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@appium/types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.10.1 to 0.10.2




@@ -0,4 +1,5 @@

import { BaseDriverCapConstraints } from './constraints';
import { Constraint, Constraints } from './driver';
import { StandardCapabilities } from './standard-caps';
import { StringRecord, Constraint, Constraints } from '.';
import { BaseDriverCapConstraints } from './constraints';
import { AnyCase, StringRecord } from './util';
export { StandardCapabilities };

@@ -9,11 +10,16 @@ export type W3C_APPIUM_PREFIX = 'appium';

export type BaseCapabilities = ConstraintsToCaps<BaseDriverCapConstraints>;
export type BaseCapabilities = Capabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints>;
* Like {@linkcode BaseCapabilities}, except all Appium-specific keys are namespaced.
export type BaseNSCapabilities = CapsToNSCaps<ConstraintsToCaps<BaseDriverCapConstraints>>;
export type BaseNSCapabilities = NSCapabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints>;
* Like {@linkcode NSBaseCapabilities}, except W3C-style.
* @see {@linkcode W3CCapabilities}
export type BaseW3CCapabilities = W3CCapabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints>;
* Given a {@linkcode Constraint} `C` and a type `T`, see if `inclusion`/`inclusionCaseInsensitive` is present, and create a union of its allowed literals; otherwise just use `T`.
type ConstraintChoice<C extends Constraint, T> = C['inclusionCaseInsensitive'] extends ReadonlyArray<T> ? AnyCase<C['inclusionCaseInsensitive'][number]> : C['inclusion'] extends ReadonlyArray<T> ? C['inclusion'][number] : T;
export type ConstraintChoice<C extends Constraint, T> = C['inclusionCaseInsensitive'] extends T[] ? AnyCase<C['inclusionCaseInsensitive'][number]> : C['inclusion'] extends ReadonlyArray<T> ? C['inclusion'][number] : T;

@@ -28,3 +34,3 @@ * Given {@linkcode Constraint} `C`, determine the associated type of the capability.

type ConstraintToCapKind<C extends Constraint> = C['isString'] extends true ? ConstraintChoice<C, string> : C['isNumber'] extends true ? ConstraintChoice<C, number> : C['isBoolean'] extends true ? boolean : C['isArray'] extends true ? string[] : C['isObject'] extends true ? object : any;
export type ConstraintToCapKind<C extends Constraint> = C['isString'] extends true ? ConstraintChoice<C, string> : C['isNumber'] extends true ? ConstraintChoice<C, number> : C['isBoolean'] extends true ? boolean : C['isArray'] extends true ? string[] : C['isObject'] extends true ? object : unknown;

@@ -39,6 +45,2 @@ * Given {@linkcode Constraint} `C`, determine if it is required or optional.

* Given `string` `T`, this is a case-insensitive version of `T`.
export type AnyCase<T extends string> = string extends T ? string : T extends `${infer F1}${infer F2}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F1> | Lowercase<F1>}${Uppercase<F2> | Lowercase<F2>}${AnyCase<R>}` : T extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F> | Lowercase<F>}${AnyCase<R>}` : '';
* Given {@linkcode StringRecord} `T` and namespace string `NS`, a type with the key names prefixed by `${NS}:` _except_ for standard capabilities. `NS` defaults to `appium`.

@@ -51,5 +53,10 @@ *

* A namespaced string of the format `<NS>:<S>` where `NS` defaults to the value of
* {@linkcode W3C_APPIUM_PREFIX} and `S` is a string.
export type NamespacedString<S extends string, NS extends string = W3C_APPIUM_PREFIX> = `${NS}:${S}`;
* Converts {@linkcode Constraint} `C` to a {@linkcode Capabilities} object.
* @privateRemarks I would like to figure out how to simplify this type

@@ -64,3 +71,3 @@ export type ConstraintsToCaps<C extends Constraints> = {

export type Capabilities<C extends Constraints = BaseDriverCapConstraints, Extra extends StringRecord | void = void> = Partial<ConstraintsToCaps<C> & Extra>;
export type Capabilities<C extends Constraints> = ConstraintsToCaps<C>;

@@ -71,6 +78,6 @@ * Like {@linkcode Capabilities}, except W3C-style.

export type W3CCapabilities<C extends Constraints = BaseDriverCapConstraints, Extra extends StringRecord | void = void> = {
alwaysMatch: NSCapabilities<C, Extra>;
firstMatch: NSCapabilities<C, Extra>[];
export interface W3CCapabilities<C extends Constraints> {
alwaysMatch: NSCapabilities<C>;
firstMatch: NSCapabilities<C>[];

@@ -81,3 +88,3 @@ * Namespaced caps (where appropriate).

