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@antv/g6-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.6.3 to 0.6.4



@@ -50,3 +50,3 @@ var subjectColor = 'rgb(95, 149, 255)';

export default {
version: '0.6.3',
version: '0.6.4',
rootContainerClassName: 'root-container',

@@ -53,0 +53,0 @@ nodeContainerClassName: 'node-container',

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ import EventEmitter from '@antv/event-emitter';

import { IEdge, INode, ICombo } from '../interface/item';
import { GraphAnimateConfig, GraphOptions, EdgeConfig, GraphData, Item, ITEM_TYPE, ModelConfig, NodeConfig, NodeMap, Padding, TreeGraphData, ComboConfig, ModeOption, ModeType, States, HullCfg, IG6GraphEvent, IPoint, FitViewRules } from '../types';
import { GraphAnimateConfig, GraphOptions, EdgeConfig, GraphData, Item, ITEM_TYPE, ModelConfig, NodeConfig, NodeMap, Padding, TreeGraphData, ComboConfig, ModeOption, ModeType, States, HullCfg, IG6GraphEvent, IPoint, FitViewRules, G6Event } from '../types';
import Hull from '../item/hull';

@@ -573,3 +573,3 @@ export interface PrivateGraphOption extends GraphOptions {

on<T = IG6GraphEvent>(eventName: string, callback: (e: T) => void, once?: boolean): this;
on<T = IG6GraphEvent>(eventName: G6Event, callback: (e: T) => void, once?: boolean): this;

@@ -576,0 +576,0 @@ * 销毁画布

@@ -503,2 +503,6 @@ import EventEmitter from '@antv/event-emitter';

* 移除指定的監聽函數
off: <T = IG6GraphEvent>(eventName: string, callback: (e: T) => void, once?: boolean) => this;
* 销毁画布

@@ -505,0 +509,0 @@ */

@@ -9,2 +9,31 @@ import { IGroup, Event as GraphEvent, BBox, AnimateCfg, ICanvas, IShape } from '@antv/g-base';

export declare type Item = INode | IEdge | ICombo;
export declare type CommonInteractionEvent = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'dragend' | 'dragenter' | 'dragleave' | 'dragover' | 'dragout' | 'drop' | 'focus' | 'blur' | 'keyup' | 'keydown' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseenter' | 'mouseup' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseout' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseleave' | 'touchstart' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'contextmenu' | 'wheel';
export declare type NodeInteractionEvent = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'dragend' | 'dragenter' | 'dragleave' | 'dragover' | 'drop' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseenter' | 'mouseup' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseout' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseleave' | 'panestart' | 'panmove' | 'panend' | 'touchstart' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'contextmenu';
export declare type EdgeInteractionEvent = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'dragend' | 'dragenter' | 'dragleave' | 'dragover' | 'mouseenter' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseout' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseleave' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'touchstart' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'contextmenu';
export declare type ComboInteractionEvent = NodeInteractionEvent;
export declare type CanvasInteractionEvent = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'drag' | 'dragstart' | 'dragend' | 'dragenter' | 'dragleave' | 'drop' | 'keydown' | 'keyup' | 'mouseenter' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseout' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseleave' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'touchstart' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'wheel' | 'contextmenu';
* @description
* Canvas Intereaction events
* @example
* English:
* Chinese:
export declare type GraphTimingEvents = 'beforerender' | 'afterrender' | 'beforeadditem' | 'afteradditem' | 'beforeremoveitem' | 'afterremoveitem' | 'beforeupdateitem' | 'afterupdateitem' | 'beforeitemvisibilitychange' | 'afteritemvisibilitychange' | 'beforeitemstatechange' | 'afteritemstatechange' | 'beforeitemrefresh' | 'afteritemrefresh' | 'beforeitemstatesclear' | 'afteritemstatesclear' | 'beforemodechange' | 'aftermodechange' | 'beforelayout' | 'afterlayout' | 'beforegraphrefreshposition' | 'aftergraphrefreshposition' | 'beforegraphrefresh' | 'aftergraphrefresh' | 'beforeanimate' | 'afteranimate' | 'beforecreateedge' | 'aftercreateedge' | 'beforecollapseexpandcombo' | 'aftercollapseexpandcombo' | 'graphstatechange' | 'afteractivaterelations' | 'nodeselectChange' | 'itemcollapsed' | 'tooltipchange' | 'wheelzoom' | 'viewportchange' | 'dragnodeend' | 'stackchange' | 'beforepaint' | 'afterpaint';
declare type MobileInteractionEvent = 'tap' | 'pinchstart' | 'pinmove' | 'panstart' | 'panmove' | 'panend';
export declare type NodeEventType = `node:${NodeInteractionEvent}`;
export declare type EdgeEventType = `edge:${EdgeInteractionEvent}`;
export declare type ComboEventType = `combo:${ComboInteractionEvent}`;
export declare type CanvasEventType = `canvas:${CanvasInteractionEvent}`;
export declare type GraphTimingEventType = GraphTimingEvents;
export declare type MobileInteractionEventType = MobileInteractionEvent;
* @description
* Graph interaction events
* @example
export declare type G6Event = NodeEventType | EdgeEventType | ComboEventType | CanvasEventType | GraphTimingEventType | MobileInteractionEventType | CommonInteractionEvent | CommonInteractionEvent;
export interface IG6GraphEvent extends GraphEvent {

@@ -108,2 +137,3 @@ item: Item | null;

export declare type ZoomKeyType = 'shift' | 'ctrl' | 'alt' | 'control' | 'meta';
export interface ModeOption {

@@ -146,3 +176,3 @@ type: string;

brushStyle?: object;
zoomKey?: 'shift' | 'ctrl' | 'alt' | 'control';
zoomKey?: ZoomKeyType | ZoomKeyType[];
shouldUpdate?: (e: IG6GraphEvent) => boolean;

