[1.0.0-beta.27] - 2018-09-11
- Unit Testing
- uuid
- documentation
- unit testing
- object-utils
- documentation
- unit testing
- server-environment
- documentation
- unit testing
- polyfill-service
- added and refactored webcomponents-loader for dynamic import
- documentation
- unit testing
- Refactored to static class
- cache-manager
- documentation
- unit testing
- register-callback
- i18n-mixin
- i18n-loader
- middleware
- documentation
- unit test
- Updates constructor to take n string args for hook names
- rotations
- router
- documentation
- unit test
- export routerInstance
- store
- documentation
- unit test
- export storeInstance
- expose storeInstance on window when debug true or aoflDevtools available
- Support for pending status
- cli
- cache-manager
- fixed issue with expired keys
- fixed issues with json.parse when storage is not memoryStorage
- register-callback
- unsubscribe can only be called once
- check index exists in removeCb
- router
- Fixes typo for removing popState listener