export type NSCapabilities<C extends Constraints = BaseDriverCapConstraints, Extra extends StringRecord | void = void, NS extends string = W3C_APPIUM_PREFIX> = Partial<CapsToNSCaps<ConstraintsToCaps<C> & Extra, NS>>;
export type NSCapabilities<C extends Constraints, NS extends string = W3C_APPIUM_PREFIX> = Partial<CapsToNSCaps<ConstraintsToCaps<C>, NS>>;

@@ -90,3 +97,3 @@ * Capabilities for drivers extending `BaseDriver`.

* ```ts
* class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {
* class MyDriver extends BaseDriver<MyDriverConstraints> {
* async createSession (w3ccaps: W3CDriverCaps<MyDriverConstraints>, ...args: any[]) {

@@ -102,11 +109,15 @@ * const [

export type DriverCaps<C extends Constraints, Extra extends StringRecord | void = void> = Capabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints & C, Extra>;
* Normalized capabilities for drivers extending `BaseDriver`.
* Includes {@linkcode BaseCapabilities}.
export type DriverCaps<C extends Constraints = Constraints> = BaseCapabilities & Capabilities<C>;
* W3C-style capabilities for drivers extending `BaseDriver`.
* Includes {@linkcode BaseCapabilities}.
* Includes {@linkcode BaseW3CCapabilities}.
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {
* class MyDriver extends BaseDriver<MyDriverConstraints> {
* async createSession (w3ccaps: W3CDriverCaps<MyDriverConstraints>, ...args: any[]) {

@@ -118,9 +129,9 @@ * // ...

export type W3CDriverCaps<C extends Constraints, Extra extends StringRecord | void = void> = W3CCapabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints & C, Extra>;
export type W3CDriverCaps<C extends Constraints = Constraints> = BaseW3CCapabilities & W3CCapabilities<C>;
* Namespaced capabilities for drivers extending `BaseDriver`.
* Includes {@linkcode BaseCapabilities}.
* Includes {@linkcode BaseNSCapabilities}.
export type NSDriverCaps<C extends Constraints, Extra extends StringRecord | void = void> = NSCapabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints & C, Extra>;
export type NSDriverCaps<C extends Constraints = Constraints> = BaseNSCapabilities & NSCapabilities<C>;
import { ConditionalPick, MultidimensionalReadonlyArray } from 'type-fest';
import { Driver, DriverCommand } from './driver';
import { Plugin, PluginCommand } from './plugin';
import { StringRecord } from './util';

@@ -17,8 +18,21 @@ * Defines the shape of a payload for a {@linkcode MethodDef}.

* A mapping of URL paths to HTTP methods to either a {@linkcode DriverMethodDef} or {@linkcode PluginMethodDef}.
* Extensions can define new methods for the Appium server to map to command names, of the same
* format as used in Appium's `routes.js`.
* @example
* ```js
* {
* '/session/:sessionId/new_method': {
* GET: {command: 'getNewThing'},
* POST: {command: 'setNewThing', payloadParams: {required: ['someParam']}}
* }
* }
* ```
export type MethodMap<T extends Plugin | Driver> = T extends Plugin ? Readonly<PluginMethodMap<T>> : T extends Driver ? Readonly<DriverMethodMap<T>> : never;
export type MethodMap<T extends Plugin | Driver<any>> = T extends Plugin ? Readonly<PluginMethodMap<T>> : T extends Driver<any> ? Readonly<DriverMethodMap<T>> : never;
* A {@linkcode MethodMap} for a {@linkcode Driver}.
export interface DriverMethodMap<T extends Driver> {
export interface DriverMethodMap<T extends Driver<any>> {
[key: string]: {

@@ -46,7 +60,11 @@ GET?: DriverMethodDef<T>;

export interface DriverMethodDef<T extends Driver> extends BaseMethodDef {
export interface DriverMethodDef<T extends Driver, D extends boolean = boolean> extends BaseMethodDef {
* Name of the command.
readonly command?: keyof ConditionalPick<Required<T>, DriverCommand>;
readonly command?: D extends true ? string : keyof ConditionalPick<Required<T>, DriverCommand>;
* If this is `true`, we do not validate `command`, because it may not exist in `ExternalDriver`.
readonly deprecated?: D;

@@ -87,3 +105,3 @@ /**

export interface DriverExecuteMethodDef<T extends Driver> extends BaseExecuteMethodDef {
export interface DriverExecuteMethodDef<T extends Driver<any>> extends BaseExecuteMethodDef {
command: keyof ConditionalPick<T, DriverCommand>;

@@ -100,3 +118,3 @@ }

export type ExecuteMethodMap<T extends Plugin | Driver> = T extends Plugin ? Readonly<Record<string, PluginExecuteMethodDef<T>>> : T extends Driver ? Readonly<Record<string, DriverExecuteMethodDef<T>>> : never;
export type ExecuteMethodMap<T extends Plugin | Driver<any>> = T extends Plugin ? Readonly<StringRecord<PluginExecuteMethodDef<T>>> : T extends Driver<any> ? Readonly<StringRecord<DriverExecuteMethodDef<T>>> : never;
import type { AppiumConfigJsonSchema } from '@appium/schema';
import { AppiumConfiguration, ServerConfig } from './appium-config';
import { Associated, KebabToCamel } from './util';

