Aserto authorization middleware for the node Express server, based on
Auth0's express-jwt-authz
This package provides multiple capabilities:
- Provides 2 implementations: Authz
and Check
middlewares that sits on a route, and validates a request to authorize access to that route.Authorizer
- Authorizer Client that provides functions to facilitate communication with an Authorizer v2 service.DirectoryServiceV3
- Directory Client that provides functions to facilitate communication with an Directory v3 service.DirectoryServiceV2
- Directory Client that provides functions to facilitate communication with an Directory v2 service.jwtAuthz
(deprecated): middleware that sits on a route, and validates a request to authorize access to that route.displayStateMap
: middleware that adds an endpoint for returning the display state map for a service, based on its authorization
: a function that can be called to make a decision about a user's access to a resource based on a policy.ds
(deprecated): an object containing the object
and relation
functions, which can be called to retrieve an object or relation, respectively, from the directory.
Using npm:
npm install @aserto/aserto-node
Using yarn:
yarn add @aserto/aserto-node
is a peer dependency. Make sure it is installed in your project.
Migration from prior versions guides
If you are migrating from older versions, check out our migration guide;
Authorizer Client
interface Authorizer {
config: AuthorizerConfig,
type AuthorizerConfig = {
authorizerServiceUrl?: string;
tenantId?: string;
authorizerApiKey?: string;
token?: string;
caFile?: string;
insecure?: boolean;
customHeaders?: { [key: string]: unknown };
const authClient = new Authorizer({
authorizerServiceUrl: "",
authorizerApiKey: "my-authorizer-api-key",
tenantId: "my-tenant-id",
: hostname:port of authorizer service (required)authorizerApiKey
: API key for authorizer service (required if using hosted authorizer)tenantId
: Aserto tenant ID (required if using hosted authorizer)caFile
: Path to the authorizer CA file. (optional)insecure
: Skip server certificate and domain verification. (NOT SECURE!). Defaults to false
const authClient = new Authorizer({
authorizerServiceUrl: "localhost:8282",
caFile: `${process.env.HOME}/.local/share/topaz/certs/grpc-ca.crt`
import {
} from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const authClient = new Authorizer(
authorizerServiceUrl: "localhost:8282",
caFile: `${process.env.HOME}/.local/share/topaz/certs/grpc-ca.crt`
identityContext: identityContext(
policyInstance: policyInstance("rebac", "rebac"),
policyContext: policyContext("rebac.check", ["allowed"]),
resourceContext: {
object_type: "group",
object_id: "evil_genius",
relation: "member",
await authClient
identityContext: identityContext(
policyInstance: policyInstance("todo", "todo"),
policyContext: policyContext("todoApp.POST.todos", ["allowed"]),
resourceContext: {
ownerID: "fd1614d3-c39a-4781-b7bd-8b96f5a5100d",
await authClient
identityContext: identityContext(
policyInstance: policyInstance("todo", "todo"),
policyContext: policyContext("todoApp.POST.todos", ["allowed"]),
resourceContext: {
ownerID: "fd1614d3-c39a-4781-b7bd-8b96f5a5100d",
query: "x = data",
await authClient
identityContext: identityContext(
policyInstance: policyInstance("todo", "todo"),
policyContext: policyContext("todoApp.POST.todos", ["allowed"]),
resourceContext: {
ownerID: "fd1614d3-c39a-4781-b7bd-8b96f5a5100d",
await authClient
.ListPolicies({ policyInstance: policyInstance("todo", "todo") })
await authClient.ListPolicies(
{ policyInstance: policyInstance("todo", "todo") },
{ headers: { customKey: "customValue" } }
When authorization middleware is configured and attached to a server, it examines incoming requests, extracts authorization parameters like the caller's identity, calls the Aserto authorizers, and rejects messages if their access is denied.
: When set to true
, will forward errors to next
instead of ending the response directly.
