.annotation}`);
console.warn(`Attempt to update target on missing annotation: ${i.annotation}`);
return {
addAnnotation: y,
addBody: S,
all: r,
bulkAddAnnotation: A,
addAnnotation: m,
addBody: L,
all: a,
bulkAddAnnotation: U,
bulkDeleteAnnotation: O,
bulkDeleteBodies: s,
bulkUpdateAnnotation: g,
bulkUpdateBodies: x,
bulkUpdateTargets: (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = => P(p)).filter(Boolean);
l.length > 0 && f(c, { updated: l });
bulkUpdateAnnotation: p,
bulkUpdateBodies: k,
bulkUpdateTargets: (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = => P(f)).filter(Boolean);
l.length > 0 && g(c, { updated: l });
clear: E,
deleteAnnotation: L,
deleteAnnotation: y,
deleteBody: u,
getAnnotation: h,
getBody: m,
getAnnotation: A,
getBody: b,
observe: o,
unobserve: i,
unobserve: r,
updateAnnotation: w,
updateBody: N,
updateTarget: (d, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = P(d);
l && f(c, { updated: [l] });
updateTarget: (i, c = T.LOCAL) => {
const l = P(i);
l && g(c, { updated: [l] });

@@ -473,3 +476,3 @@ };

subscribe: (t) => {
const o = (i) => t(i.state);
const o = (r) => t(r.state);
return e.observe(o), t(e.all()), () => e.unobserve(o);

@@ -480,3 +483,3 @@ }

emit(e, ...n) {
for (let t = 0, o =[e] || [], i = o.length; t < i; t++)
for (let t = 0, o =[e] || [], r = o.length; t < r; t++)

@@ -489,3 +492,3 @@ },

var o;[e] = (o =[e]) == null ? void 0 : o.filter((i) => n !== i);[e] = (o =[e]) == null ? void 0 : o.filter((r) => n !== r);

@@ -496,28 +499,28 @@ }

const n = Q(), t = [];
let o = -1, i = !1, f = 0;
const y = (s) => {
if (!i) {
const { changes: h } = s, m =;
if (m - f > ue)
t.splice(o + 1), t.push(h), o = t.length - 1;
let o = -1, r = !1, g = 0;
const m = (s) => {
if (!r) {
const { changes: A } = s, b =;
if (b - g > ue)
t.splice(o + 1), t.push(A), o = t.length - 1;
else {
const R = t.length - 1;
t[R] = ce(t[R], h);
t[R] = ce(t[R], A);
f = m;
g = b;
i = !1;
r = !1;
e.observe(y, { origin: T.LOCAL });
const b = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkDeleteAnnotation(s), w = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkAddAnnotation(s, !1), g = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkUpdateAnnotation({ oldValue: h }) => h)), S = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkUpdateAnnotation({ newValue: h }) => h)), r = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkAddAnnotation(s, !1), E = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkDeleteAnnotation(s);
e.observe(m, { origin: T.LOCAL });
const v = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkDeleteAnnotation(s), w = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkAddAnnotation(s, !1), p = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkUpdateAnnotation({ oldValue: A }) => A)), L = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkUpdateAnnotation({ newValue: A }) => A)), a = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkAddAnnotation(s, !1), E = (s) => s && s.length > 0 && e.bulkDeleteAnnotation(s);
return {
canRedo: () => t.length - 1 > o,
canUndo: () => o > -1,
destroy: () => e.unobserve(y),
on: (s, h) => n.on(s, h),
destroy: () => e.unobserve(m),
on: (s, A) => n.on(s, A),
redo: () => {
if (t.length - 1 > o) {
i = !0;
const { created: s, updated: h, deleted: m } = t[o + 1];
w(s), S(h), E(m), n.emit("redo", t[o + 1]), o += 1;
r = !0;
const { created: s, updated: A, deleted: b } = t[o + 1];
w(s), L(A), E(b), n.emit("redo", t[o + 1]), o += 1;