@@ -10,3 +11,3 @@ * The Appium configuration as it would be in a user-provided configuration file.

type AppiumServerJsonSchema = typeof AppiumConfigJsonSchema['properties']['server']['properties'];
type AppiumServerJsonSchema = (typeof AppiumConfigJsonSchema)['properties']['server']['properties'];

@@ -50,14 +51,2 @@ * This type associates the types generated from the schema ({@linkcode AppiumConfiguration})

* Converts a kebab-cased string into a camel-cased string.
type KebabToCamel<S extends string> = S extends `${infer P1}-${infer P2}${infer P3}` ? `${Lowercase<P1>}${Uppercase<P2>}${KebabToCamel<P3>}` : Lowercase<S>;
* Object `B` has all the keys as object `A` (even if those keys in `A` are otherwise optional).
type Associated<A extends object, B extends {
[key in keyof Required<A>]: unknown;
}> = {
[Prop in keyof Required<A>]: B[Prop];
* Certain properties have an `appiumCliDest` prop, which affects the shape of

@@ -64,0 +53,0 @@ * `ParsedArgs`. This type helps recognize these properties.

@@ -1,69 +0,56 @@

namespace platformName {
const presence: true;
const isString: true;
namespace app {
const isString_1: true;
export { isString_1 as isString };
namespace deviceName {
const isString_2: true;
export { isString_2 as isString };
namespace platformVersion {
const isString_3: true;
export { isString_3 as isString };
namespace webSocketUrl {
const isBoolean: true;
namespace newCommandTimeout {
const isNumber: true;
namespace automationName {
const isString_4: true;
export { isString_4 as isString };
namespace autoLaunch {
const isBoolean_1: true;
export { isBoolean_1 as isBoolean };
namespace udid {
const isString_5: true;
export { isString_5 as isString };
namespace orientation {
const inclusion: readonly ["LANDSCAPE", "PORTRAIT"];
namespace autoWebview {
const isBoolean_2: true;
export { isBoolean_2 as isBoolean };
namespace noReset {
const isBoolean_3: true;
export { isBoolean_3 as isBoolean };
namespace fullReset {
const isBoolean_4: true;
export { isBoolean_4 as isBoolean };
namespace language {
const isString_6: true;
export { isString_6 as isString };
namespace locale {
const isString_7: true;
export { isString_7 as isString };
namespace eventTimings {
const isBoolean_5: true;
export { isBoolean_5 as isBoolean };
namespace printPageSourceOnFindFailure {
const isBoolean_6: true;
export { isBoolean_6 as isBoolean };
export declare const BASE_DESIRED_CAP_CONSTRAINTS: {
readonly platformName: {
readonly presence: true;
readonly isString: true;
readonly app: {
readonly isString: true;
readonly deviceName: {
readonly isString: true;
readonly platformVersion: {
readonly isString: true;
readonly webSocketUrl: {
readonly isBoolean: true;
readonly newCommandTimeout: {
readonly isNumber: true;
readonly automationName: {
readonly isString: true;
readonly autoLaunch: {
readonly isBoolean: true;
readonly udid: {
readonly isString: true;
readonly orientation: {
readonly inclusion: readonly ["LANDSCAPE", "PORTRAIT"];
readonly autoWebview: {
readonly isBoolean: true;
readonly noReset: {
readonly isBoolean: true;
readonly fullReset: {
readonly isBoolean: true;
readonly language: {
readonly isString: true;
readonly locale: {
readonly isString: true;
readonly eventTimings: {
readonly isBoolean: true;
readonly printPageSourceOnFindFailure: {
readonly isBoolean: true;
export type BaseDriverCapConstraints = typeof BASE_DESIRED_CAP_CONSTRAINTS;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
platformName: {

@@ -57,6 +57,3 @@ presence: true,

* @typedef {typeof BASE_DESIRED_CAP_CONSTRAINTS} BaseDriverCapConstraints

@@ -1,10 +0,1 @@

/// <reference types="node" />
/// <reference types="node" />
import type { Express } from 'express';
import type { Server } from 'http';
import type { Socket } from 'net';
import type { Logger } from 'npmlog';
import type { Class as _Class } from 'type-fest';
import type { Server as WSServer } from 'ws';
import { ServerArgs } from './config';
export * from './command';

@@ -15,99 +6,9 @@ export * from './action';

export * from './config';
export { BASE_DESIRED_CAP_CONSTRAINTS } from './constraints';
export type { BaseDriverCapConstraints } from './constraints';
export * from './constraints';
export * from './driver';
export * from './plugin';
* Utility type for a object with string-only props
export type StringRecord = Record<string, any>;
* A log prefix for {@linkcode AppiumLogger}
* If a function, the function will return the prefix. Log messages will be prefixed with this value.
export type AppiumLoggerPrefix = string | (() => string);
* Possible "log levels" for {@linkcode AppiumLogger}.
* Extracted from `npmlog`.
export type AppiumLoggerLevel = 'silly' | 'verbose' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'http' | 'warn' | 'error';
