Base Library to make calls to Arcana DKG network.
The network assumes that n/4 of nodes may be malicious, and n/2 + 1 of the nodes are required for key reconstruction. With these assumption, all fetch share calls are checked for consistency while enabling early exit on best case scenario where first n/2 + 1 responses are from honest nodes.
Using npm/yarn
npm install -S @arcana/keystore
yarn add @arcana/keystore
import { KeyReconstructor } from '@arcana/keystore';
const { KeyReconstructor } = window.arcana.keystore;
const appID = "0x..."
const keystore = new KeyReconstructor({ appID, network: 'testnet' })
const verifier = "google"
const id = ""
const idToken = "..."
const publicKey = keystore.getPublicKey({ verifier, id });
const privateKey = keystore.getPrivateKey({ verifier, id, idToken })