@@ -487,164 +517,2 @@ shouldBegin?: (e: IG6GraphEvent) => boolean;

export declare enum G6Event {
CLICK = "click",
DBLCLICK = "dblclick",
MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown",
MOUDEUP = "mouseup",
CONTEXTMENU = "contextmenu",
MOUSEENTER = "mouseenter",
MOUSEOUT = "mouseout",
MOUSEOVER = "mouseover",
MOUSEMOVE = "mousemove",
MOUSELEAVE = "mouseleave",
DRAGSTART = "dragstart",
DRAGEND = "dragend",
DRAG = "drag",
DRAGENTER = "dragenter",
DRAGLEAVE = "dragleave",
DRAGOVER = "dragover",
DRAGOUT = "dragout",
DDROP = "drop",
KEYUP = "keyup",
KEYDOWN = "keydown",
WHEEL = "wheel",
FOCUS = "focus",
BLUR = "blur",
TOUCHSTART = "touchstart",
TOUCHMOVE = "touchmove",
TOUCHEND = "touchend",
CANVAS_TOUCHSTART = "canvas:touchstart",
CANVAS_TOUCHMOVE = "canvas:touchmove",
CANVAS_TOUCHEND = "canvas:touchend",
NODE_TOUCHSTART = "node:touchstart",
NODE_TOUCHMOVE = "node:touchmove",
NODE_TOUCHEND = "node:touchend",
COMBO_TOUCHSTART = "combo:touchstart",
COMBO_TOUCHMOVE = "combo:touchmove",
COMBO_TOUCHEND = "combo:touchend",
EDGE_TOUCHSTART = "edge:touchstart",
EDGE_TOUCHMOVE = "edge:touchmove",
EDGE_TOUCHEND = "edge:touchend",
NODE_CONTEXTMENU = "node:contextmenu",
NODE_CLICK = "node:click",
NODE_DBLCLICK = "node:dblclick",
NODE_MOUSEDOWN = "node:mousedown",
NODE_MOUSEUP = "node:mouseup",
NODE_MOUSEENTER = "node:mouseenter",
NODE_MOUSELEAVE = "node:mouseleave",
NODE_MOUSEMOVE = "node:mousemove",
NODE_MOUSEOUT = "node:mouseout",
NODE_MOUSEOVER = "node:mouseover",
NODE_DROP = "node:drop",
NODE_DRAGOVER = "node:dragover",
NODE_DRAGENTER = "node:dragenter",
NODE_DRAGLEAVE = "node:dragleave",
NODE_DRAGSTART = "node:dragstart",
NODE_DRAG = "node:drag",
NODE_DRAGEND = "node:dragend",
NODE_TAP = "node:tap",
NODE_PANSTART = "node:panstart",
NODE_PANMOVE = "node:panmove",
NODE_PANEND = "node:panend",
COMBO_CONTEXTMENU = "combo:contextmenu",
COMBO_CLICK = "combo:click",
COMBO_DBLCLICK = "combo:dblclick",
COMBO_MOUSEDOWN = "combo:mousedown",
COMBO_MOUSEUP = "combo:mouseup",
COMBO_MOUSEENTER = "combo:mouseenter",
COMBO_MOUSELEAVE = "combo:mouseleave",
COMBO_MOUSEMOVE = "combo:mousemove",
COMBO_MOUSEOUT = "combo:mouseout",
COMBO_MOUSEOVER = "combo:mouseover",
COMBO_DROP = "combo:drop",
COMBO_DRAGOVER = "combo:dragover",
COMBO_DRAGENTER = "combo:dragenter",
COMBO_DRAGLEAVE = "combo:dragleave",
COMBO_DRAGSTART = "combo:dragstart",
COMBO_DRAG = "combo:drag",
COMBO_DRAGEND = "combo:dragend",
COMBO_TAP = "combo:tap",
COMBO_PANSTART = "combo:panstart",
COMBO_PANMOVE = "combo:panmove",
COMBO_PANEND = "combo:panend",
EDGE_CONTEXTMENU = "edge:contextmenu",
EDGE_CLICK = "edge:click",
EDGE_DBLCLICK = "edge:dblclick",
EDGE_MOUSEDOWN = "edge:mousedown",
EDGE_MOUSEUP = "edge:mouseup",
EDGE_MOUSEENTER = "edge:mouseenter",
EDGE_MOUSELEAVE = "edge:mouseleave",
EDGE_MOUSEMOVE = "edge:mousemove",
EDGE_MOUSEOUT = "edge:mouseout",
EDGE_MOUSEOVER = "edge:mouseover",
EDGE_DROP = "edge:drop",
EDGE_DRAGOVER = "edge:dragover",
EDGE_DRAGENTER = "edge:dragenter",
EDGE_DRAGLEAVE = "edge:dragleave",
CANVAS_CONTEXTMENU = "canvas:contextmenu",
CANVAS_CLICK = "canvas:click",
CANVAS_DBLCLICK = "canvas:dblclick",
CANVAS_MOUSEDOWN = "canvas:mousedown",
CANVAS_MOUSEUP = "canvas:mouseup",
CANVAS_MOUSEENTER = "canvas:mouseenter",
CANVAS_MOUSELEAVE = "canvas:mouseleave",
CANVAS_MOUSEMOVE = "canvas:mousemove",
CANVAS_MOUSEOUT = "canvas:mouseout",
CANVAS_MOUSEOVER = "canvas:mouseover",
CANVAS_DROP = "canvas:drop",
CANVAS_DRAGENTER = "canvas:dragenter",
CANVAS_DRAGLEAVE = "canvas:dragleave",
CANVAS_DRAGSTART = "canvas:dragstart",
CANVAS_DRAG = "canvas:drag",
CANVAS_DRAGEND = "canvas:dragend",
CANVAS_TAP = "canvas:tap",
CANVAS_PANSTART = "canvas:panstart",
CANVAS_PANMOVE = "canvas:panmove",
CANVAS_PANEND = "canvas:panend",
BEFORERENDER = "beforerender",
AFTERRENDER = "afterrender",
BEFOREADDITEM = "beforeadditem",
AFTERADDITEM = "afteradditem",
BEFOREREMOVEITEM = "beforeremoveitem",
AFTERREMOVEITEM = "afterremoveitem",
BEFOREUPDATEITEM = "beforeupdateitem",
AFTERUPDATEITEM = "afterupdateitem",
BEFOREITEMVISIBILITYCHANGE = "beforeitemvisibilitychange",
AFTERITEMVISIBILITYCHANGE = "afteritemvisibilitychange",
BEFOREITEMSTATECHANGE = "beforeitemstatechange",
AFTERITEMSTATECHANGE = "afteritemstatechange",
BEFOREITEMREFRESH = "beforeitemrefresh",
AFTERITEMREFRESH = "afteritemrefresh",
BEFOREITEMSTATESCLEAR = "beforeitemstatesclear",
AFTERITEMSTATESCLEAR = "afteritemstatesclear",
BEFOREMODECHANGE = "beforemodechange",
AFTERMODECHANGE = "aftermodechange",
BEFORELAYOUT = "beforelayout",
AFTERLAYOUT = "afterlayout",
BEFORECREATEEDGE = "beforecreateedge",
AFTERCREATEEDGE = "aftercreateedge",
BEFOREGRAPHREFRESHPOSITION = "beforegraphrefreshposition",
AFTERGRAPHREFRESHPOSITION = "aftergraphrefreshposition",
BEFOREGRAPHREFRESH = "beforegraphrefresh",
AFTERGRAPHREFRESH = "aftergraphrefresh",
BEFOREANIMATE = "beforeanimate",
AFTERANIMATE = "afteranimate",
BEFOREPAINT = "beforepaint",
AFTERPAINT = "afterpaint",
BEFORECOLLAPSEEXPANDCOMBO = "beforecollapseexpandcombo",
AFTERCOLLAPSEEXPANDCOMBO = "aftercollapseexpandcombo",
GRAPHSTATECHANGE = "graphstatechange",
AFTERACTIVATERELATIONS = "afteractivaterelations",
NODESELECTCHANGE = "nodeselectchange",
TOOLTIPCHANGE = "tooltipchange",
WHEELZOOM = "wheelzoom",
VIEWPORTCHANGE = "viewportchange",
DRAGNODEEND = "dragnodeend",
STACKCHANGE = "stackchange",
TAP = "tap",
PINCHSTART = "pinchstart",
PINCHMOVE = "pinchmove",
PANSTART = "panstart",
PANMOVE = "panmove",
PANEND = "panend"
export declare type DefaultBehaviorType = IG6GraphEvent | string | number | object;