* Describes the `npmlog`-based internal logger.
* @see
export interface AppiumLogger {
* Returns the underlying `npmlog` {@link Logger}.
unwrap(): Logger;
level: AppiumLoggerLevel;
levels: AppiumLoggerLevel[];
* Log prefix, if applicable.
prefix?: AppiumLoggerPrefix;
debug(...args: any[]): void;
info(...args: any[]): void;
warn(...args: any[]): void;
error(...args: any[]): void;
verbose(...args: any[]): void;
silly(...args: any[]): void;
http(...args: any[]): void;
errorAndThrow(...args: any[]): never;
* Appium's slightly-modified {@linkcode Server http.Server}.
export type AppiumServer = Omit<Server, 'close'> & AppiumServerExtension;
export interface AppiumServerExtension {
close(): Promise<void>;
addWebSocketHandler(handlerPathname: string, handlerServer: WSServer): Promise<void>;
removeWebSocketHandler(handlerPathname: string): Promise<boolean>;
removeAllWebSocketHandlers(): Promise<boolean>;
getWebSocketHandlers(keysFilter: string | null | undefined): Promise<Record<string, WSServer>>;
webSocketsMapping: Record<string, WSServer>;
export interface AppiumServerSocket extends Socket {
_openReqCount: number;
* Wraps {@linkcode _Class `type-fest`'s `Class`} to include static members.
export type Class<Proto, StaticMembers extends object = object, Args extends unknown[] = any[]> = _Class<Proto, Args> & StaticMembers;
* The string referring to a "driver"-type extension
export type DriverType = 'driver';
* The string referring to a "plugin"-type extension
export type PluginType = 'plugin';
* The strings referring to all extension types.
export type ExtensionType = DriverType | PluginType;
* Optionally updates an Appium express app and http server, by calling
* methods that may mutate those objects. For example, you could call:
* `expressApp.get('/foo', handler)`
* In order to add a new route to Appium with this plugin. Or, you could add
* new listeners to the httpServer object.
* @param expressApp - the Express 'app' object used by Appium for route handling
* @param httpServer - the node HTTP server that hosts the app
* @param cliArgs - Arguments from config files, CLI, etc.
export type UpdateServerCallback = (expressApp: Express, httpServer: AppiumServer, cliArgs: Partial<ServerArgs>) => Promise<void>;
* Possible HTTP methods, as stolen from `axios`.
* @see
export type HTTPMethod = 'get' | 'GET' | 'delete' | 'DELETE' | 'head' | 'HEAD' | 'options' | 'OPTIONS' | 'post' | 'POST' | 'put' | 'PUT' | 'patch' | 'PATCH' | 'purge' | 'PURGE' | 'link' | 'LINK' | 'unlink' | 'UNLINK';
export * from './http';
export * from './util';
export * from './server';
export * from './logger';

@@ -17,3 +17,2 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
__exportStar(require("./command"), exports);

@@ -24,6 +23,9 @@ __exportStar(require("./action"), exports);

__exportStar(require("./config"), exports);
var constraints_1 = require("./constraints");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "BASE_DESIRED_CAP_CONSTRAINTS", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return constraints_1.BASE_DESIRED_CAP_CONSTRAINTS; } });
__exportStar(require("./constraints"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./driver"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./plugin"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./http"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./util"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./server"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./logger"), exports);

@@ -1,4 +0,7 @@

import { AppiumLogger, Class, UpdateServerCallback } from '.';
import { AsyncReturnType } from 'type-fest';
import { ExecuteMethodMap, MethodMap } from './command';
import { ExternalDriver } from './driver';
import { DriverCommand, ExternalDriver } from './driver';
import { AppiumLogger } from './logger';
import { UpdateServerCallback } from './server';
import { Class, StringRecord } from './util';

@@ -27,2 +30,23 @@ * The interface describing the constructor and static properties of a Plugin.

* This utility type can presently be used by Plugin authors to mark a method in their plugin as one
* which overrides a method in a Driver.
* @privateRemarks This would work well as a decorator. May want to accept a type arg for `Driver`
* and use a string method name to lookup the method instead.
* @example
* class MyPlugin extends BasePlugin implements Plugin {
* public getPageSource: DriverCommandToPluginCommand<
* ExternalDriver['getPageSource'], // method to override
* [flag: boolean], // new arguments; defaults to the args of the method
* string|Buffer, // new return type; defaults to the async return type of the method
* string // async return type of `next()`
* > = async function (next, driver, flag = boolean) {
* const source = await next();
* return flag ? source : Buffer.from(source);