: Options for a call.(see:
interface Middleware {
client: Authorizer;
policy: Policy;
resourceMapper?: ResourceMapper;
identityMapper?: IdentityMapper;
policyMapper?: PolicyMapper;
failWithError?: boolean;
callOptions?: CallOptions;
type Policy = {
root: string;
name?: string;
decision?: string;
path?: string;
type CheckOptions = {
object?: ObjectMapper;
objectId?: string | StringMapper;
objectType?: string | StringMapper;
relation?: string | StringMapper;
subjectType?: string;
type ResourceMapper =
| ResourceContext
| ((req?: Request) => Promise<ResourceContext>);
type IdentityMapper = (req?: Request) => Promise<IdentityContext>;
type PolicyMapper = (req?: Request) => Promise<PolicyContext>;
function Authz()
function Check(options: CheckOptions)
const app: express.Application = express();
const restMw = new Middleware({
client: client,
policy: {
name: 'todo',
root: 'todoApp',
resourceMapper: async (req: express.Request) => {
if (!req.params?.id) {
return {};
const todo = await store.get(;
return { ownerID: todo.OwnerID };
app.get("/todos", checkJwt, restMw.Authz(), server.list.bind(server));"/todos", checkJwt, restMw.Authz(), server.create.bind(server));
app.put("/todos/:id", checkJwt, restMw.Authz(), server.update.bind(server));
const rebacMw = new Middleware({
client: authClient,
policy: {
name: 'policy-rebac',
root: 'rebac',
app.delete("/todos/:id", checkJwt, rebacMw.Check({
objectType: "group",
objectId: "evil_genius"
relation: "member",
To determine the identity of the user, the middleware can be configured to use a JWT token or a claim using the IdentityMapper
import { SubIdentityMapper } from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const restMw = new Middleware({
client: authClient,
policy: policy,
identityMapper: SubIdentityMapper,
import { JWTIdentityMapper } from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const restMw = new Middleware({
client: authClient,
policy: policy,
identityMapper: JWTIdentityMapper("my-header");,
import { ManualIdentityMapper } from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const restMw = new Middleware({
client: authClient,
policy: policy,
identityMapper: ManualIdentityMapper("my-identity");,
The whole identity resolution can be overwritten by providing a custom function.
import { identityContext } from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const restMw = new Middleware({
client: authClient,
policy: policy,
identityMapper: async () => {
return identityContext('test', 'SUB')
The authorization policy's ID and the decision to be evaluated are specified when creating authorization Middleware, but the policy path is often derived from the URL or method being called.
By default, the policy path is derived from the URL path.
To provide custom logic, use a PolicyMapper. For example:
import { identityContext } from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const restMw = new Middleware({
client: authClient,
policy: policy,
policyMapper: async () => {
return policyContext('path', ['decision'])
A resource can be any structured data that the authorization policy uses to evaluate decisions. By default, the request params are included in the ResourceContext.
This behavior can be overwritten by providing a custom function:
const restMw = new Middleware({
client: authClient,
policy: policy,
resourceMapper: async () => {
return { customKey: "customValue" };
type ResourceMapper =
| ResourceContext
| ((req?: Request) => Promise<ResourceContext>);
async (req: Request) => { return { customKey: } };
{ customKey: "customValue" }
type IdentityMapper = (req?: Request) => Promise<IdentityContext>;
const identityContext = (value: string, type: keyof typeof IdentityType) => {
IdentityType {
NONE = 1,
SUB = 2,
JWT = 3,
identityContext("", "SUB")
type PolicyMapper = (req?: Request) => Promise<PolicyContext>;
policyContext = (policyPath: string, decisionsList: Array<string> = ["allowed"])
policyContext("todoApp.POST.todos", ["allowed"])
The Directory APIs can be used to get, set or delete object instances, relation instances and manifests. They can also be used to check whether a user has a permission or relation on an object instance.