@@ -651,0 +519,0 @@ export interface BehaviorOption {

@@ -1,174 +0,1 @@

export * from '../interface'; // Behavior type file
export var G6Event;
(function (G6Event) {
// common events
G6Event["CLICK"] = "click";
G6Event["DBLCLICK"] = "dblclick";
G6Event["MOUSEDOWN"] = "mousedown";
G6Event["MOUDEUP"] = "mouseup";
G6Event["CONTEXTMENU"] = "contextmenu";
G6Event["MOUSEENTER"] = "mouseenter";
G6Event["MOUSEOUT"] = "mouseout";
G6Event["MOUSEOVER"] = "mouseover";
G6Event["MOUSEMOVE"] = "mousemove";
G6Event["MOUSELEAVE"] = "mouseleave";
G6Event["DRAGSTART"] = "dragstart";
G6Event["DRAGEND"] = "dragend";
G6Event["DRAG"] = "drag";
G6Event["DRAGENTER"] = "dragenter";
G6Event["DRAGLEAVE"] = "dragleave";
G6Event["DRAGOVER"] = "dragover";
G6Event["DRAGOUT"] = "dragout";
G6Event["DDROP"] = "drop";
G6Event["KEYUP"] = "keyup";
G6Event["KEYDOWN"] = "keydown";
G6Event["WHEEL"] = "wheel";
G6Event["FOCUS"] = "focus";
G6Event["BLUR"] = "blur"; // touch events
G6Event["TOUCHSTART"] = "touchstart";
G6Event["TOUCHMOVE"] = "touchmove";
G6Event["TOUCHEND"] = "touchend";
G6Event["CANVAS_TOUCHSTART"] = "canvas:touchstart";
G6Event["CANVAS_TOUCHMOVE"] = "canvas:touchmove";
G6Event["CANVAS_TOUCHEND"] = "canvas:touchend";
G6Event["NODE_TOUCHSTART"] = "node:touchstart";
G6Event["NODE_TOUCHMOVE"] = "node:touchmove";
G6Event["NODE_TOUCHEND"] = "node:touchend";
G6Event["COMBO_TOUCHSTART"] = "combo:touchstart";
G6Event["COMBO_TOUCHMOVE"] = "combo:touchmove";
G6Event["COMBO_TOUCHEND"] = "combo:touchend";
G6Event["EDGE_TOUCHSTART"] = "edge:touchstart";
G6Event["EDGE_TOUCHMOVE"] = "edge:touchmove";
G6Event["EDGE_TOUCHEND"] = "edge:touchend"; // node events
G6Event["NODE_CONTEXTMENU"] = "node:contextmenu";
G6Event["NODE_CLICK"] = "node:click";
G6Event["NODE_DBLCLICK"] = "node:dblclick";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEDOWN"] = "node:mousedown";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEUP"] = "node:mouseup";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEENTER"] = "node:mouseenter";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSELEAVE"] = "node:mouseleave";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEMOVE"] = "node:mousemove";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEOUT"] = "node:mouseout";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEOVER"] = "node:mouseover";
G6Event["NODE_DROP"] = "node:drop";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGOVER"] = "node:dragover";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGENTER"] = "node:dragenter";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGLEAVE"] = "node:dragleave";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGSTART"] = "node:dragstart";
G6Event["NODE_DRAG"] = "node:drag";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGEND"] = "node:dragend";
G6Event["NODE_TAP"] = "node:tap";
G6Event["NODE_PANSTART"] = "node:panstart";
G6Event["NODE_PANMOVE"] = "node:panmove";
G6Event["NODE_PANEND"] = "node:panend"; // combo, extends from nodes
G6Event["COMBO_CONTEXTMENU"] = "combo:contextmenu";
G6Event["COMBO_CLICK"] = "combo:click";
G6Event["COMBO_DBLCLICK"] = "combo:dblclick";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEDOWN"] = "combo:mousedown";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEUP"] = "combo:mouseup";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEENTER"] = "combo:mouseenter";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSELEAVE"] = "combo:mouseleave";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEMOVE"] = "combo:mousemove";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEOUT"] = "combo:mouseout";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEOVER"] = "combo:mouseover";
G6Event["COMBO_DROP"] = "combo:drop";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGOVER"] = "combo:dragover";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGENTER"] = "combo:dragenter";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGLEAVE"] = "combo:dragleave";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGSTART"] = "combo:dragstart";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAG"] = "combo:drag";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGEND"] = "combo:dragend";
G6Event["COMBO_TAP"] = "combo:tap";
G6Event["COMBO_PANSTART"] = "combo:panstart";
G6Event["COMBO_PANMOVE"] = "combo:panmove";
G6Event["COMBO_PANEND"] = "combo:panend"; // edge events
G6Event["EDGE_CONTEXTMENU"] = "edge:contextmenu";
G6Event["EDGE_CLICK"] = "edge:click";
