Spritesheet.js is command-line spritesheet (a.k.a. Texture Atlas) generator written in node.js.
###Supported spritesheet formats###
- Starling / Sparrow
- JSON (i.e. PIXI.js)
- Easel.js
- cocos2d
- CSS (new!)
- Command Line
$ spritesheet-js assets/*.png
$ spritesheet-js
Usage: spritesheet-js [options] <files>
-f, --format format of spritesheet (starling, sparrow, json, pixi.js, easel.js, cocos2d) [default: "json"]
-n, --name name of generated spritesheet [default: "spritesheet"]
-p, --path path to export directory [default: "."]
--fullpath include path in file name [default: false]
--prefix prefix for image paths (css format only) [default: ""]
--trim removes transparent whitespaces around images [default: false]
--square texture should be s square [default: false]
--powerOfTwo texture width and height should be power of two [default: false]
--validate check algorihtm returned data [default: false]
--algorithm packing algorithm: growing-binpacking (default), binpacking (requires passing width and height options), vertical or horizontal [default: "growing-binpacking"]
--padding padding between images in spritesheet [default: 0]
--scale percentage scale [default: "100%"]
--fuzz percentage fuzz factor (usually value of 1% is a good choice) [default: ""]
--extrude extend the image border by the outer pixels [default: 0]
- Node.js
var spritesheet = require('spritesheet-js');
spritesheet('assets/*.png', {format: 'json'}, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('spritesheet successfully generated');
###Trimming / Cropping###
Spritesheet.js can remove transparent whitespace around images. Thanks to that you can pack more assets into one spritesheet and it makes rendering a little bit faster.
*NOTE: Some libraries such as Easel.js dont't support this feature.*
![Trimming / Cropping](http://i.imgur.com/76OokJU.png)
1. Install [ImageMagick](http://www.imagemagick.org/)
2. ```npm install spritesheet-js -g```
mocha test
Thanks [Przemysław Piekarski](http://www.behance.net/piekarski) for logo design and assets in examples.