Directory Client
type ServiceConfig = {
url?: string;
tenantId?: string;
apiKey?: string;
caFile?: string;
rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
insecure?: boolean;
customHeaders?: { [key: string]: unknown };
export type DirectoryV3Config = ServiceConfig & {
reader?: ServiceConfig;
writer?: ServiceConfig;
importer?: ServiceConfig;
exporter?: ServiceConfig;
model?: ServiceConfig;
You can initialize a directory client as follows:
import { DirectoryServiceV3 } from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const directoryClient = DirectoryServiceV3({
url: 'localhost:9292',
caFile: `${process.env.HOME}/.local/share/topaz/certs/grpc-ca.crt`
- `url`: hostname:port of directory service (_required_)
- `apiKey`: API key for directory service (_required_ if using hosted directory)
- `tenantId`: Aserto tenant ID (_required_ if using hosted directory)
- `caFile`: Path to the directory CA file. (optional)
- `rejectUnauthorized`: reject clients with invalid certificates. Defaults to `true`.
- `insecure`: Skip server certificate and domain verification. (NOT SECURE!). Defaults to `false`.
- `reader`: ServiceConfig for the reader client(optional)
- `writer`: ServiceConfig for the writer client(option)
- `importer`: ServiceConfig for the importer client(option)
- `exporter`: ServiceConfig for the exporter client(option)
- `model`: ServiceConfig for the model client(option)
Define a writer client that uses the same credentials but connects to localhost:9393. All other services will have the default configuration
import { DirectoryServiceV3 } from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const directoryClient = DirectoryServiceV3({
url: 'localhost:9292',
tenantId: '1234',
apiKey: 'my-api-key',
writer: {
url: 'localhost:9393'
Getting objects and relations
'object' function
object({ objectType: "type-name", objectId: "object-id" }, options?: CallOptions)
Get an object instance with the type type-name
and the id object-id
. For example:
const user = await directoryClient.object({ objectType: 'user', objectId: '' });
import { NotFoundError } from "@aserto/aserto-node"
try {
objectType: "user",
objectId: "",
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof NotFoundError) {
throw error;
'relation' function
subjectType: 'subject-type',
subjectId: 'subject-id',
relation: 'relation-name',
objectType: 'object-type',
objectId: 'object-id',
Get an relation of a certain type between as subject and an object. For example:
const identity = '';
const relation = await directoryClient.relation({
subjectType: 'user',
subjectId: '',
relation: 'identifier',
objectType: 'identity'
objectId: identity
'relations' function
subjectType: 'subject-type',
relation: 'relation-name',
objectType: 'object-type',
objectId: 'object-id',
Setting objects and relations
'setObject' function
setObject({ object: $Object }, options?: CallOptions)
Create an object instance with the specified fields. For example:
const user = await directoryClient.setObject(
object: {
type: "user",
id: "test-object",
properties: {
displayName: "test object"
'setRelation' function
setRelation({ relation: Relation }, options?: CallOptions)
Create a relation with a specified name between two objects. For example:
const relation = await directoryClient.setRelation({
subjectId: 'subjectId',
subjectType: 'subjectType',
relation: 'relationName',
objectType: 'objectType',
objectId: 'objectId',
'deleteObject' function
deleteObject({ objectType: "type-name", objectId: "object-id", withRelations: false }, options?: CallOptions)
Deletes an object instance with the specified type and key. For example:
await directoryClient.deleteObject({ objectType: 'user', objectId: '' });
'deleteRelation' function
deleteRelation({ objectType: string, objectId: string, relation: string, subjectType: string, subjectId: string, subjectRelation: string })
Delete a relation:
await directoryClient.deleteRelation({
subjectType: 'subjectType',
subjectId: 'subjectId',
relation: 'relationName',
objectType: 'objectType',
objectId: 'objectId',
Checking permissions and relations
You can evaluate graph queries over the directory, to determine whether a subject (e.g. user) has a permission or a relation to an object instance.