G6Event["EDGE_DBLCLICK"] = "edge:dblclick";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEDOWN"] = "edge:mousedown";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEUP"] = "edge:mouseup";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEENTER"] = "edge:mouseenter";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSELEAVE"] = "edge:mouseleave";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEMOVE"] = "edge:mousemove";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEOUT"] = "edge:mouseout";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEOVER"] = "edge:mouseover";
G6Event["EDGE_DROP"] = "edge:drop";
G6Event["EDGE_DRAGOVER"] = "edge:dragover";
G6Event["EDGE_DRAGENTER"] = "edge:dragenter";
G6Event["EDGE_DRAGLEAVE"] = "edge:dragleave"; // canvas events
G6Event["CANVAS_CONTEXTMENU"] = "canvas:contextmenu";
G6Event["CANVAS_CLICK"] = "canvas:click";
G6Event["CANVAS_DBLCLICK"] = "canvas:dblclick";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEDOWN"] = "canvas:mousedown";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEUP"] = "canvas:mouseup";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEENTER"] = "canvas:mouseenter";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSELEAVE"] = "canvas:mouseleave";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEMOVE"] = "canvas:mousemove";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEOUT"] = "canvas:mouseout";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEOVER"] = "canvas:mouseover";
G6Event["CANVAS_DROP"] = "canvas:drop";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAGENTER"] = "canvas:dragenter";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAGLEAVE"] = "canvas:dragleave";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAGSTART"] = "canvas:dragstart";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAG"] = "canvas:drag";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAGEND"] = "canvas:dragend";
G6Event["CANVAS_TAP"] = "canvas:tap";
G6Event["CANVAS_PANSTART"] = "canvas:panstart";
G6Event["CANVAS_PANMOVE"] = "canvas:panmove";
G6Event["CANVAS_PANEND"] = "canvas:panend"; // timing events
G6Event["BEFORERENDER"] = "beforerender";
G6Event["AFTERRENDER"] = "afterrender";
G6Event["BEFOREADDITEM"] = "beforeadditem";
G6Event["AFTERADDITEM"] = "afteradditem";
G6Event["BEFOREREMOVEITEM"] = "beforeremoveitem";
G6Event["AFTERREMOVEITEM"] = "afterremoveitem";
G6Event["BEFOREUPDATEITEM"] = "beforeupdateitem";
G6Event["AFTERUPDATEITEM"] = "afterupdateitem";
G6Event["BEFOREITEMVISIBILITYCHANGE"] = "beforeitemvisibilitychange";
G6Event["AFTERITEMVISIBILITYCHANGE"] = "afteritemvisibilitychange";
G6Event["BEFOREITEMSTATECHANGE"] = "beforeitemstatechange";
G6Event["AFTERITEMSTATECHANGE"] = "afteritemstatechange";
G6Event["BEFOREITEMREFRESH"] = "beforeitemrefresh";
G6Event["AFTERITEMREFRESH"] = "afteritemrefresh";
G6Event["BEFOREITEMSTATESCLEAR"] = "beforeitemstatesclear";
G6Event["AFTERITEMSTATESCLEAR"] = "afteritemstatesclear";
G6Event["BEFOREMODECHANGE"] = "beforemodechange";
G6Event["AFTERMODECHANGE"] = "aftermodechange";
G6Event["BEFORELAYOUT"] = "beforelayout";
G6Event["AFTERLAYOUT"] = "afterlayout";
G6Event["BEFORECREATEEDGE"] = "beforecreateedge";
G6Event["AFTERCREATEEDGE"] = "aftercreateedge";
G6Event["BEFOREGRAPHREFRESHPOSITION"] = "beforegraphrefreshposition";
G6Event["AFTERGRAPHREFRESHPOSITION"] = "aftergraphrefreshposition";
G6Event["BEFOREGRAPHREFRESH"] = "beforegraphrefresh";
G6Event["AFTERGRAPHREFRESH"] = "aftergraphrefresh";
G6Event["BEFOREANIMATE"] = "beforeanimate";
G6Event["AFTERANIMATE"] = "afteranimate";
G6Event["BEFOREPAINT"] = "beforepaint";
G6Event["AFTERPAINT"] = "afterpaint";
G6Event["BEFORECOLLAPSEEXPANDCOMBO"] = "beforecollapseexpandcombo";
G6Event["AFTERCOLLAPSEEXPANDCOMBO"] = "aftercollapseexpandcombo";
G6Event["GRAPHSTATECHANGE"] = "graphstatechange";
G6Event["AFTERACTIVATERELATIONS"] = "afteractivaterelations";
G6Event["NODESELECTCHANGE"] = "nodeselectchange";
G6Event["TOOLTIPCHANGE"] = "tooltipchange";
G6Event["WHEELZOOM"] = "wheelzoom";
G6Event["VIEWPORTCHANGE"] = "viewportchange";
G6Event["DRAGNODEEND"] = "dragnodeend";
G6Event["STACKCHANGE"] = "stackchange"; // Mobile event support
G6Event["TAP"] = "tap";
G6Event["PINCHSTART"] = "pinchstart";
G6Event["PINCHMOVE"] = "pinchmove";
G6Event["PANSTART"] = "panstart";
G6Event["PANMOVE"] = "panmove";
G6Event["PANEND"] = "panend";
})(G6Event || (G6Event = {}));
export * from '../interface';

@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@ "use strict";

var _default = {
version: '0.6.3',
version: '0.6.4',
rootContainerClassName: 'root-container',

