A CLI tool for managing QA tests with Ghost Inspector & Lighthouse.
Pre-Installation Requirements
CHROME_PATH="which chromium"
Check out this article for QA Test CLI if unsure how to get the values required for configuration.
The environment variable GHOST_SUITE_FOLDER_ID
can be utilized by qa-test-cli
to place any suite or test cases pushed to the Ghost Inspector dashboard.
Please consult with the team before changing this value from the default.
You can also add in the Ghost Inspector Organization Id (you will be prompted if you don't).
The next step will prompt for these values if skipped.
Installation & Initialization
The qa-test-cli
uses Node 14+ and can be installed via Yarn or NPM.
yarn add --dev @archer-edu/qa-test-cli && yarn testctl init
npm install --save-dev @archer-edu/qa-test-cli && npm testctl init
npx @archer-edu/qa-test-cli init
This will install qa-test-cli
and step through the creation of a qa-test-cli.yml
config in the project root. For more info on available configuration options, check out the Schema for QA-Test-CLI config
Using Ghost Inspector with TestCtl
Create Ghost Inspector Suites
Once initialized, it's possible to scaffold test suites for Ghost Inspector.
To set up a test suite, run the following to guide you through the process:
testctl {scaffold-suite | ss} [DESIRED_SUITE_NAME]
The [DESIRED_SUITE_NAME] is an optional pass-in argument, if not supplied this command will prompt you for it.
Note: When prompted for the "Ghost Inspector Suite Id" (i.e. in the case of an existing suite created in the dashboard), if no
is selected then testctl
will attempt to retrieve a new one from Ghost Inspector.
When complete, it will create a qa-test-suite.yml
config for managing Ghost Inspector test suites in the set directory.
For more info on available configuration options, check out the Schema for QA-Test-CLI config
Create Ghost Inspector Tests
After a suite is created, run the following to add a test case:
testctl {scaffold-test | st} [SUITE_KEY] [DESIRED_TEST_NAME]
The [SUITE_KEY] & [DESIRED_TEST_NAME] are optional pass-in arguments, if not supplied this command will prompt to supply them.
Note: When prompted for the "Ghost Inspector Test Case Id" (i.e. in the case of an existing test created in the dashboard), if no
is selected then testctl
will attempt to retrieve a new one from Ghost Inspector for the associated "Ghost Inspector Suite Id"
This command will create a [test-key].gi-test.yml
config in the set directory.
For more info on available configuration options, check out the Schema for Ghost Inspector test cases
Note: If a suite-key
is not provided, and only 1 suite is present in the qa-test-cli
config, it will default to that.
This command will prompt for a name for the test if one was not provided, then prompt for the test's starting URL path. The result produces a [test-key].gi-test.yml
config in the default .tests
directory relative to the suite config.
Running Ghost Inspector Tests
Ghost Inspector tests can be run by targeting a build distribution folder or a valid URL.
yarn testctl {ghostinspector | gh} <TARGET_BUILD_DIRECTORY|TARGET_URL>
Note: The default port for directories is set to 3000
Using Hosted URL
yarn testctl {ghostinspector | gh} https://localhost:3002
Note If no port is provided, the default HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443) port is used.
Pulling & Pushing Ghost Inspector Tests
To pull or push tests to the Ghost Inspector dashboard:
1. Make sure the targeted suites in the `qa-test-cli.yml` have `ghostInspectorSuiteId` set.
2. Make sure you have `GHOST_API_KEY` set in a `.env` file.
Without these settings present, the CLI will not be able to push to or pull from the Ghost Inspector dashboard.
testctl pull
testctl push
Configuring Scheduling for Ghost Inspector Tests
You can configure scheduling for Ghost Inspector tests by editing the qa-test-suite.yml configuration file. Add a schedule property to specify when the test suite should run. Here's an example of how to configure the schedule:
- days: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
hours: [9]
minutes: [0]
In this example, the test suite is scheduled to run every day of the week at 9 AM.
For more details on configuring the schedule, refer to the Schema for QA-Test-CLI config.
Using Lighthouse with TestCtl
The Lighthouse configuration added by the init
process includes two passes based on best practices for mobile and desktop.
For more information on available configuration options, check out the Schema for QA-Test-CLI config.
Note: You can configure qa-test-cli.yml
with any valid option available in Lighthouse.
Basic Usage
Lighthouse analysis can be run by targeting a build distribution folder or a valid URL.
yarn testctl {lighthouse | lh} <TARGET_BUILD_DIRECTORY|TARGET_URL>
Note: The default port for directories is set to 3000.
Note: For SPAs, ensure you set the entryFile
config or pass the provide the --entry_file
argument for accurate routing & rendering (i.e. index.html
Sitemap Crawl
To perform an analysis for every route, you must include the -i, --include_sitemap
arg. If the project's sitemap.xml is in a different location than the default (/sitemap.xml
), pass the --sitemap_path
arg with a valid URI path.
Note: the -s, --sitemap_path
arg defaults to '/sitemap.xml'.
Regex Filtering for Sitemap URLs
You can now filter URLs from the sitemap using regular expressions, allowing you to include or exclude URLs based on specific patterns. This feature is useful for breaking down large sitemaps into smaller, more manageable sets for analysis.
Inclusive Filtering Example
To include only URLs that contain the word "technology":
yarn testctl lh -i -r ".*\/technology(/|$)"
This command will only analyze URLs that match the pattern /technology/
- .*: Matches any character (except newlines) zero or more times. This acts as a wildcard for the protocol and domain part of the URL.
- /technology: Matches the /technology path exactly.
- (/|$): Matches either a forward slash / (indicating further subdirectories) or the end of the URL $.
Exclusive Filtering Example
To exclude URLs that contain the word "archive":
yarn testctl lh -i -r "^(?!.*\/archive).*$"
This command will analyze all URLs except those that match the pattern containing "archive".
- ^(?!.*/archive): This uses a negative lookahead to exclude any URL that contains the /archive segment.
- ^: Asserts the start of the URL.
- (?!.*/archive): The negative lookahead ensures that the pattern does not match if /archive is anywhere in the URL.
- .*$: Matches the rest of the URL.
Local Development
Clone or download the @archer-edu/qa-test-cli
Now just install all dependencies and build in the project root.
yarn install
yarn run build
To test any changes in another project, link your local repository to the other project.
In your local @archer-edu/qa-test-cli
npm link
Then in the target project:
npm link @archer-edu/qa-test-cli