'check' function
check({ objectType: string, objectId: string, relation: string, subjectType: string, subjectId: string, trace: boolean }, options?: CallOptions)
Check that an user
object with the key
has the read
permission in the admin
const check = await directoryClient.check({
subjectId: '',
subjectType: 'user',
relation: 'read',
objectType: 'group',
objectId: 'admin',
Check that
has an identifier
relation to an object with key
and type identity
const check = directoryClient.check({
subjectId: '',
subjectType: 'user',
relation: 'identifier',
objectType: 'identity',
objectId: '',
const identity = '';
const relation = await directoryClient.relation(
subjectType: 'user',
objectType: 'identity',
objectId: identity,
relation: 'identifier',
subjectId: ''
if (!relation) {
throw new Error(`No relations found for identity ${identity}`)
const user = await directoryClient.object(
{ objectId: relation.subjectId, objectType: relation.subjectType }
You can get, set, or delete the manifest
'getManifest' function
await directoryClient.getManifest();
'setManifest' function
await directoryClient.setManifest(`
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
### model ###
version: 3
### object type definitions ###
### display_name: User ###
### display_name: user#manager ###
manager: user
### display_name: Identity ###
### display_name: identity#identifier ###
identifier: user
### display_name: Group ###
### display_name: group#member ###
member: user
read: member
'deleteManifest' function
await directoryClient.deleteManifest();
has been deprecated, please use createImportRequest
import { ImportMsgCase, ImportOpCode, createImportRequest } from "@aserto/aserto-node"
const importRequest = createImportRequest([
opCode: ImportOpCode.SET,
msg: {
case: ImportMsgCase.OBJECT,
value: {
id: "import-user",
type: "user",
properties: { foo: "bar" },
displayName: "name1",
opCode: ImportOpCode.SET,
msg: {
case: ImportMsgCase.OBJECT,
value: {
id: "import-group",
type: "group",
properties: {},
displayName: "name2",
opCode: ImportOpCode.SET,
msg: {
case: ImportMsgCase.RELATION,
value: {
subjectId: "import-user",
subjectType: "user",
objectId: "import-group",
objectType: "group",
relation: "member",
const resp = await directoryClient.import(importRequest);
await (readAsyncIterable(resp))
const response = await readAsyncIterable(
await directoryClient.export({ options: "DATA" })
const user = await directoryClient.object(
objectType: "user",
objectId: "",
headers: {
customKey: "customValue",
Serializing data
Use Protocol Buffers to serialize data.
import { GetObjectsResponseSchema, toJson } from "@aserto/aserto-node";
const objects = await directoryClient.objects({objectType: "user"});
const json = toJson(GetObjectsResponseSchema, objects)
Deprecated Methods
Note: the authorizerServiceUrl
option that is used throughout is no longer a URL, but the option name is retained for backward-compatibility. It is now expected to be a hostname that exposes a gRPC binding. Any "https://" prefix is stripped out of the value provided.
jwtAuthz middleware
is an Express-compatible middleware that you can place in the dispatch pipeline of a route.
You can use the jwtAuthz function together with express-jwt to both validate a JWT and make sure it has the correct permissions to call an endpoint.
const jwt = require('express-jwt');
const { jwtAuthz } = require('@aserto/aserto-node');
const options = {
authorizerServiceUrl: 'localhost:8282',
policyRoot: 'mycars',
instanceName: 'instance-name',
jwt({ secret: 'shared_secret' }),
function(req, res) { ... });
By default, jwtAuthz
derives the policy file name and resource key from the Express route path. To override this behavior, two optional parameters are available.
jwtAuthz(options[, packageName[, resourceMap]])
: a javascript map containing at least { authorizerServiceUrl, policyName, policyRoot }
as well as authorizerApiKey
and tenantId
for the hosted authorizerpackageName
: a string representing the policy package name (optional)resourceMap
: an optional resource context to send the authorizer. This can be either an object or a function that
takes an HTTP request and returns an object.