@@ -59,0 +59,0 @@ nodeContainerClassName: 'node-container',

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ import EventEmitter from '@antv/event-emitter';

import { IEdge, INode, ICombo } from '../interface/item';
import { GraphAnimateConfig, GraphOptions, EdgeConfig, GraphData, Item, ITEM_TYPE, ModelConfig, NodeConfig, NodeMap, Padding, TreeGraphData, ComboConfig, ModeOption, ModeType, States, HullCfg, IG6GraphEvent, IPoint, FitViewRules } from '../types';
import { GraphAnimateConfig, GraphOptions, EdgeConfig, GraphData, Item, ITEM_TYPE, ModelConfig, NodeConfig, NodeMap, Padding, TreeGraphData, ComboConfig, ModeOption, ModeType, States, HullCfg, IG6GraphEvent, IPoint, FitViewRules, G6Event } from '../types';
import Hull from '../item/hull';

@@ -573,3 +573,3 @@ export interface PrivateGraphOption extends GraphOptions {

on<T = IG6GraphEvent>(eventName: string, callback: (e: T) => void, once?: boolean): this;
on<T = IG6GraphEvent>(eventName: G6Event, callback: (e: T) => void, once?: boolean): this;

@@ -576,0 +576,0 @@ * 销毁画布

@@ -503,2 +503,6 @@ import EventEmitter from '@antv/event-emitter';

* 移除指定的監聽函數
off: <T = IG6GraphEvent>(eventName: string, callback: (e: T) => void, once?: boolean) => this;
* 销毁画布

@@ -505,0 +509,0 @@ */

@@ -9,2 +9,31 @@ import { IGroup, Event as GraphEvent, BBox, AnimateCfg, ICanvas, IShape } from '@antv/g-base';

export declare type Item = INode | IEdge | ICombo;
export declare type CommonInteractionEvent = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'dragend' | 'dragenter' | 'dragleave' | 'dragover' | 'dragout' | 'drop' | 'focus' | 'blur' | 'keyup' | 'keydown' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseenter' | 'mouseup' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseout' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseleave' | 'touchstart' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'contextmenu' | 'wheel';
export declare type NodeInteractionEvent = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'dragend' | 'dragenter' | 'dragleave' | 'dragover' | 'drop' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseenter' | 'mouseup' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseout' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseleave' | 'panestart' | 'panmove' | 'panend' | 'touchstart' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'contextmenu';
export declare type EdgeInteractionEvent = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'dragend' | 'dragenter' | 'dragleave' | 'dragover' | 'mouseenter' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseout' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseleave' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'touchstart' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'contextmenu';
export declare type ComboInteractionEvent = NodeInteractionEvent;
export declare type CanvasInteractionEvent = 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'drag' | 'dragstart' | 'dragend' | 'dragenter' | 'dragleave' | 'drop' | 'keydown' | 'keyup' | 'mouseenter' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseout' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseleave' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'touchstart' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'wheel' | 'contextmenu';
* @description
* Canvas Intereaction events
* @example
* English:
* Chinese:
export declare type GraphTimingEvents = 'beforerender' | 'afterrender' | 'beforeadditem' | 'afteradditem' | 'beforeremoveitem' | 'afterremoveitem' | 'beforeupdateitem' | 'afterupdateitem' | 'beforeitemvisibilitychange' | 'afteritemvisibilitychange' | 'beforeitemstatechange' | 'afteritemstatechange' | 'beforeitemrefresh' | 'afteritemrefresh' | 'beforeitemstatesclear' | 'afteritemstatesclear' | 'beforemodechange' | 'aftermodechange' | 'beforelayout' | 'afterlayout' | 'beforegraphrefreshposition' | 'aftergraphrefreshposition' | 'beforegraphrefresh' | 'aftergraphrefresh' | 'beforeanimate' | 'afteranimate' | 'beforecreateedge' | 'aftercreateedge' | 'beforecollapseexpandcombo' | 'aftercollapseexpandcombo' | 'graphstatechange' | 'afteractivaterelations' | 'nodeselectChange' | 'itemcollapsed' | 'tooltipchange' | 'wheelzoom' | 'viewportchange' | 'dragnodeend' | 'stackchange' | 'beforepaint' | 'afterpaint';
declare type MobileInteractionEvent = 'tap' | 'pinchstart' | 'pinmove' | 'panstart' | 'panmove' | 'panend';
export declare type NodeEventType = `node:${NodeInteractionEvent}`;
export declare type EdgeEventType = `edge:${EdgeInteractionEvent}`;
export declare type ComboEventType = `combo:${ComboInteractionEvent}`;
export declare type CanvasEventType = `canvas:${CanvasInteractionEvent}`;
export declare type GraphTimingEventType = GraphTimingEvents;
export declare type MobileInteractionEventType = MobileInteractionEvent;
* @description
* Graph interaction events
* @example
export declare type G6Event = NodeEventType | EdgeEventType | ComboEventType | CanvasEventType | GraphTimingEventType | MobileInteractionEventType | CommonInteractionEvent | CommonInteractionEvent;
export interface IG6GraphEvent extends GraphEvent {

@@ -108,2 +137,3 @@ item: Item | null;

export declare type ZoomKeyType = 'shift' | 'ctrl' | 'alt' | 'control' | 'meta';
export interface ModeOption {

@@ -146,3 +176,3 @@ type: string;

brushStyle?: object;
zoomKey?: 'shift' | 'ctrl' | 'alt' | 'control';
zoomKey?: ZoomKeyType | ZoomKeyType[];
shouldUpdate?: (e: IG6GraphEvent) => boolean;

