What is @antv/g2?
@antv/g2 is a powerful and flexible data visualization library for creating a wide range of charts and graphs. It is designed to be highly customizable and supports a variety of chart types, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and more. The library is built on top of the AntV visualization ecosystem and provides a declarative syntax for defining visualizations.
What are @antv/g2's main functionalities?
Bar Chart
This code creates a simple bar chart using the @antv/g2 library. It defines a dataset and uses the `interval` geometry to create bars representing the data.
const { Chart } = require('@antv/g2');
const data = [
{ genre: 'Sports', sold: 275 },
{ genre: 'Strategy', sold: 115 },
{ genre: 'Action', sold: 120 },
{ genre: 'Shooter', sold: 350 },
{ genre: 'Other', sold: 150 }
const chart = new Chart({ container: 'container', autoFit: true, height: 500 });
Line Chart
This code creates a line chart using the @antv/g2 library. It defines a dataset and uses the `line` geometry to create a line representing the data over time.
const { Chart } = require('@antv/g2');
const data = [
{ year: '1991', value: 3 },
{ year: '1992', value: 4 },
{ year: '1993', value: 3.5 },
{ year: '1994', value: 5 },
{ year: '1995', value: 4.9 },
{ year: '1996', value: 6 },
{ year: '1997', value: 7 },
{ year: '1998', value: 9 },
{ year: '1999', value: 13 }
const chart = new Chart({ container: 'container', autoFit: true, height: 500 });
chart.scale({ year: { range: [0, 1] }, value: { min: 0 } });
Pie Chart
This code creates a pie chart using the @antv/g2 library. It defines a dataset and uses the `interval` geometry with a `theta` coordinate to create slices representing the data.
const { Chart } = require('@antv/g2');
const data = [
{ item: 'A', count: 40 },
{ item: 'B', count: 21 },
{ item: 'C', count: 17 },
{ item: 'D', count: 13 },
{ item: 'E', count: 9 }
const chart = new Chart({ container: 'container', autoFit: true, height: 500 });
chart.coordinate('theta', { radius: 0.75 });
Other packages similar to @antv/g2
Chart.js is a popular open-source library for creating simple yet flexible charts. It supports a variety of chart types, including bar, line, and pie charts. Compared to @antv/g2, Chart.js is easier to get started with but may lack some of the advanced customization options.
D3.js is a powerful library for creating complex and highly customizable data visualizations. It provides low-level building blocks for creating a wide range of visualizations. Compared to @antv/g2, D3.js offers more control and flexibility but has a steeper learning curve.
Highcharts is a commercial charting library that offers a wide range of chart types and extensive customization options. It is known for its high-quality visualizations and ease of use. Compared to @antv/g2, Highcharts provides more out-of-the-box features but requires a license for commercial use.
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G2 5.0
G2 起源于 Leland Wilkinson 的图形语法:《The Grammar of Graphics》,但又不止于图形语法。
✨ 特色
- 渐进式语法:结合工业和学术实践,实现图形语法、动画语法和交互语法。
- 丰富的标记:内置 10+ 基础标记,8+ 高阶标记。
- 高可扩展性:提供统一机制扩展所有可视化组件。
- 个性化风格:支持手绘、圆角、纹理等风格。
- 多环境渲染:支持 Canvas、SVG 以及 WebGL,和 Node.js 服务端渲染。
🔨 开始使用
可以通过 NPM 或 Yarn 等包管理器来安装。
$ npm install @antv/g2@next
$ yarn add @antv/g2@next
成功安装之后,可以通过 import 导入 Chart 对象。
<div id="container"></div>
import { Chart } from '@antv/g2';
const data = [
{ genre: 'Sports', sold: 275 },
{ genre: 'Strategy', sold: 115 },
{ genre: 'Action', sold: 120 },
{ genre: 'Shooter', sold: 350 },
{ genre: 'Other', sold: 150 },
const chart = new Chart({
container: 'container',
theme: 'classic',
.encode('x', 'genre')
.encode('y', 'sold');
📮 参与贡献
- 问题: 报告 bug 或者提出需求
- 贡献指南:参与建设 G2
- 讨论:在 Github 上或者钉钉群里面讨论(30233731, 35686967, 44788198)
📄 许可证