Fauna CLI
Fauna-CLI CLI for managing Fauna databases.
Create an .env file with your Fauna secret set to the FAUNADB_SERVER_SECRET environment variable.
npm run install
npm run build
npm run fauna <command> [options]
test Test action
list List everything in current database
list:databases List all databases
create:databases [names] Create one or more databases
delete:databases [options] [names] Delete one or more databases
delete:databases:all [options] Delete all databases
sweep [options] Sweep database. Deletes everything inside the database: child databases, collections, indexes, functions, roles.
list:collections List all collections
create:collections [names] Create one or more collections
delete:collections [options] [names] Delete one or more collections
delete:collections:all [options] Delete all collections
list:indexes List all indexes
create:index [name] [collectionName] [unique] [terms] [values] [reverse] Create an index
create:geohash-index [name] [collectionName] [path] [minPrefixLength] [maxPrefixLength] [values] [reverse] Create a geohash index
create:indexes:search [collectionName] [searchFields] [requiredFilter] Create search indexes for a collection
create:indexes:sort [collectionName] [sortFields] [multiSort] Create sort indexes for a collection
create:indexes:unique [collectionName] [uniqueFields] Create unique indexes for a collection with one or more fields like: field1,field2;set2Field1,set2Field2
delete:indexes [options] [names] Delete one or more indexes
delete:indexes:all [options] Delete all indexes
create:model [name] [requiredFilter] [searchFields] [sortFields] [multiSort] Setup collection + search and sort indexes for a model
create:schema [fileName] Setup a database from a configuration file
help [command] display help for command