* }
* }
export type DriverCommandToPluginCommand<DC extends DriverCommand, TArgs extends readonly any[] = Parameters<DC>, TReturn = AsyncReturnType<DC>, NextRetval = unknown> = PluginCommand<ExternalDriver, TArgs, TReturn, NextRetval>;
* An instance of a "plugin" extension.

@@ -71,3 +95,3 @@ *

export type NextPluginCallback = () => Promise<void>;
export type NextPluginCallback<T = unknown> = () => Promise<T>;

@@ -78,3 +102,3 @@ * Implementation of a command within a plugin

export type PluginCommand<D extends ExternalDriver = ExternalDriver, TArgs extends readonly any[] = any[], TReturn = any> = (next: NextPluginCallback, driver: D, ...args: TArgs) => Promise<TReturn>;
export type PluginCommand<D extends ExternalDriver = ExternalDriver, TArgs extends readonly any[] = any[], TReturn = unknown, NextReturn = unknown> = (next: NextPluginCallback<NextReturn>, driver: D, ...args: TArgs) => Promise<TReturn>;

@@ -87,4 +111,4 @@ * Mainly for internal use.

pluginName: string,
cliArgs: Record<string, unknown>
cliArgs: StringRecord<unknown>

@@ -0,4 +1,5 @@

import {BaseDriverCapConstraints} from './constraints';
import {Constraint, Constraints} from './driver';
import {StandardCapabilities} from './standard-caps';
import {StringRecord, Constraint, Constraints} from '.';
import {BaseDriverCapConstraints} from './constraints';
import {AnyCase, StringRecord} from './util';

@@ -12,3 +13,3 @@ export {StandardCapabilities};

export type BaseCapabilities = ConstraintsToCaps<BaseDriverCapConstraints>;
export type BaseCapabilities = Capabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints>;

@@ -18,11 +19,14 @@ /**

export type BaseNSCapabilities = CapsToNSCaps<ConstraintsToCaps<BaseDriverCapConstraints>>;
export type BaseNSCapabilities = NSCapabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints>;
* Like {@linkcode NSBaseCapabilities}, except W3C-style.
* @see {@linkcode W3CCapabilities}
export type BaseW3CCapabilities = W3CCapabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints>;
* Given a {@linkcode Constraint} `C` and a type `T`, see if `inclusion`/`inclusionCaseInsensitive` is present, and create a union of its allowed literals; otherwise just use `T`.
type ConstraintChoice<
C extends Constraint,
> = C['inclusionCaseInsensitive'] extends ReadonlyArray<T>
export type ConstraintChoice<C extends Constraint, T> = C['inclusionCaseInsensitive'] extends T[]
? AnyCase<C['inclusionCaseInsensitive'][number]>

@@ -42,3 +46,3 @@ : C['inclusion'] extends ReadonlyArray<T>

type ConstraintToCapKind<C extends Constraint> = C['isString'] extends true
export type ConstraintToCapKind<C extends Constraint> = C['isString'] extends true
? ConstraintChoice<C, string>

@@ -53,3 +57,3 @@ : C['isNumber'] extends true

? object
: any;
: unknown;

@@ -68,13 +72,2 @@ /**

* Given `string` `T`, this is a case-insensitive version of `T`.
export type AnyCase<T extends string> = string extends T
? string
: T extends `${infer F1}${infer F2}${infer R}`
? `${Uppercase<F1> | Lowercase<F1>}${Uppercase<F2> | Lowercase<F2>}${AnyCase<R>}`
: T extends `${infer F}${infer R}`
? `${Uppercase<F> | Lowercase<F>}${AnyCase<R>}`
: '';
* Given {@linkcode StringRecord} `T` and namespace string `NS`, a type with the key names prefixed by `${NS}:` _except_ for standard capabilities. `NS` defaults to `appium`.

@@ -90,2 +83,6 @@ *

* A namespaced string of the format `<NS>:<S>` where `NS` defaults to the value of
* {@linkcode W3C_APPIUM_PREFIX} and `S` is a string.
export type NamespacedString<

@@ -98,2 +95,3 @@ S extends string,

* Converts {@linkcode Constraint} `C` to a {@linkcode Capabilities} object.
* @privateRemarks I would like to figure out how to simplify this type

@@ -109,6 +107,3 @@ export type ConstraintsToCaps<C extends Constraints> = {

export type Capabilities<
C extends Constraints = BaseDriverCapConstraints,
Extra extends StringRecord | void = void
> = Partial<ConstraintsToCaps<C> & Extra>;
export type Capabilities<C extends Constraints> = ConstraintsToCaps<C>;

@@ -120,9 +115,6 @@ /**

export type W3CCapabilities<
C extends Constraints = BaseDriverCapConstraints,
Extra extends StringRecord | void = void
> = {
alwaysMatch: NSCapabilities<C, Extra>;
firstMatch: NSCapabilities<C, Extra>[];
export interface W3CCapabilities<C extends Constraints> {
alwaysMatch: NSCapabilities<C>;
firstMatch: NSCapabilities<C>[];

@@ -134,7 +126,5 @@ /**

export type NSCapabilities<
C extends Constraints = BaseDriverCapConstraints,
Extra extends StringRecord | void = void,
NS extends string = W3C_APPIUM_PREFIX
> = Partial<CapsToNSCaps<ConstraintsToCaps<C> & Extra, NS>>;
export type NSCapabilities<C extends Constraints, NS extends string = W3C_APPIUM_PREFIX> = Partial<
CapsToNSCaps<ConstraintsToCaps<C>, NS>

@@ -148,3 +138,3 @@ /**