@@ -527,9 +530,9 @@ },

if (o > -1) {
i = !0;
const { created: s, updated: h, deleted: m } = t[o];
b(s), g(h), r(m), n.emit("undo", t[o]), o -= 1;
r = !0;
const { created: s, updated: A, deleted: b } = t[o];
v(s), p(A), a(b), n.emit("undo", t[o]), o -= 1;
}, xe = () => {
}, ke = () => {
const { subscribe: e, set: n } = M([]);

@@ -540,90 +543,90 @@ return {

}, ke = (e, n, t, o) => {
const { store: i, selection: f, hover: y, viewport: b } = e, w = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let g = [], S, r;
const E = (a, u) => {
w.has(a) ? w.get(a).push(u) : w.set(a, [u]);
}, A = (a, u) => {
const s = w.get(a);
}, xe = (e, n, t, o) => {
const { hover: r, selection: g, store: m, viewport: v } = e, w = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let p = [], L, a;
const E = (d, u) => {
w.has(d) ? w.get(d).push(u) : w.set(d, [u]);
}, U = (d, u) => {
const s = w.get(d);
if (s) {
const h = s.indexOf(u);
h !== -1 && s.splice(h, 1);
const A = s.indexOf(u);
A !== -1 && s.splice(A, 1);
}, v = (a, u, s) => {
w.has(a) && setTimeout(() => {
w.get(a).forEach((h) => {
}, h = (d, u, s) => {
w.has(d) && setTimeout(() => {
w.get(d).forEach((A) => {
if (t) {
const m = Array.isArray(u) ? => t.serialize(N)) : t.serialize(u), R = s ? s instanceof PointerEvent ? s : t.serialize(s) : void 0;
h(m, R);
const b = Array.isArray(u) ? => t.serialize(N)) : t.serialize(u), R = s ? s instanceof PointerEvent ? s : t.serialize(s) : void 0;
A(b, R);
} else
h(u, s);
A(u, s);
}, 1);
}, L = () => {
const { selected: a } = f, u = (a || []).map(({ id: s }) => i.getAnnotation(s));
}, y = () => {
const { selected: d } = g, u = (d || []).map(({ id: s }) => m.getAnnotation(s));
u.forEach((s) => {
const h = g.find((m) => ===;
(!h || !I(h, s)) && v("updateAnnotation", s, h);
}), g = => {
const h = u.find(({ id: m }) => m ===;
return h || s;
const A = p.find((b) => ===;
(!A || !I(A, s)) && h("updateAnnotation", s, A);
}), p = => {
const A = u.find(({ id: b }) => b ===;
return A || s;
f.subscribe(({ selected: a }) => {
if (!(g.length === 0 && a.length === 0)) {
if (g.length === 0 && a.length > 0)
g ={ id: u }) => i.getAnnotation(u));
else if (g.length > 0 && a.length === 0)
g.forEach((u) => {
const s = i.getAnnotation(;
s && !I(s, u) && v("updateAnnotation", s, u);
}), g = [];
g.subscribe(({ selected: d }) => {
if (!(p.length === 0 && d.length === 0)) {
if (p.length === 0 && d.length > 0)
p ={ id: u }) => m.getAnnotation(u));
else if (p.length > 0 && d.length === 0)
p.forEach((u) => {
const s = m.getAnnotation(;
s && !I(s, u) && h("updateAnnotation", s, u);
}), p = [];
else {
const u = new Set( =>, s = new Set({ id: m }) => m));
g.filter((m) => !s.has( => {
const R = i.getAnnotation(;
R && !I(R, m) && v("updateAnnotation", R, m);
}), g = [
const u = new Set( =>, s = new Set({ id: b }) => b));
p.filter((b) => !s.has( => {
const R = m.getAnnotation(;
R && !I(R, b) && h("updateAnnotation", R, b);
}), p = [
// Remove annotations that were deselected
...g.filter((m) => s.has(,
...p.filter((b) => s.has(,
// Add editable annotations that were selected
...a.filter(({ id: m }) => !u.has(m)).map(({ id: m }) => i.getAnnotation(m))