@@ -487,164 +517,2 @@ shouldBegin?: (e: IG6GraphEvent) => boolean;

export declare enum G6Event {
CLICK = "click",
DBLCLICK = "dblclick",
MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown",
MOUDEUP = "mouseup",
CONTEXTMENU = "contextmenu",
MOUSEENTER = "mouseenter",
MOUSEOUT = "mouseout",
MOUSEOVER = "mouseover",
MOUSEMOVE = "mousemove",
MOUSELEAVE = "mouseleave",
DRAGSTART = "dragstart",
DRAGEND = "dragend",
DRAG = "drag",
DRAGENTER = "dragenter",
DRAGLEAVE = "dragleave",
DRAGOVER = "dragover",
DRAGOUT = "dragout",
DDROP = "drop",
KEYUP = "keyup",
KEYDOWN = "keydown",
WHEEL = "wheel",
FOCUS = "focus",
BLUR = "blur",
TOUCHSTART = "touchstart",
TOUCHMOVE = "touchmove",
TOUCHEND = "touchend",
CANVAS_TOUCHSTART = "canvas:touchstart",
CANVAS_TOUCHMOVE = "canvas:touchmove",
CANVAS_TOUCHEND = "canvas:touchend",
NODE_TOUCHSTART = "node:touchstart",
NODE_TOUCHMOVE = "node:touchmove",
NODE_TOUCHEND = "node:touchend",
COMBO_TOUCHSTART = "combo:touchstart",
COMBO_TOUCHMOVE = "combo:touchmove",
COMBO_TOUCHEND = "combo:touchend",
EDGE_TOUCHSTART = "edge:touchstart",
EDGE_TOUCHMOVE = "edge:touchmove",
EDGE_TOUCHEND = "edge:touchend",
NODE_CONTEXTMENU = "node:contextmenu",
NODE_CLICK = "node:click",
NODE_DBLCLICK = "node:dblclick",
NODE_MOUSEDOWN = "node:mousedown",
NODE_MOUSEUP = "node:mouseup",
NODE_MOUSEENTER = "node:mouseenter",
NODE_MOUSELEAVE = "node:mouseleave",
NODE_MOUSEMOVE = "node:mousemove",
NODE_MOUSEOUT = "node:mouseout",
NODE_MOUSEOVER = "node:mouseover",
NODE_DROP = "node:drop",
NODE_DRAGOVER = "node:dragover",
NODE_DRAGENTER = "node:dragenter",
NODE_DRAGLEAVE = "node:dragleave",
NODE_DRAGSTART = "node:dragstart",
NODE_DRAG = "node:drag",
NODE_DRAGEND = "node:dragend",
NODE_TAP = "node:tap",
NODE_PANSTART = "node:panstart",
NODE_PANMOVE = "node:panmove",
NODE_PANEND = "node:panend",
COMBO_CONTEXTMENU = "combo:contextmenu",
COMBO_CLICK = "combo:click",
COMBO_DBLCLICK = "combo:dblclick",
COMBO_MOUSEDOWN = "combo:mousedown",
COMBO_MOUSEUP = "combo:mouseup",
COMBO_MOUSEENTER = "combo:mouseenter",
COMBO_MOUSELEAVE = "combo:mouseleave",
COMBO_MOUSEMOVE = "combo:mousemove",
COMBO_MOUSEOUT = "combo:mouseout",
COMBO_MOUSEOVER = "combo:mouseover",
COMBO_DROP = "combo:drop",
COMBO_DRAGOVER = "combo:dragover",
COMBO_DRAGENTER = "combo:dragenter",
COMBO_DRAGLEAVE = "combo:dragleave",
COMBO_DRAGSTART = "combo:dragstart",
COMBO_DRAG = "combo:drag",
COMBO_DRAGEND = "combo:dragend",
COMBO_TAP = "combo:tap",
COMBO_PANSTART = "combo:panstart",
COMBO_PANMOVE = "combo:panmove",
COMBO_PANEND = "combo:panend",
EDGE_CONTEXTMENU = "edge:contextmenu",
EDGE_CLICK = "edge:click",
EDGE_DBLCLICK = "edge:dblclick",
EDGE_MOUSEDOWN = "edge:mousedown",
EDGE_MOUSEUP = "edge:mouseup",
EDGE_MOUSEENTER = "edge:mouseenter",
EDGE_MOUSELEAVE = "edge:mouseleave",
EDGE_MOUSEMOVE = "edge:mousemove",
EDGE_MOUSEOUT = "edge:mouseout",
EDGE_MOUSEOVER = "edge:mouseover",
EDGE_DROP = "edge:drop",
EDGE_DRAGOVER = "edge:dragover",
EDGE_DRAGENTER = "edge:dragenter",
EDGE_DRAGLEAVE = "edge:dragleave",
CANVAS_CONTEXTMENU = "canvas:contextmenu",
CANVAS_CLICK = "canvas:click",
CANVAS_DBLCLICK = "canvas:dblclick",
CANVAS_MOUSEDOWN = "canvas:mousedown",
CANVAS_MOUSEUP = "canvas:mouseup",
CANVAS_MOUSEENTER = "canvas:mouseenter",
CANVAS_MOUSELEAVE = "canvas:mouseleave",
CANVAS_MOUSEMOVE = "canvas:mousemove",
CANVAS_MOUSEOUT = "canvas:mouseout",
CANVAS_MOUSEOVER = "canvas:mouseover",
CANVAS_DROP = "canvas:drop",
CANVAS_DRAGENTER = "canvas:dragenter",
CANVAS_DRAGLEAVE = "canvas:dragleave",
CANVAS_DRAGSTART = "canvas:dragstart",
CANVAS_DRAG = "canvas:drag",
CANVAS_DRAGEND = "canvas:dragend",
CANVAS_TAP = "canvas:tap",
CANVAS_PANSTART = "canvas:panstart",
CANVAS_PANMOVE = "canvas:panmove",
CANVAS_PANEND = "canvas:panend",
BEFORERENDER = "beforerender",
AFTERRENDER = "afterrender",
BEFOREADDITEM = "beforeadditem",
AFTERADDITEM = "afteradditem",
BEFOREREMOVEITEM = "beforeremoveitem",
AFTERREMOVEITEM = "afterremoveitem",
BEFOREUPDATEITEM = "beforeupdateitem",
AFTERUPDATEITEM = "afterupdateitem",
BEFOREITEMVISIBILITYCHANGE = "beforeitemvisibilitychange",
AFTERITEMVISIBILITYCHANGE = "afteritemvisibilitychange",
BEFOREITEMSTATECHANGE = "beforeitemstatechange",
AFTERITEMSTATECHANGE = "afteritemstatechange",
BEFOREITEMREFRESH = "beforeitemrefresh",
AFTERITEMREFRESH = "afteritemrefresh",
BEFOREITEMSTATESCLEAR = "beforeitemstatesclear",
AFTERITEMSTATESCLEAR = "afteritemstatesclear",
BEFOREMODECHANGE = "beforemodechange",
AFTERMODECHANGE = "aftermodechange",
BEFORELAYOUT = "beforelayout",
AFTERLAYOUT = "afterlayout",
BEFORECREATEEDGE = "beforecreateedge",
AFTERCREATEEDGE = "aftercreateedge",
BEFOREGRAPHREFRESHPOSITION = "beforegraphrefreshposition",
AFTERGRAPHREFRESHPOSITION = "aftergraphrefreshposition",
BEFOREGRAPHREFRESH = "beforegraphrefresh",
AFTERGRAPHREFRESH = "aftergraphrefresh",
BEFOREANIMATE = "beforeanimate",
AFTERANIMATE = "afteranimate",
BEFOREPAINT = "beforepaint",
AFTERPAINT = "afterpaint",
BEFORECOLLAPSEEXPANDCOMBO = "beforecollapseexpandcombo",
AFTERCOLLAPSEEXPANDCOMBO = "aftercollapseexpandcombo",
GRAPHSTATECHANGE = "graphstatechange",
AFTERACTIVATERELATIONS = "afteractivaterelations",
NODESELECTCHANGE = "nodeselectchange",
TOOLTIPCHANGE = "tooltipchange",
WHEELZOOM = "wheelzoom",
VIEWPORTCHANGE = "viewportchange",
DRAGNODEEND = "dragnodeend",
STACKCHANGE = "stackchange",
TAP = "tap",
PINCHSTART = "pinchstart",
PINCHMOVE = "pinchmove",
PANSTART = "panstart",
PANMOVE = "panmove",
PANEND = "panend"
export declare type DefaultBehaviorType = IG6GraphEvent | string | number | object;