* ```ts
* class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {
* class MyDriver extends BaseDriver<MyDriverConstraints> {
* async createSession (w3ccaps: W3CDriverCaps<MyDriverConstraints>, ...args: any[]) {

@@ -161,6 +151,7 @@ * const [

export type DriverCaps<
C extends Constraints,
Extra extends StringRecord | void = void
> = Capabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints & C, Extra>;
* Normalized capabilities for drivers extending `BaseDriver`.
* Includes {@linkcode BaseCapabilities}.
export type DriverCaps<C extends Constraints = Constraints> = BaseCapabilities & Capabilities<C>;

@@ -170,7 +161,7 @@ /**

* Includes {@linkcode BaseCapabilities}.
* Includes {@linkcode BaseW3CCapabilities}.
* @example
* ```ts
* class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {
* class MyDriver extends BaseDriver<MyDriverConstraints> {
* async createSession (w3ccaps: W3CDriverCaps<MyDriverConstraints>, ...args: any[]) {

@@ -182,6 +173,4 @@ * // ...

export type W3CDriverCaps<
C extends Constraints,
Extra extends StringRecord | void = void
> = W3CCapabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints & C, Extra>;
export type W3CDriverCaps<C extends Constraints = Constraints> = BaseW3CCapabilities &

@@ -191,7 +180,5 @@ /**

* Includes {@linkcode BaseCapabilities}.
* Includes {@linkcode BaseNSCapabilities}.
export type NSDriverCaps<
C extends Constraints,
Extra extends StringRecord | void = void
> = NSCapabilities<BaseDriverCapConstraints & C, Extra>;
export type NSDriverCaps<C extends Constraints = Constraints> = BaseNSCapabilities &
import {ConditionalPick, MultidimensionalReadonlyArray} from 'type-fest';
import {Driver, DriverCommand} from './driver';
import {Plugin, PluginCommand} from './plugin';
import {StringRecord} from './util';

@@ -18,6 +19,19 @@ /**

* A mapping of URL paths to HTTP methods to either a {@linkcode DriverMethodDef} or {@linkcode PluginMethodDef}.
* Extensions can define new methods for the Appium server to map to command names, of the same
* format as used in Appium's `routes.js`.
* @example
* ```js
* {
* '/session/:sessionId/new_method': {
* GET: {command: 'getNewThing'},
* POST: {command: 'setNewThing', payloadParams: {required: ['someParam']}}
* }
* }
* ```
export type MethodMap<T extends Plugin | Driver> = T extends Plugin
export type MethodMap<T extends Plugin | Driver<any>> = T extends Plugin
? Readonly<PluginMethodMap<T>>
: T extends Driver
: T extends Driver<any>
? Readonly<DriverMethodMap<T>>

@@ -29,3 +43,3 @@ : never;

export interface DriverMethodMap<T extends Driver> {
export interface DriverMethodMap<T extends Driver<any>> {
[key: string]: {

@@ -55,7 +69,13 @@ GET?: DriverMethodDef<T>;

export interface DriverMethodDef<T extends Driver> extends BaseMethodDef {
export interface DriverMethodDef<T extends Driver, D extends boolean = boolean>
extends BaseMethodDef {
* Name of the command.
readonly command?: keyof ConditionalPick<Required<T>, DriverCommand>;
readonly command?: D extends true ? string : keyof ConditionalPick<Required<T>, DriverCommand>;
* If this is `true`, we do not validate `command`, because it may not exist in `ExternalDriver`.
readonly deprecated?: D;

@@ -104,3 +124,3 @@

export interface DriverExecuteMethodDef<T extends Driver> extends BaseExecuteMethodDef {
export interface DriverExecuteMethodDef<T extends Driver<any>> extends BaseExecuteMethodDef {
command: keyof ConditionalPick<T, DriverCommand>;

@@ -119,6 +139,6 @@ }

export type ExecuteMethodMap<T extends Plugin | Driver> = T extends Plugin
? Readonly<Record<string, PluginExecuteMethodDef<T>>>
: T extends Driver
? Readonly<Record<string, DriverExecuteMethodDef<T>>>
export type ExecuteMethodMap<T extends Plugin | Driver<any>> = T extends Plugin
? Readonly<StringRecord<PluginExecuteMethodDef<T>>>
: T extends Driver<any>
? Readonly<StringRecord<DriverExecuteMethodDef<T>>>
