This package contains the ACTUS Protocol smart contracts as well as a Typescript SDK for easier interaction with the smart contracts.
The foundation of the protocol is the Solidity implementation of ACTUS Contract Types ( which is part of the package.
Install via yarn or npm
yarn add @atpar/protocol
Importing contracts
import "@atpar/protocol/contracts/....sol";
Using the Typescript SDK
import { AP } from '@atpar/protocol';
const ap = await AP.init(web3, ADDRESS_BOOK);
Requirements and Setup
See README in root directory.
yarn test
Deploy to local ganache chain
yarn ap-chain:setup
Listing addresses of a deployment
cd deployments/<deployment>
find ./*.json | while read f ; do echo -n "$f: " ; cat "$f" | jq -r '.receipt.contractAddress' ; done
Smart Contracts
Contains banking-grade financial logic such as ACTUS day-count & end-of-month conventions, ACTUS datatypes and floating point arithmetic used throughout all ACTUS engines.
ACTUS Engines
Contains ACTUS state machine engines for each ACTUS Contract Type. An Engine implements the state transition & payoff functions and the schedule generation logic for an ACTUS Contract Type. Engines are stateless smart contracts, thus can be used on-chain as well as off-chain (e.g. by using the EVM as a TEE).
Contains the protocol which is build on top of ACTUS Core and the ACTUS Engines.
Basic workflow
- Define an ACTUS term sheet depending on the financial contract you want to model and set up the ownership structure
- Use the appropriate Asset Actor contract (e.g. the PAMActor) to initialize and register the new asset on chain
- Make sure that the Asset Actor has the required token allowances and progress the asset vie the
For an example, please review the Issue and service a loan guide.
Contract Types
Implemented Conventions
Year-Fraction-Conventions (Day-Count-Methods)
Data types
All ACTUS related types depended on atpar/actus-dictionary.
With the exception of Array types, ACTUS types are one to one mapped in Solidity.
ACTUS Dictionary data type | Corresponding Solidity data type |
Timestamp (ISO8601 Datetime) | uint256 (Unix Timestamp in sec.) |
Real | int256 (10 ** 18, fixed point) |
Integer | int256 (10 ** 18, fixed point) |
Varchar | bytes32 or bytes (depending on length) |
Enum | enum |
Period (ISO8601 Duration) | struct (IP where I: uint256, P: enum, isSet: boolean) |
Cycle ([ISO8601 Duration] L[s={0,1}]) | struct (IPS where I: uint256, P: enum, S: enum, isSet: boolean) |
ContractReference | struct (object: bytes32, object2: bytes32, _type: enum, role: enum) |
Updating ACTUS types througout the project
If the underlying ACTUS types change in atpar/actus-dictionary
, the following files and directories may be affected and have to be updated manually: