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Comparing version 3.1.1 to 3.1.2



@@ -1,7 +0,7 @@

import { j as a } from "./annotorious-react.es11.js";
import { jsx as a } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { forwardRef as m, useRef as u, useContext as p, useLayoutEffect as c, useImperativeHandle as d } from "react";
import l from "openseadragon";
import { OpenSeadragonAnnotatorContext as x } from "./annotorious-react.es8.js";
const S = m((o, s) => {
const { className: i, options: t } = o, r = u(null), { viewer: f, setViewer: e } = p(x);
import { OpenSeadragonAnnotatorContext as g } from "./annotorious-react.es8.js";
const S = m((o, i) => {
const { className: s, options: t } = o, r = u(null), { viewer: f, setViewer: e } = p(g);
return c(() => {

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ if (r.current) {

}, [JSON.stringify(t)]), d(s, () => f), /* @__PURE__ */ a.jsx("div", { className: i, ref: r });
}, [JSON.stringify(t)]), d(i, () => f), /* @__PURE__ */ a("div", { className: s, ref: r });

@@ -17,0 +17,0 @@ export {

@@ -1,9 +0,11 @@

import { __module as e } from "./annotorious-react.es18.js";
import { __require as r } from "./annotorious-react.es19.js";
import { __require as o } from "./annotorious-react.es20.js";
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? e.exports = r() : e.exports = o();
var m = e.exports;
import { useState as o, useRef as c, useEffect as s } from "react";
const i = (e, t) => {
const [r, n] = o(e), u = c(void 0);
return s(() => (u.current = setTimeout(() => n(e), t), () => {
}), [e, t]), r;
export {
m as j
i as useDebounce

@@ -1,11 +0,269 @@

import { useState as o, useRef as c, useEffect as s } from "react";
const i = (e, t) => {
const [r, n] = o(e), u = c(void 0);
return s(() => (u.current = setTimeout(() => n(e), t), () => {
}), [e, t]), r;
import * as s from "react";
import { useLayoutEffect as k, useEffect as q } from "react";
import { jsxs as Q, jsx as O } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { getComputedStyle as Z, isElement as F } from "./annotorious-react.es17.js";
import { getOverflowAncestors as Ce } from "./annotorious-react.es17.js";
import "react-dom";
import { useFloating as z } from "./annotorious-react.es14.js";
import { arrow as we, flip as Ee, inline as Se, offset as Ie, shift as Fe } from "./annotorious-react.es14.js";
const $ = {
}, G = $.useInsertionEffect, J = G || ((t) => t());
function K(t) {
const n = s.useRef(() => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production")
throw new Error("Cannot call an event handler while rendering.");
return J(() => {
n.current = t;
}), s.useCallback(function() {
for (var c = arguments.length, e = new Array(c), o = 0; o < c; o++)
e[o] = arguments[o];
return n.current == null ? void 0 : n.current(...e);
}, []);
var M = typeof document < "u" ? k : q;
let y = !1, _ = 0;
const W = () => (
// Ensure the id is unique with multiple independent versions of Floating UI
// on <React 18
"floating-ui-" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 6) + _++
function ee() {
const [t, n] = s.useState(() => y ? W() : void 0);
return M(() => {
t == null && n(W());
}, []), s.useEffect(() => {
y = !0;
}, []), t;
const te = $.useId, B = te || ee;
let P;
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (P = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
function ne() {
for (var t, n = arguments.length, c = new Array(n), e = 0; e < n; e++)
c[e] = arguments[e];
const o = "Floating UI: " + c.join(" ");
if (!((t = P) != null && t.has(o))) {
var i;
(i = P) == null || i.add(o), console.warn(o);
function oe() {
for (var t, n = arguments.length, c = new Array(n), e = 0; e < n; e++)
c[e] = arguments[e];
const o = "Floating UI: " + c.join(" ");
if (!((t = P) != null && t.has(o))) {
var i;
(i = P) == null || i.add(o), console.error(o);
const pe = /* @__PURE__ */ s.forwardRef(function(n, c) {
const {
context: {
placement: e,
elements: {
floating: o
middlewareData: {
arrow: i,
shift: a
width: l = 14,
height: u = 7,
tipRadius: I = 0,
strokeWidth: d = 0,
staticOffset: g,
stroke: h,
d: r,
style: {
transform: p,
} = {},
} = n;
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (c || ne("The `ref` prop is required for `FloatingArrow`."));
const C = B(), [E, f] = s.useState(!1);
if (M(() => {
if (!o) return;
Z(o).direction === "rtl" && f(!0);
}, [o]), !o)
return null;
const [m, b] = e.split("-"), D = m === "top" || m === "bottom";
let S = g;
(D && a != null && a.x || !D && a != null && a.y) && (S = null);
const v = d * 2, N = v / 2, A = l / 2 * (I / -8 + 1), T = u / 2 * I / 4, w = !!r, U = S && b === "end" ? "bottom" : "top";
let L = S && b === "end" ? "right" : "left";
S && E && (L = b === "end" ? "left" : "right");
const H = (i == null ? void 0 : i.x) != null ? S || i.x : "", X = (i == null ? void 0 : i.y) != null ? S || i.y : "", V = r || "M0,0" + (" H" + l) + (" L" + (l - A) + "," + (u - T)) + (" Q" + l / 2 + "," + u + " " + A + "," + (u - T)) + " Z", Y = {
top: w ? "rotate(180deg)" : "",
left: w ? "rotate(90deg)" : "rotate(-90deg)",
bottom: w ? "" : "rotate(180deg)",
right: w ? "rotate(-90deg)" : "rotate(90deg)"
return /* @__PURE__ */ Q("svg", {
"aria-hidden": !0,
ref: c,
width: w ? l : l + v,
height: l,
viewBox: "0 0 " + l + " " + (u > l ? u : l),
style: {
position: "absolute",
pointerEvents: "none",
[L]: H,
[U]: X,
[m]: D || w ? "100%" : "calc(100% - " + v / 2 + "px)",
transform: [Y, p].filter((j) => !!j).join(" "),
children: [v > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ O("path", {
clipPath: "url(#" + C + ")",
fill: "none",
stroke: h,
strokeWidth: v + (r ? 0 : 1),
d: V
}), /* @__PURE__ */ O("path", {
stroke: v && !r ? x.fill : "none",
d: V
}), /* @__PURE__ */ O("clipPath", {
id: C,
children: /* @__PURE__ */ O("rect", {
x: -N,
y: N * (w ? -1 : 1),
width: l + v,
height: l
function re() {
const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return {
emit(n, c) {
var e;
(e = t.get(n)) == null || e.forEach((o) => o(c));
on(n, c) {
t.set(n, [...t.get(n) || [], c]);
off(n, c) {
var e;
t.set(n, ((e = t.get(n)) == null ? void 0 : e.filter((o) => o !== c)) || []);
const se = /* @__PURE__ */ s.createContext(null), ce = /* @__PURE__ */ s.createContext(null), ie = () => {
var t;
return ((t = s.useContext(se)) == null ? void 0 : || null;
}, le = () => s.useContext(ce);
function fe(t) {
const {
open: n = !1,
onOpenChange: c,
elements: e
} = t, o = B(), i = s.useRef({}), [a] = s.useState(() => re()), l = ie() != null;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
const r = e.reference;
r && !F(r) && oe("Cannot pass a virtual element to the `elements.reference` option,", "as it must be a real DOM element. Use `refs.setPositionReference()`", "instead.");
const [u, I] = s.useState(e.reference), d = K((r, p, R) => {
i.current.openEvent = r ? p : void 0, a.emit("openchange", {
open: r,
event: p,
reason: R,
nested: l
}), c == null || c(r, p, R);
}), g = s.useMemo(() => ({
setPositionReference: I
}), []), h = s.useMemo(() => ({
reference: u || e.reference || null,
floating: e.floating || null,
domReference: e.reference
}), [u, e.reference, e.floating]);
return s.useMemo(() => ({
dataRef: i,
open: n,
onOpenChange: d,
elements: h,
events: a,
floatingId: o,
refs: g
}), [n, d, h, a, o, g]);
function he(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = {});
const {
nodeId: n
} = t, c = fe({
elements: {
reference: null,
floating: null,
}), e = t.rootContext || c, o = e.elements, [i, a] = s.useState(null), [l, u] = s.useState(null), d = (o == null ? void 0 : o.domReference) || i, g = s.useRef(null), h = le();
M(() => {
d && (g.current = d);
}, [d]);
const r = z({
elements: {
...l && {
reference: l
}), p = s.useCallback((f) => {
const m = F(f) ? {
getBoundingClientRect: () => f.getBoundingClientRect(),
contextElement: f
} : f;
u(m), r.refs.setReference(m);
}, [r.refs]), R = s.useCallback((f) => {
(F(f) || f === null) && (g.current = f, a(f)), (F(r.refs.reference.current) || r.refs.reference.current === null || // Don't allow setting virtual elements using the old technique back to
// `null` to support `positionReference` + an unstable `reference`
// callback ref.
f !== null && !F(f)) && r.refs.setReference(f);
}, [r.refs]), x = s.useMemo(() => ({
setReference: R,
setPositionReference: p,
domReference: g
}), [r.refs, R, p]), C = s.useMemo(() => ({
domReference: d
}), [r.elements, d]), E = s.useMemo(() => ({
refs: x,
elements: C,
nodeId: n
}), [r, x, C, n, e]);
return M(() => {
e.dataRef.current.floatingContext = E;
const f = h == null ? void 0 : h.nodesRef.current.find((m) => === n);
f && (f.context = E);
}), s.useMemo(() => ({
context: E,
refs: x,
elements: C
}), [r, x, C, E]);
export {
i as useDebounce
pe as FloatingArrow,
we as arrow,
Ee as flip,
Ce as getOverflowAncestors,
Se as inline,
Ie as offset,
Fe as shift,
he as useFloating,
ie as useFloatingParentNodeId,
fe as useFloatingRootContext,
le as useFloatingTree,
B as useId

@@ -1,269 +0,12 @@

import * as s from "react";
import { useLayoutEffect as k, useEffect as q } from "react";
import { j as F } from "./annotorious-react.es11.js";
import { getComputedStyle as Q, isElement as P } from "./annotorious-react.es21.js";
import { getOverflowAncestors as xe } from "./annotorious-react.es21.js";
import "react-dom";
import { useFloating as Z } from "./annotorious-react.es15.js";
import { arrow as ve, flip as we, inline as Ee, offset as Se, shift as Ie } from "./annotorious-react.es15.js";
const $ = {
}, z = $.useInsertionEffect, G = z || ((t) => t());
function J(t) {
const n = s.useRef(() => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production")
throw new Error("Cannot call an event handler while rendering.");
return G(() => {
n.current = t;
}), s.useCallback(function() {
for (var c = arguments.length, e = new Array(c), o = 0; o < c; o++)
e[o] = arguments[o];
return n.current == null ? void 0 : n.current(...e);
}, []);
var M = typeof document < "u" ? k : q;
let y = !1, K = 0;
const W = () => (
// Ensure the id is unique with multiple independent versions of Floating UI
// on <React 18
"floating-ui-" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 6) + K++
function _() {
const [t, n] = s.useState(() => y ? W() : void 0);
return M(() => {
t == null && n(W());
}, []), s.useEffect(() => {
y = !0;
}, []), t;
const ee = $.useId, B = ee || _;
let O;
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (O = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
function te() {
for (var t, n = arguments.length, c = new Array(n), e = 0; e < n; e++)
c[e] = arguments[e];
const o = "Floating UI: " + c.join(" ");
if (!((t = O) != null && t.has(o))) {
var i;
(i = O) == null || i.add(o), console.warn(o);
const i = (e) => ({
length: 1,
item: (t) => t === 0 ? e : void 0,
[Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
for (let t = 0; t < this.length; t++)
yield this.item(t);
function ne() {
for (var t, n = arguments.length, c = new Array(n), e = 0; e < n; e++)
c[e] = arguments[e];
const o = "Floating UI: " + c.join(" ");
if (!((t = O) != null && t.has(o))) {
var i;
(i = O) == null || i.add(o), console.error(o);
const ge = /* @__PURE__ */ s.forwardRef(function(n, c) {
const {
context: {
placement: e,
elements: {
floating: o
middlewareData: {
arrow: i,
shift: a
width: l = 14,
height: u = 7,
tipRadius: I = 0,
strokeWidth: d = 0,
staticOffset: g,
stroke: h,
d: r,
style: {
transform: p,
} = {},
} = n;
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (c || te("The `ref` prop is required for `FloatingArrow`."));
const C = B(), [E, f] = s.useState(!1);
if (M(() => {
if (!o) return;
Q(o).direction === "rtl" && f(!0);
}, [o]), !o)
return null;
const [m, b] = e.split("-"), j = m === "top" || m === "bottom";
let S = g;
(j && a != null && a.x || !j && a != null && a.y) && (S = null);
const v = d * 2, D = v / 2, N = l / 2 * (I / -8 + 1), A = u / 2 * I / 4, w = !!r, U = S && b === "end" ? "bottom" : "top";
let T = S && b === "end" ? "right" : "left";
S && E && (T = b === "end" ? "left" : "right");
const H = (i == null ? void 0 : i.x) != null ? S || i.x : "", X = (i == null ? void 0 : i.y) != null ? S || i.y : "", L = r || "M0,0" + (" H" + l) + (" L" + (l - N) + "," + (u - A)) + (" Q" + l / 2 + "," + u + " " + N + "," + (u - A)) + " Z", Y = {
top: w ? "rotate(180deg)" : "",
left: w ? "rotate(90deg)" : "rotate(-90deg)",
bottom: w ? "" : "rotate(180deg)",
right: w ? "rotate(-90deg)" : "rotate(90deg)"
return /* @__PURE__ */ F.jsxs("svg", {
"aria-hidden": !0,
ref: c,
width: w ? l : l + v,
height: l,
viewBox: "0 0 " + l + " " + (u > l ? u : l),
style: {
position: "absolute",
pointerEvents: "none",
[T]: H,
[U]: X,
[m]: j || w ? "100%" : "calc(100% - " + v / 2 + "px)",
transform: [Y, p].filter((V) => !!V).join(" "),
children: [v > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ F.jsx("path", {
clipPath: "url(#" + C + ")",
fill: "none",
stroke: h,
strokeWidth: v + (r ? 0 : 1),
d: L
}), /* @__PURE__ */ F.jsx("path", {
stroke: v && !r ? x.fill : "none",
d: L
}), /* @__PURE__ */ F.jsx("clipPath", {
id: C,
children: /* @__PURE__ */ F.jsx("rect", {
x: -D,
y: D * (w ? -1 : 1),
width: l + v,
height: l
function oe() {
const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return {
emit(n, c) {
var e;
(e = t.get(n)) == null || e.forEach((o) => o(c));
on(n, c) {
t.set(n, [...t.get(n) || [], c]);
off(n, c) {
var e;
t.set(n, ((e = t.get(n)) == null ? void 0 : e.filter((o) => o !== c)) || []);
const re = /* @__PURE__ */ s.createContext(null), se = /* @__PURE__ */ s.createContext(null), ce = () => {
var t;
return ((t = s.useContext(re)) == null ? void 0 : || null;
}, ie = () => s.useContext(se);
function le(t) {
const {
open: n = !1,
onOpenChange: c,
elements: e
} = t, o = B(), i = s.useRef({}), [a] = s.useState(() => oe()), l = ce() != null;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
const r = e.reference;
r && !P(r) && ne("Cannot pass a virtual element to the `elements.reference` option,", "as it must be a real DOM element. Use `refs.setPositionReference()`", "instead.");
const [u, I] = s.useState(e.reference), d = J((r, p, R) => {
i.current.openEvent = r ? p : void 0, a.emit("openchange", {
open: r,
event: p,
reason: R,
nested: l
}), c == null || c(r, p, R);
}), g = s.useMemo(() => ({
setPositionReference: I
}), []), h = s.useMemo(() => ({
reference: u || e.reference || null,
floating: e.floating || null,
domReference: e.reference
}), [u, e.reference, e.floating]);
return s.useMemo(() => ({
dataRef: i,
open: n,
onOpenChange: d,
elements: h,
events: a,
floatingId: o,
refs: g
}), [n, d, h, a, o, g]);
function pe(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = {});
const {
nodeId: n
} = t, c = le({
elements: {
reference: null,
floating: null,
}), e = t.rootContext || c, o = e.elements, [i, a] = s.useState(null), [l, u] = s.useState(null), d = (o == null ? void 0 : o.domReference) || i, g = s.useRef(null), h = ie();
M(() => {
d && (g.current = d);
}, [d]);
const r = Z({
elements: {
...l && {
reference: l
}), p = s.useCallback((f) => {
const m = P(f) ? {
getBoundingClientRect: () => f.getBoundingClientRect(),
contextElement: f
} : f;
u(m), r.refs.setReference(m);
}, [r.refs]), R = s.useCallback((f) => {
(P(f) || f === null) && (g.current = f, a(f)), (P(r.refs.reference.current) || r.refs.reference.current === null || // Don't allow setting virtual elements using the old technique back to
// `null` to support `positionReference` + an unstable `reference`
// callback ref.
f !== null && !P(f)) && r.refs.setReference(f);
}, [r.refs]), x = s.useMemo(() => ({
setReference: R,
setPositionReference: p,
domReference: g
}), [r.refs, R, p]), C = s.useMemo(() => ({
domReference: d
}), [r.elements, d]), E = s.useMemo(() => ({
refs: x,
elements: C,
nodeId: n
}), [r, x, C, n, e]);
return M(() => {
e.dataRef.current.floatingContext = E;
const f = h == null ? void 0 : h.nodesRef.current.find((m) => === n);
f && (f.context = E);
}), s.useMemo(() => ({
context: E,
refs: x,
elements: C
}), [r, x, C, E]);
export {
ge as FloatingArrow,
ve as arrow,
we as flip,
xe as getOverflowAncestors,
Ee as inline,
Se as offset,
Ie as shift,
pe as useFloating,
ce as useFloatingParentNodeId,
le as useFloatingRootContext,
ie as useFloatingTree,
B as useId
i as toClientRects

@@ -1,12 +0,200 @@

const i = (e) => ({
length: 1,
item: (t) => t === 0 ? e : void 0,
[Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
for (let t = 0; t < this.length; t++)
yield this.item(t);
import { offset as I, shift as J, flip as K, inline as N, computePosition as Q, arrow as A } from "./annotorious-react.es15.js";
import { autoUpdate as le, platform as ce } from "./annotorious-react.es15.js";
import * as f from "react";
import { useLayoutEffect as T, useEffect as X } from "react";
import * as Y from "react-dom";
var R = typeof document < "u" ? T : X;
function h(e, t) {
if (e === t)
return !0;
if (typeof e != typeof t)
return !1;
if (typeof e == "function" && e.toString() === t.toString())
return !0;
let n, r, s;
if (e && t && typeof e == "object") {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
if (n = e.length, n !== t.length) return !1;
for (r = n; r-- !== 0; )
if (!h(e[r], t[r]))
return !1;
return !0;
if (s = Object.keys(e), n = s.length, n !== Object.keys(t).length)
return !1;
for (r = n; r-- !== 0; )
if (!{}, s[r]))
return !1;
for (r = n; r-- !== 0; ) {
const p = s[r];
if (!(p === "_owner" && e.$$typeof) && !h(e[p], t[p]))
return !1;
return !0;
return e !== e && t !== t;
function v(e) {
return typeof window > "u" ? 1 : (e.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).devicePixelRatio || 1;
function q(e, t) {
const n = v(e);
return Math.round(t * n) / n;
function $(e) {
const t = f.useRef(e);
return R(() => {
t.current = e;
}), t;
function te(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = {});
const {
placement: t = "bottom",
strategy: n = "absolute",
middleware: r = [],
platform: s,
elements: {
reference: p,
floating: B
} = {},
transform: k = !0,
whileElementsMounted: D,
open: x
} = e, [i, O] = f.useState({
x: 0,
y: 0,
strategy: n,
placement: t,
middlewareData: {},
isPositioned: !1
}), [M, U] = f.useState(r);
h(M, r) || U(r);
const [V, W] = f.useState(null), [z, G] = f.useState(null), _ = f.useCallback((o) => {
o !== a.current && (a.current = o, W(o));
}, []), C = f.useCallback((o) => {
o !== d.current && (d.current = o, G(o));
}, []), u = p || V, l = B || z, a = f.useRef(null), d = f.useRef(null), y = f.useRef(i), H = D != null, P = $(D), S = $(s), F = $(x), g = f.useCallback(() => {
if (!a.current || !d.current)
const o = {
placement: t,
strategy: n,
middleware: M
S.current && (o.platform = S.current), Q(a.current, d.current, o).then((w) => {
const m = {
// The floating element's position may be recomputed while it's closed
// but still mounted (such as when transitioning out). To ensure
// `isPositioned` will be `false` initially on the next open, avoid
// setting it to `true` when `open === false` (must be specified).
isPositioned: F.current !== !1
E.current && !h(y.current, m) && (y.current = m, Y.flushSync(() => {
}, [M, t, n, S, F]);
R(() => {
x === !1 && y.current.isPositioned && (y.current.isPositioned = !1, O((o) => ({
isPositioned: !1
}, [x]);
const E = f.useRef(!1);
R(() => (E.current = !0, () => {
E.current = !1;
}), []), R(() => {
if (u && (a.current = u), l && (d.current = l), u && l) {
if (P.current)
return P.current(u, l, g);
}, [u, l, g, P, H]);
const j = f.useMemo(() => ({
reference: a,
floating: d,
setReference: _,
setFloating: C
}), [_, C]), c = f.useMemo(() => ({
reference: u,
floating: l
}), [u, l]), L = f.useMemo(() => {
const o = {
position: n,
left: 0,
top: 0
if (!c.floating)
return o;
const w = q(c.floating, i.x), m = q(c.floating, i.y);
return k ? {
transform: "translate(" + w + "px, " + m + "px)",
...v(c.floating) >= 1.5 && {
willChange: "transform"
} : {
position: n,
left: w,
top: m
}, [n, k, c.floating, i.x, i.y]);
return f.useMemo(() => ({
update: g,
refs: j,
elements: c,
floatingStyles: L
}), [i, g, j, c, L]);
const Z = (e) => {
function t(n) {
return {}, "current");
return {
name: "arrow",
options: e,
fn(n) {
const {
element: r,
padding: s
} = typeof e == "function" ? e(n) : e;
return r && t(r) ? r.current != null ? A({
element: r.current,
padding: s
}).fn(n) : {} : r ? A({
element: r,
padding: s
}).fn(n) : {};
}, ne = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
}), re = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
}), fe = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
}), oe = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
}), se = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
export {
i as toClientRects
se as arrow,
le as autoUpdate,
Q as computePosition,
fe as flip,
oe as inline,
ne as offset,
ce as platform,
re as shift,
te as useFloating

@@ -1,200 +0,394 @@

import { offset as I, shift as J, flip as K, inline as N, computePosition as Q, arrow as A } from "./annotorious-react.es16.js";
import { autoUpdate as le, platform as ce } from "./annotorious-react.es16.js";
import * as f from "react";
import { useLayoutEffect as T, useEffect as X } from "react";
import * as Y from "react-dom";
var R = typeof document < "u" ? T : X;
function h(e, t) {
if (e === t)
return !0;
if (typeof e != typeof t)
return !1;
if (typeof e == "function" && e.toString() === t.toString())
return !0;
let n, r, s;
if (e && t && typeof e == "object") {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
if (n = e.length, n !== t.length) return !1;
for (r = n; r-- !== 0; )
if (!h(e[r], t[r]))
return !1;
return !0;
import { offset as ot, shift as st, flip as rt, inline as ct, arrow as lt, computePosition as ft } from "./annotorious-react.es22.js";
import { createCoords as m, rectToClientRect as J, round as H, floor as A, max as E, min as z } from "./annotorious-react.es21.js";
import { getOverflowAncestors as $, isElement as v, getWindow as L, getFrameElement as K, getComputedStyle as R, getDocumentElement as O, isHTMLElement as b, isWebKit as Q, isTopLayer as M, getNodeName as S, isOverflowElement as _, getNodeScroll as I, getParentNode as W, isLastTraversableNode as N, isTableElement as ut, isContainingBlock as Y, getContainingBlock as ht } from "./annotorious-react.es17.js";
function Z(t) {
const e = R(t);
let n = parseFloat(e.width) || 0, i = parseFloat(e.height) || 0;
const o = b(t), r = o ? t.offsetWidth : n, s = o ? t.offsetHeight : i, c = H(n) !== r || H(i) !== s;
return c && (n = r, i = s), {
width: n,
height: i,
$: c
function q(t) {
return v(t) ? t : t.contextElement;
function F(t) {
const e = q(t);
if (!b(e))
return m(1);
const n = e.getBoundingClientRect(), {
width: i,
height: o,
$: r
} = Z(e);
let s = (r ? H(n.width) : n.width) / i, c = (r ? H(n.height) : n.height) / o;
return (!s || !Number.isFinite(s)) && (s = 1), (!c || !Number.isFinite(c)) && (c = 1), {
x: s,
y: c
const at = /* @__PURE__ */ m(0);
function X(t) {
const e = L(t);
return !Q() || !e.visualViewport ? at : {
x: e.visualViewport.offsetLeft,
y: e.visualViewport.offsetTop
function dt(t, e, n) {
return e === void 0 && (e = !1), !n || e && n !== L(t) ? !1 : e;
function T(t, e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), n === void 0 && (n = !1);
const o = t.getBoundingClientRect(), r = q(t);
let s = m(1);
e && (i ? v(i) && (s = F(i)) : s = F(t));
const c = dt(r, n, i) ? X(r) : m(0);
let l = (o.left + c.x) / s.x, f = ( + c.y) / s.y, u = o.width / s.x, h = o.height / s.y;
if (r) {
const p = L(r), a = i && v(i) ? L(i) : i;
let y = p, g = K(y);
for (; g && i && a !== y; ) {
const w = F(g), d = g.getBoundingClientRect(), x = R(g), C = d.left + (g.clientLeft + parseFloat(x.paddingLeft)) * w.x, B = + (g.clientTop + parseFloat(x.paddingTop)) * w.y;
l *= w.x, f *= w.y, u *= w.x, h *= w.y, l += C, f += B, y = L(g), g = K(y);
if (s = Object.keys(e), n = s.length, n !== Object.keys(t).length)
return !1;
for (r = n; r-- !== 0; )
if (!{}, s[r]))
return !1;
for (r = n; r-- !== 0; ) {
const p = s[r];
if (!(p === "_owner" && e.$$typeof) && !h(e[p], t[p]))
return !1;
return !0;
return e !== e && t !== t;
return J({
width: u,
height: h,
x: l,
y: f
function v(e) {
return typeof window > "u" ? 1 : (e.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).devicePixelRatio || 1;
function k(t, e) {
const n = I(t).scrollLeft;
return e ? e.left + n : T(O(t)).left + n;
function q(e, t) {
const n = v(e);
return Math.round(t * n) / n;
function tt(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
const i = t.getBoundingClientRect(), o = i.left + e.scrollLeft - (n ? 0 : (
// RTL <body> scrollbar.
k(t, i)
)), r = + e.scrollTop;
return {
x: o,
y: r
function $(e) {
const t = f.useRef(e);
return R(() => {
t.current = e;
}), t;
function gt(t) {
let {
elements: e,
rect: n,
offsetParent: i,
strategy: o
} = t;
const r = o === "fixed", s = O(i), c = e ? M(e.floating) : !1;
if (i === s || c && r)
return n;
let l = {
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0
}, f = m(1);
const u = m(0), h = b(i);
if ((h || !h && !r) && ((S(i) !== "body" || _(s)) && (l = I(i)), b(i))) {
const a = T(i);
f = F(i), u.x = a.x + i.clientLeft, u.y = a.y + i.clientTop;
const p = s && !h && !r ? tt(s, l, !0) : m(0);
return {
width: n.width * f.x,
height: n.height * f.y,
x: n.x * f.x - l.scrollLeft * f.x + u.x + p.x,
y: n.y * f.y - l.scrollTop * f.y + u.y + p.y
function te(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = {});
function pt(t) {
return Array.from(t.getClientRects());
function wt(t) {
const e = O(t), n = I(t), i = t.ownerDocument.body, o = E(e.scrollWidth, e.clientWidth, i.scrollWidth, i.clientWidth), r = E(e.scrollHeight, e.clientHeight, i.scrollHeight, i.clientHeight);
let s = -n.scrollLeft + k(t);
const c = -n.scrollTop;
return R(i).direction === "rtl" && (s += E(e.clientWidth, i.clientWidth) - o), {
width: o,
height: r,
x: s,
y: c
function mt(t, e) {
const n = L(t), i = O(t), o = n.visualViewport;
let r = i.clientWidth, s = i.clientHeight, c = 0, l = 0;
if (o) {
r = o.width, s = o.height;
const f = Q();
(!f || f && e === "fixed") && (c = o.offsetLeft, l = o.offsetTop);
return {
width: r,
height: s,
x: c,
y: l
function yt(t, e) {
const n = T(t, !0, e === "fixed"), i = + t.clientTop, o = n.left + t.clientLeft, r = b(t) ? F(t) : m(1), s = t.clientWidth * r.x, c = t.clientHeight * r.y, l = o * r.x, f = i * r.y;
return {
width: s,
height: c,
x: l,
y: f
function j(t, e, n) {
let i;
if (e === "viewport")
i = mt(t, n);
else if (e === "document")
i = wt(O(t));
else if (v(e))
i = yt(e, n);
else {
const o = X(t);
i = {
x: e.x - o.x,
y: e.y - o.y,
width: e.width,
height: e.height
return J(i);
function et(t, e) {
const n = W(t);
return n === e || !v(n) || N(n) ? !1 : R(n).position === "fixed" || et(n, e);
function xt(t, e) {
const n = e.get(t);
if (n)
return n;
let i = $(t, [], !1).filter((c) => v(c) && S(c) !== "body"), o = null;
const r = R(t).position === "fixed";
let s = r ? W(t) : t;
for (; v(s) && !N(s); ) {
const c = R(s), l = Y(s);
!l && c.position === "fixed" && (o = null), (r ? !l && !o : !l && c.position === "static" && !!o && ["absolute", "fixed"].includes(o.position) || _(s) && !l && et(t, s)) ? i = i.filter((u) => u !== s) : o = c, s = W(s);
return e.set(t, i), i;
function vt(t) {
let {
element: e,
boundary: n,
rootBoundary: i,
strategy: o
} = t;
const s = [...n === "clippingAncestors" ? M(e) ? [] : xt(e, this._c) : [].concat(n), i], c = s[0], l = s.reduce((f, u) => {
const h = j(e, u, o);
return = E(,, f.right = z(h.right, f.right), f.bottom = z(h.bottom, f.bottom), f.left = E(h.left, f.left), f;
}, j(e, c, o));
return {
width: l.right - l.left,
height: l.bottom -,
x: l.left,
function Rt(t) {
const {
placement: t = "bottom",
strategy: n = "absolute",
middleware: r = [],
platform: s,
elements: {
reference: p,
floating: B
} = {},
transform: k = !0,
whileElementsMounted: D,
open: x
} = e, [i, O] = f.useState({
x: 0,
y: 0,
strategy: n,
placement: t,
middlewareData: {},
isPositioned: !1
}), [M, U] = f.useState(r);
h(M, r) || U(r);
const [V, W] = f.useState(null), [z, G] = f.useState(null), _ = f.useCallback((o) => {
o !== a.current && (a.current = o, W(o));
}, []), C = f.useCallback((o) => {
o !== d.current && (d.current = o, G(o));
}, []), u = p || V, l = B || z, a = f.useRef(null), d = f.useRef(null), y = f.useRef(i), H = D != null, P = $(D), S = $(s), F = $(x), g = f.useCallback(() => {
if (!a.current || !d.current)
width: e,
height: n
} = Z(t);
return {
width: e,
height: n
function Ot(t, e, n) {
const i = b(e), o = O(e), r = n === "fixed", s = T(t, !0, r, e);
let c = {
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0
const l = m(0);
if (i || !i && !r)
if ((S(e) !== "body" || _(o)) && (c = I(e)), i) {
const p = T(e, !0, r, e);
l.x = p.x + e.clientLeft, l.y = p.y + e.clientTop;
} else o && (l.x = k(o));
const f = o && !i && !r ? tt(o, c) : m(0), u = s.left + c.scrollLeft - l.x - f.x, h = + c.scrollTop - l.y - f.y;
return {
x: u,
y: h,
width: s.width,
height: s.height
function V(t) {
return R(t).position === "static";
function G(t, e) {
if (!b(t) || R(t).position === "fixed")
return null;
if (e)
return e(t);
let n = t.offsetParent;
return O(t) === n && (n = n.ownerDocument.body), n;
function nt(t, e) {
const n = L(t);
if (M(t))
return n;
if (!b(t)) {
let o = W(t);
for (; o && !N(o); ) {
if (v(o) && !V(o))
return o;
o = W(o);
return n;
let i = G(t, e);
for (; i && ut(i) && V(i); )
i = G(i, e);
return i && N(i) && V(i) && !Y(i) ? n : i || ht(t) || n;
const bt = async function(t) {
const e = this.getOffsetParent || nt, n = this.getDimensions, i = await n(t.floating);
return {
reference: Ot(t.reference, await e(t.floating), t.strategy),
floating: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: i.width,
height: i.height
function Ct(t) {
return R(t).direction === "rtl";
const Lt = {
convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect: gt,
getDocumentElement: O,
getClippingRect: vt,
getOffsetParent: nt,
getElementRects: bt,
getClientRects: pt,
getDimensions: Rt,
getScale: F,
isElement: v,
isRTL: Ct
function it(t, e) {
return t.x === e.x && t.y === e.y && t.width === e.width && t.height === e.height;
function Tt(t, e) {
let n = null, i;
const o = O(t);
function r() {
var c;
clearTimeout(i), (c = n) == null || c.disconnect(), n = null;
function s(c, l) {
c === void 0 && (c = !1), l === void 0 && (l = 1), r();
const f = t.getBoundingClientRect(), {
left: u,
top: h,
width: p,
height: a
} = f;
if (c || e(), !p || !a)
const o = {
placement: t,
strategy: n,
middleware: M
const y = A(h), g = A(o.clientWidth - (u + p)), w = A(o.clientHeight - (h + a)), d = A(u), C = {
rootMargin: -y + "px " + -g + "px " + -w + "px " + -d + "px",
threshold: E(0, z(1, l)) || 1
S.current && (o.platform = S.current), Q(a.current, d.current, o).then((w) => {
const m = {
// The floating element's position may be recomputed while it's closed
// but still mounted (such as when transitioning out). To ensure
// `isPositioned` will be `false` initially on the next open, avoid
// setting it to `true` when `open === false` (must be specified).
isPositioned: F.current !== !1
E.current && !h(y.current, m) && (y.current = m, Y.flushSync(() => {
}, [M, t, n, S, F]);
R(() => {
x === !1 && y.current.isPositioned && (y.current.isPositioned = !1, O((o) => ({
isPositioned: !1
}, [x]);
const E = f.useRef(!1);
R(() => (E.current = !0, () => {
E.current = !1;
}), []), R(() => {
if (u && (a.current = u), l && (d.current = l), u && l) {
if (P.current)
return P.current(u, l, g);
let B = !0;
function P(U) {
const D = U[0].intersectionRatio;
if (D !== l) {
if (!B)
return s();
D ? s(!1, D) : i = setTimeout(() => {
s(!1, 1e-7);
}, 1e3);
D === 1 && !it(f, t.getBoundingClientRect()) && s(), B = !1;
}, [u, l, g, P, H]);
const j = f.useMemo(() => ({
reference: a,
floating: d,
setReference: _,
setFloating: C
}), [_, C]), c = f.useMemo(() => ({
reference: u,
floating: l
}), [u, l]), L = f.useMemo(() => {
const o = {
position: n,
left: 0,
top: 0
if (!c.floating)
return o;
const w = q(c.floating, i.x), m = q(c.floating, i.y);
return k ? {
transform: "translate(" + w + "px, " + m + "px)",
...v(c.floating) >= 1.5 && {
willChange: "transform"
} : {
position: n,
left: w,
top: m
}, [n, k, c.floating, i.x, i.y]);
return f.useMemo(() => ({
update: g,
refs: j,
elements: c,
floatingStyles: L
}), [i, g, j, c, L]);
try {
n = new IntersectionObserver(P, {
// Handle <iframe>s
root: o.ownerDocument
} catch {
n = new IntersectionObserver(P, C);
return s(!0), r;
const Z = (e) => {
function t(n) {
return {}, "current");
function Bt(t, e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = {});
const {
ancestorScroll: o = !0,
ancestorResize: r = !0,
elementResize: s = typeof ResizeObserver == "function",
layoutShift: c = typeof IntersectionObserver == "function",
animationFrame: l = !1
} = i, f = q(t), u = o || r ? [...f ? $(f) : [], ...$(e)] : [];
u.forEach((d) => {
o && d.addEventListener("scroll", n, {
passive: !0
}), r && d.addEventListener("resize", n);
const h = f && c ? Tt(f, n) : null;
let p = -1, a = null;
s && (a = new ResizeObserver((d) => {
let [x] = d;
x && === f && a && (a.unobserve(e), cancelAnimationFrame(p), p = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
var C;
(C = a) == null || C.observe(e);
})), n();
}), f && !l && a.observe(f), a.observe(e));
let y, g = l ? T(t) : null;
l && w();
function w() {
const d = T(t);
g && !it(g, d) && n(), g = d, y = requestAnimationFrame(w);
return {
name: "arrow",
options: e,
fn(n) {
const {
element: r,
padding: s
} = typeof e == "function" ? e(n) : e;
return r && t(r) ? r.current != null ? A({
element: r.current,
padding: s
}).fn(n) : {} : r ? A({
element: r,
padding: s
}).fn(n) : {};
return n(), () => {
var d;
u.forEach((x) => {
o && x.removeEventListener("scroll", n), r && x.removeEventListener("resize", n);
}), h == null || h(), (d = a) == null || d.disconnect(), a = null, l && cancelAnimationFrame(y);
}, ne = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
}), re = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
}), fe = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
}), oe = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
}), se = (e, t) => ({
options: [e, t]
const Dt = ot, At = st, Ht = rt, Nt = lt, It = ct, Vt = (t, e, n) => {
const i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o = {
platform: Lt,
}, r = {
_c: i
return ft(t, e, {
platform: r
export {
se as arrow,
le as autoUpdate,
Q as computePosition,
fe as flip,
oe as inline,
ne as offset,
ce as platform,
re as shift,
te as useFloating
Nt as arrow,
Bt as autoUpdate,
Vt as computePosition,
Ht as flip,
$ as getOverflowAncestors,
It as inline,
Dt as offset,
Lt as platform,
At as shift

@@ -1,394 +0,17 @@

import { offset as ot, shift as st, flip as rt, inline as ct, arrow as lt, computePosition as ft } from "./annotorious-react.es28.js";
import { createCoords as m, rectToClientRect as J, round as H, floor as A, max as E, min as z } from "./annotorious-react.es27.js";
import { getOverflowAncestors as $, isElement as v, getWindow as L, getFrameElement as K, getComputedStyle as R, getDocumentElement as O, isHTMLElement as b, isWebKit as Q, isTopLayer as M, getNodeName as S, isOverflowElement as _, getNodeScroll as I, getParentNode as W, isLastTraversableNode as N, isTableElement as ut, isContainingBlock as Y, getContainingBlock as ht } from "./annotorious-react.es21.js";
function Z(t) {
const e = R(t);
let n = parseFloat(e.width) || 0, i = parseFloat(e.height) || 0;
const o = b(t), r = o ? t.offsetWidth : n, s = o ? t.offsetHeight : i, c = H(n) !== r || H(i) !== s;
return c && (n = r, i = s), {
width: n,
height: i,
$: c
import m from "./annotorious-react.es19.js";
import n from "./annotorious-react.es20.js";
import { unsafeStringify as t } from "./annotorious-react.es18.js";
function U(r, a, u) {
var e;
if (m.randomUUID && !r)
return m.randomUUID();
r = r || {};
const f = r.random ?? ((e = r.rng) == null ? void 0 : ?? n();
if (f.length < 16)
throw new Error("Random bytes length must be >= 16");
return f[6] = f[6] & 15 | 64, f[8] = f[8] & 63 | 128, t(f);
function q(t) {
return v(t) ? t : t.contextElement;
function F(t) {
const e = q(t);
if (!b(e))
return m(1);
const n = e.getBoundingClientRect(), {
width: i,
height: o,
$: r
} = Z(e);
let s = (r ? H(n.width) : n.width) / i, c = (r ? H(n.height) : n.height) / o;
return (!s || !Number.isFinite(s)) && (s = 1), (!c || !Number.isFinite(c)) && (c = 1), {
x: s,
y: c
const at = /* @__PURE__ */ m(0);
function X(t) {
const e = L(t);
return !Q() || !e.visualViewport ? at : {
x: e.visualViewport.offsetLeft,
y: e.visualViewport.offsetTop
function dt(t, e, n) {
return e === void 0 && (e = !1), !n || e && n !== L(t) ? !1 : e;
function T(t, e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), n === void 0 && (n = !1);
const o = t.getBoundingClientRect(), r = q(t);
let s = m(1);
e && (i ? v(i) && (s = F(i)) : s = F(t));
const c = dt(r, n, i) ? X(r) : m(0);
let l = (o.left + c.x) / s.x, f = ( + c.y) / s.y, u = o.width / s.x, h = o.height / s.y;
if (r) {
const p = L(r), a = i && v(i) ? L(i) : i;
let y = p, g = K(y);
for (; g && i && a !== y; ) {
const w = F(g), d = g.getBoundingClientRect(), x = R(g), C = d.left + (g.clientLeft + parseFloat(x.paddingLeft)) * w.x, B = + (g.clientTop + parseFloat(x.paddingTop)) * w.y;
l *= w.x, f *= w.y, u *= w.x, h *= w.y, l += C, f += B, y = L(g), g = K(y);
return J({
width: u,
height: h,
x: l,
y: f
function k(t, e) {
const n = I(t).scrollLeft;
return e ? e.left + n : T(O(t)).left + n;
function tt(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
const i = t.getBoundingClientRect(), o = i.left + e.scrollLeft - (n ? 0 : (
// RTL <body> scrollbar.
k(t, i)
)), r = + e.scrollTop;
return {
x: o,
y: r
function gt(t) {
let {
elements: e,
rect: n,
offsetParent: i,
strategy: o
} = t;
const r = o === "fixed", s = O(i), c = e ? M(e.floating) : !1;
if (i === s || c && r)
return n;
let l = {
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0
}, f = m(1);
const u = m(0), h = b(i);
if ((h || !h && !r) && ((S(i) !== "body" || _(s)) && (l = I(i)), b(i))) {
const a = T(i);
f = F(i), u.x = a.x + i.clientLeft, u.y = a.y + i.clientTop;
const p = s && !h && !r ? tt(s, l, !0) : m(0);
return {
width: n.width * f.x,
height: n.height * f.y,
x: n.x * f.x - l.scrollLeft * f.x + u.x + p.x,
y: n.y * f.y - l.scrollTop * f.y + u.y + p.y
function pt(t) {
return Array.from(t.getClientRects());
function wt(t) {
const e = O(t), n = I(t), i = t.ownerDocument.body, o = E(e.scrollWidth, e.clientWidth, i.scrollWidth, i.clientWidth), r = E(e.scrollHeight, e.clientHeight, i.scrollHeight, i.clientHeight);
let s = -n.scrollLeft + k(t);
const c = -n.scrollTop;
return R(i).direction === "rtl" && (s += E(e.clientWidth, i.clientWidth) - o), {
width: o,
height: r,
x: s,
y: c
function mt(t, e) {
const n = L(t), i = O(t), o = n.visualViewport;
let r = i.clientWidth, s = i.clientHeight, c = 0, l = 0;
if (o) {
r = o.width, s = o.height;
const f = Q();
(!f || f && e === "fixed") && (c = o.offsetLeft, l = o.offsetTop);
return {
width: r,
height: s,
x: c,
y: l
function yt(t, e) {
const n = T(t, !0, e === "fixed"), i = + t.clientTop, o = n.left + t.clientLeft, r = b(t) ? F(t) : m(1), s = t.clientWidth * r.x, c = t.clientHeight * r.y, l = o * r.x, f = i * r.y;
return {
width: s,
height: c,
x: l,
y: f
function j(t, e, n) {
let i;
if (e === "viewport")
i = mt(t, n);
else if (e === "document")
i = wt(O(t));
else if (v(e))
i = yt(e, n);
else {
const o = X(t);
i = {
x: e.x - o.x,
y: e.y - o.y,
width: e.width,
height: e.height
return J(i);
function et(t, e) {
const n = W(t);
return n === e || !v(n) || N(n) ? !1 : R(n).position === "fixed" || et(n, e);
function xt(t, e) {
const n = e.get(t);
if (n)
return n;
let i = $(t, [], !1).filter((c) => v(c) && S(c) !== "body"), o = null;
const r = R(t).position === "fixed";
let s = r ? W(t) : t;
for (; v(s) && !N(s); ) {
const c = R(s), l = Y(s);
!l && c.position === "fixed" && (o = null), (r ? !l && !o : !l && c.position === "static" && !!o && ["absolute", "fixed"].includes(o.position) || _(s) && !l && et(t, s)) ? i = i.filter((u) => u !== s) : o = c, s = W(s);
return e.set(t, i), i;
function vt(t) {
let {
element: e,
boundary: n,
rootBoundary: i,
strategy: o
} = t;
const s = [...n === "clippingAncestors" ? M(e) ? [] : xt(e, this._c) : [].concat(n), i], c = s[0], l = s.reduce((f, u) => {
const h = j(e, u, o);
return = E(,, f.right = z(h.right, f.right), f.bottom = z(h.bottom, f.bottom), f.left = E(h.left, f.left), f;
}, j(e, c, o));
return {
width: l.right - l.left,
height: l.bottom -,
x: l.left,
function Rt(t) {
const {
width: e,
height: n
} = Z(t);
return {
width: e,
height: n
function Ot(t, e, n) {
const i = b(e), o = O(e), r = n === "fixed", s = T(t, !0, r, e);
let c = {
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0
const l = m(0);
if (i || !i && !r)
if ((S(e) !== "body" || _(o)) && (c = I(e)), i) {
const p = T(e, !0, r, e);
l.x = p.x + e.clientLeft, l.y = p.y + e.clientTop;
} else o && (l.x = k(o));
const f = o && !i && !r ? tt(o, c) : m(0), u = s.left + c.scrollLeft - l.x - f.x, h = + c.scrollTop - l.y - f.y;
return {
x: u,
y: h,
width: s.width,
height: s.height
function V(t) {
return R(t).position === "static";
function G(t, e) {
if (!b(t) || R(t).position === "fixed")
return null;
if (e)
return e(t);
let n = t.offsetParent;
return O(t) === n && (n = n.ownerDocument.body), n;
function nt(t, e) {
const n = L(t);
if (M(t))
return n;
if (!b(t)) {
let o = W(t);
for (; o && !N(o); ) {
if (v(o) && !V(o))
return o;
o = W(o);
return n;
let i = G(t, e);
for (; i && ut(i) && V(i); )
i = G(i, e);
return i && N(i) && V(i) && !Y(i) ? n : i || ht(t) || n;
const bt = async function(t) {
const e = this.getOffsetParent || nt, n = this.getDimensions, i = await n(t.floating);
return {
reference: Ot(t.reference, await e(t.floating), t.strategy),
floating: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: i.width,
height: i.height
function Ct(t) {
return R(t).direction === "rtl";
const Lt = {
convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect: gt,
getDocumentElement: O,
getClippingRect: vt,
getOffsetParent: nt,
getElementRects: bt,
getClientRects: pt,
getDimensions: Rt,
getScale: F,
isElement: v,
isRTL: Ct
function it(t, e) {
return t.x === e.x && t.y === e.y && t.width === e.width && t.height === e.height;
function Tt(t, e) {
let n = null, i;
const o = O(t);
function r() {
var c;
clearTimeout(i), (c = n) == null || c.disconnect(), n = null;
function s(c, l) {
c === void 0 && (c = !1), l === void 0 && (l = 1), r();
const f = t.getBoundingClientRect(), {
left: u,
top: h,
width: p,
height: a
} = f;
if (c || e(), !p || !a)
const y = A(h), g = A(o.clientWidth - (u + p)), w = A(o.clientHeight - (h + a)), d = A(u), C = {
rootMargin: -y + "px " + -g + "px " + -w + "px " + -d + "px",
threshold: E(0, z(1, l)) || 1
let B = !0;
function P(U) {
const D = U[0].intersectionRatio;
if (D !== l) {
if (!B)
return s();
D ? s(!1, D) : i = setTimeout(() => {
s(!1, 1e-7);
}, 1e3);
D === 1 && !it(f, t.getBoundingClientRect()) && s(), B = !1;
try {
n = new IntersectionObserver(P, {
// Handle <iframe>s
root: o.ownerDocument
} catch {
n = new IntersectionObserver(P, C);
return s(!0), r;
function Bt(t, e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = {});
const {
ancestorScroll: o = !0,
ancestorResize: r = !0,
elementResize: s = typeof ResizeObserver == "function",
layoutShift: c = typeof IntersectionObserver == "function",
animationFrame: l = !1
} = i, f = q(t), u = o || r ? [...f ? $(f) : [], ...$(e)] : [];
u.forEach((d) => {
o && d.addEventListener("scroll", n, {
passive: !0
}), r && d.addEventListener("resize", n);
const h = f && c ? Tt(f, n) : null;
let p = -1, a = null;
s && (a = new ResizeObserver((d) => {
let [x] = d;
x && === f && a && (a.unobserve(e), cancelAnimationFrame(p), p = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
var C;
(C = a) == null || C.observe(e);
})), n();
}), f && !l && a.observe(f), a.observe(e));
let y, g = l ? T(t) : null;
l && w();
function w() {
const d = T(t);
g && !it(g, d) && n(), g = d, y = requestAnimationFrame(w);
return n(), () => {
var d;
u.forEach((x) => {
o && x.removeEventListener("scroll", n), r && x.removeEventListener("resize", n);
}), h == null || h(), (d = a) == null || d.disconnect(), a = null, l && cancelAnimationFrame(y);
const Dt = ot, At = st, Ht = rt, Nt = lt, It = ct, Vt = (t, e, n) => {
const i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o = {
platform: Lt,
}, r = {
_c: i
return ft(t, e, {
platform: r
export {
Nt as arrow,
Bt as autoUpdate,
Vt as computePosition,
Ht as flip,
$ as getOverflowAncestors,
It as inline,
Dt as offset,
Lt as platform,
At as shift
U as default

@@ -1,17 +0,132 @@

import m from "./annotorious-react.es25.js";
import n from "./annotorious-react.es26.js";
import { unsafeStringify as t } from "./annotorious-react.es24.js";
function U(r, a, u) {
function c() {
return typeof window < "u";
function f(n) {
return p(n) ? (n.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : "#document";
function i(n) {
var e;
if (m.randomUUID && !r)
return m.randomUUID();
r = r || {};
const f = r.random ?? ((e = r.rng) == null ? void 0 : ?? n();
if (f.length < 16)
throw new Error("Random bytes length must be >= 16");
return f[6] = f[6] & 15 | 64, f[8] = f[8] & 63 | 128, t(f);
return (n == null || (e = n.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : e.defaultView) || window;
function E(n) {
var e;
return (e = (p(n) ? n.ownerDocument : n.document) || window.document) == null ? void 0 : e.documentElement;
function p(n) {
return c() ? n instanceof Node || n instanceof i(n).Node : !1;
function m(n) {
return c() ? n instanceof Element || n instanceof i(n).Element : !1;
function w(n) {
return c() ? n instanceof HTMLElement || n instanceof i(n).HTMLElement : !1;
function a(n) {
return !c() || typeof ShadowRoot > "u" ? !1 : n instanceof ShadowRoot || n instanceof i(n).ShadowRoot;
function y(n) {
const {
overflow: e,
overflowX: t,
overflowY: o,
display: r
} = b(n);
return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(e + o + t) && !["inline", "contents"].includes(r);
function k(n) {
return ["table", "td", "th"].includes(f(n));
function N(n) {
return [":popover-open", ":modal"].some((e) => {
try {
return n.matches(e);
} catch {
return !1;
function T(n) {
const e = L(), t = m(n) ? b(n) : n;
return ["transform", "translate", "scale", "rotate", "perspective"].some((o) => t[o] ? t[o] !== "none" : !1) || (t.containerType ? t.containerType !== "normal" : !1) || !e && (t.backdropFilter ? t.backdropFilter !== "none" : !1) || !e && (t.filter ? t.filter !== "none" : !1) || ["transform", "translate", "scale", "rotate", "perspective", "filter"].some((o) => (t.willChange || "").includes(o)) || ["paint", "layout", "strict", "content"].some((o) => (t.contain || "").includes(o));
function C(n) {
let e = l(n);
for (; w(e) && !g(e); ) {
if (T(e))
return e;
if (N(e))
return null;
e = l(e);
return null;
function L() {
return typeof CSS > "u" || !CSS.supports ? !1 : CSS.supports("-webkit-backdrop-filter", "none");
function g(n) {
return ["html", "body", "#document"].includes(f(n));
function b(n) {
return i(n).getComputedStyle(n);
function R(n) {
return m(n) ? {
scrollLeft: n.scrollLeft,
scrollTop: n.scrollTop
} : {
scrollLeft: n.scrollX,
scrollTop: n.scrollY
function l(n) {
if (f(n) === "html")
return n;
const e = (
// Step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node.
n.assignedSlot || // DOM Element detected.
n.parentNode || // ShadowRoot detected.
a(n) && || // Fallback.
return a(e) ? : e;
function h(n) {
const e = l(n);
return g(e) ? n.ownerDocument ? n.ownerDocument.body : n.body : w(e) && y(e) ? e : h(e);
function d(n, e, t) {
var o;
e === void 0 && (e = []), t === void 0 && (t = !0);
const r = h(n), S = r === ((o = n.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : o.body), u = i(r);
if (S) {
const s = D(u);
return e.concat(u, u.visualViewport || [], y(r) ? r : [], s && t ? d(s) : []);
return e.concat(r, d(r, [], t));
function D(n) {
return n.parent && Object.getPrototypeOf(n.parent) ? n.frameElement : null;
export {
U as default
b as getComputedStyle,
C as getContainingBlock,
E as getDocumentElement,
D as getFrameElement,
h as getNearestOverflowAncestor,
f as getNodeName,
R as getNodeScroll,
d as getOverflowAncestors,
l as getParentNode,
i as getWindow,
T as isContainingBlock,
m as isElement,
w as isHTMLElement,
g as isLastTraversableNode,
p as isNode,
y as isOverflowElement,
a as isShadowRoot,
k as isTableElement,
N as isTopLayer,
L as isWebKit

@@ -1,5 +0,10 @@

var e = { exports: {} };
const i = [];
for (let n = 0; n < 256; ++n)
i.push((n + 256).toString(16).slice(1));
function c(n, u = 0) {
return (i[n[u + 0]] + i[n[u + 1]] + i[n[u + 2]] + i[n[u + 3]] + "-" + i[n[u + 4]] + i[n[u + 5]] + "-" + i[n[u + 6]] + i[n[u + 7]] + "-" + i[n[u + 8]] + i[n[u + 9]] + "-" + i[n[u + 10]] + i[n[u + 11]] + i[n[u + 12]] + i[n[u + 13]] + i[n[u + 14]] + i[n[u + 15]]).toLowerCase();
export {
e as __module
c as unsafeStringify

@@ -1,36 +0,5 @@

import { __exports as t } from "./annotorious-react.es22.js";
* @license React
* react-jsx-runtime.production.js
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var i;
function R() {
if (i) return t;
i = 1;
var d = Symbol.for("react.transitional.element"), o = Symbol.for("react.fragment");
function s(_, r, e) {
var n = null;
if (e !== void 0 && (n = "" + e), r.key !== void 0 && (n = "" + r.key), "key" in r) {
e = {};
for (var u in r)
u !== "key" && (e[u] = r[u]);
} else e = r;
return r = e.ref, {
$$typeof: d,
type: _,
key: n,
ref: r !== void 0 ? r : null,
props: e
return t.Fragment = o, t.jsx = s, t.jsxs = s, t;
const o = typeof crypto < "u" && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto), t = { randomUUID: o };
export {
R as __require
t as default

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

import { j as E } from "./annotorious-react.es11.js";
import { onUserSelect as I } from "@annotorious/core";
import { useDebounce as H } from "./annotorious-react.es12.js";
import { createContext as O, forwardRef as R, useState as p, useImperativeHandle as P, useEffect as m, useContext as l } from "react";
const i = O({
import { jsx as O } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { onUserSelect as j } from "@annotorious/core";
import { useDebounce as H } from "./annotorious-react.es11.js";
import { createContext as E, forwardRef as P, useState as f, useImperativeHandle as R, useEffect as m, useContext as l } from "react";
const i = E({
anno: void 0,

@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ setAnno: void 0,

selection: { selected: [] }
}), L = R((n, e) => {
const [t, c] = p(null), [a, o] = p([]), [u, r] = p({ selected: [] });
return P(e, () => t), m(() => {
}), L = P((n, e) => {
const [t, c] = f(null), [a, o] = f([]), [u, r] = f({ selected: [] });
return R(e, () => t), m(() => {
if (t) {

@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ const { selection: h, store: s, hover: S } = t.state;

let d;
const b = h.subscribe(({ selected: A, ...j }) => {
const b = h.subscribe(({ selected: A, ...D }) => {
d && s.unobserve(d);
const D = (A || []).map(({ id: f, editable: w }) => ({ annotation: s.getAnnotation(f), editable: w }));
r({ selected: D, ...j }), d = (f) => {
const { updated: w } = f.changes;
const U = (A || []).map(({ id: p, editable: w }) => ({ annotation: s.getAnnotation(p), editable: w }));
r({ selected: U, ...D }), d = (p) => {
const { updated: w } = p.changes;
r((V) => ({
selected:{ annotation: g, editable: x }) => {
const C = w.find((U) => ===;
const C = w.find((I) => ===;
return C ? { annotation: C.newValue, editable: x } : { annotation: g, editable: x };
}, s.observe(d, { annotations:{ id: f }) => f) });
}, s.observe(d, { annotations:{ id: p }) => p) });

@@ -39,3 +39,3 @@ return () => {

}, [t]), /* @__PURE__ */ E.jsx(i.Provider, { value: {
}, [t]), /* @__PURE__ */ O(i.Provider, { value: {
anno: t,

@@ -59,3 +59,3 @@ setAnno: c,

}, N = (n) => n ? y(n) : q(), z = (n, e) => {
const t = k(), [c, a] = p(
const t = k(), [c, a] = f(
t == null ? void 0 : t.getAnnotation(n)

@@ -73,3 +73,3 @@ );

const t = z(n);
return t ? I(t, e) : void 0;
return t ? j(t, e) : void 0;
}, T = () => {

@@ -79,3 +79,3 @@ const { selection: n } = l(i);

}, W = () => {
const { anno: n } = l(i), [e, t] = p();
const { anno: n } = l(i), [e, t] = f();
return m(() => {

@@ -98,3 +98,3 @@ if (!n) return;

}, _ = () => {
const { anno: n } = l(i), [e, t] = p([]);
const { anno: n } = l(i), [e, t] = f([]);
return m(() => {

@@ -101,0 +101,0 @@ if (n) {

@@ -1,409 +0,14 @@

import { __exports as _ } from "./annotorious-react.es23.js";
import we from "react";
* @license React
* react-jsx-runtime.development.js
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var ue;
function he() {
return ue ? _ : (ue = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() {
function s(e) {
if (e == null) return null;
if (typeof e == "function")
return e.$$typeof === me ? null : e.displayName || || null;
if (typeof e == "string") return e;
switch (e) {
case j:
return "Fragment";
case ge:
return "Portal";
case K:
return "Profiler";
case H:
return "StrictMode";
case A:
return "Suspense";
case R:
return "SuspenseList";
if (typeof e == "object")
switch (typeof e.tag == "number" && console.error(
"Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."
), e.$$typeof) {
case q:
return (e.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider";
case X:
return (e._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer";
case S:
var r = e.render;
return e = e.displayName, e || (e = r.displayName || || "", e = e !== "" ? "ForwardRef(" + e + ")" : "ForwardRef"), e;
case k:
return r = e.displayName || null, r !== null ? r : s(e.type) || "Memo";
case p:
r = e._payload, e = e._init;
try {
return s(e(r));
} catch {
return null;
function M(e) {
return "" + e;
function W(e) {
try {
var r = !1;
} catch {
r = !0;
if (r) {
r = console;
var t = r.error, n = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag && e[Symbol.toStringTag] || || "Object";
"The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before using it here.",
), M(e);
function $() {
function le() {
if (v === 0) {
Z = console.log, F =, I = console.warn, L = console.error, Q =, D = console.groupCollapsed, ee = console.groupEnd;
var e = {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: $,
writable: !0
Object.defineProperties(console, {
info: e,
log: e,
warn: e,
error: e,
group: e,
groupCollapsed: e,
groupEnd: e
function fe() {
if (v--, v === 0) {
var e = { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0 };
Object.defineProperties(console, {
log: E({}, e, { value: Z }),
info: E({}, e, { value: F }),
warn: E({}, e, { value: I }),
error: E({}, e, { value: L }),
group: E({}, e, { value: Q }),
groupCollapsed: E({}, e, { value: D }),
groupEnd: E({}, e, { value: ee })
0 > v && console.error(
"disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."
function y(e) {
if (x === void 0)
try {
throw Error();
} catch (t) {
var r = t.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/);
x = r && r[1] || "", re = -1 < t.stack.indexOf(`
at`) ? " (<anonymous>)" : -1 < t.stack.indexOf("@") ? "@unknown:0:0" : "";
return `
` + x + e + re;
function U(e, r) {
if (!e || P) return "";
var t = Y.get(e);
if (t !== void 0) return t;
P = !0, t = Error.prepareStackTrace, Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0;
var n = null;
n = d.H, d.H = null, le();
try {
var u = {
DetermineComponentFrameRoot: function() {
try {
if (r) {
var i = function() {
throw Error();
if (Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "props", {
set: function() {
throw Error();
}), typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct) {
try {
Reflect.construct(i, []);
} catch (c) {
var w = c;
Reflect.construct(e, [], i);
} else {
try {;
} catch (c) {
w = c;
} else {
try {
throw Error();
} catch (c) {
w = c;
(i = e()) && typeof i.catch == "function" && i.catch(function() {
} catch (c) {
if (c && w && typeof c.stack == "string")
return [c.stack, w.stack];
return [null, null];
u.DetermineComponentFrameRoot.displayName = "DetermineComponentFrameRoot";
var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
a && a.configurable && Object.defineProperty(
{ value: "DetermineComponentFrameRoot" }
var o = u.DetermineComponentFrameRoot(), f = o[0], g = o[1];
if (f && g) {
var l = f.split(`
`), b = g.split(`
for (o = a = 0; a < l.length && !l[a].includes(
); )
for (; o < b.length && !b[o].includes(
); )
if (a === l.length || o === b.length)
for (a = l.length - 1, o = b.length - 1; 1 <= a && 0 <= o && l[a] !== b[o]; )
for (; 1 <= a && 0 <= o; a--, o--)
if (l[a] !== b[o]) {
if (a !== 1 || o !== 1)
if (a--, o--, 0 > o || l[a] !== b[o]) {
var m = `
` + l[a].replace(
" at new ",
" at "
return e.displayName && m.includes("<anonymous>") && (m = m.replace("<anonymous>", e.displayName)), typeof e == "function" && Y.set(e, m), m;
while (1 <= a && 0 <= o);
} finally {
P = !1, d.H = n, fe(), Error.prepareStackTrace = t;
return l = (l = e ? e.displayName || : "") ? y(l) : "", typeof e == "function" && Y.set(e, l), l;
function T(e) {
if (e == null) return "";
if (typeof e == "function") {
var r = e.prototype;
return U(
!(!r || !r.isReactComponent)
if (typeof e == "string") return y(e);
switch (e) {
case A:
return y("Suspense");
case R:
return y("SuspenseList");
if (typeof e == "object")
switch (e.$$typeof) {
case S:
return e = U(e.render, !1), e;
case k:
return T(e.type);
case p:
r = e._payload, e = e._init;
try {
return T(e(r));
} catch {
return "";
function C() {
var e = d.A;
return e === null ? null : e.getOwner();
function ce(e) {
if (, "key")) {
var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, "key").get;
if (r && r.isReactWarning) return !1;
return e.key !== void 0;
function se(e, r) {
function t() {
te || (te = !0, console.error(
"%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (",
t.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(e, "key", {
get: t,
configurable: !0
function ie() {
var e = s(this.type);
return oe[e] || (oe[e] = !0, console.error(
"Accessing element.ref was removed in React 19. ref is now a regular prop. It will be removed from the JSX Element type in a future release."
)), e = this.props.ref, e !== void 0 ? e : null;
function de(e, r, t, n, u, a) {
return t = a.ref, e = {
$$typeof: O,
type: e,
key: r,
props: a,
_owner: u
}, (t !== void 0 ? t : null) !== null ? Object.defineProperty(e, "ref", {
enumerable: !1,
get: ie
}) : Object.defineProperty(e, "ref", { enumerable: !1, value: null }), e._store = {}, Object.defineProperty(e._store, "validated", {
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
value: 0
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "_debugInfo", {
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
value: null
}), Object.freeze && (Object.freeze(e.props), Object.freeze(e)), e;
function z(e, r, t, n, u, a) {
if (typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "function" || e === j || e === K || e === H || e === A || e === R || e === ve || typeof e == "object" && e !== null && (e.$$typeof === p || e.$$typeof === k || e.$$typeof === q || e.$$typeof === X || e.$$typeof === S || e.$$typeof === _e || e.getModuleId !== void 0)) {
var o = r.children;
if (o !== void 0)
if (n)
if (N(o)) {
for (n = 0; n < o.length; n++)
V(o[n], e);
Object.freeze && Object.freeze(o);
} else
"React.jsx: Static children should always be an array. You are likely explicitly calling React.jsxs or React.jsxDEV. Use the Babel transform instead."
else V(o, e);
} else
o = "", (e === void 0 || typeof e == "object" && e !== null && Object.keys(e).length === 0) && (o += " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."), e === null ? n = "null" : N(e) ? n = "array" : e !== void 0 && e.$$typeof === O ? (n = "<" + (s(e.type) || "Unknown") + " />", o = " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?") : n = typeof e, console.error(
"React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s",
if (, "key")) {
o = s(e);
var f = Object.keys(r).filter(function(l) {
return l !== "key";
n = 0 < f.length ? "{key: someKey, " + f.join(": ..., ") + ": ...}" : "{key: someKey}", ne[o + n] || (f = 0 < f.length ? "{" + f.join(": ..., ") + ": ...}" : "{}", console.error(
`A props object containing a "key" prop is being spread into JSX:
let props = %s;
<%s {...props} />
React keys must be passed directly to JSX without using spread:
let props = %s;
<%s key={someKey} {...props} />`,
), ne[o + n] = !0);
if (o = null, t !== void 0 && (W(t), o = "" + t), ce(r) && (W(r.key), o = "" + r.key), "key" in r) {
t = {};
for (var g in r)
g !== "key" && (t[g] = r[g]);
} else t = r;
return o && se(
typeof e == "function" ? e.displayName || || "Unknown" : e
), de(e, o, a, u, C(), t);
function V(e, r) {
if (typeof e == "object" && e && e.$$typeof !== ye) {
if (N(e))
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
h(n) && G(n, r);
else if (h(e))
e._store && (e._store.validated = 1);
else if (e === null || typeof e != "object" ? t = null : (t = B && e[B] || e["@@iterator"], t = typeof t == "function" ? t : null), typeof t == "function" && t !== e.entries && (t =, t !== e))
for (; !(e =; )
h(e.value) && G(e.value, r);
function h(e) {
return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && e.$$typeof === O;
function G(e, r) {
if (e._store && !e._store.validated && e.key == null && (e._store.validated = 1, r = Ee(r), !ae[r])) {
ae[r] = !0;
var t = "";
e && e._owner != null && e._owner !== C() && (t = null, typeof e._owner.tag == "number" ? t = s(e._owner.type) : typeof == "string" && (t =, t = " It was passed a child from " + t + ".");
var n = d.getCurrentStack;
d.getCurrentStack = function() {
var u = T(e.type);
return n && (u += n() || ""), u;
}, console.error(
'Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See for more information.',
), d.getCurrentStack = n;
function Ee(e) {
var r = "", t = C();
return t && (t = s(t.type)) && (r = `
Check the render method of \`` + t + "`."), r || (e = s(e)) && (r = `
Check the top-level render call using <` + e + ">."), r;
var be = we, O = Symbol.for("react.transitional.element"), ge = Symbol.for("react.portal"), j = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), H = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), K = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), X = Symbol.for("react.consumer"), q = Symbol.for("react.context"), S = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), A = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), R = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), k = Symbol.for("react.memo"), p = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), ve = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), B = Symbol.iterator, me = Symbol.for("react.client.reference"), d = be.__CLIENT_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_WARN_USERS_THEY_CANNOT_UPGRADE, J = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, E = Object.assign, _e = Symbol.for("react.client.reference"), N = Array.isArray, v = 0, Z, F, I, L, Q, D, ee;
$.__reactDisabledLog = !0;
var x, re, P = !1, Y = new (typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map)(), ye = Symbol.for("react.client.reference"), te, oe = {}, ne = {}, ae = {};
_.Fragment = j, _.jsx = function(e, r, t, n, u) {
return z(e, r, t, !1, n, u);
}, _.jsxs = function(e, r, t, n, u) {
return z(e, r, t, !0, n, u);
}(), _);
let t;
const e = new Uint8Array(16);
function o() {
if (!t) {
if (typeof crypto > "u" || !crypto.getRandomValues)
throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See");
t = crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto);
return t(e);
export {
he as __require
o as default

@@ -1,132 +0,129 @@

function c() {
return typeof window < "u";
const l = Math.min, a = Math.max, P = Math.round, M = Math.floor, O = (t) => ({
x: t,
y: t
}), m = {
left: "right",
right: "left",
bottom: "top",
top: "bottom"
}, p = {
start: "end",
end: "start"
function S(t, n, e) {
return a(t, l(n, e));
function f(n) {
return p(n) ? (n.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : "#document";
function w(t, n) {
return typeof t == "function" ? t(n) : t;
function i(n) {
var e;
return (n == null || (e = n.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : e.defaultView) || window;
function f(t) {
return t.split("-")[0];
function E(n) {
var e;
return (e = (p(n) ? n.ownerDocument : n.document) || window.document) == null ? void 0 : e.documentElement;
function g(t) {
return t.split("-")[1];
function p(n) {
return c() ? n instanceof Node || n instanceof i(n).Node : !1;
function h(t) {
return t === "x" ? "y" : "x";
function m(n) {
return c() ? n instanceof Element || n instanceof i(n).Element : !1;
function x(t) {
return t === "y" ? "height" : "width";
function w(n) {
return c() ? n instanceof HTMLElement || n instanceof i(n).HTMLElement : !1;
function b(t) {
return ["top", "bottom"].includes(f(t)) ? "y" : "x";
function a(n) {
return !c() || typeof ShadowRoot > "u" ? !1 : n instanceof ShadowRoot || n instanceof i(n).ShadowRoot;
function d(t) {
return h(b(t));
function y(n) {
const {
overflow: e,
overflowX: t,
overflowY: o,
display: r
} = b(n);
return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(e + o + t) && !["inline", "contents"].includes(r);
function j(t, n, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
const r = g(t), o = d(t), i = x(o);
let c = o === "x" ? r === (e ? "end" : "start") ? "right" : "left" : r === "start" ? "bottom" : "top";
return n.reference[i] > n.floating[i] && (c = u(c)), [c, u(c)];
function k(n) {
return ["table", "td", "th"].includes(f(n));
function C(t) {
const n = u(t);
return [s(t), n, s(n)];
function N(n) {
return [":popover-open", ":modal"].some((e) => {
try {
return n.matches(e);
} catch {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return t.replace(/start|end/g, (n) => p[n]);
function T(n) {
const e = L(), t = m(n) ? b(n) : n;
return ["transform", "translate", "scale", "rotate", "perspective"].some((o) => t[o] ? t[o] !== "none" : !1) || (t.containerType ? t.containerType !== "normal" : !1) || !e && (t.backdropFilter ? t.backdropFilter !== "none" : !1) || !e && (t.filter ? t.filter !== "none" : !1) || ["transform", "translate", "scale", "rotate", "perspective", "filter"].some((o) => (t.willChange || "").includes(o)) || ["paint", "layout", "strict", "content"].some((o) => (t.contain || "").includes(o));
function C(n) {
let e = l(n);
for (; w(e) && !g(e); ) {
if (T(e))
return e;
if (N(e))
return null;
e = l(e);
function A(t, n, e) {
const r = ["left", "right"], o = ["right", "left"], i = ["top", "bottom"], c = ["bottom", "top"];
switch (t) {
case "top":
case "bottom":
return e ? n ? o : r : n ? r : o;
case "left":
case "right":
return n ? i : c;
return [];
return null;
function L() {
return typeof CSS > "u" || !CSS.supports ? !1 : CSS.supports("-webkit-backdrop-filter", "none");
function L(t, n, e, r) {
const o = g(t);
let i = A(f(t), e === "start", r);
return o && (i = => c + "-" + o), n && (i = i.concat(, i;
function g(n) {
return ["html", "body", "#document"].includes(f(n));
function u(t) {
return t.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, (n) => m[n]);
function b(n) {
return i(n).getComputedStyle(n);
function y(t) {
return {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
function R(n) {
return m(n) ? {
scrollLeft: n.scrollLeft,
scrollTop: n.scrollTop
} : {
scrollLeft: n.scrollX,
scrollTop: n.scrollY
function E(t) {
return typeof t != "number" ? y(t) : {
top: t,
right: t,
bottom: t,
left: t
function l(n) {
if (f(n) === "html")
return n;
const e = (
// Step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node.
n.assignedSlot || // DOM Element detected.
n.parentNode || // ShadowRoot detected.
a(n) && || // Fallback.
return a(e) ? : e;
function R(t) {
const {
x: n,
y: e,
width: r,
height: o
} = t;
return {
width: r,
height: o,
top: e,
left: n,
right: n + r,
bottom: e + o,
x: n,
y: e
function h(n) {
const e = l(n);
return g(e) ? n.ownerDocument ? n.ownerDocument.body : n.body : w(e) && y(e) ? e : h(e);
function d(n, e, t) {
var o;
e === void 0 && (e = []), t === void 0 && (t = !0);
const r = h(n), S = r === ((o = n.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : o.body), u = i(r);
if (S) {
const s = D(u);
return e.concat(u, u.visualViewport || [], y(r) ? r : [], s && t ? d(s) : []);
return e.concat(r, d(r, [], t));
function D(n) {
return n.parent && Object.getPrototypeOf(n.parent) ? n.frameElement : null;
export {
b as getComputedStyle,
C as getContainingBlock,
E as getDocumentElement,
D as getFrameElement,
h as getNearestOverflowAncestor,
f as getNodeName,
R as getNodeScroll,
d as getOverflowAncestors,
l as getParentNode,
i as getWindow,
T as isContainingBlock,
m as isElement,
w as isHTMLElement,
g as isLastTraversableNode,
p as isNode,
y as isOverflowElement,
a as isShadowRoot,
k as isTableElement,
N as isTopLayer,
L as isWebKit
S as clamp,
O as createCoords,
w as evaluate,
y as expandPaddingObject,
M as floor,
g as getAlignment,
d as getAlignmentAxis,
j as getAlignmentSides,
x as getAxisLength,
C as getExpandedPlacements,
s as getOppositeAlignmentPlacement,
h as getOppositeAxis,
L as getOppositeAxisPlacements,
u as getOppositePlacement,
E as getPaddingObject,
f as getSide,
b as getSideAxis,
a as max,
l as min,
R as rectToClientRect,
P as round