: never;
import type {AppiumConfigJsonSchema} from '@appium/schema';
import {AppiumConfiguration, ServerConfig} from './appium-config';
import {Associated, KebabToCamel} from './util';

@@ -12,3 +13,3 @@ /**

type AppiumServerJsonSchema = typeof AppiumConfigJsonSchema['properties']['server']['properties'];
type AppiumServerJsonSchema = (typeof AppiumConfigJsonSchema)['properties']['server']['properties'];

@@ -65,38 +66,3 @@ /**

// begin utils
* Converts a kebab-cased string into a camel-cased string.
type KebabToCamel<S extends string> = S extends `${infer P1}-${infer P2}${infer P3}`
? `${Lowercase<P1>}${Uppercase<P2>}${KebabToCamel<P3>}`
: Lowercase<S>;
* Converts an object with kebab-cased keys into camel-cased keys.
type ObjectToCamel<T> = {
[K in keyof T as KebabToCamel<string & K>]: T[K] extends Record<string, any>
? KeysToCamelCase<T[K]>
: T[K];
* Converts an object or array to have camel-cased keys.
type KeysToCamelCase<T> = {
[K in keyof T as KebabToCamel<string & K>]: T[K] extends Array<any>
? KeysToCamelCase<T[K][number]>[]
: ObjectToCamel<T[K]>;
* Object `B` has all the keys as object `A` (even if those keys in `A` are otherwise optional).
type Associated<A extends object, B extends {[key in keyof Required<A>]: unknown}> = {
[Prop in keyof Required<A>]: B[Prop];
// end utils
// begin conditionals

@@ -103,0 +69,0 @@

@@ -1,8 +0,1 @@

import type {Express} from 'express';
import type {Server} from 'http';
import type {Socket} from 'net';
import type {Logger} from 'npmlog';
import type {Class as _Class} from 'type-fest';
import type {Server as WSServer} from 'ws';
import {ServerArgs} from './config';
export * from './command';

@@ -13,139 +6,8 @@ export * from './action';

export * from './config';
export {BASE_DESIRED_CAP_CONSTRAINTS} from './constraints';
export type {BaseDriverCapConstraints} from './constraints';
export * from './constraints';
export * from './driver';
export * from './plugin';
* Utility type for a object with string-only props
export type StringRecord = Record<string, any>;
* A log prefix for {@linkcode AppiumLogger}
* If a function, the function will return the prefix. Log messages will be prefixed with this value.
export type AppiumLoggerPrefix = string | (() => string);
* Possible "log levels" for {@linkcode AppiumLogger}.
* Extracted from `npmlog`.
export type AppiumLoggerLevel = 'silly' | 'verbose' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'http' | 'warn' | 'error';
* Describes the `npmlog`-based internal logger.
* @see
export interface AppiumLogger {
* Returns the underlying `npmlog` {@link Logger}.
unwrap(): Logger;
level: AppiumLoggerLevel;
levels: AppiumLoggerLevel[];
* Log prefix, if applicable.
prefix?: AppiumLoggerPrefix;
debug(...args: any[]): void;
info(...args: any[]): void;
warn(...args: any[]): void;
error(...args: any[]): void;
verbose(...args: any[]): void;
silly(...args: any[]): void;
http(...args: any[]): void;
errorAndThrow(...args: any[]): never;
* Appium's slightly-modified {@linkcode Server http.Server}.
export type AppiumServer = Omit<Server, 'close'> & AppiumServerExtension;
export interface AppiumServerExtension {
close(): Promise<void>;
addWebSocketHandler(handlerPathname: string, handlerServer: WSServer): Promise<void>;
removeWebSocketHandler(handlerPathname: string): Promise<boolean>;
removeAllWebSocketHandlers(): Promise<boolean>;
getWebSocketHandlers(keysFilter: string | null | undefined): Promise<Record<string, WSServer>>;
webSocketsMapping: Record<string, WSServer>;
export interface AppiumServerSocket extends Socket {
_openReqCount: number;
* Wraps {@linkcode _Class `type-fest`'s `Class`} to include static members.
export type Class<
StaticMembers extends object = object,
Args extends unknown[] = any[]
> = _Class<Proto, Args> & StaticMembers;
* The string referring to a "driver"-type extension
export type DriverType = 'driver';