...d.filter(({ id: b }) => !u.has(b)).map(({ id: b }) => m.getAnnotation(b))
v("selectionChanged", g);
h("selectionChanged", p);
}), y.subscribe((a) => {
!S && a ? v("mouseEnterAnnotation", i.getAnnotation(a)) : S && !a ? v("mouseLeaveAnnotation", i.getAnnotation(S)) : S && a && (v("mouseLeaveAnnotation", i.getAnnotation(S)), v("mouseEnterAnnotation", i.getAnnotation(a))), S = a;
}), b == null || b.subscribe((a) => v("viewportIntersect", => i.getAnnotation(u)))), i.observe((a) => {
o && (r && clearTimeout(r), r = setTimeout(L, 1e3));
const { created: u, deleted: s } = a.changes;
(u || []).forEach((m) => v("createAnnotation", m)), (s || []).forEach((m) => v("deleteAnnotation", m)), (a.changes.updated || []).filter((m) => [
...m.bodiesCreated || [],
...m.bodiesDeleted || [],
...m.bodiesUpdated || []
].length > 0).forEach(({ oldValue: m, newValue: R }) => {
const N = g.find((x) => === || m;
g = => === ? R : x), v("updateAnnotation", R, N);
}), r.subscribe((d) => {
!L && d ? h("mouseEnterAnnotation", m.getAnnotation(d)) : L && !d ? h("mouseLeaveAnnotation", m.getAnnotation(L)) : L && d && (h("mouseLeaveAnnotation", m.getAnnotation(L)), h("mouseEnterAnnotation", m.getAnnotation(d))), L = d;
}), v == null || v.subscribe((d) => h("viewportIntersect", => m.getAnnotation(u)))), m.observe((d) => {
o && (a && clearTimeout(a), a = setTimeout(y, 1e3));
const { created: u, deleted: s } = d.changes;
(u || []).forEach((b) => h("createAnnotation", b)), (s || []).forEach((b) => h("deleteAnnotation", b)), (d.changes.updated || []).filter((b) => [
...b.bodiesCreated || [],
...b.bodiesDeleted || [],
...b.bodiesUpdated || []
].length > 0).forEach(({ oldValue: b, newValue: R }) => {
const N = p.find((k) => === || b;
p = => === ? R : k), h("updateAnnotation", R, N);
}, { origin: T.LOCAL }), i.observe((a) => {
if (g) {
const u = new Set( =>, s = (a.changes.updated || []).filter(({ newValue: h }) => u.has({ newValue: h }) => h);
s.length > 0 && (g = => {
const m = s.find((R) => ===;
return m || h;
}, { origin: T.LOCAL }), m.observe((d) => {
if (p) {
const u = new Set( =>, s = (d.changes.updated || []).filter(({ newValue: A }) => u.has({ newValue: A }) => A);
s.length > 0 && (p = => {
const b = s.find((R) => ===;
return b || A;
}, { origin: T.REMOTE });
const O = (a) => (u) => {
const O = (d) => (u) => {
const { updated: s } = u;
a ? (s || []).forEach((h) => v("updateAnnotation", h.oldValue, h.newValue)) : (s || []).forEach((h) => v("updateAnnotation", h.newValue, h.oldValue));
d ? (s || []).forEach((A) => h("updateAnnotation", A.oldValue, A.newValue)) : (s || []).forEach((A) => h("updateAnnotation", A.newValue, A.oldValue));
return n.on("undo", O(!0)), n.on("redo", O(!1)), { on: E, off: A, emit: v };
return n.on("undo", O(!0)), n.on("redo", O(!1)), { on: E, off: U, emit: h };
}, Ne = (e) => (n) => => e.serialize(t)), fe = (e) => (n) => n.reduce((t, o) => {
const { parsed: i, error: f } = e.parse(o);
return f ? {
const { parsed: r, error: g } = e.parse(o);
return g ? {
parsed: t.parsed,
failed: [...t.failed, o]
} : i ? {
parsed: [...t.parsed, i],
} : r ? {
parsed: [...t.parsed, r],
failed: t.failed