@@ -651,0 +519,0 @@ export interface BehaviorOption {

@@ -6,6 +6,2 @@ "use strict";

var _exportNames = {
G6Event: true
exports.G6Event = void 0;

@@ -16,3 +12,2 @@ var _interface = require("../interface");

if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return;
if (, key)) return;
if (key in exports && exports[key] === _interface[key]) return;

@@ -25,176 +20,2 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {

// Behavior type file
var G6Event;
exports.G6Event = G6Event;
(function (G6Event) {
// common events
G6Event["CLICK"] = "click";
G6Event["DBLCLICK"] = "dblclick";
G6Event["MOUSEDOWN"] = "mousedown";
G6Event["MOUDEUP"] = "mouseup";
G6Event["CONTEXTMENU"] = "contextmenu";
G6Event["MOUSEENTER"] = "mouseenter";
G6Event["MOUSEOUT"] = "mouseout";
G6Event["MOUSEOVER"] = "mouseover";
G6Event["MOUSEMOVE"] = "mousemove";
G6Event["MOUSELEAVE"] = "mouseleave";
G6Event["DRAGSTART"] = "dragstart";
G6Event["DRAGEND"] = "dragend";
G6Event["DRAG"] = "drag";
G6Event["DRAGENTER"] = "dragenter";
G6Event["DRAGLEAVE"] = "dragleave";
G6Event["DRAGOVER"] = "dragover";
G6Event["DRAGOUT"] = "dragout";
G6Event["DDROP"] = "drop";
G6Event["KEYUP"] = "keyup";
G6Event["KEYDOWN"] = "keydown";
G6Event["WHEEL"] = "wheel";
G6Event["FOCUS"] = "focus";
G6Event["BLUR"] = "blur"; // touch events
G6Event["TOUCHSTART"] = "touchstart";
G6Event["TOUCHMOVE"] = "touchmove";
G6Event["TOUCHEND"] = "touchend";
G6Event["CANVAS_TOUCHSTART"] = "canvas:touchstart";
G6Event["CANVAS_TOUCHMOVE"] = "canvas:touchmove";
G6Event["CANVAS_TOUCHEND"] = "canvas:touchend";
G6Event["NODE_TOUCHSTART"] = "node:touchstart";
G6Event["NODE_TOUCHMOVE"] = "node:touchmove";
G6Event["NODE_TOUCHEND"] = "node:touchend";
G6Event["COMBO_TOUCHSTART"] = "combo:touchstart";
G6Event["COMBO_TOUCHMOVE"] = "combo:touchmove";
G6Event["COMBO_TOUCHEND"] = "combo:touchend";
G6Event["EDGE_TOUCHSTART"] = "edge:touchstart";
G6Event["EDGE_TOUCHMOVE"] = "edge:touchmove";
G6Event["EDGE_TOUCHEND"] = "edge:touchend"; // node events
G6Event["NODE_CONTEXTMENU"] = "node:contextmenu";
G6Event["NODE_CLICK"] = "node:click";
G6Event["NODE_DBLCLICK"] = "node:dblclick";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEDOWN"] = "node:mousedown";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEUP"] = "node:mouseup";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEENTER"] = "node:mouseenter";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSELEAVE"] = "node:mouseleave";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEMOVE"] = "node:mousemove";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEOUT"] = "node:mouseout";
G6Event["NODE_MOUSEOVER"] = "node:mouseover";
G6Event["NODE_DROP"] = "node:drop";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGOVER"] = "node:dragover";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGENTER"] = "node:dragenter";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGLEAVE"] = "node:dragleave";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGSTART"] = "node:dragstart";
G6Event["NODE_DRAG"] = "node:drag";
G6Event["NODE_DRAGEND"] = "node:dragend";
G6Event["NODE_TAP"] = "node:tap";
G6Event["NODE_PANSTART"] = "node:panstart";
G6Event["NODE_PANMOVE"] = "node:panmove";
G6Event["NODE_PANEND"] = "node:panend"; // combo, extends from nodes
G6Event["COMBO_CONTEXTMENU"] = "combo:contextmenu";
G6Event["COMBO_CLICK"] = "combo:click";
G6Event["COMBO_DBLCLICK"] = "combo:dblclick";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEDOWN"] = "combo:mousedown";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEUP"] = "combo:mouseup";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEENTER"] = "combo:mouseenter";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSELEAVE"] = "combo:mouseleave";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEMOVE"] = "combo:mousemove";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEOUT"] = "combo:mouseout";
G6Event["COMBO_MOUSEOVER"] = "combo:mouseover";
G6Event["COMBO_DROP"] = "combo:drop";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGOVER"] = "combo:dragover";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGENTER"] = "combo:dragenter";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGLEAVE"] = "combo:dragleave";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGSTART"] = "combo:dragstart";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAG"] = "combo:drag";
G6Event["COMBO_DRAGEND"] = "combo:dragend";
G6Event["COMBO_TAP"] = "combo:tap";
G6Event["COMBO_PANSTART"] = "combo:panstart";
G6Event["COMBO_PANMOVE"] = "combo:panmove";
G6Event["COMBO_PANEND"] = "combo:panend"; // edge events