@@ -1,5 +0,469 @@

var r = {};
import { evaluate as Y, getSide as F, getSideAxis as M, getOppositePlacement as Q, getExpandedPlacements as U, getOppositeAxisPlacements as Z, getAlignmentSides as ee, rectToClientRect as $, getPaddingObject as H, clamp as _, getAlignmentAxis as q, getAlignment as I, min as X, max as z, getOppositeAxis as te, getAxisLength as G } from "./annotorious-react.es21.js";
function W(s, c, l) {
let {
reference: t,
floating: o
} = s;
const e = M(c), a = q(c), r = G(a), d = F(c), u = e === "y", g = t.x + t.width / 2 - o.width / 2, i = t.y + t.height / 2 - o.height / 2, m = t[r] / 2 - o[r] / 2;
let n;
switch (d) {
case "top":
n = {
x: g,
y: t.y - o.height
case "bottom":
n = {
x: g,
y: t.y + t.height
case "right":
n = {
x: t.x + t.width,
y: i
case "left":
n = {
x: t.x - o.width,
y: i
n = {
x: t.x,
y: t.y
switch (I(c)) {
case "start":
n[a] -= m * (l && u ? -1 : 1);
case "end":
n[a] += m * (l && u ? -1 : 1);
return n;
const oe = async (s, c, l) => {
const {
placement: t = "bottom",
strategy: o = "absolute",
middleware: e = [],
platform: a
} = l, r = e.filter(Boolean), d = await (a.isRTL == null ? void 0 : a.isRTL(c));
let u = await a.getElementRects({
reference: s,
floating: c,
strategy: o
}), {
x: g,
y: i
} = W(u, t, d), m = t, n = {}, f = 0;
for (let h = 0; h < r.length; h++) {
const {
name: x,
fn: w
} = r[h], {
x: b,
data: P,
reset: p
} = await w({
x: g,
y: i,
initialPlacement: t,
placement: m,
strategy: o,
middlewareData: n,
rects: u,
platform: a,
elements: {
reference: s,
floating: c
g = b ?? g, i = y ?? i, n = {
[x]: {
}, p && f <= 50 && (f++, typeof p == "object" && (p.placement && (m = p.placement), p.rects && (u = p.rects === !0 ? await a.getElementRects({
reference: s,
floating: c,
strategy: o
}) : p.rects), {
x: g,
y: i
} = W(u, m, d)), h = -1);
return {
x: g,
y: i,
placement: m,
strategy: o,
middlewareData: n
async function J(s, c) {
var l;
c === void 0 && (c = {});
const {
x: t,
y: o,
platform: e,
rects: a,
elements: r,
strategy: d
} = s, {
boundary: u = "clippingAncestors",
rootBoundary: g = "viewport",
elementContext: i = "floating",
altBoundary: m = !1,
padding: n = 0
} = Y(c, s), f = H(n), x = r[m ? i === "floating" ? "reference" : "floating" : i], w = $(await e.getClippingRect({
element: (l = await (e.isElement == null ? void 0 : e.isElement(x))) == null || l ? x : x.contextElement || await (e.getDocumentElement == null ? void 0 : e.getDocumentElement(r.floating)),
boundary: u,
rootBoundary: g,
strategy: d
})), b = i === "floating" ? {
x: t,
y: o,
width: a.floating.width,
height: a.floating.height
} : a.reference, y = await (e.getOffsetParent == null ? void 0 : e.getOffsetParent(r.floating)), P = await (e.isElement == null ? void 0 : e.isElement(y)) ? await (e.getScale == null ? void 0 : e.getScale(y)) || {
x: 1,
y: 1
} : {
x: 1,
y: 1
}, p = $(e.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect ? await e.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect({
elements: r,
rect: b,
offsetParent: y,
strategy: d
}) : b);
return {
top: ( - + / P.y,
bottom: (p.bottom - w.bottom + f.bottom) / P.y,
left: (w.left - p.left + f.left) / P.x,
right: (p.right - w.right + f.right) / P.x
const ce = (s) => ({
name: "arrow",
options: s,
async fn(c) {
const {
x: l,
y: t,
placement: o,
rects: e,
platform: a,
elements: r,
middlewareData: d
} = c, {
element: u,
padding: g = 0
} = Y(s, c) || {};
if (u == null)
return {};
const i = H(g), m = {
x: l,
y: t
}, n = q(o), f = G(n), h = await a.getDimensions(u), x = n === "y", w = x ? "top" : "left", b = x ? "bottom" : "right", y = x ? "clientHeight" : "clientWidth", P = e.reference[f] + e.reference[n] - m[n] - e.floating[f], p = m[n] - e.reference[n], C = await (a.getOffsetParent == null ? void 0 : a.getOffsetParent(u));
let k = C ? C[y] : 0;
(!k || !await (a.isElement == null ? void 0 : a.isElement(C))) && (k = r.floating[y] || e.floating[f]);
const j = P / 2 - p / 2, T = k / 2 - h[f] / 2 - 1, A = X(i[w], T), L = X(i[b], T), S = A, B = k - h[f] - L, R = k / 2 - h[f] / 2 + j, D = _(S, R, B), v = !d.arrow && I(o) != null && R !== D && e.reference[f] / 2 - (R < S ? A : L) - h[f] / 2 < 0, O = v ? R < S ? R - S : R - B : 0;
return {
[n]: m[n] + O,
data: {
[n]: D,
centerOffset: R - D - O,
...v && {
alignmentOffset: O
reset: v
}), le = function(s) {
return s === void 0 && (s = {}), {
name: "flip",
options: s,
async fn(c) {
var l, t;
const {
placement: o,
middlewareData: e,
rects: a,
initialPlacement: r,
platform: d,
elements: u
} = c, {
mainAxis: g = !0,
crossAxis: i = !0,
fallbackPlacements: m,
fallbackStrategy: n = "bestFit",
fallbackAxisSideDirection: f = "none",
flipAlignment: h = !0,
} = Y(s, c);
if ((l = e.arrow) != null && l.alignmentOffset)
return {};
const w = F(o), b = M(r), y = F(r) === r, P = await (d.isRTL == null ? void 0 : d.isRTL(u.floating)), p = m || (y || !h ? [Q(r)] : U(r)), C = f !== "none";
!m && C && p.push(...Z(r, h, f, P));
const k = [r, ...p], j = await J(c, x), T = [];
let A = ((t = e.flip) == null ? void 0 : t.overflows) || [];
if (g && T.push(j[w]), i) {
const R = ee(o, a, P);
T.push(j[R[0]], j[R[1]]);
if (A = [...A, {
placement: o,
overflows: T
}], !T.every((R) => R <= 0)) {
var L, S;
const R = (((L = e.flip) == null ? void 0 : L.index) || 0) + 1, D = k[R];
if (D)
return {
data: {
index: R,
overflows: A
reset: {
placement: D
let v = (S = A.filter((O) => O.overflows[0] <= 0).sort((O, E) => O.overflows[1] - E.overflows[1])[0]) == null ? void 0 : S.placement;
if (!v)
switch (n) {
case "bestFit": {
var B;
const O = (B = A.filter((E) => {
if (C) {
const V = M(E.placement);
return V === b || // Create a bias to the `y` side axis due to horizontal
// reading directions favoring greater width.
V === "y";
return !0;
}).map((E) => [E.placement, E.overflows.filter((V) => V > 0).reduce((V, N) => V + N, 0)]).sort((E, V) => E[1] - V[1])[0]) == null ? void 0 : B[0];
O && (v = O);
case "initialPlacement":
v = r;
if (o !== v)
return {
reset: {
placement: v
return {};
function K(s) {
const c = X( => e.left)), l = X( =>, t = z( => e.right)), o = z( => e.bottom));
return {
x: c,
y: l,
width: t - c,
height: o - l
function ne(s) {
const c = s.slice().sort((o, e) => o.y - e.y), l = [];
let t = null;
for (let o = 0; o < c.length; o++) {
const e = c[o];
!t || e.y - t.y > t.height / 2 ? l.push([e]) : l[l.length - 1].push(e), t = e;
return => $(K(o)));
const ae = function(s) {
return s === void 0 && (s = {}), {
name: "inline",
options: s,
async fn(c) {
const {
placement: l,
elements: t,
rects: o,
platform: e,
strategy: a
} = c, {
padding: r = 2,
x: d,
y: u
} = Y(s, c), g = Array.from(await (e.getClientRects == null ? void 0 : e.getClientRects(t.reference)) || []), i = ne(g), m = $(K(g)), n = H(r);
function f() {
if (i.length === 2 && i[0].left > i[1].right && d != null && u != null)
return i.find((x) => d > x.left - n.left && d < x.right + n.right && u > - && u < x.bottom + n.bottom) || m;
if (i.length >= 2) {
if (M(l) === "y") {
const A = i[0], L = i[i.length - 1], S = F(l) === "top", B =, R = L.bottom, D = S ? A.left : L.left, v = S ? A.right : L.right, O = v - D, E = R - B;
return {
top: B,
bottom: R,
left: D,
right: v,
width: O,
height: E,
x: D,
y: B
const x = F(l) === "left", w = z( => A.right)), b = X( => A.left)), y = i.filter((A) => x ? A.left === b : A.right === w), P = y[0].top, p = y[y.length - 1].bottom, C = b, k = w, j = k - C, T = p - P;
return {
top: P,
bottom: p,
left: C,
right: k,
width: j,
height: T,
x: C,
y: P
return m;
const h = await e.getElementRects({
reference: {
getBoundingClientRect: f
floating: t.floating,
strategy: a
return o.reference.x !== h.reference.x || o.reference.y !== h.reference.y || o.reference.width !== h.reference.width || o.reference.height !== h.reference.height ? {
reset: {
rects: h
} : {};
async function ie(s, c) {
const {
placement: l,
platform: t,
elements: o
} = s, e = await (t.isRTL == null ? void 0 : t.isRTL(o.floating)), a = F(l), r = I(l), d = M(l) === "y", u = ["left", "top"].includes(a) ? -1 : 1, g = e && d ? -1 : 1, i = Y(c, s);
let {
mainAxis: m,
crossAxis: n,
alignmentAxis: f
} = typeof i == "number" ? {
mainAxis: i,
crossAxis: 0,
alignmentAxis: null
} : {
mainAxis: i.mainAxis || 0,
crossAxis: i.crossAxis || 0,
alignmentAxis: i.alignmentAxis
return r && typeof f == "number" && (n = r === "end" ? f * -1 : f), d ? {
x: n * g,
y: m * u
} : {
x: m * u,
y: n * g
const re = function(s) {
return s === void 0 && (s = 0), {
name: "offset",
options: s,
async fn(c) {
var l, t;
const {
x: o,
y: e,
placement: a,
middlewareData: r
} = c, d = await ie(c, s);
return a === ((l = r.offset) == null ? void 0 : l.placement) && (t = r.arrow) != null && t.alignmentOffset ? {} : {
x: o + d.x,
y: e + d.y,
data: {
placement: a
}, fe = function(s) {
return s === void 0 && (s = {}), {
name: "shift",
options: s,
async fn(c) {
const {
x: l,
y: t,
placement: o
} = c, {
mainAxis: e = !0,
crossAxis: a = !1,
limiter: r = {
fn: (x) => {
let {
x: w,
y: b
} = x;
return {
x: w,
y: b
} = Y(s, c), u = {
x: l,
y: t
}, g = await J(c, d), i = M(F(o)), m = te(i);
let n = u[m], f = u[i];
if (e) {
const x = m === "y" ? "top" : "left", w = m === "y" ? "bottom" : "right", b = n + g[x], y = n - g[w];
n = _(b, n, y);
if (a) {
const x = i === "y" ? "top" : "left", w = i === "y" ? "bottom" : "right", b = f + g[x], y = f - g[w];
f = _(b, f, y);
const h = r.fn({
[m]: n,
[i]: f
return {
data: {
x: h.x - l,
y: h.y - t,
enabled: {
[m]: e,
[i]: a
export {
r as __exports
ce as arrow,
oe as computePosition,
J as detectOverflow,
le as flip,
ae as inline,
re as offset,
$ as rectToClientRect,
fe as shift

