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$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/artsy/reaction-force.git
$ cd reaction-force
$ npm install -g yarn
$ yarn install
$ cp .env.oss .env
Development of components happen in storybooks:
$ yarn storybook
$ open http://localhost:9001/
To run the node server and browse available apps:
$ yarn start
$ open http://localhost:3000/
Run the tests:
$ yarn test
Run the tests continuously (or use vscode-jest
$ yarn test -- --watch
After updating components, be sure to deploy a new demo (sharing is caring!):
$ yarn deploy-storybook
After updating a Relay query fragment, be sure to update the typings for it:
$ yarn relay2ts
When using new changes in metaphysics’ schema, be sure to update the local schema copy:
$ yarn sync-schema
There are some suggested VSCode extensions in .vscode/extensions.json
and additional docs at docs/vscode.md.