G6Event["EDGE_CONTEXTMENU"] = "edge:contextmenu";
G6Event["EDGE_CLICK"] = "edge:click";
G6Event["EDGE_DBLCLICK"] = "edge:dblclick";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEDOWN"] = "edge:mousedown";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEUP"] = "edge:mouseup";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEENTER"] = "edge:mouseenter";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSELEAVE"] = "edge:mouseleave";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEMOVE"] = "edge:mousemove";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEOUT"] = "edge:mouseout";
G6Event["EDGE_MOUSEOVER"] = "edge:mouseover";
G6Event["EDGE_DROP"] = "edge:drop";
G6Event["EDGE_DRAGOVER"] = "edge:dragover";
G6Event["EDGE_DRAGENTER"] = "edge:dragenter";
G6Event["EDGE_DRAGLEAVE"] = "edge:dragleave"; // canvas events
G6Event["CANVAS_CONTEXTMENU"] = "canvas:contextmenu";
G6Event["CANVAS_CLICK"] = "canvas:click";
G6Event["CANVAS_DBLCLICK"] = "canvas:dblclick";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEDOWN"] = "canvas:mousedown";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEUP"] = "canvas:mouseup";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEENTER"] = "canvas:mouseenter";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSELEAVE"] = "canvas:mouseleave";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEMOVE"] = "canvas:mousemove";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEOUT"] = "canvas:mouseout";
G6Event["CANVAS_MOUSEOVER"] = "canvas:mouseover";
G6Event["CANVAS_DROP"] = "canvas:drop";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAGENTER"] = "canvas:dragenter";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAGLEAVE"] = "canvas:dragleave";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAGSTART"] = "canvas:dragstart";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAG"] = "canvas:drag";
G6Event["CANVAS_DRAGEND"] = "canvas:dragend";
G6Event["CANVAS_TAP"] = "canvas:tap";
G6Event["CANVAS_PANSTART"] = "canvas:panstart";
G6Event["CANVAS_PANMOVE"] = "canvas:panmove";
G6Event["CANVAS_PANEND"] = "canvas:panend"; // timing events
G6Event["BEFORERENDER"] = "beforerender";
G6Event["AFTERRENDER"] = "afterrender";
G6Event["BEFOREADDITEM"] = "beforeadditem";
G6Event["AFTERADDITEM"] = "afteradditem";
G6Event["BEFOREREMOVEITEM"] = "beforeremoveitem";
G6Event["AFTERREMOVEITEM"] = "afterremoveitem";
G6Event["BEFOREUPDATEITEM"] = "beforeupdateitem";
G6Event["AFTERUPDATEITEM"] = "afterupdateitem";
G6Event["BEFOREITEMVISIBILITYCHANGE"] = "beforeitemvisibilitychange";
G6Event["AFTERITEMVISIBILITYCHANGE"] = "afteritemvisibilitychange";
G6Event["BEFOREITEMSTATECHANGE"] = "beforeitemstatechange";
G6Event["AFTERITEMSTATECHANGE"] = "afteritemstatechange";
G6Event["BEFOREITEMREFRESH"] = "beforeitemrefresh";
G6Event["AFTERITEMREFRESH"] = "afteritemrefresh";
G6Event["BEFOREITEMSTATESCLEAR"] = "beforeitemstatesclear";
G6Event["AFTERITEMSTATESCLEAR"] = "afteritemstatesclear";
G6Event["BEFOREMODECHANGE"] = "beforemodechange";
G6Event["AFTERMODECHANGE"] = "aftermodechange";
G6Event["BEFORELAYOUT"] = "beforelayout";
G6Event["AFTERLAYOUT"] = "afterlayout";
G6Event["BEFORECREATEEDGE"] = "beforecreateedge";
G6Event["AFTERCREATEEDGE"] = "aftercreateedge";
G6Event["BEFOREGRAPHREFRESHPOSITION"] = "beforegraphrefreshposition";
G6Event["AFTERGRAPHREFRESHPOSITION"] = "aftergraphrefreshposition";
G6Event["BEFOREGRAPHREFRESH"] = "beforegraphrefresh";
G6Event["AFTERGRAPHREFRESH"] = "aftergraphrefresh";
G6Event["BEFOREANIMATE"] = "beforeanimate";
G6Event["AFTERANIMATE"] = "afteranimate";
G6Event["BEFOREPAINT"] = "beforepaint";
G6Event["AFTERPAINT"] = "afterpaint";
G6Event["BEFORECOLLAPSEEXPANDCOMBO"] = "beforecollapseexpandcombo";
G6Event["AFTERCOLLAPSEEXPANDCOMBO"] = "aftercollapseexpandcombo";
G6Event["GRAPHSTATECHANGE"] = "graphstatechange";
G6Event["AFTERACTIVATERELATIONS"] = "afteractivaterelations";
G6Event["NODESELECTCHANGE"] = "nodeselectchange";
G6Event["TOOLTIPCHANGE"] = "tooltipchange";
G6Event["WHEELZOOM"] = "wheelzoom";
G6Event["VIEWPORTCHANGE"] = "viewportchange";
G6Event["DRAGNODEEND"] = "dragnodeend";
G6Event["STACKCHANGE"] = "stackchange"; // Mobile event support
G6Event["TAP"] = "tap";
G6Event["PINCHSTART"] = "pinchstart";
G6Event["PINCHMOVE"] = "pinchmove";
G6Event["PANSTART"] = "panstart";
G6Event["PANMOVE"] = "panmove";
G6Event["PANEND"] = "panend";
})(G6Event || (exports.G6Event = G6Event = {}));
"name": "@antv/g6-core",
"version": "0.6.3",
"version": "0.6.4",
"description": "A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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