@@ -634,59 +637,59 @@ } : {

}, { parsed: [], failed: [] }), ze = (e, n, t) => {
const { store: o, selection: i } = e, f = (a) => {
const { store: o, selection: r } = e, g = (d) => {
if (t) {
const { parsed: u, error: s } = t.parse(a);
const { parsed: u, error: s } = t.parse(d);
u ? o.addAnnotation(u, T.REMOTE) : console.error(s);
} else
o.addAnnotation(j(a), T.REMOTE);
}, y = () => i.clear(), b = () => o.clear(), w = (a) => {
const u = o.getAnnotation(a);
o.addAnnotation(j(d), T.REMOTE);
}, m = () => r.clear(), v = () => o.clear(), w = (d) => {
const u = o.getAnnotation(d);
return t && u ? t.serialize(u) : u;
}, g = () => t ? o.all().map(t.serialize) : o.all(), S = () => {
}, p = () => t ? o.all().map(t.serialize) : o.all(), L = () => {
var s;
const u = (((s = i.selected) == null ? void 0 : => || []).map((h) => o.getAnnotation(h)).filter(Boolean);
const u = (((s = r.selected) == null ? void 0 : => || []).map((A) => o.getAnnotation(A)).filter(Boolean);
return t ? : u;
}, r = (a, u = !0) => fetch(a).then((s) => s.json()).then((s) => (A(s, u), s)), E = (a) => {
if (typeof a == "string") {
const u = o.getAnnotation(a);
if (o.deleteAnnotation(a), u)
}, a = (d, u = !0) => fetch(d).then((s) => s.json()).then((s) => (U(s, u), s)), E = (d) => {
if (typeof d == "string") {
const u = o.getAnnotation(d);
if (o.deleteAnnotation(d), u)
return t ? t.serialize(u) : u;
} else {
const u = t ? t.parse(a).parsed : a;
const u = t ? t.parse(d).parsed : d;
if (u)
return o.deleteAnnotation(u), a;
return o.deleteAnnotation(u), d;
}, A = (a, u = !0) => {
}, U = (d, u = !0) => {
if (t) {
const s = t.parseAll || fe(t), { parsed: h, failed: m } = s(a);
m.length > 0 && console.warn(`Discarded ${m.length} invalid annotations`, m), o.bulkAddAnnotation(h, u, T.REMOTE);
const s = t.parseAll || fe(t), { parsed: A, failed: b } = s(d);
b.length > 0 && console.warn(`Discarded ${b.length} invalid annotations`, b), o.bulkAddAnnotation(A, u, T.REMOTE);
} else
o.bulkAddAnnotation(, u, T.REMOTE);
}, v = (a, u) => {
a ? i.setSelected(a, u) : i.clear();
}, L = (a) => {
i.clear(), i.setUserSelectAction(a);
}, O = (a) => {
o.bulkAddAnnotation(, u, T.REMOTE);
}, h = (d, u) => {
d ? r.setSelected(d, u) : r.clear();
}, y = (d) => {
r.clear(), r.setUserSelectAction(d);
}, O = (d) => {
if (t) {
const u = t.parse(a).parsed, s = t.serialize(o.getAnnotation(;
const u = t.parse(d).parsed, s = t.serialize(o.getAnnotation(;
return o.updateAnnotation(u), s;
} else {
const u = o.getAnnotation(;
return o.updateAnnotation(j(a)), u;
const u = o.getAnnotation(;
return o.updateAnnotation(j(d)), u;
return {
addAnnotation: f,
cancelSelected: y,
addAnnotation: g,
cancelSelected: m,
canRedo: n.canRedo,
canUndo: n.canUndo,
clearAnnotations: b,
clearAnnotations: v,
getAnnotationById: w,
getAnnotations: g,
getSelected: S,
loadAnnotations: r,
getAnnotations: p,
getSelected: L,
loadAnnotations: a,
redo: n.redo,
removeAnnotation: E,
setAnnotations: A,
setSelected: v,
setUserSelectAction: L,
setAnnotations: U,
setSelected: h,
setUserSelectAction: y,
undo: n.undo,

@@ -697,9 +700,9 @@ updateAnnotation: O

let ge = (e) => crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(e)), he = (e, n, t) => {
let o = (2 << Math.log(e.length - 1) / Math.LN2) - 1, i = -~(1.6 * o * n / e.length);
return (f = n) => {
let y = "";
let o = (2 << Math.log(e.length - 1) / Math.LN2) - 1, r = -~(1.6 * o * n / e.length);
return (g = n) => {
let m = "";
for (; ; ) {
let b = t(i), w = i;
let v = t(r), w = r;
for (; w--; )
if (y += e[b[w] & o] || "", y.length === f) return y;
if (m += e[v[w] & o] || "", m.length === g) return m;