* The string referring to a "plugin"-type extension
export type PluginType = 'plugin';
* The strings referring to all extension types.
export type ExtensionType = DriverType | PluginType;
* Optionally updates an Appium express app and http server, by calling
* methods that may mutate those objects. For example, you could call:
* `expressApp.get('/foo', handler)`
* In order to add a new route to Appium with this plugin. Or, you could add
* new listeners to the httpServer object.
* @param expressApp - the Express 'app' object used by Appium for route handling
* @param httpServer - the node HTTP server that hosts the app
* @param cliArgs - Arguments from config files, CLI, etc.
export type UpdateServerCallback = (
expressApp: Express,
httpServer: AppiumServer,
cliArgs: Partial<ServerArgs>
) => Promise<void>;
* Possible HTTP methods, as stolen from `axios`.
* @see
export type HTTPMethod =
| 'get'
| 'GET'
| 'delete'
| 'head'
| 'HEAD'
| 'options'
| 'post'
| 'POST'
| 'put'
| 'PUT'
| 'patch'
| 'purge'
| 'link'
| 'LINK'
| 'unlink'
export * from './http';
export * from './util';
export * from './server';
export * from './logger';

@@ -1,4 +0,7 @@

import {AppiumLogger, Class, UpdateServerCallback} from '.';
import {AsyncReturnType} from 'type-fest';
import {ExecuteMethodMap, MethodMap} from './command';
import {ExternalDriver} from './driver';
import {DriverCommand, ExternalDriver} from './driver';
import {AppiumLogger} from './logger';
import {UpdateServerCallback} from './server';
import {Class, StringRecord} from './util';

@@ -29,2 +32,29 @@ /**

* This utility type can presently be used by Plugin authors to mark a method in their plugin as one
* which overrides a method in a Driver.
* @privateRemarks This would work well as a decorator. May want to accept a type arg for `Driver`
* and use a string method name to lookup the method instead.
* @example
* class MyPlugin extends BasePlugin implements Plugin {
* public getPageSource: DriverCommandToPluginCommand<
* ExternalDriver['getPageSource'], // method to override
* [flag: boolean], // new arguments; defaults to the args of the method
* string|Buffer, // new return type; defaults to the async return type of the method
* string // async return type of `next()`
* > = async function (next, driver, flag = boolean) {
* const source = await next();
* return flag ? source : Buffer.from(source);
* }
* }
export type DriverCommandToPluginCommand<
DC extends DriverCommand,
TArgs extends readonly any[] = Parameters<DC>,
TReturn = AsyncReturnType<DC>,
NextRetval = unknown
> = PluginCommand<ExternalDriver, TArgs, TReturn, NextRetval>;
* An instance of a "plugin" extension.

@@ -74,3 +104,3 @@ *

export type NextPluginCallback = () => Promise<void>;
export type NextPluginCallback<T = unknown> = () => Promise<T>;

@@ -85,4 +115,5 @@ /**

TArgs extends readonly any[] = any[],
TReturn = any
> = (next: NextPluginCallback, driver: D, ...args: TArgs) => Promise<TReturn>;
TReturn = unknown,
NextReturn = unknown
> = (next: NextPluginCallback<NextReturn>, driver: D, ...args: TArgs) => Promise<TReturn>;

@@ -97,3 +128,3 @@ /**

[pluginName: string, cliArgs: Record<string, unknown>]
[pluginName: string, cliArgs: StringRecord<unknown>]
"name": "@appium/types",
"version": "0.10.1",
"version": "0.10.2",
"description": "Various type declarations used across Appium",

@@ -37,3 +37,4 @@ "keywords": [

"clean": "git checkout -- ./types/lib/appium-config.ts || true",
"test:smoke": "node ./index.js"
"test:smoke": "node ./index.js",
"test:types": "tsd"

@@ -46,3 +47,3 @@ "dependencies": {

"@types/ws": "8.5.4",
"type-fest": "3.6.1"
"type-fest": "3.7.1"

@@ -56,3 +57,3 @@ "engines": {

"gitHead": "872b924a97c13142bdb8bf4218a4db324f309ce4",
"gitHead": "d514ebdd7ebd27bb236509d0a3d580f0f18a34e5",
"typedoc": {

@@ -59,0 +60,0 @@ "entryPoint": "./lib/index.ts"

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