Simplicity WhatsApp Bot (Baileys)
This is a WhatsApp bot module based on Baileys which can be used in a very easy way.
For example of use you can open the example folder or here for example base
Handling Events
There are several events that can be used are as follows :
client.on('connect', () => console.log)
client.on('error', error => console.log(error))
client.on('ready', () => console.log)
client.on('message', ctx => console.log(ctx))
client.on('message.delete', ctx => console.log(ctx))
client.on('group.add', ctx => console.log(ctx))
client.on('group.remove', ctx => console.log(ctx))
client.on('group.promote', ctx => console.log(ctx))
client.on('group.demote', ctx => console.log(ctx))
client.on('caller', ctx => console.log(ctx))
client.on('presence.update', ctx => console.log(ctx))
Event Message (message)
m: {
key: {
remoteJid: '',
fromMe: false,
id: 'A4A5E1FB9C33178CD11673178C46CA1E',
participant: undefined
messageTimestamp: 1689557472,
pushName: 'Wildan Izzudin',
broadcast: false,
message: Message {
extendedTextMessage: [ExtendedTextMessage],
messageContextInfo: [MessageContextInfo]
id: 'A4A5E1FB9C33178CD11673178C46CA1E',
isBot: false,
chat: '',
fromMe: false,
isGroup: false,
sender: '',
mtype: 'extendedTextMessage',
msg: ExtendedTextMessage {
text: '.menu',
previewType: 0,
contextInfo: [ContextInfo],
inviteLinkGroupTypeV2: 0
quoted: null,
mentionedJid: [],
reply: [Function(anonymous)],
text: '.menu'
body: '.menu',
prefix: '.',
plugins: [],
commands: [],
args: [],
command: 'menu',
text: '',
prefixes: ['.', '#', '!', '/']
Messaging Function
const sock = client.sock
sock.reply(, `Test!`, m)
sock.sendReact(, `💀`, m.key)
sock.sendProgress(, `Test!`, m)
sock.sendPtv(, `./media/video/yemete.mp4`)
sock.sendMessageModify(, `Test!`, m, {
title: '© neoxr-bot',
largeThumb: true,
ads: false,
thumbnail: '',
link: ''
sock.sendFile(, '', 'image.jpg', 'Test!', m)
sock.sendFile(, '', 'image.jpg', 'Test!', m, {
document: true
sock.sendFile(, './media/audio/ah.mp3', '', '', m, {
ptt: true
sock.sendFile(, './media/audio/ah.mp3', '', '', m, {
APIC: < Buffer >
sock.sendSticker(, '', m, {
packname: 'Sticker by',
author: '© neoxr.js'
sock.copyNForward(, m)