@@ -716,28 +719,28 @@ };

let t = 0;
for (let o = 0, i = n.length; o < i; o++) {
let f = n.charCodeAt(o);
t = (t << 5) - t + f, t |= 0;
for (let o = 0, r = n.length; o < r; o++) {
let g = n.charCodeAt(o);
t = (t << 5) - t + g, t |= 0;
return `${t}`;
}, ve = (e) => e ? typeof e == "object" ? { ...e } : e : void 0, Ve = (e, n) => (Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]).map((t) => {
const { id: o, type: i, purpose: f, value: y, created: b, modified: w, creator: g, ...S } = t;
const { id: o, type: r, purpose: g, value: m, created: v, modified: w, creator: p, ...L } = t;
return {
id: o || `temp-${be(t)}`,
annotation: n,
type: i,
purpose: f,
value: y,
creator: ve(g),
created: b ? new Date(b) : void 0,
type: r,
purpose: g,
value: m,
creator: ve(p),
created: v ? new Date(v) : void 0,
updated: w ? new Date(w) : void 0,
}), _e = (e) => => {
var b;
const { annotation: t, created: o, updated: i, ...f } = n, y = {
var v;
const { annotation: t, created: o, updated: r, ...g } = n, m = {
created: o == null ? void 0 : o.toISOString(),
modified: i == null ? void 0 : i.toISOString()
modified: r == null ? void 0 : r.toISOString()
return (b = != null && b.startsWith("temp-") && delete, y;
return (v = != null && v.startsWith("temp-") && delete, m;
}), Ee = [

@@ -765,61 +768,61 @@ "#ff7c00",

return { assignRandomColor: () => {
const o = Math.floor(Math.random() * e.length), i = e[o];
return e.splice(o, 1), i;
const o = Math.floor(Math.random() * e.length), r = e[o];
return e.splice(o, 1), r;
}, releaseColor: (o) => e.push(o) };
}, ye = () => {
const e = we();
return { addUser: (o, i) => {
const f = e.assignRandomColor();
return { addUser: (o, r) => {
const g = e.assignRandomColor();
return {
label: ||,
avatar: i.avatar,
color: f
label: ||,
avatar: r.avatar,
color: g
}, removeUser: (o) => e.releaseColor(o.appearance.color) };
}, Ce = (e, n) => e.every((t) => e.includes(t)) && n.every((t) => e.includes(t)), Ye = Ae(), je = (e = ye()) => {
const n = Q(), t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), i = (r, E) => {
if (t.has(r)) {
console.warn("Attempt to add user that is already present", r, E);
const n = Q(), t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), r = (a, E) => {
if (t.has(a)) {
console.warn("Attempt to add user that is already present", a, E);
const A = e.addUser(r, E);
t.set(r, {
const U = e.addUser(a, E);
t.set(a, {
presenceKey: r,
appearance: A
presenceKey: a,
appearance: U
}, f = (r) => {
const E = t.get(r);
}, g = (a) => {
const E = t.get(a);
if (!E) {
console.warn("Attempt to remove user that is not present", r);
console.warn("Attempt to remove user that is not present", a);
e.removeUser(E), t.delete(r);
}, y = (r) => {
const E = new Set( => L.presenceKey)), A = r.filter(({ presenceKey: L }) => !t.has(L)), v = Array.from(t.values()).filter((L) => !E.has(L.presenceKey));
A.forEach(({ presenceKey: L, user: O }) => i(L, O)), v.forEach((L) => {
const { presenceKey: O } = L;
o.has(O) && n.emit("selectionChange", L, null), f(O);
}), (A.length > 0 || v.length > 0) && n.emit("presence", g());
}, b = (r, E) => {
const A = t.get(r);
if (!A) {
e.removeUser(E), t.delete(a);
}, m = (a) => {
const E = new Set( => y.presenceKey)), U = a.filter(({ presenceKey: y }) => !t.has(y)), h = Array.from(t.values()).filter((y) => !E.has(y.presenceKey));
U.forEach(({ presenceKey: y, user: O }) => r(y, O)), h.forEach((y) => {
const { presenceKey: O } = y;
o.has(O) && n.emit("selectionChange", y, null), g(O);
}), (U.length > 0 || h.length > 0) && n.emit("presence", p());
}, v = (a, E) => {
const U = t.get(a);
if (!U) {
console.warn("Activity notification from user that is not present");
const v = o.get(r);
(!v || !Ce(v, E)) && (o.set(r, E), n.emit("selectionChange", A, E));
}, w = (r, E) => {
const A = t.get(r);
if (!A) {
console.warn("Selection change for user that is not present", r);
const h = o.get(a);
(!h || !Ce(h, E)) && (o.set(a, E), n.emit("selectionChange", U, E));
}, w = (a, E) => {
const U = t.get(a);
if (!U) {
console.warn("Selection change for user that is not present", a);
E ? o.set(r, E) : o.delete(r), n.emit("selectionChange", A, E);
}, g = () => [...Array.from(t.values())];
E ? o.set(a, E) : o.delete(a), n.emit("selectionChange", U, E);
}, p = () => [...Array.from(t.values())];
return {
getPresentUsers: g,
notifyActivity: b,
on: (r, E) => n.on(r, E),
syncUsers: y,
getPresentUsers: p,
notifyActivity: v,
on: (a, E) => n.on(a, E),
syncUsers: m,
updateSelection: w