@@ -1,10 +0,10 @@

import { j as g } from "./annotorious-react.es11.js";
import { useState as E, useRef as C, useEffect as A } from "react";
import { useFloating as D, FloatingArrow as O } from "./annotorious-react.es13.js";
import { useAnnotator as j, useSelection as L } from "./annotorious-react.es2.js";
import { toClientRects as S } from "./annotorious-react.es14.js";
import { inline as U, offset as F, flip as M, shift as P, arrow as b } from "./annotorious-react.es15.js";
import { autoUpdate as k } from "./annotorious-react.es16.js";
import w from "./annotorious-react.es17.js";
const z = (i, t) => {
import { jsxs as x, jsx as C } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { useState as E, useRef as A, useEffect as D } from "react";
import { useFloating as O, FloatingArrow as L } from "./annotorious-react.es12.js";
import { useAnnotator as S, useSelection as U } from "./annotorious-react.es2.js";
import { toClientRects as F } from "./annotorious-react.es13.js";
import { inline as M, offset as P, flip as b, shift as j, arrow as k } from "./annotorious-react.es14.js";
import { autoUpdate as z } from "./annotorious-react.es15.js";
import g from "./annotorious-react.es16.js";
const H = (i, t) => {
const n = t.querySelector("img"), { left: a, top: d } = n.getBoundingClientRect(), s = n.offsetWidth / n.naturalWidth, c = n.offsetHeight / n.naturalHeight, { minX: o, minY: l, maxX: p, maxY: u } = i.bounds;

@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ return new DOMRect(

}, K = (i) => {
}, Q = (i) => {
var m, f;
const t = j(), [n, a] = E(!1), d = C(null), { selected: s, event: c } = L(), o = (m = s[0]) == null ? void 0 : m.annotation, l = (f = s[0]) == null ? void 0 : f.editable, { refs: p, floatingStyles: u, context: h, update: H } = D({
const t = S(), [n, a] = E(!1), d = A(null), { selected: s, event: c } = U(), o = (m = s[0]) == null ? void 0 : m.annotation, l = (f = s[0]) == null ? void 0 : f.editable, { refs: p, floatingStyles: u, context: w, update: I } = O({
open: n,
onOpenChange: a,
middleware: [
M({ crossAxis: !0 }),
b({ crossAxis: !0 }),
crossAxis: !0,
padding: { right: 5, left: 5, top: 10, bottom: 10 }
element: d,

@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ padding: 5

whileElementsMounted: k
whileElementsMounted: z
A(() => {
D(() => {
if (s.length === 0)

@@ -44,6 +44,6 @@ a(!1);

const e = () => {
const r = z(, t.element);
const r = H(, t.element);
getBoundingClientRect: () => r,
getClientRects: () => S(r)
getClientRects: () => F(r)

@@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ };

}, [t, i.popup, s]);
const x = (e) => {
const r = || w();
const h = (e) => {
const r = || g();{

@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ ...e,{ id: e, annotation: });
}, R = (e, r) => {
const v = || w(), B = {
}, v = (e, r) => {
const B = || g(), R = {
updated: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(),
updatedBy: t.getUser(),
id: v,
id: B,
};, B);, R);
return n && o ? /* @__PURE__ */ g.jsxs(
return n && o ? /* @__PURE__ */ x(

@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ {

children: [
i.arrow && /* @__PURE__ */ g.jsx(
i.arrow && /* @__PURE__ */ C(
ref: d,
context: h,
context: w,
...i.arrowProps || {}

@@ -99,5 +99,5 @@ }

event: c,
onCreateBody: x,
onCreateBody: h,
onDeleteBody: y,
onUpdateBody: R
onUpdateBody: v

@@ -109,4 +109,4 @@ ]

export {
K as ImageAnnotationPopup
Q as ImageAnnotationPopup

@@ -1,29 +0,29 @@

import { j as i } from "./annotorious-react.es11.js";
import { Children as g, useContext as u, useEffect as n, cloneElement as x } from "react";
import { createImageAnnotator as A } from "@annotorious/annotorious";
import { AnnotoriousContext as C } from "./annotorious-react.es2.js";
const N = (e) => {
const { children: a, tool: o, ...l } = e, r = g.only(a), { anno: t, setAnno: c } = u(C), s = (m) => {
if (!t) {
const f =, d = A(f, l);
import { jsx as d, Fragment as g } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { Children as u, useContext as A, useEffect as n, cloneElement as C } from "react";
import { createImageAnnotator as x } from "@annotorious/annotorious";
import { AnnotoriousContext as E } from "./annotorious-react.es2.js";
const S = (t) => {
const { children: i, tool: o, ...a } = t, l = u.only(i), { anno: e, setAnno: c } = A(E), r = (s) => {
if (!e) {
const m =, f = x(m, a);
return n(() => {
!t || !e.containerClassName || (t.element.className = e.containerClassName);
}, [e.containerClassName, t]), n(() => {
t && t.setDrawingEnabled(e.drawingEnabled);
}, [e.drawingEnabled]), n(() => {
t && t.setFilter(e.filter);
}, [e.filter]), n(() => {
t && t.setStyle(;
}, []), n(() => {
o && t && t.setDrawingTool(e.tool);
}, [o, t]), n(() => {
t && t.setUserSelectAction(e.userSelectAction);
}, [e.userSelectAction]), /* @__PURE__ */ i.jsx(i.Fragment, { children: x(r, { onLoad: s }) });
!e || !t.containerClassName || (e.element.className = t.containerClassName);
}, [t.containerClassName, e]), n(() => {
e && e.setDrawingEnabled(t.drawingEnabled);
}, [t.drawingEnabled]), n(() => {
e && e.setFilter(t.filter);
}, [t.filter]), n(() => {
e && e.setStyle(;
}, []), n(() => {
o && e && e.setDrawingTool(t.tool);
}, [o, e]), n(() => {
e && e.setUserSelectAction(t.userSelectAction);
}, [t.userSelectAction]), /* @__PURE__ */ d(g, { children: C(l, { onLoad: r }) });
export {
N as ImageAnnotator
S as ImageAnnotator

@@ -1,11 +0,11 @@

import { j as d } from "./annotorious-react.es11.js";
import { createContext as m, forwardRef as S, useState as w, useContext as s, useImperativeHandle as A, useEffect as n } from "react";
import { createAnonymousGuest as x } from "@annotorious/core";
import { createOSDAnnotator as g } from "@annotorious/openseadragon";
import { jsx as d } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { createContext as m, forwardRef as S, useState as w, useContext as a, useImperativeHandle as A, useEffect as n } from "react";
import { createAnonymousGuest as g } from "@annotorious/core";
import { createOSDAnnotator as x } from "@annotorious/openseadragon";
import { AnnotoriousContext as y } from "./annotorious-react.es2.js";
const a = m({ viewer: null, setViewer: null }), D = S((t, c) => {
const { children: E, tool: o, ...u } = t, [r, f] = w(), { anno: e, setAnno: i } = s(y);
const s = m({ viewer: null, setViewer: null }), O = S((t, c) => {
const { children: v, tool: o, ...f } = t, [r, u] = w(), { anno: e, setAnno: i } = a(y);
return A(c, () => e, [e]), n(() => {
if (r != null && r.element) {
const l = g(r, u);
const l = x(r, f);
return i(l), () => {

@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ l.destroy(), i(void 0);

}, [e, t.modalSelect]), n(() => {
e && (t.user ? e.setUser(t.user) : e.setUser(x()));
e && (t.user ? e.setUser(t.user) : e.setUser(g()));
}, [e, t.user]), n(() => {
e && e.setUserSelectAction(t.userSelectAction);
}, [e, t.userSelectAction]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.jsx(a.Provider, { value: { viewer: r, setViewer: f }, children: t.children });
}), O = () => {
const { viewer: t } = s(a);
}, [e, t.userSelectAction]), /* @__PURE__ */ d(s.Provider, { value: { viewer: r, setViewer: u }, children: t.children });
}), U = () => {
const { viewer: t } = a(s);
return t;
export {
D as OpenSeadragonAnnotator,
a as OpenSeadragonAnnotatorContext,
O as useViewer
O as OpenSeadragonAnnotator,
s as OpenSeadragonAnnotatorContext,
U as useViewer

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { j as g } from "./annotorious-react.es11.js";
import { useState as O, useRef as A, useEffect as D } from "react";
import w from "openseadragon";
import { useAnnotator as L, useSelection as P } from "./annotorious-react.es2.js";
import { jsxs as h, jsx as O } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { useState as A, useRef as D, useEffect as L } from "react";
import g from "openseadragon";
import { useAnnotator as P, useSelection as S } from "./annotorious-react.es2.js";
/* empty css */

@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ /* empty css */

import "@annotorious/annotorious";
import { toClientRects as S } from "./annotorious-react.es14.js";
import { useFloating as b, FloatingArrow as j } from "./annotorious-react.es13.js";
import { useViewer as U } from "./annotorious-react.es8.js";
import { inline as F, offset as M, flip as V, shift as z, arrow as H } from "./annotorious-react.es15.js";
import { autoUpdate as T } from "./annotorious-react.es16.js";
import x from "./annotorious-react.es17.js";
const X = (n, r) => {
const { minX: d, minY: a, maxX: o, maxY: m } = r.bounds, { top: s, left: l } = n.element.getBoundingClientRect(), t = n.viewport.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(new w.Point(d, a)), p = n.viewport.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(new w.Point(o, m));
import { toClientRects as b } from "./annotorious-react.es13.js";
import { useFloating as U, FloatingArrow as F } from "./annotorious-react.es12.js";
import { useViewer as M } from "./annotorious-react.es8.js";
import { inline as V, offset as j, flip as z, shift as H, arrow as T } from "./annotorious-react.es14.js";
import { autoUpdate as X } from "./annotorious-react.es15.js";
import w from "./annotorious-react.es16.js";
const Y = (n, r) => {
const { minX: d, minY: a, maxX: o, maxY: l } = r.bounds, { top: s, left: p } = n.element.getBoundingClientRect(), t = n.viewport.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(new g.Point(d, a)), m = n.viewport.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(new g.Point(o, l));
return new DOMRect(
t.x + l,
t.x + p,
t.y + s,
p.x - t.x,
p.y - t.y
m.x - t.x,
m.y - t.y
}, te = (n) => {
}, oe = (n) => {
var u, f;
const r = L(), [d, a] = O(!1), o = U(), m = A(null), { selected: s, event: l } = P(), t = (u = s[0]) == null ? void 0 : u.annotation, p = (f = s[0]) == null ? void 0 : f.editable, { refs: c, floatingStyles: y, context: v } = b({
const r = P(), [d, a] = A(!1), o = M(), l = D(null), { selected: s, event: p } = S(), t = (u = s[0]) == null ? void 0 : u.annotation, m = (f = s[0]) == null ? void 0 : f.editable, { refs: c, floatingStyles: y, context: v } = U({
open: d,

@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ onOpenChange: a,

middleware: [
V({ crossAxis: !0 }),
z({ crossAxis: !0 }),
crossAxis: !0,

@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ boundary: o == null ? void 0 : o.element,

element: m,
element: l,
padding: 5
whileElementsMounted: T
whileElementsMounted: X
D(() => {
L(() => {
if (s.length === 0)

@@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ a(!1);

if (!o.element) return;
const i = X(o,;
const i = Y(o,;
getBoundingClientRect: () => i,
getClientRects: () => S(i)
getClientRects: () => b(i)

@@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ };

}, [n.popup, s, o]);
const R = (e) => {
const i = || x();
const x = (e) => {
const i = || w();{

@@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ ...e,

}, B = (e) => {
}, R = (e) => {{ id: e, annotation: });
}, E = (e, i) => {
const C = || x(), h = {
}, B = (e, i) => {
const C = || w(), E = {
updated: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(),

@@ -87,5 +87,5 @@ updatedBy: r.getUser(),

};, h);, E);
return d && t ? /* @__PURE__ */ g.jsxs(
return d && t ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(

@@ -97,6 +97,6 @@ {

children: [
n.arrow && /* @__PURE__ */ g.jsx(
n.arrow && /* @__PURE__ */ O(
ref: m,
ref: l,
context: v,

@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ ...n.arrowProps || {}

annotation: t,
editable: p,
event: l,
onCreateBody: R,
onDeleteBody: B,
onUpdateBody: E
editable: m,
event: p,
onCreateBody: x,
onDeleteBody: R,
onUpdateBody: B

@@ -120,4 +120,4 @@ ]

export {
te as OpenSeadragonAnnotationPopup
oe as OpenSeadragonAnnotationPopup
"name": "@annotorious/react",
"version": "3.1.1",
"version": "3.1.2",
"description": "Annotorious React bindings",

@@ -48,5 +48,5 @@ "author": "Rainer Simon",

"dependencies": {
"@annotorious/annotorious": "3.1.1",
"@annotorious/core": "3.1.1",
"@annotorious/openseadragon": "3.1.1",
"@annotorious/annotorious": "3.1.2",
"@annotorious/core": "3.1.2",
"@annotorious/openseadragon": "3.1.2",
"@floating-ui/react": "^0.27.3",

@@ -53,0 +53,0 @@ "zustand": "^5.0.3"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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