options argument
: hostname:port of authorizer service (required)policyRoot
: Policy root (required)instanceName
: instance name (required if using hosted authorizer)authorizerApiKey
: API key for authorizer service (required if using hosted authorizer)tenantId
: Aserto tenant ID (required if using hosted authorizer)caFile
: location on the filesystem of the CA certificate that signed the Aserto authorizer self-signed certificate. See the "Certificates" section for more information.disableTlsValidation
: ignore TLS certificate validation when creating a TLS connection to the authorizer. Defaults to false.failWithError
: When set to true
, will forward errors to next
instead of ending the response directly.useAuthorizationHeader
: When set to true
, will forward the Authorization header to the authorizer. The authorizer will crack open the JWT and use that as the identity context. Defaults to true
: the name of the header from which to extract the identity
field to pass into the authorize call. This only happens if useAuthorizationHeader
is false. Defaults to 'identity'.customUserKey
: The property name to check for the subject key. By default, permissions are checked against req.user
, but you can change it to be req.myCustomUserKey
with this option. Defaults to user
: The property name to check for the subject. By default, permissions are checked against user.sub
, but you can change it to be user.myCustomSubjectKey
with this option. Defaults to sub
packageName argument
By convention, Aserto policy package names are of the form policyRoot.METHOD.path
. By default, the package name will be inferred from the policy name, HTTP method, and route path:
GET /api/users
--> policyRoot.GET.api.users
POST /api/users/:id
--> policyRoot.POST.api.users.__id
Passing in the packageName
parameter into the jwtAuthz()
function will override this behavior.
resourceMap argument
By default, the resource map will be req.params. For example, if the route path is /api/users/:id
, the resource will be { 'id': 'value-of-id' }
Passing in the resourceMap
parameter into the jwtAuthz()
function will override this behavior.
displayStateMap middleware
Use the displayStateMap middleware to set up an endpoint that returns the display state map to a caller. The endpoint is named __displaystatemap
by default, but can be overridden in options
const { displayStateMap } = require('@aserto/aserto-node');
const options = {
authorizerServiceUrl: 'localhost:8282',
policyRoot: 'policy'
options argument
: hostname:port of authorizer service (required)policyRoot
: Policy root (required)instanceName
: instance name (required if using hosted authorizer)authorizerApiKey
: API key for authorizer service (required if using hosted authorizer)tenantId
: Aserto tenant ID (required if using hosted authorizer)caFile
: location on the filesystem of the CA certificate that signed the Aserto authorizer self-signed certificate. See the "Certificates" section for more information.disableTlsValidation
: ignore TLS certificate validation when creating a TLS connection to the authorizer. Defaults to false.endpointPath
: display state map endpoint path, defaults to /__displaystatemap
: When set to true
, will forward errors to next
instead of ending the response directly. Defaults to false
: When set to true
, will forward the Authorization header to the authorizer. The authorizer will crack open the JWT and use that as the identity context. Defaults to true
: the name of the header from which to extract the identity
field to pass into the displayStateMap call. This only happens if useAuthorizationHeader
is false. Defaults to 'identity'.customUserKey
: The property name to check for the subject key. By default, permissions are checked against req.user
, but you can change it to be req.myCustomUserKey
with this option. Defaults to user
: The property name to check for the subject. By default, permissions are checked against user.sub
, but you can change it to be user.myCustomSubjectKey
with this option. Defaults to sub
'is' function
While jwtAuthz
is meant to be used as dispatch middleware for a route, is
provides an explicit mechanism for calling the Aserto authorizer.
Use the is
function to call the authorizer with a decision
, policy, and resource, and get a boolean true
or false
response. The decision
is a named value in the policy: the string allowed
is used by convention. Examples: is('allowed')
, is('enabled')
, is('visible')
, etc.
const { is } = require('@aserto/aserto-node');
const options = {
authorizerServiceUrl: 'localhost:8282',
policyRoot: 'policy'
app.get('/users/:id', async function(req, res) {
try {
const allowed = await is('allowed', req, options);
if (allowed) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
is(decision, req, options[, packageName[, resourceMap]])
: a string representing the name of the decision - typically allowed
: Express request object (required)options
: a javascript map containing at least { authorizerServiceUrl, policyRoot }
as well as authorizerApiKey
and tenantId
for the hosted authorizer (required)packageName
: a string representing the package name for the the policy (optional)resourceMap
: a map of key/value pairs to use as the resource context for evaluation (optional)
decision argument
This is simply a string that is correlates to a decision referenced in the policy: for example, allowed
, enabled
, etc.