@@ -829,3 +832,3 @@ };

export {
ae as Ignore,
re as Ignore,
T as Origin,

@@ -839,3 +842,3 @@ Ye as PRESENCE_KEY,

Ue as createHoverState,
ke as createLifecycleObserver,
xe as createLifecycleObserver,
je as createPresenceState,

@@ -845,3 +848,3 @@ Te as createSelectionState,

Ie as createUndoStack,
xe as createViewportState,
ke as createViewportState,
we as defaultColorProvider,

@@ -858,5 +861,5 @@ J as diffAnnotations,

_e as serializeW3CBodies,
re as shouldNotify,
ae as shouldNotify,
Be as toSvelteStore

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import { Annotation, AnnotatorState, FormatAdapter } from '../model';

export type Lifecycle<I extends Annotation, E extends unknown> = ReturnType<typeof createLifecycleObserver<I, E>>;
export declare const createLifecycleObserver: <I extends Annotation, E extends unknown>(state: AnnotatorState<I>, undoStack: UndoStack<I>, adapter?: FormatAdapter<I, E>, autoSave?: boolean) => {
export declare const createLifecycleObserver: <I extends Annotation, E extends unknown>(state: AnnotatorState<I, E>, undoStack: UndoStack<I>, adapter?: FormatAdapter<I, E>, autoSave?: boolean) => {
on: <T extends keyof LifecycleEvents>(event: T, callback: LifecycleEvents<E>[T]) => void;

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ off: <T extends keyof LifecycleEvents<E>>(event: T, callback: LifecycleEvents<E>[T]) => void;

@@ -34,3 +34,3 @@ import { Annotation } from './Annotation';

setUser(user: User): void;
setUserSelectAction(action: UserSelectActionExpression<I>): void;
setUserSelectAction(action: UserSelectActionExpression<E>): void;
setVisible(visible: boolean): void;

@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ undo(): void;

off<T extends keyof LifecycleEvents<E>>(event: T, callback: LifecycleEvents<E>[T]): void;
state: AnnotatorState<I>;
state: AnnotatorState<I, E>;
export interface AnnotatorState<A extends Annotation> {
store: Store<A>;
selection: SelectionState<A>;
hover: HoverState<A>;
export interface AnnotatorState<I extends Annotation, E extends unknown> {
store: Store<I>;
selection: SelectionState<I, E>;
hover: HoverState<I>;
viewport: ViewportState;
export declare const createBaseAnnotator: <I extends Annotation, E extends unknown>(state: AnnotatorState<I>, undoStack: UndoStack<I>, adapter?: FormatAdapter<I, E>) => {
export declare const createBaseAnnotator: <I extends Annotation, E extends unknown>(state: AnnotatorState<I, E>, undoStack: UndoStack<I>, adapter?: FormatAdapter<I, E>) => {
addAnnotation: (annotation: E) => void;

