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ESLint shareable config for the Anolilab JavaScript style guide.

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eslint config

This package provides Anolilab's .eslintrc.js as an extensible shared config, with a range of useful plugins that are often too time-consuming to setup and provides an easy way to install just the plugins you need, based on your project's dependencies.


To install this config, run the following command.

  npm install eslint putout @anolilab/eslint-config --save-dev


If you don't have a .eslintrc.js, we will create the file for you after installing @anolilab/eslint-config.

If you already have a .eslintrc.js, then you can extend the .eslintrc.js, with @anolilab/eslint-config.

Note: Our default export contains all of our ESLint rules, including ECMAScript 6+. @anolilab/eslint-config use the ecmaVersion:2021 as default.

To change this configuration, change env: { es2021: false, then active you needed env } same for, parserOptions: { "ecmaVersion": 2021 change the version }

module.exports = {
    extends: ["@anolilab/eslint-config"],
    env: {
        // Your environments (which contains several predefined global variables)
        // browser: true,
        // node: true,
        // mocha: true,
        // jest: true,
        // jquery: true
    globals: {
        // Your global variables (setting to false means it's not allowed to be reassigned)
        // myGlobal: false
    rules: {
        // Customize your rules

For more advanced use cases see the example configurations for Node, TypeScript, React or Prettier.

Note: @anolilab/eslint-config will handle the configuration for almost all eslint-plugins / eslint-configs automatically. With this you only need to install the needed plugins/configs for TypeScript or React and you done.


npm install --save-dev eslint putout eslint-plugin-node @anolilab/eslint-config


npm install --save-dev eslint putout typescript @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @anolilab/eslint-config


  npm install --save-dev eslint putout babel-eslint eslint-plugin-react @anolilab/eslint-config

or for the use of TypeScript in react

npm install --save-dev eslint putout typescript @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin eslint-plugin-react @anolilab/eslint-config


npm install --save-dev eslint putout eslint-plugin-mdx @anolilab/eslint-config

Prettier is a code formatting tool that offers fewer options but is more professional than the style-related rules in ESLint.

Now that Prettier has become a necessary tool in front-end projects, eslint-config-alloy does not need to maintain the style-related rules in ESLint anymore, so we completely removed all Prettier related rules in the v3 version, and use ESLint to check logical errors which it's good at.

As for whether two spaces or four spaces are used for indentation and whether there is a semicolon at the end, you can configure it in the project's .prettierrc.js. Of course, we also provide a recommended Prettier configuration for your reference.

@anolilab/eslint-config does not include all style-related rules, so there is no need to install eslint-config-prettier. Just install prettier and if you use VSCode the related plugins.

Here is a .prettierrc.js configuration used by Anolilab Team for reference only:

// .prettierrc.js
module.exports = {
  // max 120 characters per line
  printWidth: 120,
  // use 2 spaces for indentation
  tabWidth: 4,
  // use spaces instead of indentations
  useTabs: false,
  // semicolon at the end of the line
  semi: true,
  // use single quotes
  singleQuote: false,
  // object's key is quoted only when necessary
  quoteProps: 'as-needed',
  // use double quotes instead of single quotes in jsx
  jsxSingleQuote: false,
  // no comma at the end
  trailingComma: 'all',
  // spaces are required at the beginning and end of the braces
  bracketSpacing: true,
  // end tag of jsx need to wrap
  jsxBracketSameLine: false,
  // brackets are required for arrow function parameter, even when there is only one parameter
  arrowParens: 'always',
  // format the entire contents of the file
  rangeStart: 0,
  rangeEnd: Infinity,
  // no need to write the beginning @prettier of the file
  requirePragma: false,
  // No need to automatically insert @prettier at the beginning of the file
  insertPragma: false,
  // use default break criteria
  proseWrap: 'preserve',
  // decide whether to break the html according to the display style
  htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css',
  // vue files script and style tags indentation
  vueIndentScriptAndStyle: false,
  // lf for newline
  endOfLine: 'lf',
  // formats quoted code embedded
  embeddedLanguageFormatting: 'auto',

Using experimental features with JavaScript

If you are using experimental features such as class fields with JavaScript files you should install babel-eslint.

npm install --save-dev babel-eslint


Code Quality

This plugin provide a range of code quality rules:


The following plugins expand esLint to work with json files, and lint JavaScript contained in HTML and MarkDown:

When linting code snippets in Markdown files, a few rules relating to globals and unused vars are disabled.

Library Plugins

These plugins will be loaded in based on your project dependencies in package.json. If a supported library is part of your project then it's related esLint plugins will be loaded. The following packages are supported:


The following esLint plugins enforce good coding practices:


These plugins add code security rules to esLint:

Test Libraries

Test plugins are loaded based on which testing tools you have listed in devDependencies of package.json. The following test plugins are supported:

List of used plugins

- @putout/plugin-apply-shorthand-properties
- eslint-import-resolver-node
- eslint-plugin-compat
- eslint-plugin-eslint-comments
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-markdown
- eslint-plugin-no-loops
- eslint-plugin-no-secrets
- eslint-plugin-optimize-regex
- eslint-plugin-promise
- eslint-plugin-putout
- eslint-plugin-radar
- eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort
- eslint-plugin-sort-keys-fix
- eslint-plugin-unicorn
- eslint-plugin-you-dont-need-lodash-underscore
- eslint-plugin-you-dont-need-momentjs


With VSCode

ESLint will not lint .vue, .ts or .tsx files in VSCode by default, you need to set your .vscode/settings.json like this:

  "eslint.validate": [
Autofix ESLint errors on save

If you want to enable auto-fix-on-save, you need to set your .vscode/settings.json like this:

  "eslint.validate": ["javascript", "javascriptreact", "vue", "typescript", "typescriptreact"],
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true

A best practice for VSCode is to auto format code with Prettier and autofix errors with ESLint by setting .vscode/settings.json to this:

  "files.eol": "\n",
  "editor.tabSize": 2,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
  "eslint.validate": ["javascript", "javascriptreact", "vue", "typescript", "typescriptreact"],
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true

Q & A

Why not standard

The standard specification believes that everyone should not waste time in personalized specifications, but the entire community should unify a specification. This statement makes some sense, but it runs against the ESLint's design philosophy. Don't you remember how ESLint defeated JSHint and became the most popular JS code inspection tool? It is because of the plugin and configuration that ESLint advocates, which meets the individual needs of different technology stacks of different teams.

Therefore, @anolilab/eslint-config also inherits the philosophy of ESLint. It will not force you to use our config.



Package last updated on 15 Feb 2021

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