req argument
The Express request object.
options argument
: hostname:port of authorizer service (required)policyRoot
: Policy root (required)instanceName
: instance name (required if using hosted authorizer)authorizerApiKey
: API key for authorizer service (required if using hosted authorizer)tenantId
: Aserto tenant ID (required if using hosted authorizer)caFile
: location on the filesystem of the CA certificate that signed the Aserto authorizer self-signed certificate. See the "Certificates" section for more information.disableTlsValidation
: ignore TLS certificate validation when creating a TLS connection to the authorizer. Defaults to false.useAuthorizationHeader
: When set to true
, will forward the Authorization header to the authorizer. The authorizer will crack open the JWT and use that as the identity context. Defaults to true
: the name of the header from which to extract the identity
field to pass into the authorize
call. This only happens if useAuthorizationHeader
is false. Defaults to 'identity'.customUserKey
: The property name to check for the subject key. By default, permissions are checked against req.user
, but you can change it to be req.myCustomUserKey
with this option. Defaults to user
: The property name to check for the subject. By default, permissions are checked against user.sub
, but you can change it to be user.myCustomSubjectKey
with this option. Defaults to sub
packageName argument
By default, is
will follow the same heuristic behavior as jwtAuthz
- it will infer the package name from the policy name, HTTP method, and route path. If provided, the packageName
argument will override this and specify a policy package to use.
By convention, Aserto Rego policies are named in the form policyRoot.METHOD.path
. Following the node.js idiom, you can also pass it in as policyRoot/METHOD/path
, and the path can contain the Express parameter syntax.
For example, passing in policyRoot/GET/api/users/:id
will resolve to a policy called policyRoot.GET.api.users.__id
resourceMap argument
By default, is
follows the same behavior as jwtAuthz
in that resource map will be req.params
. For example, if the route path is /api/users/:id
, the resource will be { 'id': 'value-of-id' }
Passing in the resourceMap
parameter into the Authz()
function will override this behavior.
The provided value can be either an object or a function that takes an http request and returns an object.
The Topaz / Aserto authorizers exposes SSL-only endpoints. In order for a node.js policy to properly communicate with the authorizer, TLS certificates must be verified.
For a hosted authorizer that has a TLS certificate that is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority, this section isn't relevant because that TLS certificate will be successfully validated.
In a development environment, topaz automatically creates a set of self-signed certificates and certificates of the CA (certificate authority) that signed them. It places them in a well-known location on the filesystem, defaulting to $HOME/.local/share/topaz/certs/
(or $HOMEPATH\AppData\Local\topaz\certs\
on Windows).
In order for the aserto-node
package to perform the TLS handshake, it needs to verify the TLS certificate of Topaz using the certificate of the CA that signed it - which was placed in $HOME/.local/share/topaz/certs/grpc-ca.crt
. Therefore, in order for this middleware to work successfully, either the caFile
must be set to the correct path for the CA cert file, or the disableTlsValidation
flag must be set to true
. The same is true for the caFile
argument of the DirectoryClient
Furthermore, when packaging a policy for deployment (e.g. in a Docker container) which uses aserto-node
to communicate with an authorizer that has a self-signed TLS certificate, you must copy this CA certificate into the container as part of the Docker build (typically performed in the Dockerfile). When you do that, you'll need to override the caFile
option that is passed into any of the API calls defined above with the location of this cert file.
Alternately, to ignore TLS certificate validation when creating a TLS connection to the authorizer, you can set the disableTlsValidation
option to true
and avoid TLS certificate validation. This option is not recommended for production.
aserto-node provides a couple of environment variables that can be used to print debug information:
- enables trace logging for the requests.
- logs the request payload for gRPC requests.
Issue Reporting
If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker.
Aserto based on the original work by Auth0.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.