@@ -64,3 +64,3 @@ cancelSelected: () => void;

setSelected: (arg?: string | string[], editable?: boolean) => void;
setUserSelectAction: (action: UserSelectActionExpression<I>) => void;
setUserSelectAction: (action: UserSelectActionExpression<E>) => void;
undo: () => void;

@@ -67,0 +67,0 @@ updateAnnotation: (updated: E) => E;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Annotation } from '../model';
import { Annotation, FormatAdapter } from '../model';
import { Store } from './Store';

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ export interface Selection {

export type SelectionState<T extends Annotation> = ReturnType<typeof createSelectionState<T>>;
export type SelectionState<I extends Annotation, E extends unknown> = ReturnType<typeof createSelectionState<I, E>>;
export declare enum UserSelectAction {

@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ EDIT = "EDIT",// Make annotation target(s) editable on pointer select

export type UserSelectActionExpression<T extends Annotation> = UserSelectAction | ((a: T) => UserSelectAction);
export declare const createSelectionState: <T extends Annotation>(store: Store<T>, defaultSelectionAction?: UserSelectActionExpression<T>) => {
export type UserSelectActionExpression<T extends unknown> = UserSelectAction | ((a: T) => UserSelectAction);
export declare const createSelectionState: <I extends Annotation, E extends unknown>(store: Store<I>, defaultSelectionAction?: UserSelectActionExpression<E>, adapter?: FormatAdapter<I, E>) => {
readonly event: PointerEvent | KeyboardEvent | null | undefined;

@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ readonly selected: {

}[] | null;
readonly userSelectAction: UserSelectActionExpression<T> | undefined;
readonly userSelectAction: UserSelectActionExpression<E> | undefined;
clear: () => void;
isEmpty: () => boolean;
isSelected: (annotationOrId: T | string) => boolean;
isSelected: (annotationOrId: I | string) => boolean;
setSelected: (idOrIds: string | string[], editable?: boolean) => void;
setUserSelectAction: (action: UserSelectActionExpression<T> | undefined) => UserSelectActionExpression<T> | undefined;
setUserSelectAction: (action: UserSelectActionExpression<E> | undefined) => UserSelectActionExpression<E> | undefined;
subscribe: (this: void, run: import('svelte/store').Subscriber<Selection>, invalidate?: import('svelte/store').Invalidator<Selection> | undefined) => import('svelte/store').Unsubscriber;
userSelect: (id: string, event?: Selection["event"]) => void;
export declare const onUserSelect: <T extends Annotation>(annotation: T, action?: UserSelectActionExpression<T>) => UserSelectAction;
export declare const onUserSelect: <I extends Annotation, E extends unknown>(annotation: I, action?: UserSelectActionExpression<E>, adapter?: FormatAdapter<I, E>) => UserSelectAction;

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { Annotation, Annotator, AnnotatorState } from '../model';

export interface SvelteAnnotatorState<T extends Annotation> extends AnnotatorState<T> {
store: SvelteStore<T>;
export interface SvelteAnnotatorState<I extends Annotation, E extends unknown> extends AnnotatorState<I, E> {
store: SvelteStore<I>;
export interface SvelteAnnotator<T extends Annotation> extends Annotator<T> {
state: SvelteAnnotatorState<T>;
export interface SvelteAnnotator<I extends Annotation, E extends unknown> extends Annotator<I, E> {
state: SvelteAnnotatorState<I, E>;

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ /**

"name": "@annotorious/core",
"version": "3.0.5",
"version": "3.0.6",
"description": "Annotorious core types and functions",

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ "author": "Rainer Simon",

"homepage": "",
"funding": "",
"type": "module",

@@ -35,6 +36,6 @@ "repository": {

"svelte-preprocess": "^6.0.2",
"typescript": "5.5.4",
"vite": "^5.4.3",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^4.1.0",
"vitest": "^2.0.5"
"typescript": "5.6.2",
"vite": "^5.4.6",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^4.2.1",
"vitest": "^2.1.1"

@@ -41,0 +42,0 @@ "dependencies": {

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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